114 research outputs found

    Creating Collaborative Augmented Reality Experiences for Industry 4.0 Training and Assistance Applications: Performance Evaluation in the Shipyard of the Future

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    [Absctract]: Industrial Augmented Reality (IAR) is one of the key technologies pointed out by the Industry 4.0 paradigm as a tool for improving industrial processes and for maximizing worker efficiency. Training and assistance are two of the most popular IAR-enabled applications, since they may significantly facilitate, support, and optimize production and assembly tasks in industrial environments. This article presents an IAR collaborative application developed jointly by Navantia, one of the biggest European shipbuilders, and the University of A Coruña (Spain). The analysis, design, and implementation of such an IAR application are described thoroughly so as to enable future developers to create similar IAR applications. The IAR application is based on the Microsoft HoloLens smart glasses and is able to assist and to guide shipyard operators during their training and in assembly tasks. The proposed IAR application embeds a novel collaborative protocol that allows operators to visualize and interact in a synchronized way with the same virtual content. Thus, all operators that share an IAR experience see each virtual object positioned at the same physical spot and in the same state. The collaborative application is first evaluated and optimized in terms of packet communications delay and anchor transmission latency, and then, its validation in a shipyard workshop by Navantia’s operators is presented. The performance results show fast response times for regular packets (less than 5 ms), low interference rates in the 5 GHz band, and an anchor transmission latency of up to 30 s. Regarding the validation tests, they allow for obtaining useful insights and feedback from the industrial operators, as well as clear guidelines that will help future developers to face the challenges that will arise when creating the next generation of IAR applications.This work was supported by the Plant Information and Augmented Reality research line of the Navantia-UDC Joint Research Unit. We wish to acknowledge the support received from the Centro de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC”, funded by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014–2020 Program), by Grant ED431G 2019/01.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Collaborative Augmented Digital Twin: A Novel Open-Source Augmented Reality Solution for Training and Maintenance Processes in the Shipyard of the Future

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    Presented at the 4th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 7–8 October 2021.[Abstract] Large companies use a lot of resources on workshop operator training and industrial machinery maintenance since the lack of this practice or its poor implementation increases the cost and risks of operating and handling sensitive and/or hazardous machinery. Industrial Augmented Reality (IAR), a major technology in the Industry 4.0 paradigm that may enhance worker performance, minimize hazards and improve manufacturing processes, could be beneficial in this situation. This paper presents an IAR solution that allows for visualizing and interacting with the digital twin of a critical system. Specifically, the augmented digital twin of an industrial cooler was developed. The proposed IAR system provides a dynamic way to perform operator training with a full-size model of the actual equipment and to provide step-by-step guidance so that maintenance processes can be performed more safely and efficiently. The proposed system also allows several users to use devices at the same time, creating a new type of collaborative interaction by viewing the model in the same place and state. Performance tests with many simultaneous users have been conducted, with response latency being measured as the number of connected users grows. Furthermore, the suggested IAR system has been thoroughly tested in a real-world industrial environment.This work was supported by the Plant Information and Augmented Reality research line of the Navantia-UDC Joint Research Unit (IN853B-2018/02). The authors would like to thank CITIC for its support. CITIC, a research center accredited by Galician University System, is funded by “Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidades from Xunta de Galicia”, with 80% of funds coming from ERDF Funds, ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020, and the remaining 20% from “Secretaría Xeral de Universidades” (Grant ED431G 2019/01).Xunta de Galicia; IN853B-2018/02Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    An optical biomarker of hypoxic-ischaemic injury severity in the neonatal brain

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    We present a new optical platform that combines broadband near-infrared spectroscopy and diffuse correlation spectroscopy for identification of brain injury severity in a preclinical model of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy of the neonatal brain

    Modeling the Sources and Chemistry of Polar Tropospheric Halogens (Cl, Br, and I) Using the CAM-Chem Global Chemistry-Climate Model

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    31 pags., 12 figs., 6 tabs. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0. -- jame20925-sup-0001_Supporting_Information.pdfCurrent chemistry climate models do not include polar emissions and chemistry of halogens. This work presents the first implementation of an interactive polar module into the very short-lived (VSL) halogen version of the Community Atmosphere Model with Chemistry (CAM-Chem) model. The polar module includes photochemical release of molecular bromine, chlorine, and interhalogens from the sea-ice surface, and brine diffusion of iodine biologically produced underneath and within porous sea-ice. It also includes heterogeneous recycling of inorganic halogen reservoirs deposited over fresh sea-ice surfaces and snow-covered regions. The polar emission of chlorine, bromine, and iodine reach approximately 32, 250, and 39 Gg/year for Antarctica and 33, 271, and 4 Gg/year for the Arctic, respectively, with a marked seasonal cycle mainly driven by sunlight and sea-ice coverage. Model results are validated against polar boundary layer measurements of ClO, BrO, and IO, and satellite BrO and IO columns. This validation includes satellite observations of IO over inner Antarctica for which an iodine “leapfrog” mechanism is proposed to transport active iodine from coastal source regions to the interior of the continent. The modeled chlorine and bromine polar sources represent up to 45% and 80% of the global biogenic VSL and VSL emissions, respectively, while the Antarctic sea-ice iodine flux is ~10 times larger than that from the Southern Ocean. We present the first estimate of the contribution of polar halogen emissions to the global tropospheric halogen budget. CAM-Chem includes now a complete representation of halogen sources and chemistry from pole-to-pole and from the Earth's surface up to the stratopause.This study has been funded by the European Research Council Executive Agency under the European Union′s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (Project “ERC‐2016‐COG 726349 CLIMAHAL”) and supported by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) of Spain. Computing resources, support, and data storage are provided and maintained by the Computational and Information System Laboratory from the National Center of Atmospheric Research (CISL,2017). R. P. F. would like to thank CONICET, ANPCyT (PICT 2015‐0714), UNCuyo (SeCTyP M032/3853), and UTN (PID 4920‐194/2018) for the financial support. Partial funding for this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) project (PE18200). The contributions of the University of Bremen have been supported by the State of Bremen, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Aerospace (DLR), and the European Space Agency (ESA). We gratefully acknowledge the funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) —Projektnummer 268020496—TRR 172, within the Transregional Collaborative Research Center “ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes,and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)3 ” in subproject C03 as well as the support by the University of Bremen Institutional Strategy Measure M8 in the framework of the DFG Excellence Initiative

    Особенности клинического и лабораторного течения менингита новорожденных детей

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    IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemiţanu”Background. Neonatal meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges that usually occurs in the first 30 days of life. However, in neonatal intensive care units and increased availability of antibacterial drugs and supportive care, neonatal meningitis is still a serious disease with high morbidity and mortality rates. Objective: determine the structure of causative pathogens of meningitis in neonates. Goal: determination of the incidence, of clinical and laboratory evolution of neonates meningitis with the determination of the causative pathogens structure and susceptibility to the antibiotic. Materials and methods: the study case has been done on 72 children with IMSP IMC with suspects of diagnostic on neonatal meningitis, being divided into two groups: 1st group - 22 children with a confirmed diagnosis of meningitis, confirmed by LP and 2d group- 51 children with suspects of meningitis, the diagnosis of meningitis was ruled out based on the results LP. Obtained results: In group I and group II children and determined statistical differences in mean birth weight category 1675,45 g (+/-609,187) vs 1808,08 g. (+/-779,048) (p=0,382), the average gestation period (31,68 gestational age (+/-3,61) vs 32,73 gestational age (+/-4,73) (p=0,43) and the day of onset of clinical signs 16,91(+/-13,51) vs 16,16(+/-11,82) ( p=0,812). Clinical signs that was prevailing was 72,7% of respiratory insufficiency, 54,5% of seizures, 50% of fever, 27,3% fontanelle bulging (p<0,05).. Following the laboratory investigations was determined a tendency to leukocytosis, the average rate of leukocytes being 19,395x109(+/- 12,603SD) (p<0.05) and the hypothermia determined in 31,8% of cases (p<0.00). In 25% cases it was found the same pathogen in blood culture and CSF. Conclusion: neonatal bacterial meningitis is a common pathology in premature babies in particular ELBW, as clinical and laboratory signs are common to other diseases in the neonatal period. LP remains the gold standard for the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial meningitis. The causative agents of neonatal meningitis were gram negative bacteria that showed a higher sensibility than aminoglycosides, carbapenems, and fluoroquinolones, which allows their empirical therapy use.Неонатальный менингит это воспаление мозговых оболочек, которое обычно происходит в течение первых 30 дней жизни. Несмотря на успехи в неонатальных отделениях интенсивной терапии и повышенной доступности антибактериальных препаратов и поддерживающей терапии, неонатальный менингит по-прежнему является серьезной патологией с высокими показателями заболеваемости и смертности. Цель исследования: определение структуры патогенных агентов, вызывающих менингит у новорожденных. Oпределение частоты, эволюция клиники и параклинических исследований при неонатальном менингите с определением структуры патологических агентов и их чувствительности к антибиотику. Материалы и методы: исследование было проведено на 72 детях из НИИЗМиР, разделенных на 2 группы: I группа - 22 ребенка с подтвержденным диагнозом менингита, подтверждено при люмбальной пункции, и II группа из 51 ребенка, у которых диагноз менингит был исключен на основании результатов поясничной пункции. Полученные результаты: в I и II группе детей были определены статистические различия в средней весовой категории при рождении 1675,45 г (+/-609,187) vs 1808,08 г. (+/-779,048) (p=0,382), средний гестационный возраст (31,68 г.в (+/-3,61) vs 32,73 г.в.(+/-4,73) (p=0,43) и день появления клинических признаков 16,91(+/-13,51) vs 16,16(+/-11,82) ( p=0,812). Превалировали клинические признаки дыхательной недостаточности в 72,7% случаев, болезнь гиалиновых мембран 77,2%, судороги 54,5%, температура 50%, выбухание родничка 23,3% (p<0,05). В результате лабораторных исследований была определена тенденция к лейкоцитозу со средним количеством лейкоцитов 19,395 х 10 ( +/- 12,603 ) (р 0,05) и гипонатриемии в 31,8% случаев (р 0,00). В 25% случаев тот же возбудитель был обнаружен в культуре крови и спинномозговой жидкости. Бактериологические результаты - в 100% случаев была обнаружена грамотрицательная флора. Выводы: бактериальный менингит - это распространенная патология недоношенных, в частности встречающаяся у детей с ОНМТ, клинические и лабораторные признаки являются общими для других заболеваний в неонатальном периоде. Поясничная пункция остается золотым стандартом в диагностике и специфическом лечении. Патогенные возбудители - грамотрицательные бактерии, которые показали повышенную чувствительность к аминогликозидам, карбапенемам и фторхинолонам, что позволяет использовать их в эмпирической терапии

    The relationship between the presence of antibodies and direct detection of Toxoplasma gondii in slaughtered calves and cattle in four European countries

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    In cattle, antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii infection are frequently detected, but evidence for the presence of T. gondii tissue cysts in cattle is limited. To study the concordance between the presence of anti-T. gondii IgG and viable tissue cysts of T. gondii in cattle, serum, liver and diaphragm samples of 167 veal calves and 235 adult cattle were collected in Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and the United Kingdom. Serum samples were tested for anti-T. gondii IgG by the modified agglutination test and p30 immunoblot. Samples from liver were analyzed by mouse bioassay and PCR after trypsin digestion. In addition, all diaphragms of cattle that had tested T. gondii-positive (either in bioassay, by PCR on trypsin-digested liver or serologically by MAT) and a selection of diaphragms from cattle that had tested negative were analyzed by magnetic capture quantitative PCR (MC-PCR). Overall, 13 animals were considered positive by a direct detection method: seven out of 151 (4.6%) by MC-PCR and six out of 385 (1.6%) by bioassay, indicating the presence of viable parasites. As cattle that tested positive in the bioassay tested negative by MC-PCR and vice-versa, these results demonstrate a lack of concordance between the presence of viable parasites in liver and the detection of T. gondii DNA in diaphragm. In addition, the probability to detect T. gondii parasites or DNA in seropositive and seronegative cattle was comparable, demonstrating that serological testing by MAT or p30 immunoblot does not provide information about the presence of T. gondii parasites or DNA in cattle and therefore is not a reliable indicator of the risk for consumers

    Lambda hyperons produced in central nucleus-nucleus interactions at 4.5 GeV/c momentum per incident nucleon

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    Transverse momenta and rapidities of Lambda 's produced in central nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 GeV/c·u (C-C,...,O-Pb) were studied and compared with those from inelastic He-Li interactions at the same incident momentum. Polarization of the Lambda hyperons was found to be consistent with zero ( alpha P=-0.06=0.11 for Lambda 's from central collisions). An upper limit of the Lambda -bar / Lambda production ratio was estimated to be less than 4.5 x 10-3. The experiment was performed in a triggered streamer chamber

    Genotyping of European Toxoplasma gondii strains by a new high-resolution next-generation sequencing-based method

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    Purpose: A new high-resolution next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based method was established to type closely related European type II Toxoplasma gondii strains. Methods: T. gondii field isolates were collected from different parts of Europe and assessed by whole genome sequencing (WGS). In comparison to ME49 (a type II reference strain), highly polymorphic regions (HPRs) were identified, showing a considerable number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). After confirmation by Sanger sequencing, 18 HPRs were used to design a primer panel for multiplex PCR to establish a multilocus Ion AmpliSeq typing method. Toxoplasma gondii isolates and T. gondii present in clinical samples were typed with the new method. The sensitivity of the method was tested with serially diluted reference DNA samples. Results: Among type II specimens, the method could differentiate the same number of haplotypes as the reference standard, microsatellite (MS) typing. Passages of the same isolates and specimens originating from abortion outbreaks were identified as identical. In addition, seven different genotypes, two atypical and two recombinant specimens were clearly distinguished from each other by the method. Furthermore, almost all SNPs detected by the Ion AmpliSeq method corresponded to those expected based on WGS. By testing serially diluted DNA samples, the method exhibited a similar analytical sensitivity as MS typing. Conclusion: The new method can distinguish different T. gondii genotypes and detect intra-genotype variability among European type II T. gondii strains. Furthermore, with WGS data additional target regions can be added to the method to potentially increase typing resolution