2,853 research outputs found

    Sketch of Big Data Real-Time Analytics Model

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    Big Data has drawn huge attention from researchers in information sciences, decision makers in governments and enterprises. However, there is a lot of potential and highly useful value hidden in the huge volume of data. Data is the new oil, but unlike oil data can be refined further to create even more value. Therefore, a new scientific paradigm is born as data-intensive scientific discovery, also known as Big Data. The growth volume of real-time data requires new techniques and technologies to discover insight value. In this paper we introduce the Big Data real-time analytics model as a new technique. We discuss and compare several Big Data technologies for real-time processing along with various challenges and issues in adapting Big Data. Real-time Big Data analysis based on cloud computing approach is our future research direction


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    Pendidikan dan manusia merupakan dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan. Manusia merupakan unsur penting dalam pendidikan dan pendidikan pada dasarnya adalah usaha untuk memanusiakan manusia. Secara umum memanusiakan manusia berarti menjadikan manusia tersebut lebih berkualitas, meskipun upaya peningkatan kualitas itu sendiri tidak akan pernah selesai. Pendidikan dituntut untuk secara cerdas memerankan dirinya dalam memberikan layanan kepada masyarakat. Pada satu sisi, pendidikan harus berpijak pada kondisi lokal dan pada sisi lain pendidikan harus tetap mengupayakan relevansi dan kompatibilitasnya dengan lingkungan nasional, internasional, bahkan global


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    The process of determining the smoking ban fatwa published by Muhammadiyah uses a method based on a linguistic approach. This legal fatwa reaps pros and cons in society. There are those who think it is not wise because smoking is related to the lives of many people and is the biggest source of income for the country. There are those who think smoking causes danger and threatens the existence of life. This study aims to explain how the implementation of the Bayani method used by Muhammadiyah in determining smoking law fatwas?. Explain how the factors that led Muhammadiyah to use the bâyanÎ method?. Explain how the implications of using the baby method in avoiding the dangers and threats of smoking?. This research is qualitative descriptive by using documents as data containing epistemological values, functions, conditions and social relationships with the fatwa of the smoking law. The results of this study indicate, first, that the bayânÎ method used by Muhammadiyah is not limited to the approach of linguistic principles, but also considers scientific facts and social facts found and reported by experts. Second, the use of the bayânÎ method is due to the factors of demand and compliance with the articles of association and manhaj tarjih in responding to the phenomena of dangers and threats posed by cigarettes. Third, the use of the bayânÎ method has implications in preventing the public from the threats and dangers posed by smoking because it is expressly prohibited by syar


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    Leaders who carry out their leadership to make the institutions they lead more successful and advanced must master and develop various leadership skills, especially interpersonal skills, trust-building skills, and decision-making skills. The results of the research analysis show interpersonal skills as skills to be able to understand and communicate with others, see differences in expression, empathy, encouragement, concern, help, support, benevolence, sensitivity, skills, temperament, motivation and ability to form and maintain relationships and know various roles contained in an institution, both as a member and leader of the group. Meanwhile, skills build trust by increasing communication, commitment, information sharing, and loyalty among team members and within institutions/institutions. Then decision-making skills by identifying problems, filtering various information, identifying decision criteria, formulating weights on each decision criteria, developing decision alternatives, analyze decision alternatives, choose decision alternatives, implement decision alternatives, and evaluate decision alternatives

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Monolog Role Playing for Discussion Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Terhadap Mata Pelajaran IPS Di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Tolitoli

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    Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Monolog Role Playing for Discussion dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran IPS. Salah satu faktor penting pemakaian model pembelajaran ini karena pada kompetensi dasar tentang masalah perpajakan perlu mendapat penekanan tertentu. Hal ini diperlukan karena apresiasi siswa SMP Negeri 2 Tolitoli mengenai masalah perpajakan masih rendah. Diharapkan dengan tingkat apresiasi yang baik terhadap permasalahan perpajakan dapat menjadi bekal hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian tindakan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2015 pada kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Tolitoli, dan dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Pelaksanannya melalui tahapan: menentukan kompetensi dasar masalah perpajakan, menyusun RPP tentang perpajakan, menentukan instrumen yang akan dipakai sebagai tolok ukur pencapaian, menentukan dan melaksanakan model pembelajaran Monolog Role Playing for Discussion yang dibagi menjadi tiga tahap: pelaksanaan bermain peran dan diskusi kelompok, analisa keberhasilan dan kekurangannya dan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan model pembelajaran monolog role playing for discussion dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa kompetensi dasar perpajakan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil catatan observasi, peningkatan nilai pre tes maupun pos tes baik pada siklus kesatu maupun kedua maupun dari hasil angket siswa

    Faktor Risiko, Diagnosis, Dan Tatalaksana Dermatitis Atopik Pada Bayi Dan Anak

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    Atopic  dermatitis  is  a  specific  chronic  skin  inflammation  caused  by  immunologic  disorder.    The etiology of atopic dermatitis is still unknown; nevertheless, the disease can be caused by genetic factor and several environmental factors, such as socio-economic status, food allergen, and environmental pollution. Atopic  dermatitis  is  a  multi-factorial  disease  and  each  individual  has  a  different  trigger  factor.  Atopic dermatitis  has  various  clinical  symptoms  and  courses  of  disease  according  to  its  pathogenesis:  skin inflammation, dry skin, erithema, papule, and pruritus. The scratching of severe pruritus may cause the appearance  of  pigmentation,  erosion,  and  lichenification.  Diagnosis  of  atopic  dermatitis  is  made  by Haniffin-Rajaka  criteria,  i.e.  if  three  of  four  major  criteria  and  three  of  minor  criteria  are  found.  The management  of  atopic  dermatitis  consists  of  keeping  the  skin  moisture,  treating  the  skin  inflammation, pruritus, secondary infection, and avoiding relapse. The skin which tends to be dry is treated by bathing and  using  emollient.    Anti-inflammation,  either  steroid  or  non-steroid  is  used  for  treating  skin inflammation.  Severe  pruritus  is  treated  with  anti-histamine  administration.  Skin  infection  caused  by scratching can be overcome by administrating antibiotic and local wound care.  For prevention of relapse, the   trigger factors must be avoided, including food or inhaled allergen.   &nbsp

    Penyerapan Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia Pasar Uang Antarbank Berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah

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    Fatwa DSN-MUI belum secara utuh diserap dalam PBI meskipun mengikat bagi Bank Indonesia dalam membentuk regulasi dan operasional perbankan syariah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap secara mendalam tentang penyerapan fatwa pasar uang antarbank berdasarkan prinsip syari’ah ke dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI). Dalam konsep pembentukan regulasi perbankan syariah fatwa DSN-MUI bersifat mengikat bagi regulator, tetapi Bank Indonesia belum seluruhnya menyerap fatwa tersebut sebagai peraturan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian juridis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah fatwa DSN-MUI, PBI, tulisan dan komentar para ahli serta lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proses penyerapan fatwa oleh Bank Indonesia dibentuk KPS untuk menafsirkan, pemaknaan fatwa dan harmonisasi fatwa dengan peraturan perundang-undangan serta melakukan perubahan wujud dan fungsi dalam format dan formulasi hukum nasional. Hasil kerja KPS diserahkan pada Bank Indonesia untuk dijadikan PBI. Faktor diserapnya fatwa dalam PBI karena adanya potensi pasar uang syariah lebih bermanfaat dan dapat berkembang dalam pengendalian moneter, menjaga kecukupan likuiditas bank syariah dan untuk pengembangan pasar uang antarbank berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Penyerapan fatwa berimplikasi terhadap efektifitas pengelolaan likuiditas bank syariah

    Zero overshoot and fast transient response using a fuzzy logic controller

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    In some industrial process control systems it is desirable not to allow an overshoot beyond the setpoint or a threshold, this could be a safety constraint or the requirement of the system. This paper outlines our work in designing a fuzzy PID controller to achieve a step-response with zero overshoot while improving the output transient response. Our designed fuzzy PID controller is applied to stable, marginally stable and unstable systems and their step responses are compared with a tuned conventional PID controller. A comparative case study shows that the proposed fuzzy controller is highly effective and outperforms the PID controller in achieving a zero overshoot response and enhancing the output transient response


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