35 research outputs found

    RIO Country Report Slovak Republic 2014

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    The report offers an analysis of the R&I system in the Slovak Republic for 2014, including relevant policies and funding, with particular focus on topics critical for two EU policies: the European Research Area and the Innovation Union. The report was prepared according to a set of guidelines for collecting and analysing a range of materials, including policy documents, statistics, evaluation reports, websites etc. The report identifies the structural challenges of the Slovak research and innovation system and assesses the match between the national priorities and those challenges, highlighting the latest policy developments, their dynamics and impact in the overall national context.JRC.J.6-Innovation Systems Analysi

    I–Convergence of Arithmetical Functions

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    Let n > 1 be an integer with its canonical representation, n = p 1 α 1 p 2 α 2 ⋯ p k α k . Put H n = max α 1 … α k , h n = min α 1 … α k , ω n = k , Ω n = α 1 + ⋯ + α k , f n = ∏ d ∣ n d and f ∗ n = f n n . Many authors deal with the statistical convergence of these arithmetical functions. For instance, the notion of normal order is defined by means of statistical convergence. The statistical convergence is equivalent with I d –convergence, where I d is the ideal of all subsets of positive integers having the asymptotic density zero. In this part, we will study I –convergence of the well-known arithmetical functions, where I = I c q = A ⊂ N : ∑ a ∈ A a − q < + ∞ is an admissible ideal on N such that for q ∈ 0 1 we have I c q ⊊ I d , thus I c q –convergence is stronger than the statistical convergence ( I d –convergence)

    A metric for graphs

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    RIO Country Report 2017: Slovak Republic

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    The R&I Observatory country report 2017 provides a brief analysis of the R&I system covering the economic context, main actors, funding trends & human resources, policies to address R&I challenges, and R&I in national and regional smart specialisation strategies. Data is from Eurostat, unless otherwise referenced and is correct as at January 2018. Data used from other international sources is also correct to that date. The report provides a state-of-play and analysis of the national level R&I system and its challenges, to support the European Semester.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    (I^h)-convergence and convergence of positive series

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    In 1827 L. Olivier proved result about the speed of convergence to zero of the terms of convergent positive series with non-increasing terms so-called Olivier\u27s Theorem. T. Šalát and V. Toma made remark that the monotonicity condition in Olivier\u27s Theorem can be dropped if the convergence of the sequence (nan) is weakened by means of the notion of I-convergence for an appropriate ideal I. Results of this type are called a modified Olivier\u27s Theorem. In connection with this we will study the properties of summable ideals Ih where h: R+→R+ is a function such that Σn∈Nh(n)=+∞ and Ih={A⊊N : Σn∈Ah(n)<+∞}. We show that Ih-convergence and Ih*-convergence are equivalent. What does not valid in general. Further we also show that the modified Olivier\u27s Theorem is not valid for summable ideals Ih in generally. We find sufficient conditions for real function h: R+→R+ such that modified Olivier\u27s Theorem remains valid for ideal Ih

    Automated and Robotized Systems

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    Abstract Automated and robotized systems are widely used in industry with deployment to perform unsafe, hazardous, highly repetitive and unpleasant tasks for human. Furthermore, industrial robot, unlike human, can perform complex or mundane tasks without tiring, and they can work in hazardous conditions that would pose risks to humans. For example, robots are increasingly being used in industry to perform such tasks as material handling and welding, and there are around one million robots in use worldwide. However, robots can pose hazardous risks to humans if sufficient precautions are not provided. To avoid injury, it is necessary to find a mutual link between the behavior of the robot and possible personal injury. It is usually necessary to ensure that the robot has not exceeded the maximum safe zone, and thus it has not come into contact with man. Safe planning is an important component of the safety strategy. Safety planning and the a priori identification of potentially hazardous situations as a means of reducing potential robot-safety hazards have received less attention than control-based (reactive) techniques. So, it is necessary to manage of risk for humans working near robots involves in general very broad considerations, ranging from potential electrical and pressurized fluid hazards, pinching hands, dropping parts, etc

    The asymptotic distribution function of the 4-dimensional shifted van der Corput sequence

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    Abstract Let γq(n) be the van der Corput sequence in the base q and g(x, y, z, u) be an asymptotic distribution function of the 4-dimensional sequence In this paper we find an explicit formula for g(x, x, x, x) and then as an example we find the limit for the base q = 4, 5, 6, . . . Also we find an explicit form of sth iteration T(s)(x) of the von Neumann-Kakutani transformation defined by T(γq(n)) = γq(n + 1)


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    MSEVR is a system created for teaching of automated and robotic systems by means of new advanced teaching aids, including virtual reality. One of its constituents is also virtual laboratory that has been created as a specialized website. The presented paper acquaints with structure and performance of the virtual laboratory created by a work team at KVTaR SjF TU at Košice. It is a laboratory that is segmented to a set of independent robots for learning basics of industrial robots and Modular system for experimentation in virtual reality. The Modular system has been designed for work with bigger, easily configurable workplaces