165 research outputs found


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    It is known that South Tangerang City is one of the fastest growing cities. This indicates that the increasing number of users of transportation means that facilities for transportation users need to be considered, one example is pedestrians. The unrealized development of pedestrian facilities is caused by the transfer of function of pedestrian facilities for public needs and insufficient space for pedestrians. The lack of pedestrian facilities causes pedestrians to pass by and has an impact on public transportation that is currently operating, causing congestion. Sudimara Station is located in Ciputat District, South Tanggerang City, with a population growth rate of 3.0% in 2019. All buildings are provided for pedestrians to provide services to pedestrians so as to improve pedestrian smoothness, safety and comfort. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of pedestrian facilities at Sudimara Station. The method used is direct field survey and data processing using Microsoft Excel, AutoCad. The results of the author's research include the minimum width of the sidewalk in 2020 and 2025 of 1.5 - 1.6 meters and the service level of pedestrian facilities is classified as A, which means that pedestrians can walk freely, including being able to determine the direction of walking freely, at speed. relatively fast without causing interference between pedestrians. the existing conditions of the sidewalks in 2020, namely there are several obstacles for pedestrians such as the presence of street vendors, public transportation parking carelessly, and several motorbikes parked carelessly, buying and selling activities in markets close to Sudimara station and the absence of integration facilities around the place. the. Planning that the authors do is to increase the width of the sidewalk to 1.5 meters, and the addition of street lighting facilities

    Development of epoxy-geopolymer hybrid composites as synthetic ceramic

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    Novel cross-linked geopolymer-epoxy hybrid composites as synthetic ceramics is developed in this project. Geopolymer fly-ash is used as basis to be mixed with epoxy, an inorganic polymer at different ratios to produce an enhanced sample with lighter, strong resistance against temperature, acidity, low water absorption as well as high flexural strength. The project is carried out in order to suggest a solution of the expensive ceramics, as well as the high cost of manufacturing. Fly ash geopolymer is very cheap as they are the by-products of combustion which is not of any valuable use currently. Besides that the starting material of the sample is also very environmental friendly as it is biodegradable as well as inexpensive. Before starting on the preparation, multiple ratios of the geopolymer and epoxy will be studied to identify the best ratio. After the analysis, it is shown that 10% epoxy is the best formulation due to its least amount of water absorption, good surface as well as high density of material. The addition of epoxy has improved the properties of geopolymer


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    The Arabic Translator COE internship program organized by the Arabic Language Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Malang aims to provide opportunities for students to apply the knowledge learned during lectures in a more real world of work. The internship program is an activity during lectures that supports students in learning to enter the real world of work. By participating in this program, students gain knowledge about what happens in the world of work. The Internship Work Program was carried out for 2 months starting from October 2, 2023 - December 2, 2023. At PT cakrawala muda mandiri work from Monday to Friday. The internship model applied at PT Cakrawala Muda Mandiri is full time. In carrying out their duties as internship students, CMM divides the tasks to students into 2 parts, namely, the administrative field and the technician field. Therefore, the author gained work experience during the internship in the technician section. In this section, the author gained experience in knowing how to use translator tools, learning what tools are used when becoming a translator. From the results of this experience, the author can conclude that this internship is very useful for students, especially students who are ready to enter the world of work

    The Transcendent Unity Behind the Diversity of Religions and Religiosity in the Perspective of Perennial Philosophy and Its Relevance to the Indonesian Context

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    This study is conducted to answer an important question: is there any transcendent unity behind the diversity or plurality of religions and religiosity? This question will be answered through perennial philosophy approach. The study found that, according to perennial philosophers, there is a transcendent unity behind the diversity or plurality of religions and religiosity. This transcendent unity is seen in ‘the common vision’, or what in Islam is called the ‘basic message of religion’, namely ‘submission’ to always fear God and live His presence in everyday life. Further, the perennial philosophers argue that the True God is one; therefore, all religions emerging from the One are in principle the same for they come from the same source. In other words, the diversity of religions and religiosity lies only in the exoteric level, and all religions actually have a transcendent unity in the esoteric level. However, in this case, the perennial philosophers do not mean to unify or equate all religions. In fact, they try to open a way to a spiritual ascent through the reviving of the religious traditions in every religion

    Isu Gender dan Kekerasan Seksual di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

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    Gender equality is equality between men and women in accessing opportunities and rights as human beings, performing functions and participating in political, legal, economic, cultural and social activities. education, society and defense and security of this development. Gender equality also includes eliminating discrimination and structural injustice against men and women. The issue of gender equality is especially linked to the issue of unequal status between women and men. This cannot be separated from the patriarchal culture that still exists in society, whereby men dominate the family structure, where historically, women were considered incapable of managing the area. their own work and work without male leadership. The causes of sexual violence in educational institutions are mainly due to lack of government attention and management. Second, the way of thinking is not uniform. Third, there are unequal power relationships. Fourth, lack of education about sex and social ethics. The prevention of sexual violence must be implemented at all levels, including in Islamic educational institutions. Mechanisms to prevent sexual violence by following the principle of prevention are systematically structured  and targeted


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    Pada era modern seperti saat ini, ternyata masih banyak instansi yang belum memaksimalkan teknologi. Salah satu contoh teknologi yang belum banyak digunakan di beberapa instansi yaitu sistem presensi. Saat ini masih ada presensi yang mengandalkan tanda tangan absen tanpa ada keterangan waktu datang dan pulang. Hal ini berdampak pada kinerja suatu instansi, terlebih instansi yang melakukan pelayanan publik. Tidak jarang ditemui instansi yang karyawannya masih belum hadir di jam operasional dengan berbagai alasan. Sehingga untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini, sistem presensi diimplementasikan agar karyawan dan dapat tertib dan melakukan pelayanan secara maksimal. Hasil dari implementasi adalah berkurangnya manipulasi data presensi. Kata kunci— masyarakat, pendidikan, pengabdian, presensi In the modern era nowadays, there are still many agencies that have not maximized technology. One example of technology that has not been widely used in several agencies is the present system. Currently, there is still attendance who relies on the signature of attendance without any information about the time to come and go home. This has an impact on the performance of an agency, especially agencies that provide public services. It is not uncommon to find agencies whose employees are still not present at operational hours for various reasons. So in order to solve this problem, the present system was implemented so that employees were able to be orderly and perform services optimally. The result of the implementation reduced attendance data manipulation. Keywords— community, dedication, education, presenc


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