466 research outputs found

    Using Fuzzy Set Approaches in a Raster GIS for Land Suitability Assessment at a Regional Scale: Case Study in Maros Region, Indonesia

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    Recently, spatial data on land resources have become more available, detailed, and sophisticated. Accordingly, it requires a method that could deal with those complex and detailed data in an effective way. A fuzzy set method with the semantic import model (SIM) was utilized within a raster GIS (geographic information systems) to analyze the area of Maros Regency on a reconnaissance scale basis. In this study, land attribute values were converted into continuous values (ranging from 0 to 1.0), according to the class limit determined based on field experiences, results of experiments, or fixed conventional standards. The evaluation criteria were based on land attributes which are divided into two main components: soil profile and topography. Each of land attributes within each component was valued from 0 (minimum) to 1.0 (maximum) according to the suitability of maize. Those values were represented as membership values, also ranging from 0 to 1.0. The result from land suitability analysis in Maros Regency for maize cultivation indicates that around 25% of land areas have a land suitability index (LSI) value of above 0.70 (suitable and very suitable), about 11% fall between 0.50 and 0.70 (moderately suitable), and 63% under 0.5 (not suitable). The main limiting factor for maize cultivation in this region is topography, especially slope gradient (s)

    GIS-Based Modelling of Land Use Dynamics Using Cellular Automata and Markov Chain

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    Today, land use change has become one of the major issues in a developed region. Therefore, it is always important to monitor land use change within a certain period of time and predict patterns of future land use change on a spatial basis. The main objective of this research is to assess land use change in Maros regency up to a 20 year period. The analysis of land use change utilizes an integration method of Cellular Automata and Markov Chain (Cellular Automata-Markov) in Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). The procedures used include: (i)) a preliminary data processing (geometric correction, radiometric correction, preparation of the composite image, object recognition) of Landsat images acquired in 2004, 2009, and 2012; (ii) classification of multispectral imagery; (iii) probability analysis to generate Transitional Probability Matrix, Transitional Area Matrix, and Markov factors; (iv) validation of raster Markov RGF 2012 image layer with 2012 land use using a Kappa index; (v) using the same analysis in step (iii) but considering the driving factors of land use change and constrains; (vi) Analysis using Cellular Automata-Markov to generate land use change in the next 20 years. The results show that in year 2029, an increase in built up area, but on the other hand, a decline in agricultural land use especially paddy fields, agricultural land, water bodies, and other uses. In terms of land use decision making perspective, such information may be used to direct land use change to a more beneficial and sustainable situation. Keywords: land use change; Cellular Automata-Markov; remote sensing; GI

    POTENSI KONFLIK PENGGUNAAN LAHAN PERSAWAHAN DI KABUPATEN GOWA PADA KAWASAN STRATEGIS NASIONAL MAMMINASATA: Potential Conflicts of The Rice Field Land-Use in Gowa District on Mamminasata National Strategic Area

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    The rate of the population growth was accompanied with the increased number of economic growth year by year in Gowa District on the KSN Mamminasata trigger the competition of using the potential land leading to the land-use conflicts. This research aims to assess the rice field land-use potential conflicts. The map of land-use, the map of spatial pattern of RTRW in Gowa District, and the agricultural land for sustainable food crops zonation map was interpreted and collated to get a general overview of potential land-use conflicts that may occur and determine potential conflicts of government regulation sector. Then interviews were conducted with farmers using a purposive sampling questionnaire method to determine their land use preferences for the land they currently manage. It is then tabulated in the form of a typology to describe the distribution of potential land use conflicts. The results showed that the existing irrigated rice fields in Gowa District spread over nine sub-districts which all are included in the KSN Mamminasata with the total area at 19,053.27 ha and the rest of 4,229.65 ha were not included in the plan of the wetland agricultural areas, yet those belong to in residential and educational areas. In addition, there was land at 2,493.26 ha included in the zonation ALSF and ARLSF. There were 17 villages which had the higher number of rice field preferences than the residential preferences. The differences from these land-use preferences can trigger into the land-use conflicts between the parties occurred

    Variability of Maize Yield Over Different Soil Types and Land Suitability Indices In The Humid Tropics, South Sulawesi Indonesia

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    An attempt of understanding the influence of land characteristics on crop yields is useful in designing site specific management of land resources. Characteristics of soil and climate in the humid tropics like Indonesia vary considerably among agroecological zones.   The primary aim of this study is to assess the correlation between land characteristics and maize yields; and to evaluate the variability of land index over different soil types in the humid tropics of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.  As many as 30 soil profiles were made at study area within fourteen different soil types with traditional maize cultivation. A linear regression with Pearson correlation analysis was undertaken to evaluate maize yields at different soil and climate characteristics.  It was found that soil pH, base saturation, and organic carbon have a significant correlation with maize yield with R2 value of 0.705, 0.741, and 0.683, respectively.  The analysis also shows that correlation between land suitability index and maize yield reaches an R2 value of 0.807.  The scatter points in the diagram depict a good indication that the higher the land index the better maize yield can be produced in the area under consideration.  Suitability analysis indicates that land suitability index (I) value ranges from 11.5 to 55.0, with  maize yield from  1.6  ton/ha (Typic Dystrudepts) to 5.2 ton/ha (Typic Haplustalfs) and parametric suitability classes are S2 (moderately suitable), S3 (marginally suitable), N1 (currently not suitable), and N2 (permanently not suitable). Keywords: Land suitability index; humid tropics; maize; South Sulawes


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    In this era of rapid technological development, it is a crucial period where technology has become an inseparable part of everyday life. The significant increase in human activity has triggered various air pollution problems, including burning, waste, industrial waste, vehicle fumes, industrial fumes, and the use of electronic equipment, among others. Additionally, besides the aforementioned problem of air pollution, its impact can also lead to a variety of serious problems and the occurrence of health issues such as asthma, ISPA, lung cancer, and so on. Therefore, an Android-based application was created that can provide information about the current air quality in the user's area. This application can be used to monitor air quality in specific areas based on measurements and data collection. The method used for this research is the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method, which is suitable for developing software in a short time. We have also added a real-time air quality monitoring feature that can monitor air levels to determine if they are within normal levels or not. This allows users to combat air pollution and carry out continuous monitoring without being limited by space and time

    GIS-Based Soil Erosion Modeling for Assessing Land Suitability in the Urban Watershed of Tallo River, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Urban watershed is a discrete and complex system where a diverse number of factors govern its quality and health. Soil erosion by water is the most dominant factor that determines a watershed quality, and considered as one of the most significant forms of land degradation that affects sustained productivity of land use. The principal aim of this paper is to utilise spatial-based soil erosion information to assess land suitability at a\ud watershed level. The specific aim is three-fold: (i) to develop techniques based on a GIS in the parameterisation of a soil erosion model, which is designed for use at a large scale assessment; (ii) to assess and map the spatial distribution of average annual rate of soil losses in; (iii) to employ such related concept as soil loss tolerance to\ud determine land suitability at a watershed level. An analytical procedure is used to analyse an urban watershed of Tallo River, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, with a total area of 43,422 ha. The procedure is executed using RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation), in a GIS environment, utilising available information in the region (including climate, soil, slope, and land use and land conservation practices), and with the assistance of ground surveys. The results indicate that around 56.5% of the area experience annual soil loos of less than 1 ton/ha/year, while erosion rate of more than 25 ton/ha/year covers a total area of 8.9%. Due to a good ground cover in forested land, most of the slopping areas have actual soil losses of 1-5 ton/ha/year. This study reveals\ud that areas categorized as high risk, where only forest cover allowed consist of 9.4%, and those with very low risk cover a total area of 5.4%. Most of the study region (around 84%) experience moderate and low erosion risk, and suitable for cropping with special management practices (CS) + perennial crops (PC) + grass (GR) + and forest (FR). This study suggests that the outputs of this modeling procedure can be used for the identification of land management units based on degradation levels, as well as the most suitable land use to be practiced on individual land units on a sustainable basis

    Pesan dakwah dalam sya'ir tari saman: analisis hermeneutika dalam sya’ir tari Saman Gayo Lues Aceh

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    Dakwah adalah kegiatan yang menyeru, mengajak dan memanggil orang untuk beriman dan taat kepada Allah sesuai dengan garis aqidah, sayri’at dan akhlaq islam. Salah satu cara penyampain isi pesan dakwah yaitu melaui sya’ir-sya’ir yang sudah kita kenal sejak dulu. Salah satu penya’ir muslim yang tersohor adalah Jalaluddin Rumi yang sudah banyak menghasilkan karya sya’ir-sya’ir yang indah dan bermakna. Tari saman adalah tarian yang berasal dari Gayo Lues Aceh yang sudah di kenal sejak zaman dahulu dan mulai populer pada tahun 1972. Sampai sekarang tari saman masih mempertahankan eksistensinya di era modren menjadi salah satu kebudayaan yang terjaga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kategori dan imbauan pesan dakwah dalam sya’ir tari saman. secara terperinci untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai keislaman dalam sya’ir tari saman. yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah tari saman Gayo Lues Aceh. Metodologi yang dipakai yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif yang di arahkan untuk memecahkan masalah dengan cara menggambarkan dan mengembangkan terhadap pesan dakwah dalam sya’ir tari saman. teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori hermeneutika yang dikemukakan oleh Hans-Georg Gadamer. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sya’ir tari saman ini menggunakan pesan dakwah aqidah dan akhlak pada sya’ir tari saman sebagai media dakwah. Hal itu terdapat pada petunjuk-petunjuk yang terdapat dalam sya’ir tari saman. Petujuk yang ada dalam sya’ir tari saman tentang fenomrna aqidah dan akhlak menceritakan tentang tauhid, keyakinan, ketulusan, dan usaha. Pesan dakwah yang terdapat dalam sya’ir tari saman pada kategori aqidah terdapat pada kalaimat tahlil dan salam, sebuah kalimat yang urgen dalam ajaran Islam, karena dengan memahami konteks kalimat ini maka seorang muslim akan penuh keyakinan dalam beribadah dan memposisikn dirinya sebagai hamba yang berserah diri kepada Allah SWT. serta suatu ucapan yang kita ucapkan setiap kali kita bertemu atau berpisah dengan orang lain. Kategori pesan dakwah yang terdapat dalam sya’ir tari saman yaitu ketegori pesan dakwah akhlaq yang terdapat terapat pada laki-laki yang hendak berkenalan kepada seorang wanita, berkenalan disini dapat diartikan sebagai ajakan untuk ta’aruf

    A rab dalos madár : [vers]

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    Agility is the most important aspect in the tennis court to support the athlete’s performance, but there is a study focusing on the performance applying of agility especially for tennis and comparing it with the performance of non-specific agility which is equal. The aim of this research is to evaluate the factorial validity and reliability of the three agility tests which have been planned, conducted in the condition (with a tennis racket) and non-specific (without a tennis racket). The sample consists of 28 tennis players (15 males and 13 females; age 17 ± 1 year and 16 ± 1,2 years; height 160 ± 30 cm and 168 ± 7 cm, bodyweight 50 ± 5 kg and 52 ± 7 kg). The variable consists of three agility tests such as the 20-yard test, T-test and Illinois test, all tests were conducted with and without a racket. The reliability among and in the subjects was found high (Cronbach Alpha: 0,92 to 0,98; variation coefficient: 3 to 8 percent), with the reliability and stability for specific measurement. The correlation of non-specific and specific agility performance was high (≥0,83), meanwhile for factor analysis only one which was significant according to Guttman-Kaiser. The 20-yard test result was better when the test was conducted in certain conditions (T-test = 2,65; p <0,05). For the Illinois test, the good result was in non-specific condition (uji-t = 2,95; p <0,05), which was conducted with the duration 20 seconds and conducted in non-specific. The result of the test showed that the athlete having good agility will make the performance and pattern of playing to be maximal as well as support the athlete’s prestige. In this founding, when conducting the agility test of pre-planned especially for tennis, it is suggested to use the test having a short duration which is less than 10 seconds and specific sport kind which is corresponding with the sport to conduct the measurement of agility.  Article visualizations


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    Importance point about childhood independence is a children can running his own self’s life without depends on other people and around. Researcher do first observation to The children’s in RA Jabal Nur Tlogowaru Kedungkandang Kota Malang.On there, self children’s independence was not running well. Some children still have their own depend to the teacher, frind, and their parent’s. The problem that often be happen is when the children entry to the scholl environment beginning. Authoritarian parenting is a very assertive parenting’s shape. There are view of the rule inside. The children’s always accustomed to gift and punishment.For example is  Arya and Uwais who always the gift for  every good think if they want to do. Authoritarian is a parenting shape can make a child will be a independence, assertive with his ownself, and will be kind personal  to their friend. in otherwise, permissive parenting not giving some border and it can make a spoiled person. It looks like in Azizah, Rani, and Nabila. They can said not a independence children, because they are still depend on their parent’s and around people there. Authoritarian parenting also basiccly from respect and understanding from parents to their kid. The parent who use this way give some rule that suitable for children’s age. It looks like Fattah. He can do some responsibility to his ownself and he can be adaptation with pepole’s around. The results showing  that parenting from the parent’s in RA Jabal Nur Tlogowaru Kedungkandang Malang City is a Authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting. Role of the teacher to parenting shape is always give some motivation to childrens. Teacher should be can do motivate and corrector for parents who doing this shape parenting. In Other side, teacher Should be a motivator person and inpirator for teh childrens
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