40 research outputs found

    Governance traditions and narratives of public sector reform in contemporary France.

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    This article explores the basic traditions of governance in contemporary France and the narratives of public sector reform associated with them. It should be stressed right from the outset that this article does not aim to describe the set of public sector reforms that have been implemented in France in the last ten years or so. Instead, the aim is to demonstrate the similarities and differences between the narratives of the left and the right with regard to these reforms and to show how these narratives help to explain the types of reform that have been enacted. The basic argument is that there is a certain commonality to both the left and the right with regard to their narratives of public sector reform. At the same time, though, there are differences of emphasis both within each tradition and between the two main traditions themselves. Except where indicated, all translations are the author's own

    Les échanges extérieurs de la France entre 1960 et 1970

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    [eng] French foreing trade between 1960 and 1970, by Jean-Pierre Balladur.. French foreign trade in the last decade has been distinguished by a thorough geographic reorientation brought about by a progressive easing of French trade relations with members of the French franc area, a growing involvement with the European economic community and the opening of new frontiers in accordance with the regulations of G.A.T.T. Even though such a change has not come easily, France was generally able to balance its foreign trade until 1968. This was accomplished despite a change in the composition of industrial exports which resulted in a rise in the sales of industrial goods. This rise has been less rapid than that for exports. The balance proved to be delicate during the crisis of May-June 1968. However, the advantage of competitiveness gained through the 1969 devaluation should enable France during the Sixth Plan to set up an industrial structure capable of strengthening the trade equilibrium restored since 1970. In the last decade, the balance of current invisible operations deteriorated continuously as a result of the influx of foreign workers and the foreign aid policy to underdeveloped countries. Conversely, since 1963 the balance of long term capital movements has shown a surplus but this surplus has been diminishing. [spa] Los intercambios exteriores de Francia entre los años 1960 y 1970, por Jean-Pierre Balladur.. Los intercambios exteriores de Francia en el transcurso del último decenio, se señalaron por una honda reorientación de su estructura geográfica especialmente facilitada por el aflojamiento progresivo de las reiaciones francesas con los países de la zona del franco, su integración en el seno de la Comunidad europea y la abertura de las fronteras en el concepto de la participación francesa al G.A.T.T. Semejante mutación no se Ilevó a cabo sin tropiezos, no obstante, Francia pudo en término medio mantener sus intercambios comerciales en las inmediaciones del equilibrio hasta el año 1968, pese a la transformación de la estructura de las exportaciones indus- triales, en el sentido de un incremento de las ventas de productos elaborados, el cual no fué tan rápido como el de las importaciones. Sin embargo, la inestabilidad de un tal equilibrio corner» cial se hizo patente cuando la crisis de 1968, pero las ventajas de competitividad que proporcionaba la devaluación de 1969 debe de permitir a Francia el dotarse en el transcurso del perfodo que abarca el VIe Plan de una estructura industrial capaz de fortalecer en forma duradera un equilibrio comercial restablecido desde 1970. Por su parte, el saldo de las operaciones invisibles corrientes no dejó de degradarse en el transcurso del perfodo debido al aporte de mano de obra extranjera y a la política de ayuda a los países en vías de desarrollo que Francia ha seguido durante el último decenio. Los movimientos de capitales a largo plazo se saldan, en cambio, por ingresos netos anuales desde 1963, los cuales tienden, no obstante, a reducirse. . Las tendencias comprobadas para las operaciones invisibles y los movimientos de capitales a largo plazo, de proseguirse, accarrearán en particular la necesidad de conseguir un excedente comercial. [fre] Los intercambios exteriores de Francia entre los años 1960 y 1970, por Jean-Pierre Balladur.. Los intercambios exteriores de Francia en el transcurso del último decenio, se señalaron por una honda reorientación de su estructura geográfica especialmente facilitada por el aflojamiento progresivo de las reiaciones francesas con los países de la zona del franco, su integración en el seno de la Comunidad europea y la abertura de las fronteras en el concepto de la participación francesa al G.A.T.T. Semejante mutación no se Ilevó a cabo sin tropiezos, no obstante, Francia pudo en término medio mantener sus intercambios comerciales en las inmediaciones del equilibrio hasta el año 1968, pese a la transformación de la estructura de las exportaciones indus- triales, en el sentido de un incremento de las ventas de productos elaborados, el cual no fué tan rápido como el de las importaciones. Sin embargo, la inestabilidad de un tal equilibrio corner» cial se hizo patente cuando la crisis de 1968, pero las ventajas de competitividad que proporcionaba la devaluación de 1969 debe de permitir a Francia el dotarse en el transcurso del perfodo que abarca el VIe Plan de una estructura industrial capaz de fortalecer en forma duradera un equilibrio comercial restablecido desde 1970. Por su parte, el saldo de las operaciones invisibles corrientes no dejó de degradarse en el transcurso del perfodo debido al aporte de mano de obra extranjera y a la política de ayuda a los países en vías de desarrollo que Francia ha seguido durante el último decenio. Los movimientos de capitales a largo plazo se saldan, en cambio, por ingresos netos anuales desde 1963, los cuales tienden, no obstante, a reducirse. . Las tendencias comprobadas para las operaciones invisibles y los movimientos de capitales a largo plazo, de proseguirse, accarrearán en particular la necesidad de conseguir un excedente comercial.


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    PARIS7-Xavier Bichat (751182101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Infection of Human Liver Myofibroblasts by Hepatitis C Virus: A Direct Mechanism of Liver Fibrosis in Hepatitis C

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    International audienceBackgroundChronic hepatitis C is a major cause of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. It is generally accepted that inflammation that occurs in response to hepatocyte infection by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the main mechanism that triggers myofibroblast differentiation and stimulation in chronic hepatitis C. The aim of this study was to determine if HCV might infect human liver myofibroblasts (HLMF) and directly stimulate their fibrogenic activities.MethodsWe evaluated the expression of the viral entry receptors, levels of HCV-RNA and HCV-protein and the expression of fibrosis markers in HLMF by using quantitative PCR, western blot and immunofluorescence analyses. Pseudoparticles (HCVpp) and cell culture–derived HCV (HCVcc) were used to study the ability of HLMF to support viral entry, replication and fibrosis induction.ResultsWe showed that HLMF expressed all known molecules of the HCV receptor complex, i.e. CD81, LDL-R, scavenger receptor-BI, claudin-1 and occludin. These cells were also permissive to HCVpp entry. Inoculation with HCVcc caused short-term infection of these cells, as shown by their content in positive- and negative-strand HCV RNA, in core and NS3 viral proteins, and by their release of core protein levels in the culture supernatants. HCV infection stimulated myofibroblastic differentiation, proliferation and collagen production in these cells. In addition, evidence of in vivo infection was provided by the detection of positive- and negative-strand HCV RNA in preparations of HLMF obtained from HCV-infected patients.ConclusionThese findings indicate that HCV infection of HLMF can occur and trigger extracellular matrix overproduction, thereby contributing to the development of HCV-related liver fibrosis

    Infection status of HLMF inoculated with HCVcc.

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    <p>HLMF were inoculated with JFH1-HCVcc 24 hours after plating. Parameters of HCV infection were monitored at the indicated days after inoculation, and in non-infected HLMF or 3T3 and 293T cells inoculated with JFH1-HCVcc, as controls. Strand-specific HCV RNA was measured by RT-PCR: <b>(A)</b> In lysed cells, <b>(B)</b> In filtered culture supernatants. Histograms represent the copies of strand-specific HCV RNA per μg of total cellular RNA or per ml of supernatant (means ± SD, Ten cell preparations). <b>(C)</b> Intracellular levels of HCV NS3 and core proteins were analyzed by Western blot after 72h post infection in comparison with Huh7.5 or 3T3 cells inoculated with JFH1-HCVcc and with non-infected cells. <b>(D)</b> Levels of HCV core protein in filtered culture supernatants were measured by chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (means ± SD, two cell preparations). The blots and histograms are representative of seven HLMF preparations. <b>(E)</b> Immunofluorescence on HLMF with co-staining (CD90 and HCV core protein) and on Huh7.5 with co-staining (CLDN-1 and HCV core protein). <b>(F)</b> Inhibition of HCVcc infection by anti-CD81 antibody or IFN-lpha in HLMF. HLMF were incubated with (a-c) an anti-CD81 neutralizing monoclonal antibody or an isotype-matched control antibody, added 1 h before HCVcc inoculation, or with (d-f) IFN-lpha or a vehicle after HCVcc inoculation. The concentrations tested are indicated. HCV infection was evaluated three days after the inoculation by RT-PCR analysis of strand-specific HCV RNA (a, b, d, e) in lysed cells, and (c and f) in filtered culture supernatants. Histograms represent the copies of strand-specific HCV RNA per μg of total cellular RNA or per ml of supernatant, from triplicate independent experiments.</p

    Expression of HCV entry receptors in human liver myofibroblasts (HLMF).

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    <p>HLMF were subjected to the analysis of HCV entry receptors (CD81, LDLR, CLDN-1, OCLN and SR-BI) using four techniques. <b>(A)</b> Quantitative RT–PCR. Histograms represent mRNA levels relative to Huh7.5 in PHH, HLMF, HepG2 and the T98G cell line (means ± SD from 7 cell preparations). <b>(B)</b> Flow cytometry (CD81 and LDLR). The histograms of mean fluorescence showed that Huh7.5, PHH and HLMF expressed CD81 and LDLR, whereas HepG2 expressed LDLR but not CD81. Appropriate IgG controls were used as negative controls. <b>(C)</b> Immunofluorescence. HLMF, Huh7.5, PHH, HepG2 and the T98G line were stained for HCV receptors and imaged with a Leica DMR inverted microscope using LAS image analysis (Original magnification X40). The Flow cytometry and IF results are representative of seven HLMF preparations. <b>(D)</b> CLDN-1, OCLN and SR-BI detection using Western blot analysis. Huh7.5 and PHH were used as positive controls and T98G as a negative control for all receptors. The blots are representative of three HLMF preparations.</p