170 research outputs found

    São Paulo: urbanidad y metrópolis

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    El concepto de urbanidad es difícil pero esencial para el abordaje del mundo urbano contemporáneo, asociándose a los espacios que estructuran la ciudad funcional y socialmente. En base a un urbanismo racionalista, los modelos de expansión metropolitana aumentaron los límites de la ciudad tradicional y transformaron la idea de urbanidad. Este trabajo pretende aproximarse a una comprensión de este término y entender cómo procesos de metropolización contemporáneos, identificados en la ciudad de São Paulo, afectan a algunos de sus espacios de interacción ciudadana más significativos. Con ello se pretende comprender la importancia de esa expresión aparentemente ambigua para pensar en los espacios de acción de la vida pública en nuestras ciudades del mañana.The concept of urbanity is difficult but essential for studying the contemporary urban world, analyzing spaces that structure socially and functionally the city. Based on a rationalist urbanism, metropolitan expansion models increased the limits of the traditional city and transformed the idea of urbanity. This work aims to approximate to a comprehension of this term and understand how processes of contemporary metropolis, identified in the city of São Paulo, affected some of its most significant public spaces of interaction. Understanding the importance of this apparently ambiguous expression, the aim is to think about the action spaces of public life in our cities of tomorrow.Peer Reviewe

    Ergonomic workplace design in an assembly line

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    The thesis presents the importance of ergonomics in industry. Enhanced productivity, higher-quality output, lower injury and absence rates, increased job satisfaction, and optimization of places are all strongly correlated with better ergonomics. Ergonomics is often overlooked in favour of other requirements, such as engineering, economics, or place availability. However, the benefits of investing in ergonomics for the business have been thoroughly proved over time, though. Moreover, regulations require a minimum of ergonomic quality in all workplaces. Therefore, the ergonomics should be included in the design phase of any workplace to be considered throughout the process and save redesign costs. On the other hand, it is advisable to analyse the current workplaces to make sure that productions are efficient, and they are compliant as well. The thesis will develop this case. A practical application of the ergonomics improvement in a workstation of a production line is carried out to meet the ergonomic requirements. The current ergonomics are evaluated from a recreation of the workstation in the laboratory. The worker's movement data is collected through a sensor suit of Xsens in a pilot test, and a software simulation is used to recreate the operator in his working environment and analyse his ergonomics. Finally, solutions are proposed to adapt the spaces with minimum investmen

    Les maires des petites communes face aux enjeux de la diversification du monde rural, une enquête auprès de 436 élus de Midi-Pyrénées

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    The mayors of the small communes face to the stakes of the diversification of the rural areas, a survey of 436 mayors elected in the “Région Midi-Pyrénées”. This study presents the results of a survey using a postal questionnaire addressed to a sample representative of the mayors of the communes less than 2500 inhabitants in the “Région Midi-Pyrénées”. This document describes successively: 1) municipal teams, 2) electoral elections, competitions and renewal of the elected officials, 3) problems of communal management, 4) attitudes and choices of the mayors in the field of the inter-communal co-operation, 5) the opinion of the mayors on decentralization. The results of the investigation are compared with those of a preceding study carried out in 1984. The study shows that neither the reforms of decentralization, nor the deep socio-economic changes of the rural area basically called into question the traditional features of the communal democracy and the municipal government. The traditional cleavages and the subtle mechanisms of selection of “eligible” and choice of the elected officials, typical of the local elections in the communities of interconnaissance, did not block integration in the municipal teams of new categories of elected officials, representative of the interests of the populations “néo-residents” and the activities which are today the support of the “rural rebirth”. From now on, the typical sociological profile of the rural mayor is that of an employee pertaining to the average layers, in activity or “reprocessed young person”, teacher, tally average or superior of the public office or the private sector. This category of elected officials, dominant in périurban and touristic communes, is carrying new requests for equipment and public services; it refers to an interventionist style of the municipal management largely opened with a local development diversified even if it is in addition concerned maintenance of the agricultural activities and safeguarding of a rural framework of life. The farmers definitively lost their dominant position although they remain still largely present in the town halls of deep rural area. The small communes remain an alive hearth of democracy and a relevant place for the management of the services of proximity. They answer, with a rather remarkable saving in resources, with the principal needs and the social requests of their population, while managing precarious financial balances. The municipalities knew to adapt the new margin of autonomy and the opportunities offered by decentralization and and the intercommunal reform. The rural communes make a world more and more diversified. From the point of view of municipal management, the declining communes of the deep rural area must assume the weight of past because it is necessary to maintain, with less taxpayers, equipment which is hardly any more useful, the perish-urban communes have to manage the future to accomodate, by anticipating future resources, a population which is not yet there, and the tourist communes must manage the present while arbitrating the needs and the heterogeneous requests of a population with variable geometry.Cette étude présente les résultats d'une enquête réalisée en 1996 à l'aide d'un questionnaire postal adressé à un échantillon représentatif de maires des communes de moins de 2500 habitants de la région Midi-Pyrénées. Le présent document décrit successivement : 1) les équipes municipales, 2) les élections, les compétitions électorales et le renouvellement des élus, 3) les problèmes de la gestion communale, 4) les attitudes et les choix des maires dans le domaine de la coopération intercommunale, 5) l'opinion des maires sur la décentralisation. Les résultats de l'enquête sont comparés à ceux d'une précédente étude réalisée en 1984. L'étude montre que ni les réformes de décentralisation, ni les profonds changements socio-économiques du milieu rural n'ont fondamentalement remis en cause les modalités traditionnelles du fonctionnement de la démocratie communale et du gouvernement municipal. Le jeu des clivages traditionnels et les mécanismes subtils de sélection des « éligibles » et de choix des élus, typiques des élections locales dans les collectivités d'interconnaissance, n'ont pas bloqué l'intégration dans les équipes municipales de nouvelles catégories d'élus, représentatives des intérêts des populations néo-résidentes et des activités qui sont aujourd'hui le support de la « renaissance rurale ». Désormais, le profil sociologique typique du maire rural est celui d'un salarié appartenant aux couches moyennes, en activité ou « jeune retraité », enseignant, cadre moyen ou supérieur de la fonction publique ou du secteur privé. Cette catégorie d'élus, dominante dans les espaces périurbains et touristiques, est porteuse de nouvelles demandes d'équipements et de services publics; elle se réfère à une conception interventionniste de la gestion municipale largement ouverte à un développement local diversifié même si elle est par ailleurs soucieuse du maintien des activités agricoles et de la préservation d'un cadre de vie rural. Les agriculteurs ont définitivement perdu leur position dominante bien qu'ils restent encore largement présents dans les mairies du « rural profond ». Les petites communes restent un foyer vivant de démocratie et un lieu pertinent pour la gestion des services de proximité. Elles répondent, avec une économie de ressources assez remarquable, aux principaux besoins et aux demandes sociales de leur population, tout en gérant des équilibres financiers précaires. Les municipalités ont su s'approprier la nouvelle marge d'autonomie et les opportunités offertes par la décentralisation et la coopération intercommunale. Les communes rurales composent un monde de plus en plus diversifié. Du point de vue de la gestion municipale, les communes en déclin du « rural profond » doivent assumer la charge du passé car il faut entretenir, avec moins de contribuables, des équipements qui ne servent plus guère, les communes péri-urbaines ont à gérer l'avenir pour accueillir, en anticipant des ressources futures, une population qui n'est pas encore là, et les communes touristiques doivent administrer un présent en arbitrant entre les besoins et les demandes hétérogènes d'une population à géométrie variable

    Sistema d'automatització d'una planta de compressors

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    En aquest projecte s’estudia l’automatització d’una planta de compressors, aquesta planta funciona actualment de forma manual i es vol aconseguir automatitzar-la per tal d’aconseguir millores. Aquestes millores consisteixen en reduir costos, millorar la qualitat de l’aire i millorar la reacció en cas d’averia. Per aconseguir automatitzar-la es crearà un prototip simulant el funcionament de la planta de compressors, i així poder treballar sense interrompre l’activitat a la fàbrica. Desprès de comprovar el correcte funcionament del prototip, realitzant els canvis pertinents si són necessaris, instal·larem un quadre de control dels compressors a la mateixa planta. Per tal de millorar l’automatització creada s’instal·larà un sistema de comunicació, el qual estarà composat per una Xarxa Local (LAN) i una Xarxa Externa (Internet). Gràcies a la Xarxa Externa podrem supervisar el funcionament de tota la instal·lació desde qualsevol punt amb accés a Internet

    Les agriculteurs et le pouvoir local.

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    Texte écrit en 1978.The paper evokes the conquest of the local government in the French rural areas by the farmers since the middle of the XIXe century and then, the process of decline which starts in the years 1960. The access of the farmers at the head of the rural “communes” founded a certain form of “rural democracy” with a traditional model of management. The hegemony of the farmers and their mode of management are put in question in increasingly wide sectors of the rural areas by a demographic revival, the establishment of new activities and the diversification of the population. Under these conditions, the great stakes of the rural regional planning tend to escape control from the farmers.Ce texte évoque les différentes étapes de la conquête du pouvoir communal par la paysannerie depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle et le processus de déclin qui s'amorce dans les années 1960. L'accès des agriculteurs à la direction des municipalités rurales a instauré une forme de « démocratie paysanne » associée à une gestion « en bon père de famille » du patrimoine communal. L'hégémonie des agriculteurs et leur mode de gestion sont mis en cause dans des secteurs de plus en plus étendus du milieu rural, par un renouveau démographique, l'implantation de nouvelles activités et la diversification de la population. Dans ces conditions, les grands enjeux de l'aménagement du territoire rural tendent à échapper au contrôle des agriculteurs

    Exploracions a Santa Maria de Viladordis

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    PENGUNGKAPAN DIRI DALAM KOMUNITAS VIRTUAL (Studi Deskriptif Anggota Komunitas Virtual Motherland dalam Mengungkapkan Diri di Jejaring Sosial Facebook)

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    Berdasarkan studi yang pernah dilakukan Pew Research, sebesar 81% pengguna Facebook yang aktif adalah kaum ibu yang tergabung dalam komunitas virtual (Syaaf, 2015). Di dalam komunitas virtual, kaum ibu melakukan pengungkapan diri karena adanya kebebasan bagi mereka untuk bercerita tentang segala sesuatu. Jika informasi yang dibagikan terkait masalah pribadi, keluarga, atau rumah tangga maka risiko yang harus dihadapi ialah penyebaran informasi yang cepat dan tidak dapat terkendali hingga dapat berpotensi merusak hubungan (Herlinda, 2015). Berangkat dari fakta tersebut, pengungkapan diri anggota komunitas virtual Motherland diangkat menjadi topik penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana anggota komunitas virtual Motherland dalam mengungkapkan diri di Jejaring Sosial Facebook. Teori yang digunakan merupakan teori pengungkapan diri yang terbagi ke dalam tingkatan pengungkapan diri dalam komunikasi, alasan pengungkapan diri, faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi pengungkapan diri, dimensi pengungkapan diri, dan manfaat dari pengungkapan diri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tahapan pengungkapan diri anggota Komunitas Motherland melalui tahap menyimak dan adaptasi, membicarakan topik yang sedang ramai dibahas, berpendapat ketika anggota lain bertanya, menceritakan pengalaman pribadi yang dirasakan, serta membangun hubungan lewat personal chat. Alasan pengungkapan diri anggota berkaitan dengan menyingkirkan perasaan gelisah, membantu orang lain, dan membangun hubungan pertemanan. Faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi pengungkapan diri anggota berkaitan dengan perbedaan karakter, budaya, gender, penerima pesan, dan topik yang diangkat. Dimensi target penerima pesan pengungkapan diri bisa siapapun yang berada di dalam atau luar komunitas Motherland. Dimensi keluasan dan kedalaman pengungkapan diri sebatas membicarakan hal umum dan dalam kondisi terdesak menceritakan perasaan yang sedang dihadapi. dan manfaat dari pengungkapan diri yang dirasakan anggota adalah mendapat perspektif baru, mengurangi beban pikiran, mendapat hubungan pertemanan yang positif

    São Paulo: urbanidade, projeto e oportunidade: espaços para o exercício da cidadania

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    A formação de São Paulo vem marcada por diferentes períodos nos quais observa-se uma clara relação entre a aparição de espaços públicos, fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da metrópole, e a geração da vida urbana, o que reflete o processo de transformação da ideia de urbanidade. Foi uma cidade nascida como lugar de passagem que começou a crescer de forma lenta e compacta, tornando-se depois uma metrópole de expansão acelerada e difusa. É necessário interpretar este processo evolutivo, para assim, entender quais são as dinâmicas que participam nos espaços de interação da cidadania, correspondentes a diferentes momentos da formação da cidade. Este trabalho pretende analisar lugares para urbanidade associáveis a cada uma dessas etapas.The formation of São Paulo has been marked by different periods in which there has been a clear relationship between the appearance of public spaces, fundamental to the development of the metropolis, and the generation of urban life, which reflects the transformation of the idea of urbanity. It was a city born as a place of passage that began to grow slowly and compact-shaped and became afterwards a metropolis of accelerated and diffused expansion. It is necessary to interpret its evolution, so as to understand what are the dynamics involved in the spaces of citizenship´s interaction, corresponding to different times of the formation of the city. This paper discusses places for urbanity associated to each of these historical chapters

    La tentativa en los delitos de peligro abstracto

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    [spa] En un desconcertante contexto de imparable expansionismo penal, desde hace años la doctrina mantiene un intenso debate acerca del contenido de injusto de los llamados delitos de peligro abstracto, sobre todo en cuanto a la compatibilidad de los mismos con los principios de lesividad y proporcionalidad, sin que a fecha de hoy la discusión pueda darse aún por cerrada. Si se descarta la posibilidad de configurar ilícitos penales meramente formales, basados en la simple desobediencia al imperativo de conducta contenido en la norma primaria, inmediatamente después surge la duda de si es factible proceder a una restricción teleológica de dicha tipología delictiva. El presente estudio pretende responder afirmativamente a esta cuestión y a tal fin se propone contribuir a sentar las bases para la elaboración de una auténtica dogmática de los delitos de peligro abstracto a partir de los parámetros que proporciona la teoría de la imputación objetiva en un marco netamente constitucional, singularmente los vinculados a la dogmática de la tentativa. Más concretamente, se somete a contraste la hipótesis según la que la tentativa inidónea operaría como cláusula de mínima lesividad de toda conducta penalmente relevante. En el campo de los delitos de peligro abstracto, lo anterior obliga a focalizar la atención tanto en su objeto como en su técnica de protección. Por lo tanto, sin negar de forma general la legitimidad de los delitos peligro abstracto, la presente investigación aspira a identificar algunos límites a su creación e interpretación, de modo que la renuncia al modelo del llamado Derecho Penal nuclear o clásico sea compatible con las exigencias y las garantías propias de un programa de Derecho Penal mínimo.[eng] In a disconcerting context of unstoppable criminal expansionism, for years the doctrine maintains an intense debate about the unjust content of the so-called crimes of abstract danger, especially as regards the compatibility of the same with the principles of damage and proportionality, without that to date of today the discussion can still be closed. If the possibility of configuring purely criminal offenses, based on simple disobedience to the conduct imperative contained in the primary norm, is discarded, immediately afterwards the question arises whether it is feasible to proceed to a teleological restriction of said criminal typology. The present study tries to answer affirmatively to this question and for this purpose it is proposed to contribute to lay the foundations for the elaboration of an authentic dogmatic of the crimes of abstract danger from the parameters provided by the theory of objective imputation in a purely constitutional framework , especially those linked to the dogmatics of the attempt. More specifically, the hypothesis according to which the inadequate attempt would operate as a clause of minimum damage of all criminally relevant behaivor is put under test. In the field of abstract danger crimes, the foregoing obliges us to focus attention on both its object and its protection technique. Therefore, without denying in a general way the legitimacy of abstract danger crimes, the present investigation aspires to identify some limits to its creation and interpretation, so that the rejection of the so-called nuclear or classic Criminal Law model is compatible with the requirements and the guarantees of a minimum Criminal Law program