58 research outputs found

    Oncology nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and counseling experiences about apitherapy: A cross-sectional research

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    Objective: Apitherapy is frequently used by patients as honey, pollen, propolis and bee venom in the treatment of cancer and its symptoms. This study was conducted to determine oncology nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and cancer patients counseling experiences about apitherapy. Material and Methods: This study was descriptive and crosssectional. The study was performed with 105 oncology nurses who fully completed the questionnaire and provided feedback. Results: Oncology nurses received training on apitherapy (1.9%), had knowledge about apitherapy (30.5%), and got information from the internet (33.3%). It was found that 80.0% of oncology nurses used apitherapy. Nurses indicated that, among apitherapy products, cancer patients used honey and propolis the most, and bee venom the least. When the nurses were asked how apitherapy affected the treatment of patients, they reported that it relieved patients psychologically and increased their adherence to treatment (71.5%), positively affected the prognosis of the disease (11.4%), and improved symptoms (8.6%). Oncology nurses reported that patients with lung (47.6%), breast (46.7%) cancers, and leukemia (46.7%) resorted to apitherapy and also used it to manage anorexia (53.3%), fatigue (48.6%), and mucositis (43.8%). Oncology nurses reported toxic reactions in 10.5% (redness-rash on the skin, increased liver enzymes) of patients using apitherapy products. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that knowledge and experience of apitherapy among the future’s oncology nurses and patients were limited. Cancer patients must receive counseling and accept responsibility for using apitherapy to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life

    Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli'nin Erciyes Zafer Kurultayı konuşmaları

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    Dış kapakta eser adı: Erciyes zirvesinden Türkiye'yi düşünmek

    Dr. Devlet Bahçeli'nin MHP Büyük Kurultay konuşmaları.

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    Dış kapakta eser adı: 21. yüzyıl ve 2023 Türkiye vizyonu

    Investigation of the relationship between stroke and hematological parameters in the emergency department

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    Giriş ve Amaç: Amacımız dünyada ölüm nedenleri arasında ön sıralarda yer alan iskemik inme ile kolay ulaşılabilir, ucuz ve hızlı bir test olan hematolojik parametrelerin ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma tek merkezli, retrospektif olup Medipol Mega Üniversitesi Hastanesi Acil Servisine başvuran 18 yaş ve üzeri akut iskemik inme ve GİA tanısı alan hastalar dahil edildi. Hastaların hematolojik parametreleri ile TOAST sınıflamasına göre inme alt grupları, acil serviste klinik sonlanma durumları ve yatış süreleri değerlendirildi. Hematolojik parametrelerin yoğun bakım ünitesine (YBÜ) yatış durumunu öngörmedeki etkinlikleri ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) eğrisi kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Toplam 152 hastanın 97'si (%63,8) erkek ve 55'i (%36,2) kadındı. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 64,38 ± 13,69 olarak saptandı. YBÜ'de takip edilen hastaların lökosit (WBC), nötrofil, monosit ve lökositin ortalama platelet hacmine oranı (WMR) servis hastalarına göre istatistiksel olarak yüksek bulundu. Ortalama eritrosit hacminin platelete oranı (MPR) YBÜ'de takip edilen hastalarda servis hastalarına göre daha düşük bulundu. WBC, nötrofil, monosit, ortalama eritrosit hacminin platelete oranı (MPR) ve WMR değerlerinin acil servisten yoğun bakıma yatışı öngörme başarısı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuş olup WMR'nin öngörme gücü (AUC: 0,699 ± 0,056) en yüksek saptandı. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak GİA ve iskemik inmeli hastalarda WBC, nötrofil, monosit, WMR ve MPR, YBÜ'ye yatışı öngörmede kullanılabilir.Introductionand Aim: Our aim is to investigate the relationship between ischemic stroke, which is one of the leading causes of death in the world, and hematological parameters which are easily accessible, cheap and rapid tests. Materials and Methods: The study was a single-center, retrospective and patients aged 18 years and older with acute ischemic stroke and GİA who applied to Medipol Mega University Hospital Emergency Department were included in the study. Hematological parametres of patients were evaluated with stroke subgrups according to TOAST, clinical outcomes and duration of hospitalization. The predictive efficiency of the hematological parameters to the intensive care unit (ICU) admission status was compared using the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Results: Of the 152, 97 (63,8%) were male and 55 (36,2%) were female. The median age of the patients was 64,38 ± 13,69. Leukocyte (WBC), neutrophil, monocyte and leukocyte to mean platelet volume ratio (WMR) values in ICU patients were statistically higher than the service patients. Mean platelet volume to platelet ratio (MPR) value was lower in the intensive care unit (ICU) than in the service patients. WBC, neutrophil, monocyte, MPR and WMR 's predictive efficiencies to admision to ICU from emergency department were found statistically significant and the predictive power of WMR (AUC: 0.699 ± 0.056) was highest. Conclusion: As a result, WBC, neutrophil, monocyte, WMR and MPR can be used to predict ICU admission in patients with transient ischemic attack and ischemic stroke

    The Determinants Of Capital Structure Of Turkish Companies

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2003Bu çalışmada, İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası'na kote olmuş endüstriyel ve ticari firmaların sermaye yapılarının hangi unsurlardan etkilendiği ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmaya baz olarak 1995-2000 yıllan arasındaki veriler alınmıştır. Sermaye yapısı firmaların çeşitli borç/özsermaye oranlan ile temsil edilmiş, sermaye yapısını etkileyen unsurlar ise temelde bilanço ve gelir tablosuna ait parametrelerden seçilmiştir, incelemeye tabi tutulan unsurlar; firma büyüklüğü, firma karlılığı, operasyonel kaldıraç, varlık dönüş hızı, iş riski ve firma büyüme hızıdır. Söz konusu unsurların etkilerini dış ekonomik çevreden yalıtabilmek için piyasa faiz oram, GSMH ve bankacılık sektörü kredi hacmi değişkenleri makro değişkenler olarak modele eklenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, firma büyüklüğü, firma karlılığı ve varlık dönüş hızının sermaye yapısı üzerinde etkili unsurlar olduklan söylenebilir. Araştırmanın bir yan ürünü olarak kredi hacminin makro ekonomik değişkenler arasında en çok etkiye sahip * olduğu, diğer makro ekonomik değişkenlerin ise firmaların sermaye yapılan üzerinde etkili olmadıklan söylenebilmektedir.In this study, the determinants of capital structure of the Turkish Companies that are quoted in Istanbul Stock Exchange are investigated. The basis for the empirical study is the financial data of the years 1995-2000. Capital structure is represented by the various debt/equity ratios, while the determinants of capital structure are selected from different parameters of balance sheet and income statements. The determinants that are included in the study are company size, company profitability, operational leverage, asset turnover rate, business risk and growth ratio. Macro economic variables like interest rate, per capita GDP and banking sector debt supply to private companies are included in the model in order to isolate the effects of the macroeconomic environment on the proposed micro determinants. The findings of the empirical study show that company size, company profitability and asset turnover rate are effective on capital structure. One of the secondary products of the study is that banking sector debt supply to private companies is the only effective macroeconomic variable among.the chosen three factors.Yüksek LisansM.A

    Geological and mining analysis of manganese or in Ispendere (Malatya) region.

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    TEZ9066Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2011.Kaynakça (s. 89-97) var.xi, 99 s. : res. ; 29 cm.In this study, it was aimed to determine the chemical and mineralogical features of manganese ore formation in the section numbers of L41-a4 in Malatya Ispendere region and its usage area. Due to optical analysis on the samples taken from the cut-hole points with vein and lenticular distribution, jacopsite, hematite, magnetite, traces of amorpous manganite, manganite, traces of nabit copper (sparingly) were detected in vein-type mineralization, whereas traces of hematite (fine grained-submicroscopic), psilomelan and traces of manganite were observed in lenticular mineralization. XRD studies indicated that mineral paragenesis were mainly hematite, iwakiite/jacopsite, quartz, piyemontit, clay mineral, talc, pyrogenic, serpentine, feldspar and illite/mica mineral groups, amphibole, bixbyite. According to the chemical analysis, the size order of the main oxides were as Fe2O3, MnO, SiO2, CaO, Al2O3, P2O5. Accordingly, the average Fe/Mn was 1,68. Considering natural origin, mineralization was hydro-genetic. As a result of enrichment effort to increase Mn/Fe ratio using wet magnetic separator, Mn/Fe ratio in non-magnetic parts were observed to increase with an increase in gauss intensity. It was concluded that manganese mineralization is economically feasible in Ispendere/Malatya region and can be worked in high grades.Bu çalışma, Malatya İspendere bölgesinde L41-a4 paftasında bulunan manganez cevher oluşumlarının kimyasal, mineralojik özelliklerinin ve kullanım alanlarının belirlenmesini amaçlamıştır. Yarma açılan damar ve mercek yayılımlı noktalardan alınan numuneler üzerinde yapılan optik incelemelerde, damar tipi cevherleşmelerde: yakobsit (jacobsite), hematit, manyetit, amorf mangan (eser miktarda), manganit, nabit bakır (eser miktarda); mercek tipi cevherleşmelerde: az miktarda hematit (ince tanelisubmikroskobik), psilomelan ve eser miktarda da manganit tespit edilmiştir. XRD sonuçlarına göre mineral parajenezleri; hematit, ıwakiite/jacobsite, kuvars, piyemontit, kil minerali, talk, piroksen grubu mineral, serpantin grubu mineral, feldispat grubu mineral, illit/mika grubu mineral, amfibol, bixbyite tespit edilmiştir. Ana oksitlerin büyüklük sırası yapılan kimyasal analiz sonuçlarına göre Fe2O3, MnO, SiO2, CaO, Al2O3, P2O5'dir. Buna göre, Fe/Mn oranları ortalama 1.68'dir. Cevherleşmelerin, yapılan kökensel tespitinde hidrojenetik bölgeye düştüğü anlaşılmıştır. Mn/Fe oranını arttırmak amacıyla yaş manyetik ayırıcı kullanılarak yapılan zenginleştirme deneylerinde gauss şiddetinin yükselmesi ile birlikte manyetik olmayan kısımda Mn/Fe oranının yükseldiği belirlenmiştir. İspendere/Malatya bölgesi manganez cevherleşmeleri endüstriyel alanda ekonomik olarak kullanımının yüksek tenörlerde işletilmelerinin mümkün olduğu ortaya konulmuştur

    Analysis of molecular structure, spectroscopic properties (FT-IR, micro-Raman and UV-vis) and quantum chemical calculations of free and ligand 2-thiopheneglyoxylic acid in metal halides (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn)

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    WOS: 000326207900032PubMed: 23954539In this study, molecular geometries, experimental vibrational wavenumbers, electronic properties and quantum chemical calculations of 2-thiopheneglyoxylic acid molecule, (C6H4O3S), and its metal halides (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn) which are used as pharmacologic agents have been investigated experimentally by FT-IR, micro-Raman and UV-visible spectroscopies and elemental analysis. Meanwhile the vibrational calculations were verified by DFT/B3LYP method with 6-311++G(d,p) and LANL2DZ basis sets in the ground state, for free TPGA molecule and its metal halide complexes, respectively, for the first time. The calculated fundamental vibrational frequencies for the title compounds are in a good agreement with the experimental data. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [111T6839, 3083-D-12]This work was supported by Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) (Project No.: 111T6839 and Unit of Scientific Research Projects of Suleyman Demirel University (Project No.: 3083-D-12)

    FTIR study of modification of transition metal on zeolites for adsorption

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    615-620Adsorption of 1-propanethiol on Co2+ and Cd2+ modified, synthetic (3A, 4A and 13X) zeolites were studied by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy and SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray) graphics. Amount of metal cations on mentioned zeolites was measured by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometer). Based on divalent cations of zeolites, it was assumed that cations may affect their adsorption properties. The nature of the cations present in a given type zeolite markedly affects the physical and chemical feature of the system, for instance, valance and size of cations and their location in the zeolite framework influence adsorption, molecular sieving and catalytic properties. In this study, we used cation exchanged zeolites as adsorbents due to their high surface area. Zeolites with divalent cations show an affinity to adsorp 1-propanethiol comparing to their ordinary positions with monovalent cations. The lack of S-H band in IR spectra gives an idea, that sulphur may make a bond to metal (Cd2+ or Co2+) or it makes a bond to H atom of isolated OH groups of zeolite surface