1,276 research outputs found

    Sensory characteristics and lipid composition of white amur (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) fed different diets

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    Two fish diets, trout chow pellets (A) and alfalfa pellets (P), were evaluated as to their effects on growth, lipid level and compo-sition, fatty acid (FA) composition of polar and neutral lipids, and sensory characteristics of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). During the 6 month feeding experiment, fish fed A gained 661 g/fish compared to 358 g for fish fed P. In addition, total lipid con-tent in fish fed A increased from 1.84 to 3.72% in 4 months time, but remained approximately the same in fish fed P (P\u3c 1.0%) across feed-ing times. Three phospholipid classes: sphingomyelin (6 to 13%), lecithin (55 to 63%), and cephalin (25 to 35%) were affected by feed-ing time (P\u3c0.05). Nineteen FA were found in the phospholipids: 14:0, 16:01, 16:0, 16:1, 18:0, 18:1, 18:11, 18:2ω6, 18:3ω6, 18:3ω3, 20:1, 20:2, 20:3, 20:4ω6, 20:5ω3, 20:5ω6, 22:5uω3, 22:6ω3, and 24:1. Significant differences between diets were found in the percentages of 14 acids, and feeding time also significantly affected the levels of these acids. All of the previous FA except 16:01 plus 9 additional 16:11, 17:0, 17:1, 20:0, 22:1, 23:0, 24:0, 24:4 and an unknown, were found in the neutral lipids. Significant differences between diets were found in the percentages of 18 acids in the neutral lipids, and feeding time significantly affected the levels of 19 of the acids. Compared with fish fed P, fish fed A had higher levels of monounsatur-ated FA (MONO) and lower levels of omega-6 polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) in both neutral and polar lipids; there were higher levels of saturated FA (SAT) and omega-S PUFA in the phospholipids but lower levels of SAT and omega-3 PUFA in the neutral lipids. Compared to P, A had lower percentages of SAT (40.9 vs. 51.1), omega-6 PUFA (12.1 vs. 18.2), and omega-3 PUFA (15.8 vs. 24.7) and a higher percentage of MONO (31.0 vs. 5.3). There was no significant difference between the flavor of grass carp fed P (3.6) and that of catfish (3.7), but the panel (n = 93) scored the flavor of grass carp fed A (3.4) lower than that of catfish (P\u3c0.06). They also found no significant differences in texture among the three fish samples. Compared with catfish acceptability (3.6), grass carp fed P tended to have lower acceptability (3.4), but grass carp fed A a significantly lower acceptability (3.3). The main reason given for scoring the acceptability of grass carp lower than that of catfish was the presence of small bones in the fillets. This indicates that either grass carp must be bigger at market-size than those in this study (1585 g) or the bones must somehow be removed

    Growth and organoleptic qualities of grass carp fed experimental diets

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    The growth of two different sizes of grass carp were studied in laboratory feeding experiments. Experimental diets included trout chow, bermuda grass pellets, and sudan grass; fish were fed at three feeding rates, 2.5, 5, and 10% of body weight. The fish that were fed trout chow showed excellent growth of small and large fish at 2.5, 5, and 10%. Bermuda grass produced good growth only in large fish at the 2.5% level and better growth at 5%. Small fish lost weight when fed bermuda grass at the 5 and 10% rates. This was probably due to the smaller fish being unable to consume the large pellets. The fish fed sudan grass at 2.5% body weight also lost weight during the six-week feeding trial. Organoleptic comparisons indicated that there was a significant difference in the taste preference of grass carp fed bermuda grass and trout chow. The panelists preferred fish fed bermuda grass more than those fed trout chow. There was no significant difference in the taste preference among grass carp fed bermuda grass, trout chow, and sudan grass when compared to channel catfish

    Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Morphable Models for Representation of complex movements for Imitation Learning

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    Imitation learning is a promising technique for teaching robots complex movement sequences. One key problem in this area is the transfer of perceived movement characteristics from perception to action. For the solution of this problem, representations are required that are suitable for the analysis and the synthesis of complex action sequences. We describe the method of Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Morphable Models that allows an automatic segmentation of movements sequences into movement primitives, and a modeling of these primitives by morphing between a set of prototypical trajectories. We use HSTMMs in an imitation learning task for human writing movements. The models are learned from recorded trajectories and transferred to a human-like robot arm. Due to the generalization proper- ties of our movement representation, the arm is capable of synthesizing new writing movements with only a few learning examples

    Impact de la psychoéducation sur le taux de rechutes des patients Schizophrènes : à propos d’une étude en milieu hospitalier Algérois

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    Introduction: Relapse is not rare, and its frequency and speed of onset often originate in defective drug compliance. Facilitating compliance is therefore an important issue; this requires a special approach, centered on well-defined protocols. In recent years, programs of adherence combined with those of therapeutic education, implement services to increase the capacity of patients to support themselves. The objective of our research work was to set up a psychoeducation program with neuroleptic treatment (Lieberman's program) and to evaluate its impact on the rate of relapse at two years. Materials and methods: This is a prospective, randomized, comparative study that involved 300 man and woman patients aged 16 to 60 and older who met the DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia, recruited in hospitalization services and consultations with clinical evaluation using the PANSS scale and an evaluation adherence treatment using the MARS scale. The patients were randomized into two groups of one hundred and fifty, depending on the type of care: psychoeducational group versus control group. Surveillance parameters were statistically comparable in both inclusion groups (relapse / re-hospitalization and clinic). The results did not show any significant differences between the two groups. From our work. We propose some hypothesis about the inefficacy of the therapeutic education program on improving adherence and some recommendationsIntroduction : La rechute n’est pas rare, et sa fréquence et sa rapidité de survenue trouvent souvent leur origine dans une observance médicamenteuse défectueuse. Faciliter l’observance est donc un enjeu important ; cela nécessite une approche particulière, centrée sur des protocoles bien définis. Depuis quelques années, des programmes d’observance alliés à ceux d’éducation thérapeutique, mettent en œuvre des prestations visant à accroitre les capacités des patients à se prendre en charge. L’objectif de notre travail de recherche, a été de mettre en place un programme de psychoéducation au traitement neuroleptique (programme de Lieberman) et d’évaluer son impact sur le taux de rechutes à deux ans. Matériels et méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude prospective comparative randomisée, qui a concerné 300 patients des deux sexes âgés entre 16 et 60 et plus répondants aux critères de DSM-5 de schizophrénie, recrutés au sein des services d’hospitalisation et des consultations avec une évaluation clinique à l’aide de l’échelle PANSS et l’évaluation de l’observance au traitement au moyen de l’échelle MARS. Les patients été randomisés en deux groupes de cent cinquante, selon le type de prise en charge : groupe psychoéducatif versus groupe témoin. Les paramètres de surveillances étaient statistiquement comparables dans les deux groupes à l’inclusion (rechute / ré-hospitalisation et clinique). Les résultats n’ont pas montré de différences significatives entre les deux groupes. De notre travail. Nous proposons quelques hypothèses quant à l’inefficacité du programme d’éducation thérapeutique sur l’amélioration de l’observance et ainsi que certaines recommandation

    Comparative Analysis of Statistical Model Checking Tools

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    Statistical model checking is a powerful and flexible approach for formal verification of computational models like P systems, which can have very large search spaces. Various statistical model checking tools have been developed, but choosing between them and using the most appropriate one requires a significant degree of experience, not only because different tools have different modelling and property specification languages, but also because they may be designed to support only a certain subset of property types. Furthermore, their performance can vary depending on the property types and membrane systems being verified. In this paper we evaluate the performance of various common statistical model checkers against a pool of biological models. Our aim is to help users select the most suitable SMC tools from among the available options, by comparing their modelling and property specification languages, capabilities and performances


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    This article is aimed to introduce the possible implementation of laboratory training in order to reduce a dicotomic based learning in Islamic education. Laboratory training assumes that first-hand experience in observation and manipulation of the materials of science is superior to other methods of developing understanding and appreciation. Laboratory training is also frequently used to develop skills necessary for advanced study and research. During the binarary opposition between West and East, between Islam and non-Islam, the educational institution needs a empircal ground of laboratory training as useful ways to provide the learners and educators attitudes and practical experiments to understand the possible effects of that dicotomy. This study further argues that laboratory training is to make sure that students are encouraged to have religious humanism as a philosophical basic of the Islamic teaching

    Multivariate Regression with Stiefel Constraints

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    We introduce a new framework for regression between multi-dimensional spaces. Standard methods for solving this problem typically reduce the problem to one-dimensional regression by choosing features in the input and/or output spaces. These methods, which include PLS (partial least squares), KDE (kernel dependency estimation), and PCR (principal component regression), select features based on different a-priori judgments as to their relevance. Moreover, loss function and constraints are chosen not primarily on statistical grounds, but to simplify the resulting optimisation. By contrast, in our approach the feature construction and the regression estimation are performed jointly, directly minimizing a loss function that we specify, subject to a rank constraint. A major advantage of this approach is that the loss is no longer chosen according to the algorithmic requirements, but can be tailored to the characteristics of the task at hand; the features will then be optimal with respect to this objective. Our approach also allows for the possibility of using a regularizer in the optimization. Finally, by processing the observations sequentially, our algorithm is able to work on large scale problems

    Menelusuri Sekularisme dalam Konteks Keberagamaan

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    Gerakan sekularisme seringkali dianggap sebagai bentuk kemodernan bagi suatu komunitas tertentu, yang ditandai dengan rasionalitas sebagai identitasnya. Pun demikian, tidak dapat dipungkiri keberadaan gerakan sekularisme telah mempengaruhi konsep dan perilaku keagamaan masyarakat. Karena modernisme yang menjadi bungkus sekularisme telah menjelma menjadi sytle, metode, maupun ekspresi-ekspresi lainnya bagi masyarakat. Sekularisme yang lahir di Barat seakan memberi informasi kepada bangsa Timur yang notabene dianggap sebagai masyarakat tertinggal dan berlumur kemiskinan, bahwa jika ingin maju dan terdidik, maka kunci utamanya adalah menjadi masyarakat modern

    Fouling and boring organisms that deteriorate various European and tropical woods at Turkish seas

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    This study aims to investigate the diversity of fouling and boring organisms damaging wood material at Turkish coasts. Trials were carried out at six harbour sites throughout the seas surrounding Turkey.Various Euopean and tropical wood samples were hanged down at a depth of six meters in the sea for a period of one year. Identification of the organisms obtained from wood panels revealed the presence offive wood borer and 26 fouling species. skenderun harbour had the highest boring organism diversity (five species) and it was followed by Trabzon and Finike harbours (three species) and Bandirma, Eregli and Alacati harbours (two species). The two molluscan boring species, Teredo navalis and Lyrodus pedicellatus were observed at all harbour sites, but Nototeredo norvegica was at Trabzon and skenderun harbours only. Bankia carinata was obtained only at skenderun harbour and the crustacean wood borer Limnoria tripunctata was found at Finike and skenderun harbours. All native tree species, except for the olive, were significantly damaged by fouling and boring organisms
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