9,418 research outputs found

    O(N) models within the local potential approximation

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    Using Wegner-Houghton equation, within the Local Potential Approximation, we study critical properties of O(N) vector models. Fixed Points, together with their critical exponents and eigenoperators, are obtained for a large set of values of N, including N=0 and N\to\infty. Polchinski equation is also treated. The peculiarities of the large N limit, where a line of Fixed Points at d=2+2/n is present, are studied in detail. A derivation of the equation is presented together with its projection to zero modes.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX with psfig, 7 PostScript figures. One reference corrected and one added with respect to the journal versio

    Photometric Redshift Estimation Using Spectral Connectivity Analysis

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    The development of fast and accurate methods of photometric redshift estimation is a vital step towards being able to fully utilize the data of next-generation surveys within precision cosmology. In this paper we apply a specific approach to spectral connectivity analysis (SCA; Lee & Wasserman 2009) called diffusion map. SCA is a class of non-linear techniques for transforming observed data (e.g., photometric colours for each galaxy, where the data lie on a complex subset of p-dimensional space) to a simpler, more natural coordinate system wherein we apply regression to make redshift predictions. As SCA relies upon eigen-decomposition, our training set size is limited to ~ 10,000 galaxies; we use the Nystrom extension to quickly estimate diffusion coordinates for objects not in the training set. We apply our method to 350,738 SDSS main sample galaxies, 29,816 SDSS luminous red galaxies, and 5,223 galaxies from DEEP2 with CFHTLS ugriz photometry. For all three datasets, we achieve prediction accuracies on par with previous analyses, and find that use of the Nystrom extension leads to a negligible loss of prediction accuracy relative to that achieved with the training sets. As in some previous analyses (e.g., Collister & Lahav 2004, Ball et al. 2008), we observe that our predictions are generally too high (low) in the low (high) redshift regimes. We demonstrate that this is a manifestation of attenuation bias, wherein measurement error (i.e., uncertainty in diffusion coordinates due to uncertainty in the measured fluxes/magnitudes) reduces the slope of the best-fit regression line. Mitigation of this bias is necessary if we are to use photometric redshift estimates produced by computationally efficient empirical methods in precision cosmology.Comment: Resubmitted to MNRAS (11 pages, 8 figures

    de Branges-Rovnyak spaces: basics and theory

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    For SS a contractive analytic operator-valued function on the unit disk D{\mathbb D}, de Branges and Rovnyak associate a Hilbert space of analytic functions H(S){\mathcal H}(S) and related extension space D(S){\mathcal D(S)} consisting of pairs of analytic functions on the unit disk D{\mathbb D}. This survey describes three equivalent formulations (the original geometric de Branges-Rovnyak definition, the Toeplitz operator characterization, and the characterization as a reproducing kernel Hilbert space) of the de Branges-Rovnyak space H(S){\mathcal H}(S), as well as its role as the underlying Hilbert space for the modeling of completely non-isometric Hilbert-space contraction operators. Also examined is the extension of these ideas to handle the modeling of the more general class of completely nonunitary contraction operators, where the more general two-component de Branges-Rovnyak model space D(S){\mathcal D}(S) and associated overlapping spaces play key roles. Connections with other function theory problems and applications are also discussed. More recent applications to a variety of subsequent applications are given in a companion survey article

    On Two-Body Decays of A Scalar Glueball

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    We study two body decays of a scalar glueball. We show that in QCD a spin-0 pure glueball (a state only with gluons) cannot decay into a pair of light quarks if chiral symmetry holds exactly, i.e., the decay amplitude is chirally suppressed. However, this chiral suppression does not materialize itself at the hadron level such as in decays into π+π\pi^+\pi^- and K+KK^+K^-, because in perturbative QCD the glueball couples to two (but not one) light quark pairs that hadronize to two mesons. Using QCD factorization based on an effective Lagrangian, we show that the difference of hadronization into ππ\pi\pi and KKKK already leads to a large difference between Br(π+π){\rm Br} (\pi^+\pi^-) and Br(K+K){\rm Br}(K^+K^-), even the decay amplitude is not chirally suppressed. Moreover, the small ratio of R=Br(ππ)/Br(KKˉ)R={\rm Br}(\pi\pi)/{\rm Br}(K\bar K) of f0(1710)f_0(1710) measured in experiment does not imply f0(1710)f_0(1710) to be a pure glueball. With our results it is helpful to understand the partonic contents if Br(ππ){\rm Br}(\pi\pi) or Br(KKˉ){\rm Br}(K\bar K) is measured reliably.Comment: revised versio

    Space- and time-like electromagnetic pion form factors in light-cone pQCD

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    We present a combined analysis of the space- and time-like electromagnetic pion form factors in light-cone perturbative QCD with transverse momentum dependence and Sudakov suppression. Including the non-perturbative ``soft' QCD and power suppressed twist-3 corrections to the standard twist-2 perturbative QCD result, the experimental pion data available at moderate energies/momentum transfers can be explained reasonably well. This may help towards resolving the bulk of the existing discrepancy between the space- and time-like experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Two-loop Corrections to the B to pi Form Factor from QCD Sum Rules on the Light-Cone and |V(ub)|

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    We calculate the leading-twist O(alphas^2 beta0) corrections to the B to pi transition form factor f+(0) in light-cone sum rules. We find that, as expected, there is a cancellation between the O(alphas^2 beta0) corrections to fB f+(0) and the large corresponding corrections to fB, calculated in QCD sum rules. This suggests the insensitivity of the form factors calculated in the light-cone sum rules approach to this source of radiative corrections. We further obtain an improved determination of the CKM matrix element |V(ub)|, using latest results from BaBar and Belle for f+(0)|V(ub)|.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Predictions for e+eJ/ψηce^+e^-\to J/\psi \eta_c with Light-Cone Wave-Functions

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    Predictions for e+eJ/ψηce^+e^-\to J/\psi \eta_c from previous studies are made by taking charmonia as a nonrelativistic bound state and by using nonrelativistic QCD(NRQCD) approach. The predicted cross-section is smaller by an order of magnitude than the experimentally observed. We study the process by taking charm quark as a light quark and use light-cone wave-functions to parameterize nonperturbative effects related to charmonia. The total cross section of e+eJ/ψηce^+e^-\to J/\psi \eta_c can be predicted, if these wave-functions are known. Motivated by studies of light-cone wave-functions of light hadrons, we make a reasonable assumption of the forms of light-cone wave-functions. With these light-cone wave-functions we can obtain the cross section which is more closer to the experimentally observed than that from NRQCD approach. We also discuss in detail the difference between two approaches.Comment: extended discussio

    Hemodynamic optimization in severe trauma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    OBJECTIVE: Severe trauma can be associated with significant hemorrhagic shock and impaired organ perfusion. We hypothesized that goal-directed therapy would confer morbidity and mortality benefits in major trauma. METHODS: The MedLine, Embase and Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Register databases were systematically searched for randomized, controlled trials of goal-directed therapy in severe trauma patients. Mortality was the primary outcome of this review. Secondary outcomes included complication rates, length of hospital and intensive care unit stay, and the volume of fluid and blood administered. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan software, and the data presented are as odds ratios for dichotomous outcomes and as mean differences (MDs) and standard MDs for continuous outcomes. RESULTS: Four randomized, controlled trials including 419 patients were analyzed. Mortality risk was significantly reduced in goal-directed therapy-treated patients, compared to the control group(OR=0.56, 95%CI: 0.34-0.92). Intensive care (MD: 3.7 days 95%CI: 1.06-6.5)and hospital length of stay (MD: 3.5 days,95%CI: 2.75-4.25) were significantly shorter in the protocol group patients.There were no differences in reported total fluid volume or blood transfusions administered. Heterogeneity in reporting among the studies prevented quantitative analysis of complications. CONCLUSION: Following severe trauma, early goal-directed therapy was associated with lower mortality and shorter durations of intensive care unit and hospital stays. The findings of this analysis should be interpreted with caution due to the presence of significant heterogeneity and the small number of th

    P-wave Quarkonium Decays to Meson Pairs

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    The processes of P-wave Quarkonium exclusive decays to two mesons are investigated, in which the final state vector mesons with various polarizations are considered separately. In the calculation, the initial heavy quarkonia are treated in the framework of non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics, whereas for light mesons, the light cone distribution amplitudes up to twist-3 are employed. It turns out that the higher twist contribution is significant and provides a possible explanation for the observation of the hadron helicity selection rule violated processes χc1ϕϕ,ωω\chi_{c1}\rightarrow \phi\phi,\omega\omega by the BESIII collaboration in recently. We also evaluate the χb1J/ψJ/ψ\chi_{b1}\to J/\psi J/\psi process and find that its branching ratio is big enough to be measured at the B-factories.Comment: more results and discussions adde

    Testing the meson cloud in the nucleon in Drell-Yan processes

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    We discuss the present status of the \bar u-\bar d asymmetry in the nucleon and analize the quantities which are best suited to verify the asymmetry. We find that the Drell-Yan asymmetry is the quantity insensitive to the valence quark distributions and very sensitive to the flavour asymmetry of the sea. We compare the prediction of the meson cloud model with different experimental data including the Fermilab E772 data and recent data of the NA51 Collaboration at CERN and make predictions for the planned Drell-Yan experiments.Comment: written in ReVTeX, 26 pages + 10 PS-figure