201 research outputs found

    Novel Method for Improving the Capacity of Optical MIMO System Using MGDM

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    In current local area networks, multimode fibers (MMFs), primarily graded index (GI) MMFs, are the main types of fibers employed for data communications. Due to their enormous bandwidth, it is considered that they are the main channel medium that can offer broadband multiservices using optical multiplexing techniques. Amongst these, mode group diversity multiplexing (MGDM) has been proposed as a way to integrate various services over an MMF network by exciting different groups of modes that can be used as independent and parallel communication channels. In this paper, we study optical multiple-input–multiple-output (O-MIMO) systems using MGDM techniques while also optimizing the launching conditions of light at the fiber inputs and the spot size, radial offset, angular offset, wavelength, and the radii of the segment areas of the detectors. We propose a new approach based on the optimization of launching and detection conditions in order to increase the capacity of an O-MIMO link using the MGDM technique. We propose a (3 timestimes 3) O-MIMO system, where our simulation results show significant improvement in GI MMFs' capacity compared with existing O-MIMO systems. Optical multiple-input-multiple-output multiplexing of parallel communication multichannels over a single multimode fiber network. Optical multiple-input-multiple-output multiplexing of parallel communication multichannels over a single multimode fiber network

    An overview on the potential of geopolymers for concrete infrastructure rehabilitation

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    Infrastructure rehabilitation represents a multitrillion dollar opportunity for the construction industry. In USA alone the rehabilitation needs are estimated to exceed 1.6 trillion dollars over the next 5 years. Since the majority of the existent infrastructures are concrete based this means that concrete infrastructure rehabilitation is a hot issue to be dealt with. Besides the sooner concrete deterioration is tackled the lower are the rehabilitation costs. This paper provides a literature review on concrete repair materials, highlighting the current problems face by them. It covers concrete surface treatments, patch repair and FRP strengthening. The case of trenchless rehabilitation of concrete sewage pipelines is also discussed. The potential of geopolymers to overcome those limitations is analyzed

    Mechanical performance of geopolymeric mortars based on tunisian calcined clay, fly ash and metakaolin

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    Infrastructure rehabilitation represents a multitrillion dollar opportunity for the construction industry. Since the majority of the existent infrastructures are Portland cement concrete based this means that concrete infrastructure rehabilitation is a hot issue to be dealt with. Geopolymers are novel inorganic binders with high potential to replace Portland cement based ones. So far very few studies in the geopolymer field have addressed the rehabilitation of deteriorated concrete structures. This paper discloses results of an investigation concerning the development geopolymeric repair mortars. The mortars are based on Tunisian clay coming from Medenine region, plus calcium hydroxide, sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide. Results show that the geopolymeric mortar has a high compressive strength and a lower unrestrained shrinkage performance as long as partial replacement by metakaolin is carried out. The results also show that Tunisian calcined clay based mortars have hydration products with typical geopolymeric phases

    Shrinkage and mechanical performance of geopolymeric mortars based on calcined Tunisian clay

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    Infrastructure rehabilitation represents a multitrillion dollar opportunity for the construction industry. Since the majority of the existent infrastructures are Portland cement concrete based this means that concrete infrastructure rehabilitation is a hot issue to be dealt with. Geopolymers are novel inorganic binders with high potential to replace Portland cement based ones. Geopolymerization is a complex chemical process evolving various aluminosilicate oxides with silicates under highly alkaline conditions, yielding polymeric units, similar to those of an aluminosilicate glass. So far very few studies in the geopolymer field have addressed the rehabilitation of deteriorated concrete structures. This paper discloses some results of an investigation concerning the development geopolymeric repair mortars based on a calcined Tunisian clay. The results show that Tunisian calcined clay based mortars have hydration products with typical geopolymeric phases. Results also show that the geopolymeric mortar shows a high unrestrained shrinkage behavior and that its modulus of elasticity is below the threshold required for this repair mortars

    Shrinkage and mechanical performance of geopolymeric mortars based on calcined Tunisian clay

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    "Special Issue for International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability, Rabat, Morocco, 27-30 November 2013"Infrastructure rehabilitation represents a multitrillion dollar opportunity for the construction industry. Since the majority of the existent infrastructures are Portland cement concrete based this means that concrete infrastructure rehabilitation is a hot issue to be dealt with. Geopolymers are novel inorganic binders with high potential to replace Portland cement based ones. Geopolymerization is a complex chemical process evolving various aluminosilicate oxides with silicates under highly alkaline conditions, yielding polymeric units, similar to those of an aluminosilicate glass. So far very few studies in the geopolymer field have addressed the rehabilitation of deteriorated concrete structures. This paper discloses some results of an investigation concerning the development geopolymeric repair mortars based on a calcined Tunisian clay. The results show that Tunisian calcined clay based mortars have hydration products with typical geopolymeric phases. Results also show that the geopolymeric mortar shows a high unrestrained shrinkage behavior and that its modulus of elasticity is below the threshold required for this repair mortar

    Hypertrophy of the feet and ankles presenting in primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy or pachydermoperiostosis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Pachydermoperiostosis or primary hypertrophic osteoathropathy is a rare genetic disease with autosomal transmission. This disorder, which affects both bones and skin, is characterized by the association of dermatologic changes (pachydermia or thickening of the skin) and rheumatologic manifestations (periostosis and finger clubbing). Here, we report a new observation of pachydermoperiostosis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 20-year-old North African Tunisian Caucasian man presented with hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. On a clinical examination, we found morphologic abnormalities of his face and extremities associated with skin changes. The laboratory findings were normal. A work-up disclosed no organic etiology. The final diagnosis consisted of pachydermoperiostosis syndrome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pachydermoperiostosis is a rare entity that should be differentiated from secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and chronic rheumatic diseases.</p

    Механические характеристики геополимерных растворов на основе тунисской кальцинированной глины, золы-уноса и метакаолина

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    Infrastructure rehabilitation represents a multitrillion dollar opportunity for the construction industry. Since the majority of the existent infrastructures are Portland cement concrete based this means that concrete infrastructure rehabilitation is a hot issue to be dealt with. Geopolymers are novel inorganic binders with high potential to replace Portland cement based ones. So far very few studies in the geopolymer field have addressed the rehabilitation of deteriorated concrete structures. This paper discloses results of an investigation concerning the development geopolymeric repair mortars. The mortars are based on Tunisian clay coming from Medenine region, plus calcium hydroxide, sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide. Results show that the geopolymeric mortar has a high compressive strength and a lower unrestrained shrinkage performance as long as partial replacement by metakaolin is carried out. The results also show that Tunisian calcined clay based mortars have hydration products with typical geopolymeric phases.s a high compressive strength and a lower unrestrained shrinkage performance as long as partial replacement by metakaolin is carried out. The results also show that Tunisian calcined clay based mortars have hydration products with typical geopolymeric phases.Восстановление инфраструктуры требует много- милионных затрат. Поскольку большая часть стро- ительных объектов возведена с использованием бе- тона на основе портландцемента, ремонт именно та- ких сооружений является важнейшим направлением дальнейших исследований. Геополимеры — новые не- органические вяжущие вещества, которые с высокой долей вероятности могут стать альтернативой портланд- цементу. Немногочисленные исследования геополи- меров были посвящены возможности их использо- вания при ремонте поврежденных бетонных кон- струкций. В данной работе представлены результаты исследований по разработке ремонтных растворов на основе геополимеров. В качестве основного ком- понента была выбрана тунисская глина из области Меденин с введением в качестве затворителя гидрок- сида кальция, натриевого жидкого стекла и гидрок- сида натрия. Результаты исследования показали, что геополимерный раствор обладает высокой прочно- стью при сжатии и низким уровнем усадки в свобод- ном состоянии (далее усадка) при условии частичной замены глины метакаолином. Кроме того, получен- ные результаты показали, что в растворах на основе тунисской кальцинированной глины продукты гидрата- ции соответствуют стандартным геополимерным фазам.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produtos de hidratação em argamassas geopoliméricas à base de argila da Tunísia para reparação de estruturas de concreto

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    A reparação de estruturas degradadas de concreto representa uma oportunidade para a indústria da construção mas também um desafio para a comunidade científica. O desenvolvimento de novas argamassas de reparação constitui por isso uma importante área de investigação. Os geopolímeros são ligantes inovadores alternativos ao cimento Portland pelo que as argamassas à base destes materiais, geopolíméricas, apresentam algumas potencialidades no campo da reparação das estruturas de concreto. O presente artigo apresenta resultados de uma investigação sobre o desenvolvimento de argamassas geopoliméricas à base de uma argila da Tunísia sujeita a tratamento térmico. É incluída uma análise da argila e também dos produtos de hidratação da argamassa os quais apresentam fases geopoliméricas típicas