44 research outputs found

    Diatom composition of the rheoplankton in a rhithral river system

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    Diatom composition of the rheoplankton (phytoplankton) in the Sajó- Hernád river system (Slovakia and Hungary) was studied. Forty two sample sites were designated on the watershed from source to mouth of the two rivers and their tributaries. Samples were taken in July 2012. Altogether, 258 diatom taxa were identified. The microflora was dominated by tychoplanktonic elements. According to the relative abundance of the occurring taxa, four groups could be distinguished. Differentiation of these groups was confirmed by differences in the habitat characteristics, viz. altitude, width of watercourse, macrophyte coverage and river bed material. Diversity of diatom taxa in the phytoplankton was also studied. A positive relationship was found between the macrophyte coverage and the Simpson and the Shannon indices. In contrast, a negative relationship was shown between the macrophyte coverage and Berger-Parker diversity, in which metric the role of the dominant taxa is emphasized. Although the phytoplankton in rhithral rivers is influenced by stochastic events, our results reveal that geographical and hydromorphological characteristics of the rivers and coverage of macrophytes can also play role in shaping the composition and diversity of the phytoplankton

    Functional Traits Drive Dispersal Interactions Between European Waterfowl and Seeds

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    Endozoochory by waterfowl is important for a broad range of angiosperms, most of which lack a fleshy fruit. This dispersal function contributes to the formation and maintenance of plant communities and may allow range shifts for plant species under global change. However, our current understanding of what seed or plant traits are important for this dispersal mechanism, and how they relate to variation in waterbird traits, is extremely limited. We addressed this question using a unique dataset identifying the plant species whose seeds are ingested by 31 different waterfowl species in Europe. We used RLQ and fourth-corner analyses to explore relationships between (1) bird morphological and foraging strategy traits, and (2) plant traits related to seed morphology, environmental preferences, and growth form. We then used Generalized Additive Models to identify relationships between plant/seed traits and the number of waterfowl species that disperse them. Although many waterfowl feed intentionally on seeds, available seed trait data provided little explanation for patterns compared to plant traits such as Ellenberg indicators of habitat preference and life form. Geese were associated with terrestrial plants, ingesting seeds as they graze on land. Diving ducks were associated with strictly aquatic plants, ingesting seeds as they feed at greater depths. Dabbling ducks ingest seeds from plants with high light and temperature requirements, especially shoreline and ruderal species growing in or around the dynamic and shallow microhabitats favored by these birds. Overall, the number of waterfowl vector species (up to 13 per plant species) increases for plants with greater soil moisture requirements and salinity tolerance, reflecting the inclination of most waterfowl species to feed in coastal wetlands. Our findings underline the importance of waterfowl dispersal for plants that are not strictly aquatic, as well as for plants associated with high salinities. Furthermore, our results reveal a soil moisture gradient that drives seed-bird interactions, in line with differences between waterfowl groups in their microhabitat preferences along the land-water continuum. This study provides an important advance in our understanding of the interactions that define plant dispersal in wetlands and their surroundings, and of what plants might be affected by ongoing changes in the distributions of waterfowl species

    Puntos de inflexión en los gradientes de composición de las comunidades de plantas acuáticas de diferentes continentes

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    Unravelling patterns and mechanisms of biogeographical transitions is crucial if we are to understand compositional gradients at large spatial extents, but no studies have thus far examined breakpoints in community composition of freshwater plants across continents. Using a dataset of almost 500 observations of lake plant community composition from six continents, we examined, for the first time, if such breakpoints in geographical space exist for freshwater plants and how well a suite of ecological factors (including climatic and local environmental variables) can explain transitions in community composition from the subtropics to the poles. Our combination of multivariate regression tree (MRT) analysis and k-means partitioning suggests that the most abrupt breakpoint exists between temperate to boreal regions on the one hand and freshwater plant communities harbouring mainly subtropical or Mediterranean assemblages on the other. The spatially structured variation in current climatic conditions is the most likely candidate for controlling these latitudinal patterns, although one cannot rule out joint effects of eco-evolutionary constraints in the harsher high-latitude environments and post-glacial migration lags after Pleistocene Ice Ages. Overall, our study supports the foundations of global regionalisation for freshwater plants and anticipates further biogeographical research on freshwater plant communities once datasets have been harmonised for conducting large-scale spatial analyses.publishedVersio

    World distribution, diversity and endemism of aquatic macrophytes

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    To test the hitherto generally-accepted hypothesis that most aquatic macrophytes have broad world distributions, we investigated the global distribution, diversity and endemism patterns of 3457 macrophyte species that occur in permanent, temporary or ephemeral inland freshwater and brackish waterbodies worldwide. At a resolution of 10 × 10° latitude x longitude, most macrophyte species were found to have narrow global distributions: 78% have ranges (measured using an approach broadly following the IUCN-defined concept “extent of occurrence”) that individually occupy <10% of the world area present within the six global ecozones which primarily provide habitat for macrophytes. We found evidence of non-linear relationships between latitude and macrophyte α- and γ-diversity, with diversity highest in sub-tropical to low tropical latitudes, declining slightly towards the Equator, and also declining strongly towards higher latitudes. Landscape aridity and, to a lesser extent, altitude and land area present per gridcell also influence macrophyte diversity and species assemblage worldwide. The Neotropics and Orient have the richest ecozone species-pools for macrophytes, depending on γ-diversity metric used. The region around Brasilia/Goiás (Brazil: gridcell 10–20 °S; 40–50 °W) is the richest global hotspot for macrophyte α-diversity (total species α-diversity, ST: 625 species/gridcell, 350 of them Neotropical endemics). In contrast, the Sahara/Arabian Deserts, and some Arctic areas, have the lowest macrophyte α-diversity (ST <20 species/gridcell). At ecozone scale, macrophyte species endemism is pronounced, though with a>5-fold difference between the most species-rich (Neotropics) and species-poor (Palaearctic) ecozones. Our findings strongly support the assertion that small-ranged species constitute most of Earth’s species diversity

    Puntos de inflexión en los gradientes de composición de las comunidades de plantas acuáticas de diferentes continentes

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    Sección: SIBECOL-AIL Meeting in Aveiro-2022[EN] Unravelling patterns and mechanisms of biogeographical transitions is crucial if we are to understand compositional gradients at large spatial extents, but no studies have thus far examined breakpoints in community composition of freshwater plants across continents. Using a dataset of almost 500 observations of lake plant community composition from six continents, we examined, for the first time, if such breakpoints in geographical space exist for freshwater plants and how well a suite of ecological factors (including climatic and local environmental variables) can explain transitions in community composition from the subtropics to the poles. Our combination of multivariate regression tree (MRT) analysis and k-means partitioning suggests that the most abrupt breakpoint exists between temperate to boreal regions on the one hand and freshwater plant communities harbouring mainly subtropical or Mediterranean assemblages on the other. The spatially structured variation in current climatic conditions is the most likely candidate for controlling these latitudinal patterns, although one cannot rule out joint effects of eco-evolutionary constraints in the harsher high-latitude environments and post-glacial migration lags after Pleistocene Ice Ages. Overall, our study supports the foundations of global regionalisation for freshwater plants and anticipates further biogeographical research on freshwater plant communities once datasets have been harmonised for conducting large-scale spatial analyses[ES] Desentrañar los patrones y mecanismos que subyacen a las transiciones biogeográficas es un requisito fundamental a la hora de comprender los gradientes de composición de las comunidades ecológicas a grandes extensiones espaciales, si bien ningún estudio ha examinado explícitamente estos puntos de inflexión para comunidades de plantas acuáticas de diferentes continentes. Utilizando una completa base de datos que condensa un total de casi 500 observaciones individuales sobre las comunidades florísticas lacustres de seis continentes, este trabajo pretende delinear las transiciones biogeográficas en plantas acuáticas a escala global, así como valorar el papel que desempeñan diversos mecanismos ecológicos (a saber, las condiciones climáticas y las características locales del hábitat) sobre estos puntos de inflexión en el espacio geográfico comprendido entre las latitudes subtropicales y los polos. Nuestros resultados obtenidos mediante la ejecución simultánea de árboles de regresión multivariante (MRT) y algoritmos de agrupación por k-medias demuestran la existencia de un punto de inflexión entre las regiones templadas y boreales y los lagos localizados en las bandas subtropicales y en las inmediaciones del Mediterráneo. La estructura espacial que subyace a la distribución de los condicionantes climáticos en nuestro planeta parece ser el principal mecanismo de control de dichas transiciones biogeográficas, si bien estos patrones latitudinales también podrían explicarse en base a constricciones eco-evolutivas en las regiones más septentrionales y a la colonización diferencial de los territorios norteños antaño cubiertos por el hielo durante el Último Máximo Glacial. En síntesis, nuestro estudio proporciona una base teórica preliminar para futuras investigaciones encaminadas a delimitar las unidades geográficas de los principales componentes de la flora acuática contemporánea y también anticipa un creciente interés por los estudios de carácter fitogeográfico en las aguas continentales, si bien los análisis venideros deberán prestar especial atención a la armonización de datos biológicos potencialmente heterogéneos en naturaleza y con orígenes disparesSIJGG was funded by the European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR (grant no. AG325). Academy of Finland supported JH, JGG (grant no. 331957), and JA (grant no. 322652). CFL appreciates financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (grant no. CL2017- 84176R). BAL was supported by National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (grant no. NKFIH, OTKA FK127939) and by the Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. SK was supportedby NWO Vidi (grant no. 203098). LR was funded by MESRSI (Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation of Morocco) as part of the BiodivRestore Program (RESPOND Project) and by the Tour du Valat Foundation. Sampling of the Brazilian coastal lakes was financed by NWO (grant no. W84-549), the National Geographic Society (grant no. 7864-5), and CNPq (grants no. 480122, 490409, 311427

    Rationally Designed Foldameric Adjuvants Enhance Antibiotic Efficacy via Promoting Membrane Hyperpolarization

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    The negative membrane potential of bacterial cells influences crucial cellular processes. Inspired by the molecular scaffold of the antimicrobial peptide PGLa, we have developed antimicrobial foldamers with a computer-guided design strategy. The novel PGLa analogues induce sustained membrane hyperpolarization. When co-administered as an adjuvant, the resulting compounds – PGLb1 and PGLb2 – have substantially reduced the level of antibiotic resistance of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Shigella flexneri clinical isolates. The observed antibiotic potentiation was mediated by hyperpolarization of the bacterial membrane caused by the alteration of cellular ion transport. Specifically, PGLb1 and PGLb2 are selective ionophores that enhance the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz potential across the bacterial membrane. These findings indicate that manipulating bacterial membrane electrophysiology could be a valuable tool to overcome antimicrobial resistance