17 research outputs found

    Share - Publish - Store - Preserve. Methodologies, Tools and Challenges for 3D Use in Social Sciences and Humanities

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    Through this White Paper, which gathers contributions from experts of 3D data as well as professionals concerned with the interoperability and sustainability of 3D research data, the PARTHENOS project aims at highlighting some of the current issues they have to face, with possible specific points according to the discipline, and potential practices and methodologies to deal with these issues. During the workshop, several tools to deal with these issues have been introduced and confronted with the participants experiences, this White Paper now intends to go further by also integrating participants feedbacks and suggestions of potential improvements. Therefore, even if the focus is put on specific tools, the main goal is to contribute to the development of standardized good practices related to the sharing, publication, storage and long-term preservation of 3D data

    The Socioeconomic Impact of Surgical Site Infections.

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    Surgical site infections are an ever-increasing phenomenon worldwide due to different factors. This brief report aimeds to highlight at a glance, for both physicians and political and institutional leaders, the economic burden of surgical site infections. This brief report aimed to highlight the economic burden of surgical site infections (SSIs). A narrative review focusing on this subject has been carried out. Surgical site infections are responsible for generating important costs. In 2017, a French cohort highlighted a mean cost of each SSI treatment to be around €1,814; the same year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines evaluated the mean cost caused by SSI treatment to be from 10,443to10,443 to 25,546 per SSI. This cost depends on many factors including the patient himself and the type of surgery. Prevention of the risk of infection is, therefore, a profitable concept for surgery that must be integrated within all healthcare managements worldwide

    Le mentorat enseignant-chercheur :un dispositif pertinent pour soutenir le développement de pratiques et de convictions pédagogiques cohérentes chez les enseignants débutants ?Une étude de cas québécoise

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    Parmi les tensions qui traversent l’entrĂ©e dans la profession enseignante, la mise en Ɠuvre de pratiques pĂ©dagogiques cohĂ©rentes avec les croyances Ă©pistĂ©mologiques et pĂ©dagogiques dĂ©veloppĂ©es par les enseignants dĂ©butants a retenu notre attention. Dans ce contexte, nous examinons les retombĂ©es d’un mentorat chercheur/enseignant dĂ©butant centrĂ© sur la cohĂ©rence du positionnement Ă©pistĂ©mologique et pĂ©dagogique. En effet, si l’on considĂšre que le point de dĂ©part du processus d’émancipation rĂ©side dans le dĂ©passement d’une difficultĂ© impliquant nĂ©cessairement une prise de conscience et de recul sur « ce qui ne va pas », le mentor peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme une personne ressource susceptible d’aider l’enseignant dĂ©butant Ă  identifier les dĂ©calages entre ses croyances et ses pratiques et Ă  dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies pour dĂ©passer ces discontinuitĂ©s. DĂšs lors, cette communication pose la question suivante :en quoi le mentorat par un enseignant-chercheur permet-il de soutenir l’émancipation d’une enseignante dĂ©butante de physique au secondaire face aux difficultĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  l’entrĂ©e dans la vie professionnelle et Ă  l’articulation croyances/pratiques ?L’étude de cas repose sur l’analyse d’observations en classe, d’entretiens post-observation et de deux sĂ©ances de mentorat. Les premiers rĂ©sultats tendent Ă  illustrer que le mentorat a effectivement permis Ă  l’enseignante d’analyser ses pratiques de l’enseignement de la physique et de rĂ©soudre des tensions croyances/pratiques.info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Early control of viral load by favipiravir promotes survival to Ebola virus challenge and prevents cytokine storm in non-human primates

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    Acknowledgments: Experiments were carried out in the Jean Merieux–Inserm BSL4 Laboratory. We would like to thank the members of the in vivo team, S. Barron, L. Barrot, A. Duthey, F. Jacquot, M. Langry, and A. Vallve, for conducting the animal experiments. We are also grateful to A. Bocquin, S. Godard, S. Mely, E. Moissonnier, S. Mundweiler, D. Pannetier, and D. Thomas from the in vitro team, who helped to prepare the samples during the experiments and performed virus titrations. We finally thank Jean Armengaud from the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) for performing the mass spectrometry experiments.International audienceEbola virus has been responsible for two major epidemics over the last several years and there has been a strong effort to find potential treatments that can improve the disease outcome. Antiviral favipiravir was thus tested on non-human primates infected with Ebola virus. Half of the treated animals survived the Ebola virus challenge, whereas the infection was fully lethal for the untreated ones. Moreover, the treated animals that did not survive died later than the controls. We evaluated the hematological, virological, biochemical, and immunological parameters of the animals and performed proteomic analysis at various timepoints of the disease. The viral load strongly correlated with dysregulation of the biological functions involved in pathogenesis, notably the inflammatory response, hemostatic functions, and response to stress. Thus, the management of viral replication in Ebola virus disease is of crucial importance in preventing the immunopathogenic disorders and septic-like shock syndrome generally observed in Ebola virus-infected patients

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    Analyse de la mise en Ɠuvre de rĂšgles de dĂ©cision de systĂšmes en production intĂ©grĂ©e en Lorraine

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    Ce numĂ©ro est constituĂ© d’articles de synthĂšse des projets DEPHY EXPE publiĂ©s Ă  l’occasion du colloque national DEPHY, qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ© les 13 et 14 novembre 2018 Ă  la CitĂ© des Sciences et de l'Industrie (Paris). Nous vous invitons Ă  dĂ©couvrir le bilan et les enseignements des 21 projets conduits sur la pĂ©riode 2012-2017.As part of DEPHY EXPE network from Ecophyto programme, four test platforms were implanted in2011/2012 on Lorrain territory to test integrated production. This project aims to cut in half pesticidesuse but it was also an opportunity to knock down the technical barriers related to constraints as regardssoil, climate and regulation which impact farming systems of the region. Two levels of change(lengthening the rotation or not) were tested in the platforms. Sometimes, decision rules on systemsmanagement techniques, preliminary defined to meet specific objectives, needed to be adapted over time depending on their success or their failure. Experimenting these cropping systems providedlearnings on beneficial or adverse effects of lengthening the rotation, and on alternative means usedagainst pests. For instance, adjust treatment threasholds and use species associations could preventfungicide and insecticide treatments, but mechanical weeding wasn't sufficient on rape and had to becombined with herbicides used in reduced quantities. These platforms were not only a source oftechnical references but also appropriate teaching supports.Dans le cadre du rĂ©seau DEPHY EXPE du programme Ecophyto, quatre plateformes expĂ©rimentalesont Ă©tĂ© implantĂ©es en 2011/2012 sur le territoire lorrain pour tester la production intĂ©grĂ©e. Ce projet,visant une rĂ©duction de 50% des produits phytosanitaires, fut aussi une opportunitĂ© pour lever lesverrous techniques liĂ©s aux contraintes pĂ©dologiques, climatiques et rĂ©glementaires qui mettent Ă  malles systĂšmes agricoles lorrains actuels. Deux niveaux de rupture (avec ou sans allongement de larotation) ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s sur les plateformes. Les rĂšgles de dĂ©cision sur les itinĂ©raires techniques dessystĂšmes, dĂ©finies en amont pour rĂ©pondre Ă  des objectifs prĂ©cis, ont parfois dĂ» ĂȘtre adaptĂ©es au coursdu temps selon leur rĂ©ussite ou leur Ă©chec.La conduite de ces essais systĂšmes a ainsi permis de tirer des enseignements sur l'intĂ©rĂȘt del'allongement de la rotation et sur les diffĂ©rents leviers alternatifs aux produits phytosanitaires utilisĂ©s.Par exemple, des traitements fongicides et insecticides ont pu ĂȘtre Ă©vitĂ©s en adaptant les seuilsd'intervention ou avec des associations d'espĂšces, mais il a Ă©tĂ© nĂ©cessaire de coupler le dĂ©sherbagemĂ©canique sur colza Ă  un dĂ©sherbage chimique en dose rĂ©duite. Ces plateformes ont pu ĂȘtre la sourcede rĂ©fĂ©rences techniques mais aussi des supports pĂ©dagogiques trĂšs pertinents

    No evidence of direct contribution of adult plant stages to climate adaptation in snapdragon plants

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    International audienceSignatures of local adaptation have been found at all life stages in plants. Yet, the contribution of later plant stages is rarely disentangled from the influence of early-life stages. Here, we investigate the direct contribution of adult plant stages to climate adaptation in two subspecies of snapdragon plants (Antirrhinum majus), while growth conditions have been homogenized at early-life stages. We compared genetic variation in fitness proxies (i.e. flowering, number of flowers and survival) and phenotypic traits in adult plants of eight populations of A. m. pseudomajus and seven populations of A. m. striatum, in two common garden experiments at high and low elevations. We found no evidence of adaptation to elevation in adult plants in both subspecies. Populations of low-elevation habitats outperformed populations of high-elevation habitats in all gardens. The effects of phenotypic traits on fitness components were similar at high and low elevation, suggesting no divergent selection along elevation. Different traits had an effect on fitness proxies in A. m. striatum and A. m. pseudomajus, suggesting that different mechanisms are at play in these two subspecies. Our findings suggest that there is no direct contribution of adult plant stages to climate adaptation in snapdragon plants and that adaptive processes potentially differ at the scale of A. majus subspecies

    Analyse de la mise en Ɠuvre de rĂšgles de dĂ©cision de systĂšmes en production intĂ©grĂ©e en Lorraine

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    Dans le cadre du rĂ©seau DEPHY EXPE du programme Ecophyto, quatre plateformes expĂ©rimentales ont Ă©tĂ© implantĂ©es en 2011/2012 sur le territoire lorrain pour tester la production intĂ©grĂ©e. Ce projet, visant une rĂ©duction de 50% des produits phytosanitaires, fut aussi une opportunitĂ© pour lever les verrous techniques liĂ©s aux contraintes pĂ©dologiques, climatiques et rĂ©glementaires qui mettent Ă  mal les systĂšmes agricoles lorrains actuels. Deux niveaux de rupture (avec ou sans allongement de la rotation) ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s sur les plateformes. Les rĂšgles de dĂ©cision sur les itinĂ©raires techniques des systĂšmes, dĂ©finies en amont pour rĂ©pondre Ă  des objectifs prĂ©cis, ont parfois dĂ» ĂȘtre adaptĂ©es au cours du temps selon leur rĂ©ussite ou leur Ă©chec. La conduite de ces essais systĂšmes a ainsi permis de tirer des enseignements sur l'intĂ©rĂȘt de l'allongement de la rotation et sur les diffĂ©rents leviers alternatifs aux produits phytosanitaires utilisĂ©s. Par exemple, des traitements fongicides et insecticides ont pu ĂȘtre Ă©vitĂ©s en adaptant les seuils d'intervention ou avec des associations d'espĂšces, mais il a Ă©tĂ© nĂ©cessaire de coupler le dĂ©sherbage mĂ©canique sur colza Ă  un dĂ©sherbage chimique en dose rĂ©duite. Ces plateformes ont pu ĂȘtre la source de rĂ©fĂ©rences techniques mais aussi des supports pĂ©dagogiques trĂšs pertinents.As part of DEPHY EXPE network from Ecophyto programme, four test platforms were implanted in 2011/2012 on Lorrain territory to test integrated production. This project aims to cut in half pesticides use but it was also an opportunity to knock down the technical barriers related to constraints as regards soil, climate and regulation which impact farming systems of the region. Two levels of change (lengthening the rotation or not) were tested in the platforms. Sometimes, decision rules on systems management techniques, preliminary defined to meet specific objectives, needed to be adapted over [br/] time depending on their success or their failure. Experimenting these cropping systems provided learnings on beneficial or adverse effects of lengthening the rotation, and on alternative means used against pests. For instance, adjust treatment threasholds and use species associations could prevent fungicide and insecticide treatments, but mechanical weeding wasn't sufficient on rape and had to be combined with herbicides used in reduced quantities. These platforms were not only a source of technical references but also appropriate teaching supports

    Nouvelles données sur le Magdalénien de l'Entre-deux-Mers : la faune de l'Abri Vidon (Juillac, Gironde)

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    International audienceThe Abri Vidon is located in Aquitaine, in the Entre-deux-Mers area. Excavated in the end of 1950's, this site provided lithic and faunal remains characteristics of the Magdalenian. The main dominant ungulates from the Bölling-Alleröd : Reindeer/Horse/Bovins are present. The identification of two Saïga Antelope remains raises the question of the chronological attribution for the levels. Taphonomical and zooarchaeological analysis of a part of the excavated remains by E. Prot indicates human accumulations with secondary passages of carnivores. The diversity of the activities conducted on the site and the different steps of the lithic chaßne opératoire and carcasses treatment suggest the use of the shelter as a regular camp. Some remarkable elements, as cutmarks on a bear ulna, engravings on an ungulate rib fragment or sawn ungulate incisives, add other new data for the Magdalenian of the region.L'Abri Vidon est situé en Aquitaine, dans l'Entre-deux-Mers. Fouillé à la fin des années 1950, ce gisement a livré des vestiges fauniques et lithiques caractéristiques du Magdalénien. Le trio commun des Ongulés de la période du Bölling-Alleröd - Renne/Cheval/Bovinés - est présent. L'identification de restes d'Antilope saïga, soulÚve la question de l'attribution chronologique des niveaux. L'analyse taphonomique et archéozoologique préliminaire d'une partie de la collection E. Prot met en évidence une accumulation osseuse majoritairement anthropique avec des interventions secondaires des carnivores. Les diverses activités conduites dans le site et les étapes des chaßnes opératoires lithiques et de traitement des carcasses indiquent l'utilisation de l'abri comme camp d'habitat régulier par les Magdaléniens. Quelques éléments remarquables tels que la présence de stries de découpe sur un ulna d'Ours, de gravures sur un fragment de cÎte de grand Ongulé ou d'incisives d'Ongulés sciées ajoutent d'autres données inédites sur le Magdalénien de la région