12,478 research outputs found

    Metabolomic systems biology of trypanosomes

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    Metabolomics analysis, which aims at the systematic identification and quantification of all metabolites in biological systems, is emerging as a powerful new tool to identify biomarkers of disease, report on cellular responses to environmental perturbation, and to identify the targets of drugs. Here we discuss recent developments in metabolomic analysis, from the perspective of trypanosome research, highlighting remaining challenges and the most promising areas for future research

    Thomson scattering in a low-pressure neon mercury positive column

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    The electron density and the electron temperature in a low-pressure neon mercury positive column are determined using Thomson scattering. Special attention has been given to the stray light reduction in the Thomson scattering setup. The results are obtained in a discharge tube with a 26 mm diam, 10 mbar of neon, a mercury pressure inbetween 0.14 and 0.85 Pa, and an electric current ranging from 100 to 400 mA. The systematic error in the electron density is 15%–45%, the statistical error is 25%–35%. The total error in the electron temperature is 15%–35%. ©2001 American Institute of Physics

    An Outlook on the Localisation and Structure-Function Relationships of R Proteins in Solanum

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    The co-evolution of plants and plant-pathogens shaped a multi-layered defence system in plants, in which Resistance proteins (R proteins) play a significant role. A fundamental understanding of the functioning of these R proteins and their position in the broader defence system of the plant is essential. Sub-project 3 of the BIOEXPLOIT programme studies how R proteins are activated upon effector recognition and how recognition is conveyed in resistance signalling pathways, using the solanaceous R proteins Rx1 (from S. tuberosum spp. andigena; conferring extreme resistance against Potato Virus X), I-2 (from S. lycopersicon; mediating resistance to Fusarium oxysporum) and Mi-1.2 (from S. lycopersicon; conferring resistance to Meloidogyne incognita) as model systems. The results obtained in this project will serve as a model for other R proteins and will be translated to potential applications or alternative strategies for disease resistance. These include the modification of the recognition specificity of R proteins with the aim to obtain broad spectrum resistance to major pathogens in potato

    30 years of hay meadow succession without fertilization: how does it affect soil and avifauna groups?

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    In the present study we investigated the effects of hay meadow succession in the brook valley system of the Drentse A Nature Reserve, in the NE of the Netherlands. In particular, we compared the plant and soil fauna composition in five grasslands that differed in the stage of vegetation succession in two well-studied chronosequences, dry and wet respectively. The sampled meadows include a control site (still fertilized meadow), a 5, 15, 25 and 32 years stage of vegetation succession after the cessation of fertilizer application. At all sites, vegetation and earthworm composition was studied in replicate subplots of 4 m2 respectively 0.04 mÂČ each. Moreover, the breeding birds have been monitored in the area over the last 28 years by mapping territories overlapping the meadows of the chronosequences. Concerning the plants we found that diversity was increasing with time of succession. In the wet meadow series the plant species richness increased from ca. 13 species per site (40 m2) to a maximum of ca. 49 species per site in the latest successional stage. In the drier parts the increase in species was less and reached an over all maximum of 27 species in the intermediate (15 years old) stage of the succession in 40 m2, but still increased to a mean of 15 species at the scale of 4 m2 plots in the oldest stage. The diversity and abundance of earthworms dropped significantly over time of succession. The species all belonged to 4 genera with Allolobophora being the most abundant. Soil pH dropped significantly during the succession even below 3.8 in the dry series. This largely explains the unfavourable conditions for the earthworms to survive in the oldest stages of the dry succession. The earthworm biomass dropped in nearly all sites below 25 g/m2 during the summer period, indicating unfavourable conditions for a suit of grassland breeding waders.The abundance of breeding birds in general was low due to the rather small area covered in this study. Anyhow we could find obvious changes in the breeding bird community. In particular waders such as Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) and Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) disappeared completely from the area and were followed up by Curlew (Numenius arquata) and Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) being currently also rare in the area. Probably due to changes in grassland vegetation (increase of amongst others Cirsium palustre) and insect abundance the Stonechat (Saxicola torquata) has entered the area as a breeding bird. The same happens to a set of bird species typical for developing carr woodlands such as Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) and Golden Oriole (Oriolus oriolus).Die vorliegende Studie thematisiert am Beispiel der FließgewĂ€sserniederung der Drentse A, einem großflĂ€chigen Schutzgebiet im Nordosten der Niederlande, die Folgen einer langjĂ€hrigen Heuwiesennutzung ohne DĂŒngung. Im Einzelnen wurde von uns die Zusammensetzung der Vegetation und Bodenfauna auf fĂŒnf GrĂŒnlandflĂ€chen untersucht, die sich in der Dauer der Ausmagerung unterschieden. Getrennt betrachtet wurden dabei die bachnahen, moorigen Niederungsbereichen und die angrenzenden sandigen Geestbereiche. Die ausgewĂ€hlten GrĂŒnlandflĂ€chen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahmen seit 5, 15, 25, und 32 Jahren gemĂ€ht aber nicht mehr gedĂŒngt worden. Eine weitere, nach wie vor konventionell bewirtschaftete WiesenflĂ€che (incl. DĂŒngung) diente als Kontrolle. Auf allen FlĂ€chen wurde die Vegetation und Regenwurmfauna in 10 Plots mit einer GrĂ¶ĂŸe von jeweils 4 mÂČ bzw. 0.04 mÂČ untersucht. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden ĂŒber 28 Jahre hinweg die Brutvögel des Gebietes mittels Revierkartierung erfasst. Die PflanzenartendiversitĂ€t hat sich mit Dauer der Ausmagerung signifikant erhöht. Sie stieg in den bachnahen Bereichen von 13 Arten in der KontrollflĂ€che (40 mÂČ) auf 49 Arten in der am lĂ€ngsten ausgemagerten GrĂŒnlandflĂ€che an. In den trockenen Geestbereichen war der Anstieg deutlich schwĂ€cher. Bezogen auf die GesamtflĂ€che von 40 mÂČ wurden die meisten Arten hier in der 15 Jahre lang ausgemagerten GrĂŒnlandflĂ€che gefunden, wĂ€hrend bei Betrachtung der 4 mÂČ großen Aufnahmepunkte die höchste Artenzahl ebenfalls in der Ă€ltesten UntersuchungsflĂ€che lag. Die DiversitĂ€t und Abundanz der RegenwĂŒrmer nahm mit Dauer der Ausmagerung ab. Die festgestellten Arten gehörten zu 4 Gattungen, wobei die Gattung Allolobophora am individuenreichsten vertreten war. Mit Dauer der Ausmagerung sank besonders im trockenen bachfernen Geestbereich der Boden-pH-Wert auf unter 3,8 ab. Die damit einhergehenden pessimalen Lebensbedingungen erklĂ€ren hinreichend die geringe DiversitĂ€t und Dichte von RegenwĂŒrmern in diesen Bereichen. An fast allen Standorten sank die Biomasse der RegenwĂŒrmer zum Sommer hin auf Werte unter 25 g/mÂČ, so dass fĂŒr viele Limikolen zu dieser Zeit pessimale ErnĂ€hrungsbedingungen bestehen. Die Zahl der Brutvogelarten war aufgrund des recht kleinen Untersuchungsgebietes insgesamt gering. Dennoch konnten auffallende VerĂ€nderungen in der Brutvogelgemeinschaft beobachtet werden. WĂ€hrend Limikolen wie Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus) und Uferschnepfe (Limosa limosa) vollstĂ€ndig aus dem Gebiet verschwanden, wanderten der Große Brachvogel und die Bekassine ein. Allerdings sind auch sie aktuell nur noch selten im Gebiet vertreten. DafĂŒr hat sich inzwischen das Schwarzkehlchen (Saxicola torquata) als Brutvogel eingestellt – möglicherweise eine Folge der sich Ă€ndernden GrĂŒnlandvegetation (hier: Zunahme von Pflanzenarten, die als Ansitzwarten fungieren können wie etwa Cirsium palustre) in Kombination mit einem verbesserten Nahrungsangebot an Makroinvertebraten. Eingewandert sind zwischenzeitlich auch eine Reihe weiterer Vogelarten, wie Pirol (Oriolus oriolus) und Kleinspecht (Dendrocopos minor), die charakteristisch fĂŒr sich entwickelnde BruchwĂ€lder sind. Letztere haben sich, meist kleinflĂ€chig, auf ehemaligen FeuchtgrĂŒnlandstandorten entwickelt

    Empirical validation of the team work engagement construct

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    This article presents an empirical validation of the construct of team work engagement. Two different samples were used to test the hypotheses. Results from convergent and discriminant validity are presented as well as confirmatory factor analysis that explores the construct’s factor structure. Results support the idea that team- and individual-level work engagement are two different, yet related, constructs. However, data do not support the factorial invariance across levels: At the team level, the 1-factor structure, and not the 3-factor one, seems to be the one that best fits the data. This is a necessary first step for future research providing a justification for further analyzing the importance of team work engagement and its relationship with other variables, namely with team effectiveness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the Null-Plane

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    In this work we will develop the canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the null-plane. This theory has second-order derivatives in the Lagrangian function and requires a closer study for the definition of the momenta and canonical Hamiltonian of the system. On the null-plane the field equations also demand a different analysis of the initial-boundary value problem and proper conditions must be chosen on the null-planes. We will show that the constraint structure, based on Dirac formalism, presents a set of second-class constraints, which are exclusive of the analysis on the null-plane, and an expected set of first-class constraints that are generators of a U(1) group of gauge transformations. An inspection on the field equations will lead us to the generalized radiation gauge on the null-plane, and Dirac Brackets will be introduced considering the problem of uniqueness of these brackets under the chosen initial-boundary condition of the theory

    Polarization-preserving confocal microscope for optical experiments in a dilution refrigerator with high magnetic field

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    We present the design and operation of a fiber-based cryogenic confocal microscope. It is designed as a compact cold-finger that fits inside the bore of a superconducting magnet, and which is a modular unit that can be easily swapped between use in a dilution refrigerator and other cryostats. We aimed at application in quantum optical experiments with electron spins in semiconductors and the design has been optimized for driving with, and detection of optical fields with well-defined polarizations. This was implemented with optical access via a polarization maintaining fiber together with Voigt geometry at the cold finger, which circumvents Faraday rotations in the optical components in high magnetic fields. Our unit is versatile for use in experiments that measure photoluminescence, reflection, or transmission, as we demonstrate with a quantum optical experiment with an ensemble of donor-bound electrons in a thin GaAs film.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
