209 research outputs found

    Pequeñas historias de humor y de horror : usando narrativas y casos en la formación del profesorado de ciencias

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    En este trabajo se discute el uso de “pequeñas historias” en la formación inicial y continuada del profesorado de ciencias para todos los niveles educativos. Se presenta un proyecto de investigación e innovación didácticas dirigido a fomentar, en profesores y profesoras de ciencias, algunos procesos cognitivolingüísticos epitómicos (paradigmáticos) de las ciencias. Para tal proyecto se diseñaron dos relatos cortos basados en materiales de historia de la ciencia. Los relatos asumen un formato narrativo y se utilizan como casos de estudio; en ellos se recurre al humor y al horror como herramientas de estructuración del hilo argumental. El contenido y el formato de los relatos tiene su base en investigaciones previas acerca de la naturaleza de la ciencia; estas “pequeñas historias” pretendían construir una imagen más robusta de la ciencia como actividad profundamente humana

    Seed regeneration in native forests of Nothofagus antarctica under silvopastoral use in Southern Patagonia, Argentina

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of silvopastoral use in two pure stands of Nothofagus antarctica (ñire, ñirre) growing at two site qualities on the regeneration cycle from production and quality of seeds, and the establishment and mortality of seedling in Southern Patagonia (Argentina). To evaluate seed production four traps were distributed to capture the spatial variation of each stand during seven years (2004-2010). Also, seed viability and germination were evaluated. In each site, permanent sampling plots were used to measure seedling establishment and mortality. Seed production in stands under silvopastoral use varied from 1 to 40 million seeds ha-1, with no differences compared to seed production in surrounding primary forests of the same site quality. Stands under silvopastoral use showed that seed quality varied among sites being higher in the lower site quality. However, there was no difference in seed quality between silvopastoral use and primary forests stands. Seedling establishment was improved in the stands under silvopastoral use compared to primary forests, but mortality rate was high (or total) in all situations. We concluded that silvopastoral use of the studied stands did not modify substantially seed regeneration compared to primary forests.Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: i) evaluar la regeneración, desde el punto de vista de su producción y calidad de semillas, así como también de la instalación y supervivencia de plántulas, de dos rodales puros de Nothofagus antarctica (ñire, ñirre) bajo uso silvopastoril en distintas calidades de sitio en Patagonia Sur (51º S, Argentina); ii) comparar estos aspectos de la regeneración de ñire entre rodales bajo uso silvopastoril y bosque primario en similares condiciones geográficas y temporales. Para evaluar la producción de semillas, se usaron cuatro trampas de captura distribuidas espacialmente en cada sitio durante siete años (2004- 2010), determinándose además tamaño, viabilidad y germinación. En cada sitio, se instalaron parcelas permanentes de muestreo para cuantificar la incorporación y supervivencia de plántulas. La producción de semillas en los rodales bajo uso silvopastoril varió desde 1 a 40 millones por hectárea, sin diferenciarse de la producción en bosques primarios aledaños de igual calidad de sitio. En los rodales bajo uso silvopastoril la calidad de las semillas varió entre clases de sitio algunos años, siendo mayor en el sitio de calidad inferior. Sin embargo, en general, no se encontraron diferencias entre bosques primarios y con uso silvopastoril. La instalación de plántulas se vio favorecida en los rodales con uso silvopastoril respecto a bosques primarios, no obstante, la supervivencia fue muy baja o nula en todas las situaciones. Se concluyó que en las situaciones estudiadas el uso silvopastoril de los bosques de ñire no modificó sustancialmente su regeneración por semillas respecto a bosques primarios.Fil: Bahamonde, Héctor A.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria; Argentina; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina;Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Unidad Académica Río Gallegos; Argentina; Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria; Argentina; Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina;Fil: Monelos, Lucas H.. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina;Fil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina

    Producción y calidad de gramíneas en un gradiente de calidades de sitio y coberturas en bosques de Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forster) Oerst. en Patagonia

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    62-73The aim of the present study was to quantify the dry matter and crude protein concentration of grasses in different radiation levels and its variation over time, in Nothofagus antarctica (ñire) forests under silvopastoral use growing in contrasting environmental conditions in Southern Patagonia (Argentina). Biomass was clipped monthly for two growing seasons in five ñire stands corresponding to different site quality in three positions (radiation level) beneath crown, in between crown and in an adjacent area without trees. We additionally quantified photosynthetic active radiation, air and soil temperature, relative air humidity and soil moisture. Forage production varied between 135 to 1800 kg/ha, and was positively correlated with site quality. The effect of environmental variables over forage production depended on each site and year; however in most cases the aboveground biomass inside the forest was equal or higher than that of the adjacent areas without trees. The protein content of grasses was higher inside the forest, in the higher site quality stands, decreased throughout the growing season and was positively associated with soil moisture at all sites. The results suggest that silvopastoral use of ñire forests at intermediate crown covers may be desirable from the standpoint of forage production and quality

    Producción y calidad de gramíneas en un gradiente de calidades de sitio y coberturas en bosques de Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forster) Oerst. en Patagonia

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    62-73The aim of the present study was to quantify the dry matter and crude protein concentration of grasses in different radiation levels and its variation over time, in Nothofagus antarctica (ñire) forests under silvopastoral use growing in contrasting environmental conditions in Southern Patagonia (Argentina). Biomass was clipped monthly for two growing seasons in five ñire stands corresponding to different site quality in three positions (radiation level) beneath crown, in between crown and in an adjacent area without trees. We additionally quantified photosynthetic active radiation, air and soil temperature, relative air humidity and soil moisture. Forage production varied between 135 to 1800 kg/ha, and was positively correlated with site quality. The effect of environmental variables over forage production depended on each site and year; however in most cases the aboveground biomass inside the forest was equal or higher than that of the adjacent areas without trees. The protein content of grasses was higher inside the forest, in the higher site quality stands, decreased throughout the growing season and was positively associated with soil moisture at all sites. The results suggest that silvopastoral use of ñire forests at intermediate crown covers may be desirable from the standpoint of forage production and quality

    About Attitudes and Perceptions: Finding the Proper Way to Consider Latent Variables in Discrete Choice Models

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    We provide an in-depth theoretical discussion about the differences between attitudes and perceptions, as well as an empirical exercise to analyze its effects. This discussion is of importance, as the large majority of papers considering attitudinal latent variables, just consider those as attributes affecting directly the utility of a certain alternative while systematic taste variations are rarely taken into account and perceptions are normally completely ignored. The results of our case study show that perceptions may indeed affect the decision making process and that they are able to capture a significant part of the variability that is normally explained by alternative specific constants. In the same line, our results indicate that attitudes may be a reason for systematic taste variations, and that a proper categorization of the latent variables, in accordance with the underlying theory, may outperform the customary assumption of linearity

    A Quantitative Account of the Behavioral Characteristics of Habituation: The Sometimes Opponent Processes Model of Stimulus Processing

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    Habituation is defined as a decline in responding to a repeated stimulus. After more than 80 years of research, there is an enduring consensus among researchers on the existence of 9–10 behavioral regularities or parameters of habituation. There is no similar agreement, however, on the best approach to explain these facts. In this paper, we demonstrate that the Sometimes Opponent Processes (SOP) model of stimulus processing accurately describes all of these regularities. This model was proposed by Allan Wagner as a quantitative elaboration of priming theory, which states that the processing of a stimulus, and therefore its capacity to provoke its response, depends inversely on the degree to which the stimulus is pre-represented in short-term memory. Using computer simulations, we show that all the facts involving within-session effects or short-term habituation might be the result of priming from recent presentations of the stimulus (self-generated priming). The characteristics involving between-sessions effects or long-term habituation would result from the retrieval of the representation of the stimulus from memory by the associated context (associatively generated priming)

    Ground reaction forces of Olympic and World Championship race walkers.

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    Abstract Race walking is an Olympic event where no visible loss of contact should occur and the knee must be straightened until midstance. The purpose of this study was to analyse ground reaction forces of world-class race walkers and associate them with key spatiotemporal variables. Nineteen athletes race walked along an indoor track and made contact with two force plates (1000 Hz) while being filmed using high-speed videography (100 Hz). Race walking speed was correlated with flight time (r = .46, p = .049) and flight distance (r = .69, p = .001). The knee's movement from hyperextension to flexion during late stance meant the vertical push-off force that followed midstance was smaller than the earlier loading peak (p < .001), resulting in a flattened profile. Athletes with narrower stride widths experienced reduced peak braking forces (r = .49, p = .046), peak propulsive forces (r = .54, p = .027), peak medial forces (r = .63, p = .007) and peak vertical push-off forces (r = .60, p = .011). Lower fluctuations in speed during stance were associated with higher stride frequencies (r = .69, p = .001), and highlighted the importance of avoiding too much braking in early stance. The flattened trajectory and consequential decrease in vertical propulsion might help the race walker avoid visible loss of contact (although non-visible flight times were useful in increasing stride length), while a narrow stride width was important in reducing peak forces in all three directions and could improve movement efficiency

    Analyzing the Continuity of Attitudinal and Perceptional Indicators in Hybrid Choice Models

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    This paper addresses the continuity of attitudinal and perceptual indicators in hybrid discrete choice models and the main objective of this work is to compare the consequences of treating the indicators as continuous or ordinal outcomes, given different assumptions about the way in which these are stated. Based on tradition and for computational reasons, such indicators are predominantly treated as continuous outcomes. This usually neglects their nature (as respondents are normally asked to state their preferences, or level of agreement with a set of statements, using a discrete scale) and may induce important bias. We conducted an analysis based on simulated data and real data (two case studies) and were able to find that the distribution of the indicators (especially when associated with non-uniformly spaced thresholds) may lead to a clear deterioration of the model's predictive capacity, especially when assuming continuous indicators. Along the same line, higher relative variability among the latent variables increases the differences between both approaches (ordinal and continuous outcomes), especially concerning goodness-offit of the discrete-choice component. It was not possible to identify a relation between the predictive capacity of both approaches and the amount of available information. Finally, both case studies using real data show an improvement in overall goodness-of-fit when considering the indicators as ordinal outcomes, but this does not translate in a better predictability of the discrete choices

    Determinación de parámetros de vientos en el sur de la Provincia de Santa Cruz

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    En este trabajo se expone una caracterización cualitativa y cuantitativa del potencial del recurso eólico existente en la zona sur de la provincia de Santa Cruz. Esta información contribuirá a determinar las locaciones más favorables para la futura instalación de centrales de generación eoloeléctrica, así como calcular y evaluar sus potenciales aportes de energía neta. Para este fin se recabaron y procesaron datos de vientos de fuentes diversas (estaciones meteorológicas automáticas propias e información relevada por diferentes entidades nacionales y provinciales que también disponen de estaciones meteorológicas en la provincia), pero la base principal (por volumen de información y periodo temporal cubierto) fueron los datos aportados por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN). Se aplicaron para el estudio métodos estadísticos de análisis y software específico para tal efecto. Una vez recopilada la información se procesó obteniendo distribución de frecuencias y rosa de vientos y se confeccionaron tablas y gráficos de la potencia extraíble por rango de valores de velocidad del viento. La dirección O predomina durante el otoño e invierno, mientras que la OSO lo hace durante el verano, y en la primavera tienden ambas a equilibrarse. Las ráfagas máximas diarias, que pueden constituir un factor importante de estrés para un aerogenerador, suelen presentarse en horas del mediodía. La densidad de potencia obtenida, asociada a las características antes citadas de direccionalidad y estacionalidad, indican la posibilidad de obtención de muy buenos rendimientos para el aprovechamiento eléctrico del recurso eólico en esta zona.Laboratorio de Capa Límite y Fluidodinámica AmbientalGrupo Fluidodinámica Computaciona

    Determinación de parámetros de vientos en el sur de la Provincia de Santa Cruz

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    En este trabajo se expone una caracterización cualitativa y cuantitativa del potencial del recurso eólico existente en la zona sur de la provincia de Santa Cruz. Esta información contribuirá a determinar las locaciones más favorables para la futura instalación de centrales de generación eoloeléctrica, así como calcular y evaluar sus potenciales aportes de energía neta. Para este fin se recabaron y procesaron datos de vientos de fuentes diversas (estaciones meteorológicas automáticas propias e información relevada por diferentes entidades nacionales y provinciales que también disponen de estaciones meteorológicas en la provincia), pero la base principal (por volumen de información y periodo temporal cubierto) fueron los datos aportados por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN). Se aplicaron para el estudio métodos estadísticos de análisis y software específico para tal efecto. Una vez recopilada la información se procesó obteniendo distribución de frecuencias y rosa de vientos y se confeccionaron tablas y gráficos de la potencia extraíble por rango de valores de velocidad del viento. La dirección O predomina durante el otoño e invierno, mientras que la OSO lo hace durante el verano, y en la primavera tienden ambas a equilibrarse. Las ráfagas máximas diarias, que pueden constituir un factor importante de estrés para un aerogenerador, suelen presentarse en horas del mediodía. La densidad de potencia obtenida, asociada a las características antes citadas de direccionalidad y estacionalidad, indican la posibilidad de obtención de muy buenos rendimientos para el aprovechamiento eléctrico del recurso eólico en esta zona.Laboratorio de Capa Límite y Fluidodinámica AmbientalGrupo Fluidodinámica Computaciona