884 research outputs found

    Quantifying Aphantasia through drawing: Those without visual imagery show deficits in object but not spatial memory

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    Congenital aphantasia is a recently characterized variation of experience defined by the inability to form voluntary visual imagery, in individuals who are otherwise high performing. Because of this specific deficit to visual imagery, individuals with aphantasia serve as an ideal group for probing the nature of representations in visual memory, particularly the interplay of object, spatial, and symbolic information. Here, we conducted a large-scale online study of aphantasia and revealed a dissociation in object and spatial content in their memory representations. Sixty-one individuals with aphantasia and matched controls with typical imagery studied real-world scene images, and were asked to draw them from memory, and then later copy them during a matched perceptual condition. Drawings were objectively quantified by 2,795 online scorers for object and spatial details. Aphantasic participants recalled significantly fewer objects than controls, with less color in their drawings, and an increased reliance on verbal scaffolding. However, aphantasic participants showed high spatial accuracy equivalent to controls, and made significantly fewer memory errors. These differences between groups only manifested during recall, with no differences between groups during the matched perceptual condition. This object-specific memory impairment in individuals with aphantasia provides evidence for separate systems in memory that support object versus spatial information. The study also provides an important experimental validation for the existence of aphantasia as a variation in human imagery experience

    Minimum EMG burst duration in healthy controls : implications for electrodiagnosis in movement disorders

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    Background EMG burst duration can provide additional diagnostic information when investigating hyperkinetic movement disorders, particularly when a functional movement disorder is suspected. It is generally accepted that EMG bursts <50ms are pathological. Objective To re‐assess minimum physiological EMG burst duration. Methods Surface EMG was recorded from face, trunk and limb muscles in controls (n=60; age 19‐85). Subjects were instructed to generate the briefest possible ballistic movements involving each muscle (40 repetitions) or, in muscles spanning joints, to generate rapid rhythmic alternating movements (20‐30s), or both. Results We found no effect of age on EMG burst duration. However, EMG burst duration varied significantly between body regions. Rhythmic EMG bursts were shorter than ballistic bursts but only significantly so for lower limbs (p<0.001). EMG bursts of duration <50ms were frequently observed, particularly in appendicular muscles. Conclusion We present normal reference data for minimum EMG burst duration, which may assist clinical interpretation when investigating hyperkinetic movement disorders

    Football in the community schemes: Exploring the effectiveness of an intervention in promoting healthful behaviour change

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    This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a Premier League football club’s Football in the Community (FitC) schemes intervention in promoting positive healthful behaviour change in children. Specifically, exploring the effectiveness of this intervention from the perspectives of the participants involved (i.e. the researcher, teachers, children and coaches). A range of data collection techniques were utilized including the principles of ethnography (i.e. immersion, engagement and observations), alongside conducting focus groups with the children. The results allude to the intervention merely ‘keeping active children active’ via (mostly) fun, football sessions. Results highlight the important contribution the ‘coach’ plays in the effectiveness of the intervention. Results relating to working practice (i.e. coaching practice and coach recruitment) are discussed and highlighted as areas to be addressed. FitC schemes appear to require a process of positive organizational change to increase their effectiveness in strategically attending to the health agenda

    Oilfield in a box : the Hutton Field Dataset

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    Data from the now decommissioned Hutton field were deposited with the National Hydrocarbon Data Archive which was operated by the British Geological Survey (BGS). This data is being made available for the use in academic research and training, The report describes the stratigraphic setting of the Hutton field, and brief details of the field’s engineering and navigation information for the associated data files. This is not intended to be a definitive report on the geology of Hutton; rather a summary to allow the associated data files to be understood. Data release is a complex process, and data sets provided to end-users without charge require significant effort to prepare. Such resources are often hard to justify. Therefore, please cite this report and all associated DOI’s for the data to allow its value and usage to be tracked. The dataset can be accessed through the following link: https://dx.doi.org/10.5285/e7901156-cf98-4a83-af7e-640f05213ad

    The influence of gene expression time delays on Gierer-Meinhardt pattern formation systems

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    There are numerous examples of morphogen gradients controlling long range signalling in developmental and cellular systems. The prospect of two such interacting morphogens instigating long range self-organisation in biological systems via a Turing bifurcation has been explored, postulated, or implicated in the context of numerous developmental processes. However, modelling investigations of cellular systems typically neglect the influence of gene expression on such dynamics, even though transcription and translation are observed to be important in morphogenetic systems. In particular, the influence of gene expression on a large class of Turing bifurcation models, namely those with pure kinetics such as the Gierer–Meinhardt system, is unexplored. Our investigations demonstrate that the behaviour of the Gierer–Meinhardt model profoundly changes on the inclusion of gene expression dynamics and is sensitive to the sub-cellular details of gene expression. Features such as concentration blow up, morphogen oscillations and radical sensitivities to the duration of gene expression are observed and, at best, severely restrict the possible parameter spaces for feasible biological behaviour. These results also indicate that the behaviour of Turing pattern formation systems on the inclusion of gene expression time delays may provide a means of distinguishing between possible forms of interaction kinetics. Finally, this study also emphasises that sub-cellular and gene expression dynamics should not be simply neglected in models of long range biological pattern formation via morphogens

    Time to cancer treatment and reproductive outcomes after fertility preservation among adolescent and young adult women with cancer

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    Background: Fertility preservation (FP) may be underused after cancer diagnosis because of uncertainty around delays to cancer treatment and subsequent reproductive success. Methods: Women aged 15 to 39 years diagnosed with cancer between 2004 and 2015 were identified from the North Carolina Central Cancer Registry. Use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) after cancer diagnosis between 2004 and 2018 (including FP) was assessed through linkage to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. Linear regression was used to examine time to cancer treatment among women who did (n = 95) or did not (n = 469) use FP. Modified Poisson regression was used to estimate risk ratios (RRs) and 95% CIs for pregnancy and birth based on timing of ART initiation relative to cancer treatment (n = 18 initiated before treatment for FP vs n = 26 initiated after treatment without FP). Results: The median time to cancer treatment was 9 to 33 days longer among women who used FP compared with women who did not, matched on clinical factors. Women who initiated ART before cancer treatment may be more likely to have a live birth given pregnancy compared with women who initiated ART after cancer treatment (age-adjusted RR, 1.47; 95% CI, 0.98-2.23), though this may be affected by the more frequent use of gestational carriers in the former group (47% vs 20% of transfer cycles, respectively). Conclusions: FP delayed gonadotoxic cancer treatment by up to 4.5 weeks, a delay that would not be expected to alter prognosis for many women. Further study of the use of gestational carriers in cancer populations is warranted to better understand its effect on reproductive outcomes

    Content validity of the Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP) instrument in Dutch, English and German to measure eczema control in young people with atopic eczema: a cognitive interview study

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    Background: Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP) is a patient-reported outcome measure assessing eczema control. This instrument has been developed and validated in the UK. There are self-reported and proxy-reported versions in English, Dutch and German. However, it is unclear whether the self-reported version shows adequate content validity when completed by young people (8–16 years) in these languages. Objectives: To assess the content validity (comprehensibility, relevance and comprehensiveness) of the English, German and Dutch versions of the self-reported RECAP in young people with atopic eczema and to identify the most appropriate age cutoff for self-completion. Methods: We conducted 23 semistructured cognitive interviews with young people aged 8–16 years, using the ‘think-aloud’ method. In Germany and the Netherlands, participants were recruited in dermatology clinics and in the UK through social media and existing mailing lists. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed in the three languages, using a problem-focused coding manual. Transcripts were coded by two independent reviewers in each country. Themes were translated into English and compared across the three countries. Results: Significant age-related comprehensibility issues with the last three items of the questionnaire occurred with young people aged 8–11 years, causing difficulties completing RECAP without help. However, older children had only minor problems and were able to complete the questionnaire by themselves. The self-reported version of RECAP has sufficient content validity for self-completion in young people aged 12 years and above. However, the German version with some translational adaptations may be appropriate for children from the age of 8 years. There may be some situations where the proxy version is needed for older children too. Conclusions: The self-reported version of RECAP is appropriate for use from the age of 12 years. The proxy version can be used in children younger than 12 years. Other measurement properties should be further investigated. What is already known about this topic? Recap of atopic eczema (RECAP) is an instrument recommended by the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema initiative for the core outcome domain of long-term control of atopic eczema. Content validity of RECAP for self-completion by adults and of the proxy version has been assessed. What does this study add? In this study, content validity (comprehensibility, relevance and comprehensiveness) of the self-reported version of RECAP among young people (aged 8–16 years) with atopic eczema across the UK, Germany and the Netherlands is assessed. Based on these findings, key recommendations on how to measure eczema control in young people with atopic eczema are formulated. What are the clinical implications of this work? The Dutch, English and German self-completion versions of RECAP are recommended for use in adolescents from the age of 12 years. The proxy version could be used in children younger than 12 years or where children are cognitively or physically incapable of reporting their experience of eczema control. Caregivers should be encouraged to complete RECAP together with their child where possible

    Driven to excess? Linking calling, character and the (mis)behaviour of marketers

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    We are presently at a point of unique circumstantial convergence where recession, an increased emphasis on business ethics, and marketer’s reluctance to accept shifting social agendas have combined to identify the need for a new approach to marketing. Using concepts from the human resources, marketing and psychology literatures, and especially Erich Fromm’s ideas concerning economic character, this paper posits that marketers – as a professional community – are driven to promote consumerist outcomes; victims of an automaton amalgam of calling and character. The analysis suggests the vulnerability of both marketer and consumer are mutually reinforcing and that we need, somehow, to break this damaging cycle of dependence. We know little, however, about how marketers think and feel about their discipline, so this paper also promotes an agenda for marketer behaviour research, as a countervailing balance to a currently disproportionate focus on the consumer
