313 research outputs found

    Comparação dos procedimentos metodológicos de reconstrução cinemática 2d na técnica de bruços – Duplo meio / planos seprados

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    O presente estudo teve como propósito principal o de averiguar os procedimentos bem como o grau de concordância das reconstruções dos parâmetros cinemáticos de execução na técnica de bruços com recurso a duas metodologias distintas de captura e reconstrução cinemétrica, duplo meio (DM) e planos separados (PS). A amostra foi constituída por 7 nadadores do sexo masculino especialistas na técnica de bruços (19.1 ± 4,3 anos de idade; 1.78 ± 0.62 m de estatura; 70.4 ± 8.0 kg de massa corporal; 69.10 ± 4.16 s de recorde pessoal aos 100 m Bruços em piscina longa). O protocolo consistiu na realização de um percurso de 100 m na técnica de bruços à máxima velocidade possível (prova maximal), em piscina de 50 metros. Os registos de imagem para posterior tratamento foram recolhidos por um sistema constituído por um par de câmaras de vídeo (uma subaquática - inclusa numa caixa estanque e uma de superfície). Assim, foram recolhidas as imagens da prova utilizando as duas metodologias, o DM e os PS. Duas câmaras registaram respectivamente imagens aéreas (GR-SX1 SVHS, JVC, Yokoama, Japão) e subaquáticas (GR-SXM25 SVHS, JVC, Yokoama, Japão) no plano sagital, a 25 metros da parede testa de partida. Foi efectuada a análise cinemática (Ariel Performance Analysis System, Ariel Dynamics Inc., Califórnia, EUA) de um ciclo gestual completo, através de um leitor de vídeo a 50 Hz (Panasonic, AG 7355, Japão). Recorreu-se ao método de digitalização em planos separados (aéreo e subaquático) e subsequente reconstrução pela aplicação do algoritmo2D-DLT [1]. Foi adoptado o modelo antropométrico de Zatsiorsky, adaptado por de Leva [6],, incluindo a divisão do tronco em 2 partes articuladas. Os sinais foram filtrados com uma frequência de corte de 5 Hz, como sugerido por Winter [15], com recurso a dupla-passagem. A fiabilidade do processo de digitalização-redigitalização para os dois métodos foi muito elevada (R = 0.97; ICR = .87; 0.95). Determinouse a duração absoluta do teste (T100, s), a duração absoluta do ciclo gestual (Durciclo), a frequência ciclo (FC, Hz), a distância de ciclo (DC, m), a velocidade de nado (v, m.s-1), o índice de nado (IN, m2.c-1.s-1), a flutuação intra-cíclica da velocidade horizontal do centro de massa (dv, %) e o deslocamento vertical do centro de massa corporal (Dy, m). Foi efectuada a comparação entre as duas situações com recurso a estatística não paramétrica (Teste de Wilcoxon) para P £ 0.05. O resultados sugerem-nos a ideia de que o padrão biomecânico de execução técnica dos nadadores na técnica de bruços parece ter características diferentes quando comparados os dados dos dois métodos de reconstrução cinemática (DP e PS)

    Neutropenic enterocolitis and sepsis: Towards the definition of a pathologic profile

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    Background: Neutropenic enterocolitis (NE), which in the past was also known as typhlitis or ileocecal syndrome for the segment of the gastrointestinal tract most affected, is a nosological entity that is difficult to diagnose and whose pathogenesis is not fully known to date. Initially described in pediatric patients with leukemic diseases, it has been gradually reported in adults with hematological malignancies and non-hematological conditions, such as leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, aplastic anemia, and also myelodysplastic syndromes, as well as being associated with other immunosuppressive causes such as AIDS treatment, therapy for solid tumors, and organ transplantation. Therefore, it is associated with high mortality due to the rapid evolution in worse clinical pictures: Rapid progression to ischemia, necrosis, hemorrhage, perforation, multisystem organ failure, and sepsis. Case report: A case report is included to exemplify the clinical profile of patients with NE who develop sepsis. Literature Review: To identify a specific profile of subjects affected by neutropenic enterocolitis and the entity of the clinical condition most frequently associated with septic evolution, a systematic review of the literature was conducted. The inclusion criteria were as follows: English language, full-text availability, human subjects, and adult subjects. Finally, the papers were selected after the evaluation of the title and abstract to evaluate their congruity with the subject of this manuscript. Following these procedures, 19 eligible empirical studies were included in the present review. Conclusions: Despite the recent interest and the growing number of publications targeting sepsis and intending to identify biomarkers useful for its diagnosis, prognosis, and for the understanding of its pathogenesis, and especially for multi-organ dysfunction, and despite the extensive research period of the literature review, the number of publications on the topic “neutropenic enterocolitis and sepsis” appears to be very small. In any case, the extrapolated data allowed us to conclude that the integration of medical history, clinical and laboratory data, radiological imaging, and macroscopic and histological investigations can allow us to identify a specific pathological profile

    Mistrial or Misdiagnosis: The Importance of Autopsy and Histopathological Examination in Cases of Sudden Infant Bronchiolitis-Related Death

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    Pediatrics, among all the branches of medicine, is a sector not particularly affected by a high number of claims. Nevertheless, the economic value of the compensation is significantly high, for example, in cases of children who suffered multiple disabilities following perinatal lesions with a long life expectancy. In Italy, most of the claims for compensation concern surgical pathologies and infections. Among these latter, the dominant role is taken by respiratory tract infections. In this context, the purpose of this manuscript is to present a case series of infant deaths in different emergency-related facilities (ambulances, emergency rooms) denounced by relatives. Following these complaints, the autopsy was performed, and subsequent histological examinations revealed the presence of typical and pathognomonic histological findings of acute viral bronchiolitis, whose morphological appearance is poorly reported in the literature. The analysis of these cases made it possible to highlight the following conclusions: the main problems in diagnosing sudden death causes, especially in childhood, are the rapidity of death and the scarce correlation between the preexistent diseases and of the cause of death itself. For all these reasons, the autopsy, either clinical or medicolegal, is mandatory in cases of sudden unexpected infant death to manage claim requests because only the histological examinations performed on samples collected during the autopsy can reveal the real cause of death

    Dietary habits and psychological states during covid-19 home isolation in italian college students: The role of physical exercise

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    Social isolation has adverse effects on mental health, physical exercise, and dietary habits. This longitudinal observational study aimed to investigate the effects of mood states and exercise on nutritional choices, on 176 college students (92 males, 84 females; 23 ± 4 years old) during the COVID-19 lockdown. During 21 days, nutrition and exercise were daily monitored, and the mood states assessed. A factor analysis was used to reduce the number of nutritional variables collected. The relationships between exercise, mood and nutrition were investigated using a multivariate general linear model and a mediation model. Seven factors were found, reflecting different nutritional choices. Exercise was positively associated with fruit, vegetables and fish consumption (p = 0.004). Depression and quality of life were, directly and inversely, associated with cereals, legumes (p = 0.005; p = 0.004) and low-fat meat intake (p = 0.040; p = 0.004). Exercise mediated the effect of mood states on fruit, vegetables and fish consumption, respectively, accounting for 4.2% and 1.8% of the total variance. Poorer mood states possibly led to unhealthy dietary habits, which can themselves be linked to negative mood levels. Exercise led to healthier nutritional choices, and mediating the effects of mood states, it might represent a key measure in uncommon situations, such as home-confinement

    A brief anatomo-surgical dissection guide to human neck: results of the collaboration between the university of Palermo and the university of Malta

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    The aim of this article is to show methods for dissection of the neck. In the summer of 2017 a group of students of the University of Palermo that have already passed the exam of Human Anatomy took a 4 weeks dissection course at the University of Malta. The students were provided with a dissection kit, video recording equipment and cameras for taking pictures. They dissected the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, the muscular bundles, the muscles, the vascular and nervous bundles, the nerves, the larynx, the trachea and the esophagus. This paper presents the results of the dissection course and a small and simple guide to young students and medical doctors who want to learn the bases of neck dissection

    Hemodynamic Effects of Anthrax Toxins in the Rabbit Model and the Cardiac Pathology Induced by Lethal Toxin

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    Anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx) and edema toxin (EdTx) have been shown to alter hemodynamics in the rodent model, while LeTx primarily is reported to induce extensive tissue pathology. However, the rodent model has limitations when used for comparison to higher organisms such as humans. The rabbit model, on the other hand, has gained recognition as a useful model for studying anthrax infection and its pathophysiological effects. In this study, we assessed the hemodynamic effects of lethal toxin (LeTx) and edema toxin (EdTx) in the rabbit model using physiologically relevant amounts of the toxins. Moreover, we further examine the pathological effects of LeTx on cardiac tissue. We intravenously injected Dutch-belted rabbits with either low-dose and high-dose recombinant LeTx or a single dose of EdTx. The animals’ heart rate and mean arterial pressure were continuously monitored via telemetry until either 48 or 72 h post-challenge. Additional animals challenged with LeTx were used for cardiac troponin I (cTnI) quantitation, cardiac histopathology, and echocardiography. LeTx depressed heart rate at the lower dose and mean arterial pressure (MAP) at the higher dose. EdTx, on the other hand, temporarily intensified heart rate while lowering MAP. Both doses of LeTx caused cardiac pathology with the higher dose having a more profound effect. Lastly, left-ventricular dilation due to LeTx was not apparent at the given time-points. Our study demonstrates the hemodynamic effects of anthrax toxins, as well as the pathological effects of LeTx on the heart in the rabbit model, and it provides further evidence for the toxins’ direct impact on the heart

    In-stent thrombosis after 68 months of implantation inspite of continuous dual antiplatelet therapy: a case report

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    Lately, there has been an increased incidence of late stent thrombosis; especially following Drug eluting stent (DES) implantation. Several factors are associated with an increased risk of stent thrombosis, including the procedure itself, patient and lesion characteristics, stent design, and premature cessation of anti-platelet drugs. We present a case of late stent thrombosis (LST) following DES implantation after a period of 68 months, making it the longest reported case of LST reported in the literature, despite the use of dual anti-platelet therapy
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