97 research outputs found

    Regional child care availability and fertility decisions in Spain

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    In this paper I explore two hypotheses: (1) Formal childcare availability for children under 3 has a positive effect on fertility; and (2) Formal childcare availability has different effects across contexts, according to the degree of adaptation of social institutions to changes in gender roles. Event history models with regional fixed effects are applied to data from the European Community Household Panel (1994-2001). The results show a significant and positive effect of regional day care availability on both first and higher order births, while results are consistent with the second hypothesis only for second or higher order births.care regime, child care, fertility, gender roles, social policy, welfare regimes


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: D. R. STODDART, On Geography and its histor

    Political Economy and Life Course Patterns

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    We explore the strong linkages between macro changes and the dynamics of educational, occupational, family, and residential careers of young Spanish adults born between 1945 and 1974. We review theory and evidence on macro factors: changes in the welfare system, centrality of the family as a service provider, and the changing role of women. We outline some hypotheses of how life course trajectories, and their heterogeneity, change across cohorts. We build data on sequences of states using FFS. In our analysis, we find an increase in the discontinuity of careers and of the heterogeneity among cohort members, especially for employment. Women's careers are becoming more similar to those of men. Family and household formation is postponed, with a limited spread of post-nuclear family forms.delayed transition to adulthood, life course, postponement of family formation, sequence analysis, Spain, young adults

    Implementasi Framework Laravel pada Sistem Informasi dan Profil Klinik Umum dan Gigi Annisa Berbasis Website

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    Klinik adalah fasilitas kesehatan yang menyedikan pelayanan medis dasar dan/atau khusus secara individual. Saat ini, masih banyak klinik yang dalam kegiatan operasional pencatatan data pasien masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga mempengaruhi efisiensi dan efektivitas kerja akibatnya pelayanan terhadap pasien menjadi kurang optimal. Tak hanya itu masyarakat juga kesulitan dalam memperoleh informasi seputar klinik tanpa harus datang ke lokasi. Maka dari itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah sistem informasi dan profil klinik yang bisa memberikan informasi yang lengkap, up-to-date dan valid kepada masyarakat serta melakukan pendataan yang terkomputerisasi sehingga klinik dapat memberikan kualitas pelayanan yang optimal. Sistem informasi dan profil klinik ini dirancang dengan menggunakan framework Laravel, pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai database-nya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu waterfall, dari proses analisa kebutuhan, kemudian perancangan sistem, implementasi program sampai dengan pengujian. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi dan profil klinik berbasis web yang dapat meningkatkan eksistensi dan memperkuat branding serta mengoptimalkan kualitas pelayanan klinik terhadap pasien melalui pendataan yang terkomputerisasi.&nbsp


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    Klinik adalah fasilitas kesehatan yang menyedikan pelayanan medis dasar dan/atau khusus secara individual. Saat ini, masih banyak klinik yang dalam kegiatan operasional pencatatan data pasien masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga mempengaruhi efisiensi dan efektivitas kerja akibatnya pelayanan terhadap pasien menjadi kurang optimal. Tak hanya itu masyarakat juga kesulitan dalam memperoleh informasi seputar klinik tanpa harus datang ke lokasi. Maka dari itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah sistem informasi dan profil klinik yang bisa memberikan informasi yang lengkap, up-to-date dan valid kepada masyarakat serta melakukan pendataan yang terkomputerisasi sehingga klinik dapat memberikan kualitas pelayanan yang optimal. Sistem informasi dan profil klinik ini dirancang dengan menggunakan framework Laravel, pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai database-nya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu waterfall, dari proses analisa kebutuhan, kemudian perancangan sistem, implementasi program sampai dengan pengujian. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi dan profil klinik berbasis web yang dapat meningkatkan eksistensi dan memperkuat branding serta mengoptimalkan kualitas pelayanan klinik terhadap pasien melalui pendataan yang terkomputerisasi

    Obtenció d'un model de predicció de les afectacions dels parcs eòlics sobre els serveis de televisió

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    Projecte realitzat en col·laboració amb Abertis TelecomL'objectiu principal del projecte és l'obtenció d'un model que faci possible la predicció de les afectacions dels parcs eòlics sobre els serveis de televisió tant analògica com digital. Perquè això sigui possible el present projecte pretén assolir els punts següents: 1. Estudi de les diferents fonts d'interferència que poden ocasionar els aerogeneradors, principalment sobre els elements encarregats de la difusió del senyal de televisió. Aquest estudi es centra en l'anàlisi i detecció dels problemes en recepció de televisió analògica i digital. 2. Desenvolupament d'una metodologia que faci possible la predicció de les afectacions dels parcs eòlics sobre els serveis de televisió analògica i digital i l'estudi de la seva viabilitat mitjançant mesures sobre el terreny on es té coneixement d'afectacions provocades per parcs eòlics. 3. Estudi tecno-econòmic dels costos aproximats d'implantació de les diferents solucions per reduir les afectacions i comparació econòmica entre la implantació de solucions prèvies i posteriors a la construcció del parc

    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy in the neuropsychological assessment of spatial memory: A systematic review; 35123299

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive optical imaging technique that employs near-infrared light to measure cortical brain oxygenation. The use of fNIRS has increased exponentially in recent years. Spatial memory is defined as the ability to learn and use spatial information. This neuropsychological process is constantly used in our daily lives and can be measured by fNIRS but no research has reviewed whether this technique can be useful in the neuropsychological assessment of spatial memory. This study aimed to review empirical work on the use of fNIRS in the neuropsychological assessment of human spatial memory. We used four databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus and Web of Science, and a total of 18 articles were found to be eligible. Most of the articles assessed spatial or visuospatial working memory with a predominance in computer-based tasks, used fNIRS equipment of 16 channels and mainly measured the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The studies analysed found linear or quadratic relationships between working memory load and PFC activity, greater activation of PFC activity and worse behavioural results in healthy older people in comparison with healthy adults, and hyperactivation of PFC as a form of compensation in clinical samples. We conclude that fNIRS is compatible with the standard neuropsychological assessment of spatial memory, making it possible to complement behavioural results with data of cortical functional activity. © 202

    Characterization of the European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Gonadal Transcriptome During Sexual Development

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    The European sea bass is one of the most important cultured fish in Europe and has a marked sexual growth dimorphism in favor of females. It is a gonochoristic species with polygenic sex determination, where a combination between still undifferentiated genetic factors and environmental temperature determines sex ratios. The molecular mechanisms responsible for gonadal sex differentiation are still unknown. Here, we sampled fish during the gonadal developmental period (110 to 350 days post fertilization, dpf), and performed a comprehensive transcriptomic study by using a species-specific microarray. This analysis uncovered sex-specific gonadal transcriptomic profiles at each stage of development, identifying larger number of differentially expressed genes in ovaries when compared to testis. The expression patterns of 54 reproduction-related genes were analyzed. We found that hsd17β10 is a reliable marker of early ovarian differentiation. Further, three genes, pdgfb, snx1, and nfy, not previously related to fish sex differentiation, were tightly associated with testis development in the sea bass. Regarding signaling pathways, lysine degradation, bladder cancer, and NOD-like receptor signaling were enriched for ovarian development while eight pathways including basal transcription factors and steroid biosynthesis were enriched for testis development. Analysis of the transcription factor abundance showed an earlier increase in females than in males. Our results show that, although many players in the sex differentiation pathways are conserved among species, there are peculiarities in gene expression worth exploring. The genes identified in this study illustrate the diversity of players involved in fish sex differentiation and can become potential biomarkers for the management of sex ratios in the European sea bass and perhaps other cultured species

    Kodoja : a workflow for virus detection in plants using k-mer analysis of RNA-sequencing data

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    This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/N023293/1]. The work of L.T., S.J., S.M. and P.C.was additionally supported by the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services division (RESAS)RNA-sequencing of plant material allows for hypothesis-free detection of multiple viruses simultaneously. This methodology relies on bioinformatics workflows for virus identification. Most workflows are designed for human clinical data, and few go beyond sequence mapping for virus identification. We present a new workflow (Kodoja) for the detection of plant virus sequences in RNA-sequence data. Kodoja uses k-mer profiling at the nucleotide level and sequence mapping at the protein level by integrating two existing tools Kraken and Kaiju. Kodoja was tested on three existing RNA-seq datasets from grapevine, and two new RNA-seq datasets from raspberry. For grapevine, Kodoja was shown to be more sensitive than a method based on contig building and blast alignments (27 viruses detected compared to 19). The application of Kodoja to raspberry, showed that field-grown raspberries were infected by multiple viruses, and that RNA-seq can identify lower amounts of virus material than reverse transcriptase PCR. This work enabled the design of new PCR-primers for detection of Raspberry yellow net virus and Beet ringspot virus. Kodoja is a sensitive method for plant virus discovery in field samples and enables the design of more accurate primers for detection. Kodoja is available to install through Bioconda and as a tool within Galaxy.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Impact of simulated reduced injected dose on the assessment of amyloid PET scans

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the impact of reduced injected doses on the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the amyloid PET tracers [18F]flutemetamol and [18F]florbetaben. METHODS: Cognitively impaired and unimpaired individuals (N = 250, 36% Aβ-positive) were included and injected with [18F]flutemetamol (N = 175) or [18F]florbetaben (N = 75). PET scans were acquired in list-mode (90-110 min post-injection) and reduced-dose images were simulated to generate images of 75, 50, 25, 12.5 and 5% of the original injected dose. Images were reconstructed using vendor-provided reconstruction tools and visually assessed for Aβ-pathology. SUVRs were calculated for a global cortical and three smaller regions using a cerebellar cortex reference tissue, and Centiloid was computed. Absolute and percentage differences in SUVR and CL were calculated between dose levels, and the ability to discriminate between Aβ- and Aβ + scans was evaluated using ROC analyses. Finally, intra-reader agreement between the reduced dose and 100% images was evaluated. RESULTS: At 5% injected dose, change in SUVR was 3.72% and 3.12%, with absolute change in Centiloid 3.35CL and 4.62CL, for [18F]flutemetamol and [18F]florbetaben, respectively. At 12.5% injected dose, percentage change in SUVR and absolute change in Centiloid were  80% for both tracers. CONCLUSION: This proof-of-concept study showed that for both [18F]flutemetamol and [18F]florbetaben, adequate quantitative and qualitative assessments can be obtained at 12.5% of the original injected dose. However, decisions to reduce the injected dose should be made considering the specific clinical or research circumstances