108 research outputs found

    La cultura dominicana cuatro veces secular

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    Joaquín Balaguer (biografía): Político, abogado y escritor dominicano que nació en Navarrete, Santiago de los Caballeros, el 1 de septiembre de 1906, y que murió en Santo Domingo el 14 de julio de 2002. Gobernó el país los períodos 1960-1962, 1966-1975 ("los doce años") y 1986-1996. Antes de eso sirvió como intelectual y funcionario a la dictadura de Trujillo, de cuyo gobierno se declaró "cortesano". En el llamado gobierno de "los doce años", su mandato fue de eminente carácter represivo. Bajo el amparo de la Guerra Fría y la lucha contra el comunismo, eliminó la flor de la intelectualidad dominicana, y con ello dejó huérfano al pueblo dominicano de muchas de sus más ilustres figuras. La política que aplicó y desarrolló se basó en la corrupción y el soborno, lo que dejó su legado en la manera contemporánea de hacer política en el país. Entre sus obras están: "Salmos paganos", "La isla al revés", "Los carpinteros", "El Cristo de la libertad", "Memorias de un cortesano en la era de Trujillo", "Misión de los intelectuales. Discursos", "Tebaida lírica", "La realidad dominicana", "Grecia eterna".Esta es la reproducción de un artículo de Joaquín Balaguer aparecido en el diario La Nación el 28 de marzo de 1946. En él se hace un esbozo de los primeros cuatro siglos de vida cultural del pueblo que tiene su origen con la llegada de Cristóbal Colón a Quisqueya. El autor sintetiza los hitos más significativos, por sus repercusiones positivas o negativas, en el ámbito de la cultura dominicana de ese gran período. Así, sitúa el máximo esplendor en el primer siglo de la colonia, época en la que Santo Domingo es el centro intelectual y político a partir del cual se emprende la aventura colonizadora en las otras tierras de América. En aquella época, la primera universidad de América, la Universidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino, contribuyó a formar y a atraer a la isla doctas eminencias de España y América, especialmente de la región caribeña. En cambio, la decadencia se da con las despoblaciones del occidente de la colonia (1605-1606) y con el consecuente mayor empobrecimiento. Esto se acentúa todavía más con la posterior cesión de la parte española a Francia (en 1795), acontecimiento que genera la emigración de "todas las familias" que constituían la flor del espíritu de la colonia. Luego del hiato cultural hispánico producido por la ocupación haitiana, reemerge la tradición cultural y educativa con nuevos bríos, particularmente a través del restablecimiento de la antigua universidad (ahora con la forma y el nombre de "Instituto Profesional"), pero sobre todo con el surgimiento de una serie de grupos literarios y culturales que promocionan el estudio de las humanidades y las ciencias en todo el territorio nacional, y esto a pesar de la desorganización política y las luchas caudillistas que vivía la república recién nacida. La Republicana, La Juventud, Los Amigos del País, Amantes de la Luz y La Progresista fueron organizaciones vitales en la efervescencia cultural de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y ejemplos de que, aún en las peores situaciones, el pueblo dominicano ha buscado siempre la forma de satisfacer su intenso deseo de educación y cultura

    Sequence and context for the Cocina cave neolithic pottery: An approach from social networks analysis

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    Cocina cave has been considered one of the main sites when explaining the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic in the Iberian Mediterranean façade. But the current review of its stratigraphy has evidenced important post-depositional disturbances affecting those layers where Neolithic pottery is present. These taphonomic problems question the usefulness of this record in any detailed approach to a potential process of acculturation of the local Mesolithic groups. Despite this negative preservation, and using decorative traits as a proxy, we have isolated two ceramic contexts with inner coherence. Over these contexts, we have developed a Bayesian approach to compare them with other well-dated regional contexts. To contextualise the obtained sequence, we decided to extend the analysis to a wide set of Neolithic known contexts from an area that covers most of the coastal Iberian Mediterranean region, from the Ebro basin in the North to the Segura basin in the South. These contexts have been organised in chronological windows, and a Social Networks Analysis (SNA) has been applied. Results confirm the insertion of Cocina in the regional Neolithic dynamics. After the first stage, with an important degree of cultural homogeneity, the analysis also outlines the existence of a cultural frontier among Neolithic groups North and South of the Xúquer basin, at least from the mid-seventh millennium cal BP

    Electronic upgrades on the second generation of an autonomous and portable cetacean auditory screening system

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    While noise is now considered a marine hazard that can directly affect cetaceans and induce a stranding, no clinical approach has yet introduced the detection of a possible hearing loss at a stranding site as a necessary practice. Here we present the second generation of an autonomous and portable auditory screening system for cetacean clinical and research purposes. This system is composed by two independent and autonomous modules that build a more versatile, lighter and interference isolated system. The improvement relies on the isolation between modules and their independency on many situations. The system is separated in two modules. The first one contains the low voltage biopotential amplification system and the acustic signal transmiter . The second module will activate only when needed for some frequencies and levels driving high voltage to the transducers thus avoiding interferences with the first module containing the low voltage amplifications system. The tool has been successfully tested for research purposes in captive dolphins and calibrated for a stranding site diagnoses operation.Peer Reviewe

    Las playas de Menorca: naturaleza y distribución

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    [spa]La costa de Menorca acoge 114 sistemas de playa que representan el 9,9% de la línea de costa de Menorca. Ubicadas en un ambiente micromareal y expuestas a oleajes que raras veces superan los 3m de altura significante, la mayoría de las playas menorquinas se caracterizan por presentar arenas biogénicas de medias a gruesas, estando su distribución y naturaleza condicionadas, principalmente, por el contexto morfoestructural de la isla. Tanto en lo tocante a la configuración fisiográfica de las playas y su espacio de acomodación como a la naturaleza y tipología del sedimento. En general, la tasa de evolución media de las playas de Menorca no presenta grandes problemas y se caracteriza por la estabilidad, una estabilidad reforzada por el carácter protegido o semi-protegido de las ensenadas que acogen a las playas o porque las playas más expuestas coinciden las acumulaciones de cantos y bloques al pie de acantilados[eng]The Menorcan coast contains 114 beach systems, which occupy 9,9% of the coastline. Menorcan beaches are characterized by a microtidal and a moderate wave energy environment where, at annual scale, in few occasions significant wave heights attend values larger than 3m. Biogenic medium to coarse sands beaches are the dominant feature, although the island morphostructure controls both: the type of beach and the sediment nature and/or texture. In average, the shoreline change rate for the island beaches shows a stability scenario reinforced by the large number of embayed and pocket beaches along the Menorcan coast. The beaches exposed to the most energetic waves tend show cobble-boulder beaches at the cliff-toe

    Serum methylation of GALNT9, UPF3A, WARS, and LDB2 as noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of colorectal cancer and advanced adenomas

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    Background Early detection has proven to be the most effective strategy to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer (CRC). Nevertheless, most current screening programs suffer from low participation rates. A blood test may improve both the adherence to screening and the selection to colonoscopy. In this study, we conducted a serum-based discovery and validation of cfDNA methylation biomarkers for CRC screening in a multicenter cohort of 433 serum samples including healthy controls, benign pathologies, advanced adenomas (AA), and CRC.Results First, we performed an epigenome-wide methylation analysis with the MethylationEPIC array using a sample pooling approach, followed by a robust prioritization of candidate biomarkers for the detection of advanced neoplasia (AN: AA and CRC). Then, candidate biomarkers were validated by pyrosequencing in independent individual cfDNA samples. We report GALNT9, UPF3A, WARS, and LDB2 as new noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of AN. The combination of GALNT9/UPF3A by logistic regression discriminated AN with 78.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity, outperforming the commonly used fecal immunochemical test and the methylated SEPT9 blood test.Conclusions Overall, this study highlights the utility of cfDNA methylation for CRC screening. Our results suggest that the combination methylated GALNT9/UPF3A has the potential to serve as a highly specific and sensitive blood-based test for screening and early detection of CRC

    Theses juridicae ad mentem Imperatoris Justiniani : quas deiparae virginis imagini de Monserrate, hujus civitatis oriolensis tutelari, patronae optimae ...

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    Cartel anunciador de la Lectura de la TesisCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2016Fecha en tít. : 1776Texto enmarcado en grab. calc.Grab. calc. de águila bicéfala:"D. Joachimus Rodriguez de Munera, Inventor. Alagarda d. et sculp. Oriolae. P.C. Tip."Grab. xil. de la Virgen de Monserrate precediendo al tít

    Fecal occult blood and calprotectin testing to prioritize primary care patients for colonoscopy referral: The advantage study

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    AbstractColonoscopy is the gold standard for colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosis and screening, but endoscopy services are usually overburdened. This study aims to investigate the usefulness of fecal hemoglobin (fHb) and calprotectin (FC) for the identification of patients with high probability of CRC who need urgent referral.MethodsIn a multicenter prospective study, we enrolled symptomatic patients referred from primary care for colonoscopy. Prior to bowel preparation, fHb and FC quantitative tests were performed. The diagnostic performance was estimated for each biomarker/combination. We built a multivariable predictive model based on logistic regression, translated to a nomogram and a risk calculator to assist clinicians in the decision‐making process.ResultsThe study included 1224 patients, of whom 69 (5.6%) had CRC. At the fHb cut‐offs of >0 and 10 μg/g, the negative predictive values for CRC were 98.8% (95% confidence interval 97.8%–99.3%) and 98.6% (95%CI 97.7%–99.1%), and the sensitivities were 85.5% (95%CI 75.0%–92.8%) and 79.7% (95%CI 68.3%–88.4%), respectively. When we added the cut‐off of 150 μg/g of FC to both fHb thresholds, the sensitivity of fecal tests improved. In the multivariate logistic regression model, the concentration of fHb was an independent predictor for CRC; age and gender were also independently associated with CRC.ConclusionsfHb and FC are useful as part of a triage tool to identify those symptomatic patients with high probability of CRC. This can be easily applied by physicians to prioritize high‐risk patients for urgent colonoscopy

    Using linkage studies combined with whole-exome sequencing to identify novel candidate genes for familial colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a complex disorder for which the majority of the underlying germline predisposition factors remain still unidentified. Here, we combined whole‐exome sequencing (WES) and linkage analysis in families with multiple relatives affected by CRC to identify candidate genes harboring rare variants with potential high‐penetrance effects. Forty‐seven affected subjects from 18 extended CRC families underwent WES. Genome‐wide linkage analysis was performed under linear and exponential models. Suggestive linkage peaks were identified on chromosomes 1q22-q24.2 (maxSNP = rs2134095; LODlinear = 2.38, LODexp = 2.196), 7q31.2-q34 (maxSNP = rs6953296; LODlinear = 2.197, LODexp = 2.149) and 10q21.2-q23.1 (maxSNP = rs1904589; LODlinear = 1.445, LODexp = 2.195). These linkage signals were replicated in 10 independent sets of random markers from each of these regions. To assess the contribution of rare variants predicted to be pathogenic, we performed a family‐based segregation test with 89 rare variants predicted to be deleterious from 78 genes under the linkage intervals. This analysis showed significant segregation of rare variants with CRC in 18 genes (weighted p‐value > 0.0028). Protein network analysis and functional evaluation were used to suggest a plausible candidate gene for germline CRC predisposition. Etiologic rare variants implicated in cancer germline predisposition may be identified by combining traditional linkage with WES data. This approach can be used with already available NGS data from families with several sequenced members to further identify candidate genes involved germline predisposition to disease. This approach resulted in one candidate gene associated with increased risk of CRC but needs evidence from further studies