751 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) hasil pembelajaran menulis karangan narasi dengan menggunakan teknik transfromasi lirik lagu; dan (2) tanggapan mahasiswa mengenai teknik transformasi lirik lagu dalam menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa semester III kelas A Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis FPBS UPI Tahun Akademik 2015/2016. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi, tes tertulis dan angket. Penilaian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merujuk pada penilaian CECRL (Kerangka Acuan Umum Bahasa-bahasa Eropa) tingkat DELF A2 dari Tagliante yang dibagi ke dalam 6 aspek penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, pada siklus I, terdapat 9 orang mahasiswa berada pada kategori baik dengan persentase 26,47%, 16 orang mahasiswa pada kategori cukup dengan persentase 47,05%, dan 9 orang mahasiswa pada kategori kurang dengan persentase 26,47%. Sementara itu, pada siklus II terjadi peningkatan hasil kemampuan menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis, yaitu sebanyak 23 orang mahasiswa berada pada kategori baik dengan persentase sebesar 67,64%, 10 orang mahasiswa pada kategori cukup dengan persentase 29,41%, dan 1 orang mahasiswa dengan persentase 2,94% pada kategori kurang. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menujukkan bahwa teknik transformasi lirik lagu dapat dijadikan referensi untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis di Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis FPBS UPI. -----------This research aims to describe: (1) result of writing narration study using the song’s lyric transformation; (2) response of students to the song’s lyric transformation technique in writing narration study in French language. The subject of this research was the third semester students at class A, Department of French Language and Education 2015/2016, FPBS UPI. The method that is used in this research was Classroom Action Research (PTK). The data were collected using observation sheets, written test, and questionnaire. The assessment that is used in this research was based on CECRL assessment, DELF A2 level from Tagliante which was divided into six aspects of assessment. At the first cycle, 9 students are in best category by 26,47% percentage, 16 students are in adequate category by 47,05% percentage, and 9 students are in less category by 26,47% percentage. While the other side, the skill of writing French narrative essay is increase at the second cycle; 23 students are in best category by 67,64% percentage, 10 students are in adequate category by 29,41% percentage, and a student is in less category by 2,94% percentage. Further, the classroom action research shown that the song’s lyric transformation technique could be a reference to be applied in writing French narrative essay at Department of French Language and Education, FPBS UPI

    Determinants of Expatriate Adjustment Success. (A Case of International Local Hire in Intel Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore)

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    The main objective of this study is to identify the criteria for international local hire's (expatriates) adjustment success in the host site. This is to understand the support and help needed from them for a smooth adjustment process. Present study examines the relationship between all the independent variables, namely expatriate behavior, local co-worker credibility as well as perceived organization support with the dependent variable, adjustment success in the host site. There are three dimensions for expatriate behavior which are, extraversion, help seeking behavior and risk in help seeking. To attain the objectives, a quantitative method was employed and data was collected through questionnaires. A total of 114 questionnaires were distributed to international local hires at Intel Malaysia, Intel Taiwan and Intel Singapore. However only 63 (55%) were received and used for further analysis. The data was analyzed using Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression. The findings indicated that perceived organization support was the only variable that has significant relationship with expatriate adjustment in the host site while expatriate behavior and perceived organization support do not correlate with expatriate adjustment in the host site. In conclusion, this study revealed that perceived organization support is the important criteria for a successful expatriate adjustment. From the results, this would enable improvement programs such as, buddy system, mentor and mentee as well as revising the relocation process and policies to assist international local hire's adjustment in the host site


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    ABSTRAKKata Kunci : PTK, problem based introduction, hasil belajar, geografiModel pembelajaran problem based introduction merupakan sebuah model pembelajaran yang menyajikan masalah kontekstual sehingga merangsang peserta didik untuk belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui: (1)Peningkatan hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas XI SMAN 2 Banda Aceh dengan menerapkan model problem based introduction; (2) Aktivitas guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran geografi dengan model problem based introduction; (3)Keterampilan guru mengelola pembelajaran dengan model problem based introduction; dan (4) Respon siswa setelah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model problem based introduction. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IIS 2 SMAN 2 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar, lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa, lembar pengamatan keterampilan guru mengelola pembelajaran, dan angket respon siswa menggunakan model problem based introduction. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa: (1) Persentase ketuntasan individual pada siklus I sebesar 93% dengan 2 siswa dinyatakan tidak tuntas. Pada siklus II persentase ketuntasan individual mengalami peningkatan menjadi 96%. Hanya terdapat 1 siswa yang tidak tuntas secara individual pada siklus ini. Pada siklus III keseluruhan siswa dinyatakan tuntas belajar secara individual. Persentase ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus I sebesar 50%, siklus II meningkat menjadi 70% dan siklus III menjadi 90%; (2) Aktivitas guru dan siswa dari siklus I hingga siklus III sudah mencerminkan keterlaksanaan model problem based introduction; (3) Keterampilan guru mengelola pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model problem based introductionmengalami peningkatan. Pada siklus I diperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 3,65,kemudian meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 3,7 dan siklus III dengan skor 3,8 yang dikategorikan baik sekali; (4) Respon siswa terhadap model problem based introduction dapat dikatakan baik sekali dengan 94% dari 32 siswa berpendapat bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan model problem based introduction dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap materi pelestarian lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang telah dipelajar


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    ABSTRACT Reading, as one of the language skills, has given an important contribution to learners. It is considered that having students read English text is an important part of the teacher’s job. In learning English, all students come to the classroom with at least one language, their mother tongue (often called their L1). Unfortunately, the use of L1 in teaching English has been much debated. It seems, accordingly, that the only sensible reaction an individual teacher can take to this controversial subject is to accept the use of L1 but in limited. The purpose of this study are to find out the effectiveness of using L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) during the reading class at the first grader of package C of SKB Kersana Brebes Regency and to prove whether the use of L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) is more effective than the use of L2 (English) during the reading class. To reach the aim the writer conducted experimental study. The subject of the study are the first grade students of package C of SKB Kersana Brebes regency in academic year 2009/2010. The total number is 60 students. The number of sample of this study is 30 students, who are choosen randomly and divided into two groups namely the experimental group and the control group. The former is taught reading comprehension using L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) and the latter using L2 (English). The writer used reading comprehension test and questionnaire as the instruments of the research. The result of test and questionnaire are used as the data of research. The data of research is analyzed by using t-test formula, in order to test the differences between the mean value of experimental group and the mean value of control group. The mean value of experimental group is 61,466 and the mean value of control group is 39,266, in which the result of t-ratio is 4,940 on 5% significant degree and 28 degree of freedom can be found in t-table is 1,701. It means that t-ratio is higher than t-table (4,940 > 1,701). Therefore, it indicates significant difference between students who are taught using L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) and students who are taught using L2 (English). Students from experimental group got higher score in reading comprehension than students from control group did. It means that the use of L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) in teaching reading is more effective than teaching reading with L2 (English) at the first grader of package C SKB Kersana Brebes regency. Key word: the effectiveness, the use of L1, teaching reading comprehension, experimental group, control grou


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    ABSTRAKKata Kunci : Standarisasi, Tepung Labu Kuning, BhoiPenelitian ini berjudul Standarisasi Resep Kue Bhoi Dengan Pencampuran Tepung Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata,L). Buah labu kuning merupakan bahan pangan yang kaya akan vitamin A, B dan C, mineral serta karbohidrat. Buah labu kuning yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah buah labu kuning yang berbentuk bulat diolah sehingga menjadi tepung labu kuning, tepung labu kuning selanjutnya digunakan sebagai bahan campuran dalam pembuatan kue bhoi. Kue bhoi merupakan jenis makanan yang terbuat dari tepung terigu, gula pasir, telur dan vanili. Kue bhoi memiliki tekstur bagian luar yang kering namun cukup lembut dibagian dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh resep standar, mengetahui karakteristik organoleptik, dan tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap kue bhoi yang dicampurkan tepung labu kuning. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan analisis data melalui uji LSD (Least significant Different) pada taraf signifikan 0.05 melalui uji Acceptability Test dan Sensory Evaluation. Objek dalam penelitian ini yaitu kue bhoi tepung labu kuning, dengan 4 perlakuan dan dua kali pengulangan pada tiap perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan diberikan kepada narasumber dan panelis konsumen. Dari hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kue bhoi 75 gr (30%) tepung labu kuning dengan nilai rata-rata 17.65 lebih disukai konsumen dibandingkan kue bhoi 50 gr (20%) dan 100 gr (40%). Karena kue bhoi dengan campuran tepung labu kuning 75 gr (30%) memiliki warna yang kuning keemasan, aroma yang harum, tekstur yang netral dan rasa yang manis. Dari hasil uji penerimaan konsumen terlihat bahwa nilai terendah kue bhoi terdapat pada kue bhoi dengan pencampuran 50 gr dan 100 gr tepung labu kuning dengan nilai rata-rata penerimaan 16.65 dan 16.45. Hasil uji hipotesis terhadap karakteristik organoleptik, dan tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap kue bhoi dengan pencampuran tepung labu kuning dapat disimpulkan bahwa, hipotesis dapat diterima. Disarankan kepada masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan tepung labu kuning untuk pembuatan penganan lainnya

    Production of geopolymers from diatomaceous earth for wastewater treatment

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a Université Libre de TunisGeopolymers (GPs) are inorganic binders created by adding an alkaline solution (e.g., NaOH) to silicates, such as furnace slags, fly ashes or clays, to dissolve Si and Al that polymerizes and precipitates to form an inorganic binder material while hardening. GP properties are similar to ordinary Portland cement, since it presents high compressive strength or low shrinkage, but they are particularly notable for a high resistance to acid and fire. For this reason, GP has been widely studied in its application in civil engineering. However, GPs presents other interesting properties that make it an excellent material to be used as adsorbent. The aim of this study is to investigate the suitability of commercial diatomaceous earth as a cheaper alternative to kaolin and to determine the necessary preparation steps required to produce effective geopolymer adsorbent materials. Geopolymerization is a multi-parameter system strongly influenced by the degree of activation, Si:Al ratio, amount of 5-fold coordinated Al and curing mode. Bearing this in mind, different formulations to yield geopolymeric solid samples were examined. Important parameters for the production, such as temperature, time, and heating rate are determined and discussed. Additionally, geopolymers were assessed in the removal of gallic acid and phenol, used as model pollutants, from aqueous solutions by adsorption. The results presented in this thesis indicate that commercial diatomaceous earth is a suitable raw material for geopolymer production. Proxies used to evaluate the optimal conditions for making geopolymers are determined including the Si/Al ratio as a key relationship that determines its ultimate hardness and curing mode as key factor that controls the geopolymerization process.Os geopolímeros (GPs) são ligantes inorgânicos criados pela adição de uma solução alcalina (por exemplo NaOH) aos silicatos, tais como escórias do forno, cinzas volantes ou argilas, para dissolver o Si e o Al que polimeriza e precipita para formar um material aglutinante inorgânico enquanto endurece. As propriedades do GP são semelhantes ao cimento Portland comum no que diz respeito à sua alta resistência à compressão ou baixa retracção, mas são particularmente notáveis para uma alta resistência ao ácido e ao fogo. Além disso, os geopolímeros podem ser utilizados como adsorventes de poluentes da água. As matérias-primas mais comuns utilizadas na produção de GPs são argilas de caulino. Assim, o objectivo deste estudo é investigar a adequação da terra de diatomáceas comerciais como uma alternativa mais barata ao caulino e determinar as etapas de preparação necessárias para produzir materiais adsorventes de geopolímeros eficazes. Foram examinadas diferentes formulações para produzir amostras sólidas geopoliméricas. Foram determinados e discutidos parâmetros importantes para a produção, tais como temperatura, tempo, e taxa de aquecimento. A geopolimerização é um sistema multi-parâmetros fortemente influenciado pelo grau de activação, razão Si:Al, quantidade de Al coordenada em 5 vezes e modo de cura. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese indicam que a terra diatomácea comercial é uma matéria prima adequada para a produção de geopolímeros. Os proxies utilizados para avaliar as condições óptimas para a produção de geopolímeros são determinados incluindo a relação Si/Al como uma relação chave que determina a sua dureza final e o modo de cura como factor chave que controla o processo de geopolimerização

    Analisis Pendapatan USAha Tani Tomat dan Kontribusinya terhadap Pendapatan Petani di Kelurahan Api-api Kecamatan Bontang Utara

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    The purpose of the research was to determine the tomato farm income and knowing the tomato farm income contributing to household incomes of farmers in Api-Api Village, Bontang Utara Sub District.This research started on April until July 2012, with research location is in Api-Api Village, Bontang Utara Sub District. The method that used is census method. The data needed by research are primary and secondary data. Primary data is got by observation and interview with responder use questionnaire which have been compiled in line with research. While secondary data is got from bibliography study and institution information which is related to research execution. The results of this research shows that :Based on the survey result to 9 respondent obtained tomato production to one season is 4.777,78 kg-1 meter-1 at the price of selling Rp 8.000 – 9.000 kg-1. Total revenue farmers was Rp 730.000.000,00 year-1 and total income from tomato farming is Rp 522.588.633,33 year-1with average farm income is Rp 58.065.403,70 year-1 respondents-1.Value of R/C ratio was 3,45 meaning that the cultivated tomato farm is already profitable then planting a tomato can for resumes.Average contributing of the tomato farm income to household incomes of farmers is 62,50%