359 research outputs found

    Analysis of the algorithm for evaluating the quality parameters of mobile data transmission

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a wider evaluation of the first version of the algorithm created for collecting parameters of the active mobile network at the end user premises. The article describes algorithms for software functioning and suggests possible ways of collecting data. The most important parameters of mobile data services include the speed of transferring data, delays and drop rate under different conditions and are measured conducting field tests. The paper also displays the results of the most interesting measurements and their interpretation as well as analyzes differences and advantages of the tool created from the available tools. Article in English. Mobiliojo duomenų perdavimo tinklo kokybės parametrų įvertinimui sukurto algoritmo analizė Santrauka. Platesniam įvertinimui pateikiama pagal analizuojamą algoritmą kuriama programinio įrankio versija. Įrankis skirtas mobiliojo ryšio tinklo duomenų perdavimo parametrams surinkti, panaudojant galutinio vartotojo įrangą. Darbe aprašomi kuriamos programinės priemonės veikimo algoritmai ir surenkami duomenys. Svarbiausi iš jų – duomenų perdavimo sparta, vėlinimas ir paketų praradimai. Pateikiami matavimų rezultatų pavyzdžiai ir jų interpretacijos. Analizuojami kuriamo įrankio skirtumai nuo esamų ir operatorių bei galutinių vartotojų naudojamų programų. Aprašomi papildomi parametrai, kuriais planuojama papildyti naujas programos versijas. Raktiniai žodžiai: QoS; mobilieji tinklai; duomenų perdavimo parametrai; programinė įranga

    The Laplace transform of Dirichlet L-functions

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    In the paper, a formula for the Laplace transform of the square of Dirichlet L-functions on the critical line is obtained


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    Preparation of flax raw material - retted straw - is becoming more and more problematical since the straw is prepared by way of dew-retting, because this run under the open sky and fully couldn’t be controlled, and this concludes in insufficient fibre quality. Besides of this, during the flax pulling process part of the stems is caught by the belts of the pulling combine LKV-4T and consequently is damaged (crushed). Thus fibre separation in this part of the stem usually runs more quickly and the quality of flax fibre along the stem becomes uneven. Top-part of the stem is damaged by thrashing apparatus. Furthermore, we should remember that the shape offlax stem is a cone, and dew-retting process at flax foot part takes much longer than at the top or at the strongly damaged middle part of the stem. The influence of crushing of fibre flax stems and desiccation was investigated at the Upyte Research Station of LIA in 2003. Special crushing apparatus was assembled on the flax combine LKV-4T. Desiccated with glyphosate and non-desiccated flax stems were crushed during pulling. The quality of fibre after stem crushing was higher

    Method for the measurement of the stratification of concentrated suspensions

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    A simple, fast and precise method for evaluation of precipitate formation kinetics and its amount in concentrated suspensions that are stored in closed containers after production has been developed. The method is based on the measurement of the mechanical pendulum period change over time. The principles of the development of this method are presented: theoretical fundamentals of measurement using this method have been analyzed; it was proved that the swing period and amplitude change rate are informative pendulum parameters; a pendulum variant was determined experimentally that allows to avoid the error introduced by the movement of suspension inside the container and reduces the requirements for the container mass uniformity; it was determined that in order to reduce the error it is appropriate to start the period duration measurement from the 5 period from the beginning of the swing; the dependence of the swing period on the mass of the precipitate was evaluated experimentall


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    Straipsnyje analizuojami vyraujantys finansų rinkos priežiūros modeliai ir teisinio reguliavimo kaitos tendencijos istoriniu, teoriniu ir taikomuoju požiūriu, tam tikrų valstybių patirtis pasirenkant priežiūros modelį ir siekiama atskleisti centrinio banko vaidmens kaitą finansų rinkos priežiūros srityje. This article analysis regulation of the prevailing financial market supervision models and trends in the historical, theoretical and practical aspects, experience of different countries when choosing supervision model, as well as changing role of central bank in the financial market supervision

    Statybinių kompozitų su pluoštinių kanapių spaliais tyrimai

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjama ekologiškų kompozitų, kuriuose kaip užpildai naudojami pluoštinių kanapių (Canabis Sativa L) spaliai (PKS), savybės. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra pluoštinių kanapių spaliai, rišikliai tokie kaip cementas, molis, kalkės, krakmolas, sapropelis, taip pat kompozito, susidedančio iš PKS ir minėtųjų rišiklių savybės. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas sukurti formavimo mišinio sudėtį bei technologiją ekologiškam daugiafunkciniam kompozitui. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatūros apžvalgai. Jame pateikta bendra informacija apie kompozitus, pluoštinių kanapių perdirbimo, panaudojimo galimybių analizė. Šiame skyriuje pateikta bendra informacija apie pluoštinę kanapę, jos panaudojimas pramonėje, konkrečiai statybos sektoriuje, apžvelgtos jos savybės. Apžvelgta literatūra susijusi su tyrimams naudotais rišikliais, detaliau išanalizuota cementinis rišiklis, bei procesai vykstantys jo rišimosi metu. Šiame skyriuje išanalizuotos kompozitų, kuriuose kaip užpildas naudoti pluoštinių kanapių spaliai, savybės. Skyriaus pabaigoje pateiktos literatūrinės apžvalgos išvados ir disertacijos uždaviniai Antrajame skyriuje aprašytos tyrimams naudotos medžiagos, pateiktos pagrindinės jų charakteristikos. Taip pat aprašyti taikyti tyrimų metodai ir naudota įranga. Trečiajame skyriuje pateikta pluoštinių kanapių spalių (PKS) užpildo savybių tyrimų rezultatai bei struktūros analizė. Ištirtas kompozitas su sapropelio rišikliu, nustatyta rišiklio kiekio, užpildo granuliometrijos, technologinių parametrų, tokių kaip formavimo mišinio apspaudimo lygis, priedų (armuojančiojo priedo bei hidrofobizuojančiojo priedo) poveikis kompozito fizikinėms bei mechaninėms savybėms bei ištirta kompozito mikro struktūra. Ištirtos kompozito su cementiniu rišikliu fizikinės mechaninės savybės bei struktūra, parinkti racionalūs mineralizuojančiojo bei plastifikuojančiojo priedų kiekiai, atlikti rentgentografiniai tyrimai. Disertacijos tema paskelbti 5 straipsniai: vienas Thomson Reuters Web of Science duomenų bazėje bei turintis cituojamumo rodiklį, du – straipsnių rinkiniuose, įtrauktuose į Thomson Reuters duomenų bazę, vienas – recenzuojamoje tarptautinės konferencijos medžiagoje bei vienas – respublikinės konferencijos medžiagoje. Disertacijos tema perskaityti 8 pranešimai Lietu-vos bei kitų šalių konferencijose

    Mokyklų tobulinimo išorės audito vertinimas: mokytojų nuomonės tyrimas

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    External Audit of School Managemcnt anei Educational Proceeding Improvement (ASMEPI) is a new method of education quality management. The method has been taken from Scotland and was applied in 2004-2005 for first time in Lithuanian educational system. The main empirical research question is how do teachers, who have been participated in ASMEPI, value the ASMEPI process as the instrumentality for improving secondary school. The focus group method has been applied in the research. Teachers of eight Lithuanian secondary schools were the subjects of the research. Procedures of data collecting have been started in a few days after the audit was finished. Results of the research show the structure and the expression of teachers' estimation about ASMEPI in different schools. The proposition categories have been segregated applying deeper data analytical procedures. The categories show the participated teachers' positive and negative experiences, the ASMEPI advantages and failings also. Teachers' favourable perceptions about ASMEPI create assumptions: a) to implant the external audit into the education system as a modern concept of school evaluation; b) to change the conflict practice between estimators and those who are being evaluated developing the dialog type relationship in Lithuanian educational system, e) to strengthen teachers' internal motivation to raise their qualification, d) to improve school proceeding.Mokyklų tobulinimo išorės auditas – naujas iš Vakarų perimtas švietimo kokybės valdymo būdas, 2004-2005 metais pirmą kartą taikytas Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje. Straipsnyje pristatomas empirinis tyrimas, kuriuo buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip pilotiniame mokyklų tobulinimo išorės audite dalyvavusių mokyklų mokytojai vertina mokyklų tobulinimo išorės audito procedūras. Tyrimas, taikant Focus grupės metodą, apėmė aštuonias Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia mokytojų nuomonių apie mokyklų tobulinimo išorės auditą struktūrą ir raišką atskirose mokyklose

    CEP-stable Tunable THz-Emission Originating from Laser-Waveform-Controlled Sub-Cycle Plasma-Electron Bursts

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    We study THz-emission from a plasma driven by an incommensurate-frequency two-colour laser field. A semi-classical transient electron current model is derived from a fully quantum-mechanical description of the emission process in terms of sub-cycle field-ionization followed by continuum-continuum electron transitions. For the experiment, a CEP-locked laser and a near-degenerate optical parametric amplifier are used to produce two-colour pulses that consist of the fundamental and its near-half frequency. By choosing two incommensurate frequencies, the frequency of the CEP-stable THz-emission can be continuously tuned into the mid-IR range. This measured frequency dependence of the THz-emission is found to be consistent with the semi-classical transient electron current model, similar to the Brunel mechanism of harmonic generation

    Optimisation of Quantum Trajectories Driven by Strong-field Waveforms

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    Quasi-free field-driven electron trajectories are a key element of strong-field dynamics. Upon recollision with the parent ion, the energy transferred from the field to the electron may be released as attosecond duration XUV emission in the process of high harmonic generation (HHG). The conventional sinusoidal driver fields set limitations on the maximum value of this energy transfer, and it has been predicted that this limit can be significantly exceeded by an appropriately ramped-up cycleshape. Here, we present an experimental realization of such cycle-shaped waveforms and demonstrate control of the HHG process on the single-atom quantum level via attosecond steering of the electron trajectories. With our optimized optical cycles, we boost the field-ionization launching the electron trajectories, increase the subsequent field-to-electron energy transfer, and reduce the trajectory duration. We demonstrate, in realistic experimental conditions, two orders of magnitude enhancement of the generated XUV flux together with an increased spectral cutoff. This application, which is only one example of what can be achieved with cycle-shaped high-field light-waves, has farreaching implications for attosecond spectroscopy and molecular self-probing

    Determining the EUR/USD exchange rate with U.S. and German government bond yields in the post-crisis period

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    This research shows how U.S. and German government bond yields can determine the EUR/USD exchange rate in the short run. After presenting the discussion on fundamental, technical and microstructure approach exchange rate determination models, a conclusion is made that out of the components of fundamental models the interest rates could be the best determinants for explaining exchange rate fluctuations in the short term. For the research the mostly traded currency pair, the EUR/USD, was chosen and 2-year, 10-year U.S. and German government bond yields were selected as determinants of the exchange rate. After performing the linear regression procedure it has shown that the model can determine 5 per cent of the daily EUR/USD fluctuations with a change in 2-year U.S. government debt yield being the greatest determinant in the model. It affects the exchange rate as it is stated in the uncovered interest rate parity model – when the yield increases, the USD declines against the euro and vice versa. Another finding is that an increase in the German 10-year government bond yield increases the price of the euro and the increase in the U.S. 10-year debt yield leads to an appreciation of the USD