711 research outputs found

    Improving the Quality of Teaching Internships with the Help of the Platforms

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    This article presents an empirical study on the perceptions of university students toward the development of the teaching practicum, using the CourseSites platform as a communication and support tool for their training. The opinions of the students were collected through a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 1500 students who were registered in the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy (2008-2018). A descriptive, inferential and multi-level analysis was conducted, which confirmed that future teachers had activated their professional competences, as they had the chance to share their internship experiences with their faculty members and with their own classmates

    Production of ordered silicon nanocrystals by low-energy ion sputtering

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    We report on the production of ordered assemblies of silicon nanostructures by means of irradiation of a Si(100) substrate with 1.2 keV Ar ions at normal incidence. Atomic Force and High-Resolution Transmission Electron microscopies show that the silicon structures are crystalline, display homogeneous height, and spontaneously arrange into short-range hexagonal ordering. Under prolonged irradiation (up to 16 hours) all dot characteristics remain largely unchanged and a small corrugation develops at long wavelengths. We interpret the formation of the dots as a result of an instability due to the sputtering yield dependence on the local surface curvatureComment: 4 two-column pages (revtex4), 3 figures (higher quality copies in the printed jrnl. version

    Values of the Parents of Pupils with Special Educational Needs due to Sociocultural Background

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the values behind the nature and behaviour of parents with children who have Special Educational Needs, and the way they approach their children´s schooling. The views of two hundred and sixty-eight parents living in a socially and culturally disadvantaged area, were evaluated using the Hall-Tonna Inventory of Values. The results showed that there are differences in the parents’ hierarchy of values according to whether the school they have chosen for their children is inside or outside the area. The principle differences are in the content of some of the priority values selected by each group, and/or in the priority that each group gives to some of the values common to both groups. The implications of how the parents prioritise the values are discussed with regard to their own personal development and the education of their children

    Alternative Lines of Action for the Design of Online Multimedia Material Directed towards the Collaborative Training of Teachers in the Design of the Teaching

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential for online multimedia materials as alternative learning tools for the collaborative training of teachers in the design of research-based teaching. A case study using a team of three trainee teachers was used to develop a process of initial training in the design of a constructivist and research-based teaching unit supported by online multimedia material. The results obtained from the research allowed some principles to be identified, and basic recommendations and alternative lines of action to be given for designing online multimedia materials. Online multimedia materials can be alternative teaching tools that contribute (with other materials) to the development of constructivist, collaborative and research-based strategies which help provide the necessary support for improving the initial and ongoing training of new teachers in the design of teaching from a research perspectiv

    In vitro release testing of matrices based on starch-methyl methacrylate copolymers: Effect of tablet crushing force, dissolution medium pH and stirring rate

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    Direct-compressed matrix tablets were obtained from a variety of potato starch-methyl methacrylate copolymers1 as sustained-release agents, using anhydrous theophylline as a model drug. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of the copolymer type, the tablet crushing force and dissolution variables such as the pH of the dissolution medium and the agitation intensity on the in vitro drug release behaviour of such matrices. Commercial sustained-release theophylline products (Theo-Dur® 100 mg, Theolair® 175 mg) were used as standards. Test formulations were compacted into tablets at three different crushing force ranges (70-80, 90-100 and 110-120 N) to examine the effect of this factor on the porous network and drug release kinetics. In vitro release experiments were conducted in a pH-changing medium (1.2-7.5) with basket rotation speeds in the range 25-100 r.p.m. to simulate the physiological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. The release rate of theophylline was practically not affected by pH in the case of Theo-Dur® and HSMMA matrices. In contrast, Theolair ® and CSMMA tablets demonstrated a biphasic drug release pattern, which appeared to be sensitive to the pH of the dissolution medium. An increase in the crushing force of the copolymer matrices was accompanied by a reduction of the matrix porosity, although the porous network depends markedly on the type of copolymer, having a strong influence on the drug release kinetics. Mathematical modelling of release data shows a Fickian diffusion or anomalous transport mechanism. Based on the similarity factor f2, FD-HSMMA, OD-CSMMA and FD-CSMMA at 90-100 N were selected for agitation studies. In general, all formulations showed an agitation speed-dependent release, with Theo-Dur® and FD-CSMMA matrices being the less susceptible to this factor.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MAT2004-0159

    Paternalism vs. autonomy: are they alternative types of formal care?

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    This study has been supported by MINECO Project: PSI2014-52464-P-ICESE

    Identification of intergenomic translocations involving wheat, Hordeum vulgare and Hordeum chilense chromosomes by FISH

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    4 pages: 1 figure: 1 tableIntergenomic translocations between wheat, Hordeum chilense and Hordeum vulgare have been obtained in tritordeum background. Advanced lines from the crosses between three disomic chromosome addition lines for chromosome 2Hv, 3Hv, and 4Hv of barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring (CS) and hexaploid tritordeum (2n=6x=42, AABBHchHch) were analyzed. Multicolour FISH using both genomic DNA from H. chilense and H. vulgare were used to establish the presence and numbers of H. vulgare introgressions into tritordeum. Interspecific H. vulgare-H. chilense and intergeneric wheat-H. vulgare and wheat-H. chilense translocations were identified. Frequencies of plants containing different kinds of intergenomic translocations between chromosome arms are presented. These lines can be useful for introgressing into tritordeum characters of interest from H. vulgare.CICYT, Spain, projects AGF98- 0945-CO2-01 and AGF99-1036-C02-02Peer reviewe

    Costos de engorde del ganado bovino en las fincas Los Angeles, Villa Nueva y Quinta Dora en el Departamento de Matagalpa en el primer semestre del año 2008

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    En los Costos de Engorde del Ganado Bovino, es relevante conocer el funcionamiento y operatividad de esta actividad para trabajar los recursos de una manera eficaz y eficiente por lo que se debe hacer énfasis en el manejo zootécnico el cual está compuesto por factores como suplementos alimenticios necesarios para la nutrición y engorde de los animales, la sanidad animal para controlar y prevenir la enfermedades a las que están expuestos los novillos y determinar las razas que cumplan las características propias de animales para engorde. Se deben clasificar los costos de acuerdo a la variabilidad, para poder obtener información real y concreta de la finca, ya sea para mano de obra tanto temporal como permanente, así como los materiales y suministros que consume el novillo, y otros gastos indirectos lo cual permitirá que al finalizar este proceso de engorde se analice sí los costos se mantuvieron estables o aumentaron en relación a años anteriores y de esta manera conocer la rentabilidad de la actividad ganadera. La mayoría de los ganaderos emplean una contabilidad sencilla, sin embargo existen fincas agropecuarias que trabajan con un sistema de contabilidad formal y tienen sistemas contables que registran la información con mayor rapidez, además de llevar todos los documentos y registros que soportan cada transacción, y permiten un mejor control de la finca. Quinta Dora registra las operaciones de forma sencilla, empleando para el engorde de su ganado un sistema mixto y es dirigida personalmente por su propietario; Finca Villa Nueva ocupa un sistema extensivo para el engorde de sus animales, llevando el registro de sus ingresos y egresos únicamente y es dirigida por su propietario, a diferencia de finca los Ángeles quienes trabajan con sistema contable por partida doble, posee un organigrama jerárquico que orienta la comunicación entre los trabajadores y utilizan el sistema extensiv