214 research outputs found

    Levantamiento 3D del muro romano ubicado en el noroeste del claustro de la catedral de Tarragona

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    Afin de maintenir vivant l’héritage de l´architecture, il apparaît la nécessité de continuer à le documenter. Heureusement nous avons encore dans la Ville de Tarragone des manifestations de ce que nous avons été dans le passé. La Cathédrale de Tarragone constitue une représentation spéciale de ce patrimoine. Coeur de la ville médiévale, wisigothique et romaine, avec le temple d'Auguste, ses précédents historiques et archéologiques la transforme en un lieu unique pour comprendre l'évolution urbaine, archéologique et architectonique de la ville. Les travaux d'excavation effectués récemment dans la partie intérieure du mur nord-ouest du cloître, ont laissé découvert des restes romains en conjonction avec des restes médiévaux. Les restes trouvés, font partie de l'Enceinte de Culte du Concilium Provinciae de l'ancienne Tárraco, faisant partie de l'ensemble archéologique déclaré Patrimoine Mondial par l'UNESCO. Pour sa transcendance et son intérêt, l'objectif de ce practicum, est obtenir un modèle tridimensionnel de ce mur en utilisant des techniques de laser scanner et photogrammétrie numérique, abandonnant ainsi les systèmes traditionnels de documentation graphique basés en un mètre-ruban et photogrammétrie plate. Le projet dans le système de référence ETRS89 se géoréférence par la topographie et au moyen de prise massive de données, combiné avec photogrammétrie, on facilite l'obtention des modèles caractérisés par sa définition, précision et exactitude, fidèles reflets de la réalité. Une fois géoréférencé l'environnement du cloître de la cathédrale et du mur romain, on mesure la hauteur du mur avec le laser scanner, technique qui facilite une grande vitesse et une précision dans la prise de données en économisant ainsi du temps et des nouvelles visites de vérification au site. On effectue postérieurement le traitement de ces dernières avec l'utilisation de software spécifique sur la base de laquelle on obtient un modèle vectoriel tridimensionnel du mur. L'application de la technologie laser permet d'obtenir un clone 3D de l'objet qui pourra être utilisé pour effectuer des études analytiques, plat et/ou des récréations de tout type pour différentes utilisations. Le projet est entamé dans l'obtention d'un modèle géoréférencé fidèle à l'objet étudié afin de le texturiser et obtenir des ortophotografies postérieures de ce dernier sur la base desquelles on développe des méthodologies d'étude analytique de l'objet numérique obtenu. Si, en soi avoir scanné le mur ne représente, en elle, aucune nouveauté, le projet développé va au-delà des documentations graphiques du patrimoine enregistrées jusqu'à présent. On met en évidence que, par l'application, la technologie et la méthodologie adéquate, on obtient les objectifs fixés avec moins de coût et une plus grande performance. La considération de ces techniques et de ces méthodes représente un point d'inflexion dans l'enquête ouverte dans la recherche entamée des excavations archéologiques récentes. Le document qui suit contient en détail les bases théoriques des techniques utilisées, la description de la procédure et finalement l'analyse de l'application de la méthode, le tout documenté avec les calculs, photographies et plans correspondants

    Análisis de 24 casos de Tumor Venéreo Transmisible (TVT) en dos clínicas veterinarias de Florencia, Colombia

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    The present study analyses the results of 24 complete clinical records of canine transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) obtained in two veterinary clinics in Florencia, Caquetá during 2014 and 2018. The effectiveness of treatments using vincristine sulphate on a weekly basis was greater than 65% after four sessions. Those that used only vincristine sulphate had 50% effectiveness, while those who implemented some type of adjuvant achieved 70% of effectiveness. However, the use of Yatrén (Chiniofon) as immunostimulant was not effective in 3/5 cases. Results showed treatment sessions should continue until after there is no visual evidence of the lesions to eliminate all tumour cells.El presente estudio analiza los resultados de 24 historias clínicas completas de tumor venéreo transmisible canino (TVT) obtenidas en dos clínicas veterinarias de Florencia, Caquetá entre 2014 y 2018. La efectividad de los tratamientos con sulfato de vincristina en forma semanal fue superior al 65% después de cuatro sesiones. Los que utilizaron solo el sulfato de vincristina tuvieron 50% de efectividad, mientras que quienes implementaron algún tipo de adyuvante lograron el 70% de efectividad. Sin embargo, el uso de Yatrén (Chiniofon) como inmunoestimulante no fue efectivo en 3/5 casos. Los resultados mostraron que las sesiones de tratamiento deben continuar hasta que no haya evidencia visual de las lesiones a fin de eliminar todas las células tumorales

    Clasificación por métodos moleculares de cepas de de trypanosoma spp aisladas en colombia y evaluación morfométrica

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    Mediante el empleo de técnicas de PCR-RFLP se caracterizaron tres cepas de tripanosomas aisladas de bovinos de diferentes regiones de Colombia, a partir de amplificaciones de la región 18S de la subunidad ribosomal del rDNA del parásito. Para el PCR inicial se emplearon los primers específicos nF2 y nR3, y sobre el producto obtenido de 756 pb se realizó un PCR semianidado con los primers NF2 y NR2 de la misma región. Se obtuvo un producto 650 pb sobre el cual se realizó el análisis de restricción con las enzimas MspI y Eco57I, lo que permitió clasificar las tres cepas analizadas como Trypanosoma vivax, Trypanosoma evansi y Trypanosoma theileri. El estudio morfométrico permitió corroborar diferencias morfológicas entre los parásitos clasificados. Se discute el uso de la técnica de PCR-RFLP como herramienta diagnóstica de la tripanosomosis bovina en Colombia

    Cigarette smoking increases the development of intimal hyperplasia after vascular injury

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    Purpose: Our purpose was to determine whether exposure to cigarette smoke increases the development of intimal hyperplasia (IH) after vascular injury.Methods: Sixteen adult male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent standardized balloon catheter injury of the left common carotid artery. For 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after injury, animals in the experimental group (n=8) were exposed to cigarette smoke with an automated vacuum pump device. Animals in the control group (n=8) were restrained in the smoking device for an identical amount of time and underwent arterial injury at 4 weeks but were not exposed to cigarette smoke. Carotid arteries were perfusion-fixed in vivo, prepared as histologic cross sections, and stained for elastin. IH was measured by planimetry and is reported both as the absolute area of IH and as the ratio (IH/IEL) of the absolute area of IH to the normalized area enclosed by the internal elastic lamina (expressed as a percent).Results: The absolute area of IH was 2.09±0.34 for the experimental group compared with 0.94±0.25 for the control group; mean IH/IEL was 43.7%±7.1% for the experimental group versus 17.7%±4.7% for the control group (p<0.05, two-tailed unpaired t test).Conclusions: Inhalation of cigarette smoke increases the development of intimal hyperplasia in a rat model of balloon catheter arterial injury

    The role of physico-chemical interactions in the seasonality of toxic dinoflagellate cyst assemblages: The case of the NW Patagonian fjords system

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are recurrent in the NW Patagonia fjords system and their frequency has increased over the last few decades. Outbreaks of HAB species such as Alexandrium catenella, a causal agent of paralytic shellfish poisoning, and Protoceratium reticulatum, a yessotoxins producer, have raised considerable concern due to their adverse socioeconomic consequences. Monitoring programs have mainly focused on their planktonic stages, but since these species produce benthic resting cysts, the factors influencing cyst distributions are increasingly gaining recognition as potentially important to HAB recurrence in some regions. Still, a holistic understanding of the physico-chemical conditions influencing cyst distribution in this region is lacking, especially as it relates to seasonal changes in drivers of cyst distributions as the characteristics that favor cyst preservation in the sediment may change through the seasons. In this study, we analyzed the physico–chemical properties of the sediment (temperature, pH, redox potential) and measured the bottom dissolved oxygen levels in a “hotspot” area of southern Chile, sampling during the spring and summer as well as the fall and winter, to determine the role these factors may play as modulators of dinoflagellate cyst distribution, and specifically for the cysts of A. catenella and P. reticulatum. A permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) showed the significant effect of sediment redox conditions in explaining the differences in the cyst assemblages between spring-summer and fall-winter periods (seasonality). In a generalized linear model (GLM), sediment redox potential and pH were associated with the highest abundances of A. catenella resting cysts in the spring-summer, however it was sediment temperature that most explained the distribution of A. catenella in the fall-winter. For P. reticulatum, only spring-summer sediment redox potential and temperature explained the variation in cyst abundances. The implications of environmental physico-chemical seasonality for the resting cysts dynamics of both species are discussed.Postprint3,74

    Google search trends for itch in Europe : a retrospective longitudinal study

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    Altres ajuts: European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV, No. 2016-012 to MP).Background: Itch is a common symptom in the general population. Affected individuals often do not seek medical consultation and rely on Internet searches to obtain information regarding their itch. Objectives: The aim of this study was to attain insights into common concerns of the general population regarding itch can by analysing itch-related Internet search behaviour. Methods: Google AdWords Keyword Planner was used to assess search volumes for itch-related terms in 15 European countries between September 2014 and August 2018. All identified keywords were qualitatively categorized. Itch-related terms were descriptively analysed and are shown as number of searches/100 000 inhabitants. Results: The search volume for the keyword 'itch' per 100 000 inhabitants was highest in Northern Europe, followed by Eastern, Central and Southern Europe. In 4/15 countries, itch was searched for more often in the autumn/winter months compared to in the spring/summer months. Most itch-related terms were related to dermatological conditions such as inflammatory skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis, atopic dermatitis), allergic or immunologic conditions (e.g. urticaria), and infectious diseases or infestations (e.g. scabies). In terms of body location, genitoanal itch dominated the searches. Symptoms and signs related to itch, possible non-dermatological aetiologies, and treatment options were also among the most searched terms. Conclusions: These analyses provided for the first time insights into the search behaviour patterns related to itch across Europe. People from Northern and Eastern Europe are more likely to seek online information regarding itch. Causes for the itch, especially dermatological conditions, and genitoanal itch are the most important concerns for Internet users. This unconventional and inexpensive method identifies medical needs of people beyond the medical setting, including people who do not seek medical consultation. Accordingly, the data could be used to guide public health interventions and manage respective inhabitants' medical needs

    Oval Domes: History, Geometry and Mechanics

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    An oval dome may be defined as a dome whose plan or profile (or both) has an oval form. The word Aoval@ comes from the latin Aovum@, egg. Then, an oval dome has an egg-shaped geometry. The first buildings with oval plans were built without a predetermined form, just trying to close an space in the most economical form. Eventually, the geometry was defined by using arcs of circle with common tangents in the points of change of curvature. Later the oval acquired a more regular form with two axis of symmetry. Therefore, an “oval” may be defined as an egg-shaped form, doubly symmetric, constructed with arcs of circle; an oval needs a minimum of four centres, but it is possible also to build polycentric ovals. The above definition corresponds with the origin and the use of oval forms in building and may be applied without problem until, say, the XVIIIth century. Since then, the teaching of conics in the elementary courses of geometry made the cultivated people to define the oval as an approximation to the ellipse, an “imperfect ellipse”: an oval was, then, a curve formed with arcs of circles which tries to approximate to the ellipse of the same axes. As we shall see, the ellipse has very rarely been used in building. Finally, in modern geometrical textbooks an oval is defined as a smooth closed convex curve, a more general definition which embraces the two previous, but which is of no particular use in the study of the employment of oval forms in building. The present paper contains the following parts: 1) an outline the origin and application of the oval in historical architecture; 2) a discussion of the spatial geometry of oval domes, i. e., the different methods employed to trace them; 3) a brief exposition of the mechanics of oval arches and domes; and 4) a final discussion of the role of Geometry in oval arch and dome design

    Allergen sensitization stratifies IL-31 production by memory T cells in atopic dermatitis patients

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    Background:The role of allergen sensitization in IL-31 production by T cells and specifically in the clinical context of atopic dermatitis (AD) has not been characterized. MethodsThe response to house dust mite (HDM) in purified memory T cells cocultured with epidermal cells from AD patients (n=58) and control subjects (n=11) was evaluated. AD-associated cytokines from culture supernatants, plasma proteins and mRNA expression from cutaneous lesions were assessed and related with the clinical features of the patients. ResultsHDM-induced IL-31 production by memory T cells defined two subsets of AD patients according to the presence or absence of IL-31 response. Patients in the IL-31 producing group showed a more inflammatory profile, and increased HDM-specific (sp) and total IgE levels compared to the IL-31 non-producing group. A correlation between IL-31 production and patient's pruritus intensity, plasma CCL27 and periostin was detected. When the same patients were analyzed based on sp IgE and total IgE levels, an increased IL-31 in vitro response, as well as type 2 markers in plasma and cutaneous lesions, was found in patients with sp IgE levels > 100 kUA/L and total IgE levels > 1000 kU/L. The IL-31 response by memory T cells was restricted to the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA)(+) T-cell subset. ConclusionIgE sensitization to HDM allows stratifying IL-31 production by memory T cells in AD patients and relating it to particular clinical phenotypes of the disease

    Chronic nodular prurigo: clinical profile and burden. A European cross-sectional study

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    Background: Chronic nodular prurigo (CNPG) is a condition characterized by chronic itch, a prolonged scratching behaviour and the presence of pruriginous nodules. A comprehensive understanding of this condition, especially regarding its clinical characteristics and impact on quality of life is still lacking. Objectives: Aim of this pan-European multicentre cross-sectional study was to establish the clinical profile of CNPG, including its associated burden. Methods: Fifteen centres from 12 European countries recruited CNPG patients presenting at the centre or using the centres' own databases. Patients were asked to complete a questionnaire in paper or electronic format. Demography, current co-morbidities, underlying disease, itch intensity, additional sensory symptoms, quality of life, highest burden and emotional experience of itch were assessed. Results: A total of 509 patients (210 male, median age: 64&nbsp;years [52; 72]) were enrolled. Of these, 406 reported itch and CNPG lesions in the previous 7&nbsp;days and qualified to complete the whole questionnaire. We recorded moderate to severe worst itch intensity scores in the previous 24&nbsp;h. Scores were higher in patients with lower educational levels and those coming from Eastern or Southern Europe. Most patients experience itch often or always (71%) and report that their everyday life is negatively affected (53%). Itch intensity was considered to be the most burdensome aspect of the disease by 49% of the patients, followed by the visibility of skin lesions (21%) and bleeding of lesions (21%). The majority of patients was unaware of an underlying condition contributing to CNPG (64%), while psychiatric diseases were the conditions most often mentioned in association with CNPG (19%). Conclusions: This multicentre cross-sectional study shows that itch is the dominant symptom in CNPG and reveals that the profile of the disease is similar throughout Europe
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