63 research outputs found

    The effect of body mass index on blood pressure in adults with hypertension

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    Background: We investigated the association of body mass index (BMI) measurements in adult hypertensive patients with normal weight and overweight including obesity.Methods: This was a randomized study performed in Udaipur, India, on 200 hypertensive patients aged (32-90) years. Patients were divided according to their body weight (normal weight vs overweight and obesity) into two groups. Weight, height and BMI were measured to estimate the various categories of bodyweight.Results: We found significant relations between body weight and blood pressure. Patients with normal weight had a normal blood pressure. However, a significant increase in blood pressure was observed in patients with overweight and obesity.Conclusions: BMI is related with weight status in hypertensive overweight / obese patients. 

    Lixisenatide: a once-daily glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist

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    Lixisenatide (AVE0010) is a once-daily glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Phase II dose-finding and pharmacodynamic studies identified the 20 µg once-daily dose as having the optimum combination of efficacy, convenience and tolerability. Lixisenatide was prospectively investigated in a series of 11 multinational, randomised, controlled phase III trials (GLP-1 agonist AVE0010 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for Glycemic control and safety evaluation [Getgoal] programme) that included a direct head-to-head study with exenatide. The Getgoal programme established the efficacy and safety profile of lixisenatide 20 µg once daily across the spectrum of patients with type 2 diabetes, including patients not treated with anti-diabetic agents, those failing on oral agents and as an adjunct to basal insulin therapy. The main efficacy endpoints were met in all studies, with the baseline to endpoint reductions in HbA1c consistently ranging from 0.7% to 1.0%. In a head-to-head comparison with exenatide 10 µg twice daily, lixisenatide 20 µg once daily was non-inferior for HbA1c reduction, achieved with threefold fewer patients with symptomatic hypoglycemia events and better gastrointestinal tolerability. Three randomised trials of lixisenatide treatment added to basal insulin showed significantly improved glycemic control over placebo, with pronounced postprandial glucose reductions and good tolerability. Discontinuations for adverse events were consistently low, ranging from 2.5% to 10.4%. As the provision of individualized care moves center stage in diabetes management, lixisenatide with once-daily dosing, a single maintenance dose and fixed-dose pens offers an important treatment option for type 2 diabetes

    Need of fostering academic research for bridging the gap of “science- commerce disconnect” in ‘non-profitable’ therapy areas

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    Pharmaceutical companies share the goal of patient benefit with healthcare professionals. However, they are commercial organizations and hence, sometimes, commercial interest may take over science, resulting in “science-commercial disconnect”. This can result in innovation-deficit and financial burden on the patients. Finding new indications for existing drugs and promoting academic research in ‘non-profitable areas’ are some measures to curtail pharmaceutical innovation-deficit. Greater involvement of academicians and non-government organizations in clinical research with government support/funding will help in providing best treatment options to the patients for better outcomes.

    Comparison of Seasonal Cycles of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll, Aerosols, Winds and Sea-Surface Temperature off Somalia

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    In climate research, an important task is to characterize the relationships between Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). Here, satellite-derived data sets have been used to examine the seasonal cycle of phytoplankton (chlorophyll concentration) in the waters off Somalia, and its relationship to aerosols, winds and Sea Surface Temperature (SST). Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration, Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT), Ångström Exponent (AE), Dust Optical Thickness (DOT), SST and sea-surface wind data for a 16-year period were assembled from various sources. The data were used to explore whether there is evidence to show that dust aerosols enhance Chl-a concentration in the study area. The Cross Correlation Function (CCF) showed highest positive correlation (r2 = 0.3) in the western Arabian Sea when AOT led Chl-a by 1–2 time steps (here, 1 time step is 8 days). A 2 × 2◦ box off Somalia was selected for further investigations. The correlations of alongshore wind speed, Ekman Mass Transport (EMT) and SST with Chl-a were higher than that of AOT, for a lag of 8 days. When all four variables were considered together in a multiple linear regression, the increase in r2 associated with the AOT is only about 0.02, a consequence of covariance among AOT, SST, EMT and alongshore wind speed. The AOT data show presence of dust aerosols most frequently during the summer monsoon season (June–September). When the analyses were repeated for the dust aerosol events, the correlations were generally lower, but still significant. Again, the inclusion of DOT in the multiple linear regression increased the correlation coefficient by only 2%, indicating minor enhancement in Chl-a concentration. Interestingly, during summer monsoon season, there is a higher probability of finding more instances of positive changes in Chl-a after one time step, regardless of whether there is dust aerosol or not. On the other hand, during the winter monsoon season (November–December) and rest of the year, the probability of Chl-a enhancement is higher when dust aerosol is present than when it is absent. The phase relationship in the 8-day climatologies of Chl-a and AOT (derived from NASA’s SeaWiFS and MODIS-A ocean colour processing chain) showed that AOTled Chl-a for most of the summer monsoon season, except when Chl-a was very high, during which time, Chl-a led AOT. The phase shift in the Chl-a and AOT climatological relationship at the Chl-a peak was not observed when AOT from Aerosol Climate Change Initiative (Aerosol-CCI) was used

    Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancies complicated by fibroid

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    Background: Fibromyoma (leiomyoma) is the most common benign tumour of the uterus. Approximately 10% to 30% of women with uterine fibroids developed complications during pregnancy. The aim of the study was planned to ascertain the fetomaternal outcome in pregnancies complicated by fibroid.Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted among pregnant women with documented uterine fibroid who was admitted for any complication or delivered in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, RIMS, Imphal from September 2017 to August, 2019 in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology in collaboration with department of paediatrics, Regional institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal. Detailed clinical history and socio-demographic profile were recorded in pre-designed proforma. General physical examination and systemic examination and obstetrical examination was carried out for the participants.Results: Major proportions was in the age group of 30-39 years (73.9%). Fibroids were more frequent in primigravida (76.1%) followed by P1 (15.2%) and ≥P2 (8.7%). Out of 46 patients 43 (93.5%) delivered by CS (69.76%), NVD (25.58%) and instrumental delivery (4.65%) while 3 patients (6.5%) undergo spontaneous abortions. Most common myoma found in this study was intramural (47.8%) followed by submucous (34.8%) and subserosal (17.4%). Out of 43 deliveries most common complications found was atonic PPH (6.97%) and placenta previa (6.97%) followed by degenerations (2.32%), abruptio placentae (2.32%), malpresentations (2.32%). Out of 43 deliveries 6.9% baby born with low birth weight, IUGR (6.9%), IUFD (4.6%), NICU admission (4.65%) and early neonatal death (2.32%).Conclusions: Pregnancies with fibroids are considered as high-risk pregnancy associated with complications during the antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum period. Pregnant women with myoma can be advised for regular ANC along with TAS for early diagnosis and management of complication

    Discursos sagrados, seculares, y ecológicos: el Proyecto de Sethusamudram

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    The nature of discourse in public culture has changed significantly if not noticeably in just the past few decades. The Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project (SSCP) intended to create a commercial shipping lane between India and Sri Lanka demonstrates the nature of this change in discourse, which seems focused around the convergence of traditional news media and public commentary through the medium of the Internet which increases the reach of news as well as the speed with which that news arrives to its audience. Just two decades earlier, at a time when the Internet was very young, many of the same political parties and government agencies involved with the SSCP were also involved in the Babri Mosque controversy which culminated in the deaths of perhaps 2000 people as well as the destruction of an historical site, the mosque itself. While many factors are likely to have contributed, the SSCP controversy, in which thousands of concerned Hindus mobilized in protests, resulted in little if no injury or damage to property. This was, perhaps, due in part to the nature of the public discourse.La naturaleza del discurso en la cultura pública ha experimentado cambios notables en el transcurso de unas décadas. El análisis del proyecto Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project (SSCP) para la creación de una línea de navegación comercial entre la India y Sri Lanka muestra el efecto de este cambio en el que Internet ha sido decisivo debido a la mayor afluencia de noticias y a su rápida difusión respecto de los medios tradicionales de comunicación y de creación de opinión pública. Solo dos décadas atrás, cuando Internet iniciaba su andadura, muchos de los partidos políticos y agencias gubernamentales involucrados en el SSCP se vieron implicados en el polémico asunto de la Mezquita de Babri que culminó con la muerte de casi 2.000 personas así como con la destrucción del propio monumento. Aunque indudablemente hay que tener en cuenta otros factores, la controversia en torno al SSCP que ha seguido movilizando a miles de activistas hindúes, no ha producido daños personales ni materiales. Comportamientos tan distintos podrían explicarse, en parte, por los cambios habidos en las formas del discurso público