11 research outputs found

    Significance of the Utopian Oasis in Aldous Huxley's Dystopian Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984

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    This paper focuses on the importance of utopian elements in dystopian worlds of Aldous Huxleyā€™s Brave New World and George Orwellā€™s 1984. It examines the time setting of the novels and the effect it has on the literary genre the novels belong to. The utopian elements of religion, family, nature, history and human sexuality are contrasted with the dystopian elements present in the novels. The utopian elements in the novels are present in secluded worlds without governmentā€™s oppression. The secluded oases with utopian elements are found within the prolesā€™ society in 1984 and on the Reservation in Brave New World. These worlds exist in the dystopian novels in order to indicate everything that is wrong with the totalitarian governments of dystopian societies. The utopian elements point out the importance of freedom and equality for all human beings

    Significance of the Utopian Oasis in Aldous Huxley's Dystopian Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984

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    This paper focuses on the importance of utopian elements in dystopian worlds of Aldous Huxleyā€™s Brave New World and George Orwellā€™s 1984. It examines the time setting of the novels and the effect it has on the literary genre the novels belong to. The utopian elements of religion, family, nature, history and human sexuality are contrasted with the dystopian elements present in the novels. The utopian elements in the novels are present in secluded worlds without governmentā€™s oppression. The secluded oases with utopian elements are found within the prolesā€™ society in 1984 and on the Reservation in Brave New World. These worlds exist in the dystopian novels in order to indicate everything that is wrong with the totalitarian governments of dystopian societies. The utopian elements point out the importance of freedom and equality for all human beings

    Komparativna analiza primene dveju tehnika transplantata vezivnog tkiva u lečenju recesija gingive

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    Introduction Gingival recession is a displacement of gingival margin apically to cement-enamel junction. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the results achieved with two different surgical procedures used in gingival recession treatment. Methods Ten patients with bilateral buccal recession on maxillary canines or premolars were included in the study. Professional teeth cleaning was performed before surgery. Recession on the experimental side was treated with connective tissue graft in combination with coronally advanced, split thickness flap (tunnel technique). Control side recession was treated with connective tissue graft in combination with trapezoidal coronally advanced, full thickness flap. Coin toss was used for side decision. The following parameters were evaluated before surgery and 6 months post-op: Vertical Recession Dimension, Clinical Attachment Level, Apico-coronal width of the keratinized tissue, Healing index (Laundry), RES index, and Patient evaluation of esthetic results. Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis. Results Six months after surgery, mean root coverage was 91.5Ā±14.1% and 90.1Ā±14.6% on the experimental and on the control side, respectively. RES index, Healing index (Laundry) and Patient Subjective evaluation of esthetic results showed significantly better results (pā‰¤0.05). Conclusion Both surgical procedures produce highly successful clinical results based on evaluated parameters, but this tunnel technique provides significantly better esthetic results.Uvod Gingivalna recesija, koja nastaje kao posledica morfoloÅ”kih nepravilnosti u mukogingivalnom kompleksu, loÅ”e utiče na nastanak i prognozu parodontopatije i odlikuje se nezadovoljavajućom estetikom. Cilj rada Cilj ove studije bio je da se uporede rezultati dobijeni primenom dveju različitih hirurÅ”kih tehnika u lečenju gingivalnih recesija. Metode rada U studiju je uključeno 10 pacijenata Klinike za parodontologiju i oralnu medicinu StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Osnovni kriterijum za uključivanje u studiju bilo je postojanje obostranih gingivalnih recesija I ili II klase prema klasifikaciji Milera (Miller) na gornjim očnjacima ili premolarima. Izvođenje studije odobrio je Etički odbor StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta. Ispitanici su podvrgnuti hirurÅ”kom lečenju, obostrano, primenom metoda podeljenih usta. Jedna strana tretirana je primenom transplantata vezivnog tkiva tunel- tehnikom (eksperimentalna tehnika), a druga konvencionalnom tehnikom (kontrolna tehnika). Posmatrani klinički parametri - vertikalna dimenzija gingivalne recesije, nivo pripojnog epitela i Å”irina keratinizovane gingive - zabeleženi su pre operacije i Å”est meseci nakon hirurÅ”kog lečenja. Zarastanje u ranoj postoperacionoj fazi procenjivano je na osnovu vrednosti indeksa tkivnog zarastanja. Objektivna procena estetskog ishoda terapije vrÅ”ena je pomoću indeksa prekrivenosti korena zuba. Rezultati Å est meseci nakon intervencije primenom eksperimentalne tehnike ostvarena je prekrivenost korena od 91,5Ā±14,1%, dok je primenom kontrolne tehnike ostvarena pokrivenost korena od 90,1Ā±14,6%. Parametri za objektivnu procenu postignutih estetskih rezultata i indeksa zarastanja rane pokazali su statistički značajno bolje rezultate ostvarene primenom eksperimentalne tehnike. Zaključak Obe procedure uspeÅ”ne su u lečenju gingivalne recesije i daju predvidljive rezultate, ali se primenom tunel- tehnike mogu očekivati bolji estetski rezultati

    Design, synthesis, antitrypanosomal activity, DNA/RNA binding and inĀ vitro ADME profiling of novel imidazoline-substituted 2-arylbenzimidazoles

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    Novel imidazoline benzimidazole derivatives containing diversely substituted phenoxy moieties were synthesized with the aim of evaluating their antitrypanosomal activity, DNA/RNA binding affinity and inĀ vitro ADME properties. The presence of the diethylaminoethyl subunit in 18a-18c led to enhanced antitrypanosomal potency, particularly for 18a and 18c, which contain unsubstituted and methoxy-substituted phenoxy moieties. They were found to beĀ >Ā 2-fold more potent against African trypanosomes than nifurtimox. Fluorescence and CD spectroscopy, thermal denaturation assays and computational analysis indicated a preference of 18a-18c toward AT-rich DNA and their minor groove binding mode. Replacement of the amidine group with less basic and ionisable nitrogen-containing moieties failed to improve membrane permeability of the investigated compounds. Due to structural diversification, the compounds displayed a range of physico-chemical features resulting in variable inĀ vitro ADME properties, leaving space for further optimization of the biological profiles

    Point prevalence of significant nutritional risk among cancer patients in Croatia ā€“ research study of the Section of young oncologists, Croatian society for medical oncology of Croatian medical association

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    Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi trenutačnu prevalenciju znatnoga nutritivnog rizika među onkoloÅ”kim bolesnicima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ispitanici i metode: Ova presječna studija ugniježđena je u prospektivnu kohortnu studiju Sekcije mladih onkologa HDIO-a HLZ-a, koja je provedena u Hrvatskoj tijekom 2017. godine na susljednom uzorku onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika biranome prema redoslijedu dolaska na liječenje. Nutritivni probir proveli smo uporabom upitnika za procjenu nutritivnog rizika NRS-2002. Prema njemu, bolesnik se smatra nutritivno ugroženim ako je rezultat ā‰„ 3. Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 275 bolesnika, medijana (interkvartilnog raspona) dobi od 61 godine (51 ā€“ 68), među kojima je bila 161 žena (58,5%). Bolesnici su liječeni u jedanaest onkoloÅ”kih centara u Hrvatskoj. U 60 bolesnika (21,8%; 95%-tni CI 17,1 ā€“ 27,2%) utvrđen je znatan nutritivni rizik (NRS-2002 ā‰„ 3) koji indicira potrebu za nutritivnom intervencijom. Bilo kakvu nepovoljnu promjenu tijekom 30 dana prije uključivanja, dakle, gubitak tjelesne mase ili smanjen unos hrane, primijetilo je 127 (46,2%) sudionika. Zaključak: NaÅ”e istraživanje potvrdilo je da znatan broj onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika u Hrvatskoj ima neki stupanj nutritivnog rizika te da je u viÅ”e od četvrtine potrebna nutritivna intervencija. Nutritivni probir prvi je korak u dugoročnoj kontroli komplikacija vezanih uz promijenjen unos hrane i nutritivni rizik, kao i pri poboljÅ”anju kvalitete života onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika te prognoze ishoda bolesti pa bi ga, s obzirom na prikazane rezultate, trebalo rutinski provoditi.Objective of the Study: To determine the point prevalence of significant nutritional risk among cancer patients in Croatia. Subjects and Methods: This cross-sectional study was nested in the prospective cohort study of the Section of Young Oncologists of the Croatian Society for Medical Oncology, Croatian Medical Association, conducted in Croatia during 2017 on the consecutive sample of cancer patients selected by the order of their arrival to the exam.Nutritional screening was performed using the NRS-2002, According to NRS-2002, the patient is considered to be at significant nutritional risk if the result is ā‰„3. Results: We included 275 patients treated at eleven cancer centers in Croatia. In 60 patients (21.8%, 95% CI 17.1% -27.2%) we identified the significant nutritional risk (NRS-2002 ā‰„3) what indicates the need for the nutritional intervention. Any change during 30 days prior to screening, such as loss of body weight or reduced intake of food, was expressed by 127 (46.2%) participants. Conclusion: Our study has confirmed that a significant number of cancer patients in Croatia are in some degree at nutritional risk, and that more than one quarter need nutritional intervention. Nutritional screen poing is the first step in the long-term control of complications associated with altered food intake and nutritional risk, as well as in improving the overall quality of life of cancer patients and the prognosis of disease outcomes, so regarding the presented results, it should be routinely implemented

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    The use of transabdominal ultrasound in detection of acute appendicitis

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    Cilj: Opći cilj ove retrospektivne studije je prikaz načina detekcije akutnog apendicitisa transabdominalnim ultrazvukom (TU), a specifični cilj je evaluacija točnosti ove metode. ----- Pacijenti i metode: U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji koja je provedena u razdoblju siječnja 2014 - prosinca 2015 godine, pregledano je 195 bolesnika s akutnim bolovima u abdomenu i drugim simptomima (mučnina, povraćanje, dijareja, učestalo mokrenje), koji kliničkom slikom i laboratorijskim nalazima krvi i urina mogu upućivati na akutni apendicitis. Pregledano je ukupno 14 djece (7,1%) i 181 (92,7 %) odraslih. Od ukupno 14 pregledane djece bilo je 8 dječaka (57,14 %) i 6 djevojčica (42,85 %) u dobi od 5-13 godina. Među bolesnicima bilo je 43 % muÅ”karaca i 57 % žena u dobi od 5- 85 godina [SDEV=56,56]. ----- Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja (N=195) bolesnika koji su imali akutne tegobe i bolove u abdomenu nakon kliničkog pregleda i laboratorijskih pretraga krvi i urina, transabdominalnim ultrazvučnim pregledom akutni apendicitis utvrđen je u 8,78 % bolesnika koji su upućeni na operativni zahvat. Operativnim zahvatom potvrđen je apendicitis u 7,6% bolesnika, a u 1,02 % bolesnika utvrđen je terminalni ileitis. Utvrđena je prevalencija akutnog apendicitisa 7,6 % od ukupnog broja pregledanih bolesnika (N=195), zatim PPV 88,24 %, NPV 99,44 %, osjetljivost 93, 75 %, specifičnost 98,88%, Likelihood Ratio + LR (pozitivni test) 83,91, Likelihood Ratio - LR (negativni test) 0,06, a omjer Å”ansi valjanosti ove metode u detekciji akutnog apendicitisa Diagnostic Odds Ratio iznosi 973. ----- Zaključak: S obzirom na prezentirane rezultate ove retrospektivne studije, evidentno je da ultrazvučna metoda ima visoku specifičnost i osjetljivost, kao i visoki omjer Å”ansi (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) i stoga je izuzetno pouzdana, a ujedno je Å”iroko dostupna i jednostavna metoda za bolesnike u dijagnostici akutnog apendicitisa.Objective: The main objective of this retrospective study is to show the ways of detection of acute appendicitis through transabdominal ultrasound (TU), and a specific objective is to evaluate the accuracy of this method. ----- Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, which was conducted from January 2014- December 2015 years, 195 patients was examined with acute abdominal pain and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination), which in the clinical picture and laboratory findings of the blood and urine may indicate appendicitis. Among all patients (N=195) who were examined there were 7,1% children and 92,7% adults. Among 14 children who were examined there were 8 male children (57,14%) and 6 femele children (42,85%) in the age of 5-13. Among all patients 43% were male and 57% female patients between the ages of 5- 85 years . ----- Results: From the total number of patients (N = 195) who had acute discomfort and pain in the abdomen, after clinical examination and laboratory tests of blood and urine, transabdominal ultrasound detected in patients 8.78% appendicitis and patients were referred to surgery. After surgery procedure appendicitis was confirmed in 7.6% patients and in 1.02% was diagnosed terminal ileitis. This examination showed the prevalence of acute appendicitis 7,6% out of the total number of examined patients (N = 195), followed by PPV 88,24% , NPV 99,44%, sensitivity 93,75 %, specificity of 98,88%, likelihood ratio +LR (positive test) 83,91, likelihood ratio -LR (negative test) 0,06 and the odds ratio validity of this method in the detection of acute appendicitis (Diagnostic Odds ratio) was 973. ----- Conclusion: Considering the presented results of this retrospective study, it is evident that the ultrasound method in this study shows high specificity and sensitivity of the method, as well as high ratio of chances (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) and therefore is extremely reliable method in detecting acute appendicitis, also is easy to use and also widly avaliable

    The use of transabdominal ultrasound in detection of acute appendicitis

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    Cilj: Opći cilj ove retrospektivne studije je prikaz načina detekcije akutnog apendicitisa transabdominalnim ultrazvukom (TU), a specifični cilj je evaluacija točnosti ove metode. ----- Pacijenti i metode: U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji koja je provedena u razdoblju siječnja 2014 - prosinca 2015 godine, pregledano je 195 bolesnika s akutnim bolovima u abdomenu i drugim simptomima (mučnina, povraćanje, dijareja, učestalo mokrenje), koji kliničkom slikom i laboratorijskim nalazima krvi i urina mogu upućivati na akutni apendicitis. Pregledano je ukupno 14 djece (7,1%) i 181 (92,7 %) odraslih. Od ukupno 14 pregledane djece bilo je 8 dječaka (57,14 %) i 6 djevojčica (42,85 %) u dobi od 5-13 godina. Među bolesnicima bilo je 43 % muÅ”karaca i 57 % žena u dobi od 5- 85 godina [SDEV=56,56]. ----- Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja (N=195) bolesnika koji su imali akutne tegobe i bolove u abdomenu nakon kliničkog pregleda i laboratorijskih pretraga krvi i urina, transabdominalnim ultrazvučnim pregledom akutni apendicitis utvrđen je u 8,78 % bolesnika koji su upućeni na operativni zahvat. Operativnim zahvatom potvrđen je apendicitis u 7,6% bolesnika, a u 1,02 % bolesnika utvrđen je terminalni ileitis. Utvrđena je prevalencija akutnog apendicitisa 7,6 % od ukupnog broja pregledanih bolesnika (N=195), zatim PPV 88,24 %, NPV 99,44 %, osjetljivost 93, 75 %, specifičnost 98,88%, Likelihood Ratio + LR (pozitivni test) 83,91, Likelihood Ratio - LR (negativni test) 0,06, a omjer Å”ansi valjanosti ove metode u detekciji akutnog apendicitisa Diagnostic Odds Ratio iznosi 973. ----- Zaključak: S obzirom na prezentirane rezultate ove retrospektivne studije, evidentno je da ultrazvučna metoda ima visoku specifičnost i osjetljivost, kao i visoki omjer Å”ansi (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) i stoga je izuzetno pouzdana, a ujedno je Å”iroko dostupna i jednostavna metoda za bolesnike u dijagnostici akutnog apendicitisa.Objective: The main objective of this retrospective study is to show the ways of detection of acute appendicitis through transabdominal ultrasound (TU), and a specific objective is to evaluate the accuracy of this method. ----- Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, which was conducted from January 2014- December 2015 years, 195 patients was examined with acute abdominal pain and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination), which in the clinical picture and laboratory findings of the blood and urine may indicate appendicitis. Among all patients (N=195) who were examined there were 7,1% children and 92,7% adults. Among 14 children who were examined there were 8 male children (57,14%) and 6 femele children (42,85%) in the age of 5-13. Among all patients 43% were male and 57% female patients between the ages of 5- 85 years . ----- Results: From the total number of patients (N = 195) who had acute discomfort and pain in the abdomen, after clinical examination and laboratory tests of blood and urine, transabdominal ultrasound detected in patients 8.78% appendicitis and patients were referred to surgery. After surgery procedure appendicitis was confirmed in 7.6% patients and in 1.02% was diagnosed terminal ileitis. This examination showed the prevalence of acute appendicitis 7,6% out of the total number of examined patients (N = 195), followed by PPV 88,24% , NPV 99,44%, sensitivity 93,75 %, specificity of 98,88%, likelihood ratio +LR (positive test) 83,91, likelihood ratio -LR (negative test) 0,06 and the odds ratio validity of this method in the detection of acute appendicitis (Diagnostic Odds ratio) was 973. ----- Conclusion: Considering the presented results of this retrospective study, it is evident that the ultrasound method in this study shows high specificity and sensitivity of the method, as well as high ratio of chances (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) and therefore is extremely reliable method in detecting acute appendicitis, also is easy to use and also widly avaliable

    The use of transabdominal ultrasound in detection of acute appendicitis

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    Cilj: Opći cilj ove retrospektivne studije je prikaz načina detekcije akutnog apendicitisa transabdominalnim ultrazvukom (TU), a specifični cilj je evaluacija točnosti ove metode. ----- Pacijenti i metode: U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji koja je provedena u razdoblju siječnja 2014 - prosinca 2015 godine, pregledano je 195 bolesnika s akutnim bolovima u abdomenu i drugim simptomima (mučnina, povraćanje, dijareja, učestalo mokrenje), koji kliničkom slikom i laboratorijskim nalazima krvi i urina mogu upućivati na akutni apendicitis. Pregledano je ukupno 14 djece (7,1%) i 181 (92,7 %) odraslih. Od ukupno 14 pregledane djece bilo je 8 dječaka (57,14 %) i 6 djevojčica (42,85 %) u dobi od 5-13 godina. Među bolesnicima bilo je 43 % muÅ”karaca i 57 % žena u dobi od 5- 85 godina [SDEV=56,56]. ----- Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja (N=195) bolesnika koji su imali akutne tegobe i bolove u abdomenu nakon kliničkog pregleda i laboratorijskih pretraga krvi i urina, transabdominalnim ultrazvučnim pregledom akutni apendicitis utvrđen je u 8,78 % bolesnika koji su upućeni na operativni zahvat. Operativnim zahvatom potvrđen je apendicitis u 7,6% bolesnika, a u 1,02 % bolesnika utvrđen je terminalni ileitis. Utvrđena je prevalencija akutnog apendicitisa 7,6 % od ukupnog broja pregledanih bolesnika (N=195), zatim PPV 88,24 %, NPV 99,44 %, osjetljivost 93, 75 %, specifičnost 98,88%, Likelihood Ratio + LR (pozitivni test) 83,91, Likelihood Ratio - LR (negativni test) 0,06, a omjer Å”ansi valjanosti ove metode u detekciji akutnog apendicitisa Diagnostic Odds Ratio iznosi 973. ----- Zaključak: S obzirom na prezentirane rezultate ove retrospektivne studije, evidentno je da ultrazvučna metoda ima visoku specifičnost i osjetljivost, kao i visoki omjer Å”ansi (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) i stoga je izuzetno pouzdana, a ujedno je Å”iroko dostupna i jednostavna metoda za bolesnike u dijagnostici akutnog apendicitisa.Objective: The main objective of this retrospective study is to show the ways of detection of acute appendicitis through transabdominal ultrasound (TU), and a specific objective is to evaluate the accuracy of this method. ----- Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, which was conducted from January 2014- December 2015 years, 195 patients was examined with acute abdominal pain and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination), which in the clinical picture and laboratory findings of the blood and urine may indicate appendicitis. Among all patients (N=195) who were examined there were 7,1% children and 92,7% adults. Among 14 children who were examined there were 8 male children (57,14%) and 6 femele children (42,85%) in the age of 5-13. Among all patients 43% were male and 57% female patients between the ages of 5- 85 years . ----- Results: From the total number of patients (N = 195) who had acute discomfort and pain in the abdomen, after clinical examination and laboratory tests of blood and urine, transabdominal ultrasound detected in patients 8.78% appendicitis and patients were referred to surgery. After surgery procedure appendicitis was confirmed in 7.6% patients and in 1.02% was diagnosed terminal ileitis. This examination showed the prevalence of acute appendicitis 7,6% out of the total number of examined patients (N = 195), followed by PPV 88,24% , NPV 99,44%, sensitivity 93,75 %, specificity of 98,88%, likelihood ratio +LR (positive test) 83,91, likelihood ratio -LR (negative test) 0,06 and the odds ratio validity of this method in the detection of acute appendicitis (Diagnostic Odds ratio) was 973. ----- Conclusion: Considering the presented results of this retrospective study, it is evident that the ultrasound method in this study shows high specificity and sensitivity of the method, as well as high ratio of chances (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) and therefore is extremely reliable method in detecting acute appendicitis, also is easy to use and also widly avaliable

    Influence of Various Factors on Functional Dyspepsia

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    Aim of the research is to establish the prevalence of dyspepsia in OsjecĖ‡ko-baranjska County, to establish its specific characteristics and to determine the effect of demographic, anthropometric, and socioeconomic factors. It is a cross- sectional and case control study conducted in 2010 on systematic sample of 900 subjects between 20 and 69 years of age. Every subject was sent an invitation letter and a Rome III diagnostic questionnaire for one of the disorders. A scoring algorithm was used to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia (FD). The chi-square test, t-test and logistic regression were used for analysis. Prevalence of dyspepsia was recorded in 16, 56 %, of subjects. There is no statistically significant difference in prevalence of dyspepsia male and female. The prevalence of dyspepsia increases with age. Correlation with the place of birth was proven. There is no correlation between the current place of residence (rural area and town) and dyspepsia. There is a correlation with marital status. Correlation between stool forms was proven. There were a greater number of subjects that had at least one alarm symptom or some of the psychosocial factors and they often suffered from a chronic disease. The risk for dyspepsia increases with age, body mass index (BMI), and poorer health. Logistic regression showed the following as statistically significant for dyspepsia: place of birth and self-assessment of oneā€™s health. FD presents a significant health problem. Rome III survey questionnaire proved to be an acceptable method for diagnosin this functional disorder in clinical-consilliary and primary health care for persons showing signs of alarm and needing further diagnostic treatment