114 research outputs found

    Implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) Algorithm in COMBATXXI using JDAFS

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    The implementation of the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm into the Combined Arms Analysis Tool for the 21st Century (COMBATXXI) project is an extension of work completed in FY13. The TRADOC Analysis Center - Methods and Research Office (TRAC-MRO) sponsored this iteration in an attempt to test the feasibility implementing the algorithm into the COMBATXXI simulation environment. For further details on the specific algorithm of more background information see appendix and the previous technical report.TRAC-MROTRAC Project Code # 060025Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Organicismo: morfología y materialidad como expresión comunicante en un espacio arquitectónico

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    A partir de la arquitectura orgánica, entendida como una filosofía que promueve la armonía entre el hábitat humano y el entorno natural, se marca un quiebre sustancial con las composiciones formales tradicionales, y desde donde se aprovechó las propiedades de nuevos materiales y nuevas técnicas productivas. Este movimiento surge en oposición al racionalismo o funcionalismo, manifestándose en las primeras décadas del siglo XX y con ello se compromete el diseño de objetos y particularmente el diseño de mobiliario de interiores, basado en estructuras orgánicas, y de una forma de diseño que abre fronteras entre lo material y lo sentimental, cuya fuente de vivencias es la naturaleza. La gran diversidad de soluciones -presentes en nuestro entorno natural- a problemas estructurales, en términos de energía y funcionalidad, ya han sido probados durante millones de años, y en ella podemos encontrar todo tipo de patrones y combinaciones de formas, colores y texturas que son el fundamento del diseño orgánico como una fuente inagotable de inspiración para diseñadores. Se constituye como una poderosa herramienta y fuente de inspiración sin fin, unida por los principios de la vida misma, tratando de imitar las formas, texturas o funciones de los organismos vivos para alcanzar soluciones de diseño óptimas. En el presente trabajo se muestra un breve recorrido por los inicios del diseño orgánico, particularmente el diseño de mobiliario, recorriendo algunos clásicos representativos del diseño nórdico y estadounidense, desde la relación forma-materia. Luego se reconoce uno de los principales exponentes del diseño orgánico: Alvar Aalto, arquitecto y diseñador finlandés, a través de dos de sus creaciones más icónicas; el proyecto arquitectónico Sanatorio de Paimio y la silla 41. La idea central del Sanatorio, era un edificio que favoreciera la curación y rehabilitación de enfermos de tuberculosis. Este proyecto fue concebido integralmente, lo que le llevó a la definición de un mobiliario específico. Producto de ello es la silla número 41, más tarde conocida como silla Paimio de la cual se da cuenta de sus características morfológicas y de materialidad. Finalmente se establece una relación donde el objeto se conecta visual y funcionalmente con el contexto de su emplazamiento interior del conjunto arquitectónico.From the organic architecture, understood as a philosophy that promotes the harmony between the human habitat and the natural environment, marks a substantial break with the traditional formal compositions, and from where the properties were taken of new materials and new productive techniques. This movement arises in opposition rationalism or functionalism, manifesting itself in the first decades of the 20th century and with this the design of objects is compromised and particularly the furniture design of interiors, based on organic structures, and a form of design that opens borders between the material and the sentimental, whose source of experiences is nature. The great diversity of solutions –present in our natural environment– to structural problems, in terms of energy and functionality, they have already been tested for millions of years, and in it we can find all kinds of patterns and combinations of shapes, colors and textures that are the foundation of organic design as a source inexhaustible inspiration for designers. It is constituted as a powerful tool and endless source of inspiration, united by the principles of life itself, trying to imitate the forms, textures or functions of living organisms to reach solutions of optimal design. In the present work a brief tour through the beginnings of organic design is shown, particularly furniture design, going through some representative classics of the Nordic and American design, from the form-matter relationship. Then one of the main exponents of organic design is recognized: Alvar Aalto, Finnish architect and designer, through two of his most iconic creations; the project Sanatorio de Paimio and the chair 41. The central idea of the Sanatorium was a building that favored the healing and rehabilitation of tuberculosis patients. East The project was conceived integrally, which led to the definition of a specific furniture. Product of it is chair number 41, later known as chair Paimio de which realizes its morphological and material characteristics. Finally I know establishes a relationship where the object connects visually and functionally with the context of its interior location of the architectural ensembleDa arquitetura orgânica, entendida como uma filosofia que promove a harmonia entre o habitat humano e o ambiente natural, marca uma ruptura substancial com as composições formais tradicionais, e de onde as propriedades foram tomadas de novos materiais e novas técnicas produtivas. Este movimento surge em oposição racionalismo ou funcionalismo, manifestando-se nas primeiras décadas do século XX e com isso, o design de objetos é comprometido e, particularmente, o design de móveis de interiores, baseados em estruturas orgânicas, e uma forma de design que abre fronteiras entre o material e o sentimental, cuja fonte de experiências é a natureza. A grande diversidade de soluções –presentes em nosso ambiente natural– para problemas estruturais, em termos de energia e funcionalidade, eles já foram testados por milhões de anos, e nele podemos encontrar todos os tipos de padrões e combinações de formas, cores e texturas que são a base do design orgânico como fonte inspiração inesgotável para designers. É constituído como uma ferramenta poderosa fonte inesgotável de inspiração, unida pelos princípios da própria vida, tentando imitar as formas, texturas ou funções dos organismos vivos para alcançar soluções de design ideal. No presente trabalho, um breve passeio pelos primórdios do design orgânico é mostrado, particularmente design de móveis, passando por alguns clássicos representativos do Design nórdico e americano, a partir da relação forma-matéria. Então um dos principais expoentes do design orgânico é reconhecido: Alvar Aalto, Arquiteto e designer finlandês, através de duas de suas criações mais icônicas; o projeto Sanatório de Paimio e a cadeira 41. A ideia central do Sanatório foi um edifício que favoreceu a cura e reabilitação de pacientes com tuberculose. Este aqui O projeto foi concebido integralmente, o que levou à definição de um mobiliário específico. Produto dele é a cadeira número 41, mais tarde conhecida como cadeira Paimio de que percebe suas características morfológicas e materiais. Finalmente, estabelece um relacionamento onde o objeto se conecta visual e funcionalmente com o contexto da sua localização interior do conjunto arquitetônico

    Volcaniclastic facies and sedimentary paleoenvironment of early carboniferous Punta del Agua Formation, Northern Precordillera, La Rioja

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    La Formación Punta del Agua (Carbonífero inferior) aflora al norte de la Precordillera de Jagüé, provincia de La Rioja, dentro del dominio occidental de la cuenca de Paganzo (sub cuenca Río Blanco). Es una sucesión volcano-sedimentaria de unos ~ 1600 m de espesor, constituida por rocas volcánicas y subvolcánicas de composiciones variadas desde extremos ácidos hasta básicos, junto con brechas, conglomerados, areniscas y pelitas. En esta contribución se presenta una sección estratigráfica de referencia para la Formación Punta del Agua (Carbonífero inferior) y se realiza un análisis de facies de la unidad. El relleno de la cuenca se caracterizó por el desarrollo de sistemas de tipo fan-delta con un importante aporte local volcanigénico. Este volcanismo sinsedimentario está representado por flujos lávicos y diques subvolcánicos que constituyen los conductos alimentadores de las facies efusivas. En las zonas proximales la depositación estuvo dominada por flujos de detritos hiperconcentrados y concentrados. En los sectores de prodelta la sedimentación fue dominada por flujos más diluidos de tipo turbidíticos y son comunes las evidencias de influencia glacial. La presencia de niveles epiclásticos arenosos y conglomerádicos de color amarillo interdigitados en el sector basal de la sección permitió agruparlos informalmente como Miembro Amarillo el que representa ambientes de ríos entrelazados gravosos cuya fuente extracuencal se encontraba hacia el E del área de estudio. El análisis de la compleja arquitectura de facies y relaciones estratigráficas de la unidad permite caracterizar la paleogeografía y brindar alternativas para su marco tectónico.The Punta del Agua Formation (Lower Carboniferous) crops out in the northern Precordillera de Jagüé, La Rioja province, within the western domain of the Paganzo basin. It is a volcano-sedimentary succession of about ~ 1600 m thick, consisting of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of variable composition between felsic and basic ends, with breccias, conglomerates, sandstones and shales. In this contribution we present a reference stratigraphic section for The Punta del Agua Formation and a facial analysis of the unit. The basin fill is characterized by the development of fan-delta systems with local volcanic sources represented by lava flows and subvolcanic dykes which could be conduits feeders of the effusive facies. In proximal areas deposition was dominated by hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows. On the other hand, the prodelta facies were dominated by more diluted turbiditic flows with evidences of glacial influence. The interdigitated yellow epiclastic conglomerates and sandy materials recorded at the base of the section which were informally grouped as the Amarillo Member. This latter represents braided rivers systems with sources outside the basin located to the E of the study area. The analysis of the complex internal architecture and stratigraphic relationships of the unit allow characterizing the paleoenvironment and suggesting alternatives for its tectonic setting.Fil: Baez, Walter Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones En Energía No Convencional; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Astini, Ricardo Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones En Ciencias de la Tierra; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Ezpeleta, Miguel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones En Ciencias de la Tierra; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Martina, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones En Ciencias de la Tierra; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    Natural ventilation systems to enhance sustainability in buildings: a review towards zero energy buildings in schools

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    European regulations set the condition of Zero Energy Buildings for new buildings since 2020, with an intermediate milestone in 2018 for public buildings, in order to control greenhouse gases emissions control and climate change mitigation. Given that main fraction of energy consumption in buildings operation is due to HVAC systems, advances in its design and operation conditions are required. One key element for energy demand control is passive design of buildings. On this purpose, different recent studies and publications analyse natural ventilation systems potential to provide indoor air quality and comfort conditions minimizing electric power consumption. In these passive systems are of special relevance their capacities as passive cooling systems as well as air renovation systems, especially in high-density occupied spaces. With adequate designs, in warm/mild climates natural ventilation systems can be used along the whole year, maintaining indoor air quality and comfort conditions with small support of other heating/cooling systems. In this paper is analysed the state of the art of natural ventilation systems applied to high density occupied spaces with special focus on school buildings. The paper shows the potential and applicability of these systems for energy savings and discusses main criteria for their adequate integration in school building designs

    Novel Multiplierless Wideband Comb Compensator with High Compensation Capability

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    This paper proposes a novel multiplierless comb compensation filter, which has the absolute passband deviation less than 0.1 dB in the wide passband. The compensator consists of a cascade of two simple filter sections, both operating at a low rate. The magnitude characteristics of the two-component filters are synthesized as sinewave functions, in which the main design parameters correspond to the amplitudes of sinewave functions. A systematic procedure is followed to select synthesis parameters, which depend only on the number of cascaded comb filters. In particular, they are independent of the decimation factor. Comparisons with comb compensators from the literature illustrate the benefits of the proposed design.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología 17958

    Protection by Neuroglobin Expression in Brain Pathologies

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    Astrocytes play an important role in physiological, metabolic, and structural functions, and when impaired, they can be involved in various pathologies including Alzheimer, focal ischemic stroke, and traumatic brain injury. These disorders involve an imbalance in the blood flow and nutrients such as glucose and lactate, leading to biochemical and molecular changes that cause neuronal damage, which is followed by loss of cognitive and motor functions. Previous studies have shown that astrocytes are more resilient than neurons during brain insults as a consequence of their more effective antioxidant systems, transporters, and enzymes, which made them less susceptible to excitotoxicity. In addition, astrocytes synthesize and release different protective molecules for neurons, including neuroglobin, a member of the globin family of proteins. After brain injury, neuroglobin expression is induced in astrocytes. Since neuroglobin promotes neuronal survival, its increased expression in astrocytes after brain injury may represent an endogenous neuroprotective mechanism. Here, we review the role of neuroglobin in the central nervous system, its relationship with different pathologies, and the role of different factors that regulate its expression in astrocytes.GB’s work is supported by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Influencia de la ceniza de madera y cemento tipo I en la estabilización de suelos con fines de cimentación, Trujillo, 2022

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    Esta investigación tuvo como propósito principal evaluar como influye la ceniza de madera y cemento tipo I en la estabilización de suelos con fines de cimentación. El tipo de investigación por propósito fue aplicada, nivel explicativo, su diseño de investigación fue cuasiexperimental; la población estuvo constituida por el terreno ubicado en AA.HH Alto Salaverry - La Libertad, la muestra estuvo conformada por 03 calicatas para adquirir suelo natural (B) que fueron combinadas con ceniza de madera de ladrilleras (CM) en dosis (9%, 14%, 17% y 19%) y cemento tipo I (CEM-T1) en única dosis de 10% en función al peso del suelo, siendo un global de 60 muestras para los ensayos respectivos. Los resultados indicaron que se tuvo una clasificación SP-SM, su IP no presentó por el tipo de suelo y no afecto las combinaciones, aumentó su OCH de 9.78% del patrón hasta un 13.10% con 76%B+14%CM+10%CEM-TI, aumentó su MDS de 1.843gr/cm3 del patrón hasta un 1.883gr/cm3 con 81%B+9%CM+10%CEM-TI y la capacidad admisible del suelo aumentó un 37.84% hasta un 1.53 kg/cm2 con 81%B+9%CM+10%CEM-TI. Se concluyó que la estabilización con ceniza de madera y cemento tipo I presentó mejora en la resistencia de capacidad de suelo con un máximo de 81%B+9%CM+10%CEM-TI

    Olivine-lamproite from Ybytyruzú Lamproite Field, Eastern Paraguay

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza la descripción de la geología, la química mineral, comentarios sobre su geoquímica y caracterización de la intrusión Yzu-4 emplazada en el Campo de rocas lamproíticas del Ybytyruzú, Paraguay Oriental. De acuerdo a la petrografía y química mineral, con refuerzos de química de roca (elementos mayores, menores, trazas e isotopos de Sr y Nd), Yzu-4 se trata de una sanidina diopsido analcima, olivino lamproita expuesta junto a un inferido (a partir de imágenes de satélite Landsat 4-5 y 7) conducto alimentador (feeder) de una intrusión en forma de pipe de unos 900x900 metros de diámetro y que está situada a menos de 1500 metros de un otro conducto de olivino lamproíta rica en micas (también inferido como pipe diamantífera). El Campo de lamproítas del Ybytyruzú yace sobre el corazón Archon profundo del cratón Rio de la Plata.In the present work is carried out the description of geology, mineral chemistry,geochemistry, and characterization of the Yzu-4 intrusion that occurs in the Ybytyruzú lamproites field,Eastern Paraguay. According to the petrography and mineral chemistry, with reinforcements of rockchemistry (major, minor and traces elements and isotopes of Sr and Nd), Yzu-4 belongs to sanidinediopside analcime, olivine lamproite exposed next to a inferred (from Landsat 4-5 and 7 satellite imagery)pipe-shaped intrusion of 900x900 meters in diameter and located less than 1500 meters from anotherintrusion of diamond- bearing olivine lamproite rich in micas (also inferred as pipe). The Ybytyruzúlamproites field lies on the deep Archon heart of Rio de la Plata craton.Fil: Baez Presser, Jaime Leonardo. Jaime Presser Exploraciones; ParaguayFil: Vladykin, Nikolay V.. Institute Of Geochemistry; RusiaFil: Bitschene, Peter Rene. Museo Ciencias Naturales de Gerolstein; AlemaniaFil: Tondo, Matías J.. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Acevedo, Rogelio Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Alonso, Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Benitez, Pedro. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Paragua

    Evaluación del riego superficial en el cultivo de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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    The work was carried out in the Los Palacios municipality on a Gleysol Nodular Ferruginous soil with the objective of evaluating the pulse irrigation system, applying three irrigation variants, using the methodology established by FAO. In the TI variant, the irrigation was applied with intervals of 30 m with four cycles, in the TII variant the intervals were 40 m with three cycles and in the TIII variant (control) the irrigation was carried out continuously. The results show an advantage of the pulse irrigation system, with an efficiency of 65.5 %, in relation to 44.26 % for continuous irrigation, in addition to the productivity of water in tomato yield. In the treatment where pulse irrigation was applied with four cycles, the efficiency of water use obtained a value of 9.17 Kg / m3 of water applied, a yield of 21.29 T / ha and a greater net profit, surpassing the continuous irrigation in 2.53 times which is equivalent to 67.87 %. The greatest agro-productive response of the crop was achieved with the TII variant that provided a yield of 10.35 t / ha-1, showed greater viability by improving technical-economic indicators with a benefit-cost ratio of 30.15 %, higher than that achieved by the method of continuous irrigation. In addition, the use of intermittent irrigation reduces irrigation time by 46.46 % compared to traditional irrigation and increases application efficiency from 39.75 % (continuous irrigation) to 65.2 %El trabajo se realizó en  el municipio Los Palacios en un suelo Gleysol Nodular Ferruginoso con el objetivo de evaluar el sistema de riego por pulsos, aplicando   tres variantes de  riego,  utilizando la metodología establecida por FAO. En la variante TI  se aplicó el riego con intervalos de 30 m con  cuatro ciclos,  en la variante TII los intervalos fueron de 40 m  con tres ciclos y en variante TIII (testigo) el riego se realizó de forma continua. Los resultados muestran una ventaja del sistema de riego por pulsos, encontrándose una eficiencia de un 65.5 %, en relación al 44.26 % para el riego continuo, ademas de la productividad del agua en el rendimiento del tomate. En el tratamiento donde  se aplicó el riego por pulsos con cuatro ciclos la eficiencia del uso del agua obtuvo un valor de 9,17 Kg / m3 de agua aplicado,  un  rendimiento de 21,29 T/ha y un mayor beneficio neto, superando al riego continuo en  2,53 veces lo que equivale 67.87 %. La mayor respuesta agroproductiva del cultivo se alcanzó con la variante TII que aportó  un rendimiento 10,35  t/ha-1, demostró  mayor viabilidad al mejorar los indicadores técnico- económicos  con  una  relación  beneficio- costo  del 30,15 %,  superior al alcanzado por el método de riego continuo. Además, con el empleo del riego intermitente se reduce el tiempo de  riego  en  un  46.46 %  respecto  al  riego tradicional y se incrementa la eficiencia de aplicación de 39,75 % (riego continuo) hasta un 65,2 %

    Dementia in Latin America:Assessing the present and envisioning the future

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    The demographic structure of Latin American countries (LAC) is fast approaching that of developing countries, and the predicted prevalence of dementia in the former already exceeds the latter. Dementia has been declared a global challenge, yet regions around the world show differences in both the nature and magnitude of such a challenge. This article provides evidence and insights on barriers which, if overcome, would enable the harmonization of strategies to tackle the dementia challenge in LAC. First, we analyze the lack of available epidemiologic data, the need for standardizing clinical practice and improving physician training, and the existing barriers regarding resources, culture, and stigmas. We discuss how these are preventing timely care and research. Regarding specific health actions, most LAC have minimal mental health facilities and do not have specific mental health policies or budgets specific to dementia. In addition, local regulations may need to consider the regional context when developing treatment and prevention strategies. The support needed nationally and internationally to enable a smooth and timely transition of LAC to a position that integrates global strategies is highlighted. We focus on shared issues of poverty, cultural barriers, and socioeconomic vulnerability. We identify avenues for collaboration aimed to study unique populations, improve valid assessment methods, and generate opportunities for translational research, thus establishing a regional network. The issues identified here point to future specific actions aimed at tackling the dementia challenge in LAC.Alzheimer's Society UK grants AS-R42303 AS-SF-14-008 CONICYT-Fondecyt 117001