892 research outputs found

    The Puzzle of Environmental Politics

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    In this report we study estimation of time-delays in linear dynamical systems with additive noise. Estimating time-delays is a common engineering problem, e.g. in automatic control, system identification and signal processing. The purpose with this work is to test and evaluate a certain class of methods for time-delay estimation, especially with automatic control applications in mind. Particularly interesting it is to determine the best method. Is one method best in all situations or should different methods be used for different situations? The tested class of methods consists essentially of thresholding the cross correlation between the output and input signals. This is a very common method for time-delay estimation. The methods are tested and evaluated experimentally with the aid of simulations and plots of RMS error, bias and confidence intervals. The results are: The methods often miss to detect because the threshold is too high. The threshold has nevertheless been selected to give the best result. All methods over-estimate the time-delay. Nearly the whole RMS error is due to the bias. None of the tested methods is always best. Which method is best depends on the system and what is done when missing detections. Some form of averaging of the cross correlation, e.g. integration to step response or CUSUM, is advantageous. Fast systems are easiest. White noise input signal is easiest and steps is hardest. The RMS-errors are high in average (approximately greater than 6 sampling intervals). The error is lower for fast system or for high SNR

    The Puzzle of Environmental Politics

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    Geofysisch onderzoek binnen het \u27Nieuwerck\u27 van de kathedraal van Antwerpen (Antwerpen, provincie Antwerpen)

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    Van 11 tot en met 15 februari 2013 werd door ADEDE bvba in de tuin van het Nieuwerck te Antwerpen een non-destructieve geofysische prospectie uitgevoerd. Deze tuin bevindt zich ten oosten van de Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal, tussen de Groenplaats, de Melkmarkt en de Lijnwaadmarkt. De totale toegankelijke oppervlakte van het onderzoeksterrein (i. e. vrij van vegetatie) bedroeg 415m². Ondanks een verstoorde (puin)bodem en het versnipperde onderzoeksgebied (bomen, struiken en een vijver) was de inzet van geofysische detectiemethoden zinvol. De grondradar met 200MHz antenne leverde daarbij wel betere resultaten op dan de conductiviteits- en de magnetische susceptibiliteitmetingen met behulp van de EM31-MK2. Binnen het dossier van het Nieuwerck hebben de gekozen geofysische methodes aangetoond dat er een groot aantal structuren in de bodem kunnen geregistreerd worden, ook al is er een hoge graad van verstoring (door heterogene grond met puin). Na uitvoering van de detectie en terugkoppeling met bestaande boorgegevens konden met zekerheid drie en waarschijnlijk twaalf structuren herkend worden, alsook werd er een beeld gevormd van hoe de opbouw van de opvulling van het Nieuwerck in elkaar zit. Door de dikte van de opvulling konden dieperliggende structuren niet vastgesteld worden

    Assessment of physical, environmental, and cardiac strain in 43 operators (wearing protective equipment) conducting clean-up of heavy oil products

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    Background. The aim of the study was to organise an assessment of the physical strains and environmental exposure to hydrocarbon derivatives in persons involved in shoreline clean-up of heavy oil products, in order to investigate the dangers of oil spill clean-up. Material and methods. Forty-three healthy volunteers wearing protective equipment cleaning up an artificial shoreline underwent cardiac strain measurements, as well as a study of thermal stress (approximate WBGT index, water loss, measurement of internal body temperature before and after physical activity). A subjective assessment of perceived exertion was correlated to articular strain indicators recorded for the weight of loads lifted, movement frequency, and the range of movement. Environmental exposure was determined by using portable hydrocarbon detectors. Results. For adult subjects in good physical condition, in neutral temperatures, oil spill clean-up is considered non-arduous. However, in sedentary, stressed subjects exposed to difficult climatic conditions, cleanup can be considered hard to extremely hard. In terms of environmental exposure, slight traces of toluene appeared once out of a total of 18 analysed samples. Conclusions. The sample studied was subject to physical articular strains and presented variable cardiac strain; environmental exposure was, on the other hand, slight when involving cleaning up heavy petroleum products. The subjects liable to carry out this activity are more tolerant to the efforts required when they are healthy, fit, young adults, in the non-arduous thermal conditions recorded in this study

    Functional connectivity network between terrestrial and aquatic habitats by a generalist waterbird, and implications for biovectoring

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    Birds are vectors of dispersal of propagules of plants and other organisms including pathogens, as well as nutrients and contaminants. Thus, through their movements they create functional connectivity between habitat patches. Most studies on connectivity provided by animals to date have focused on movements within similar habitat types. However, some waterbirds regularly switch between terrestrial, coastal and freshwater habitats throughout their daily routines. Lesser black-backed gulls that overwinter in Andalusia use different habitat types for roosting and foraging. In order to reveal their potential role in biovectoring among habitats, we created an inter-habitat connectivity network based on GPS tracking data. We applied connectivity measures by considering frequently visited sites as nodes, and flights as links, to determine the strength of connections in the network between habitats, and identify functional units where connections are more likely to happen. We acquired data for 42 tagged individuals (from five breeding colonies), and identified 5676 direct flights that connected 37 nodes. These 37 sites were classified into seven habitat types: reservoirs, natural lakes, ports, coastal marshes, fish ponds, rubbish dumps and ricefields. The Donana ricefields acted as the central node in the network based on centrality measures. Furthermore, during the first half of winter when rice was harvested, ricefields were the most important habitat type in terms of total time spent. Overall, 90% of all direct flights between nodes were between rubbish dumps (for foraging) and roosts in other habitats, thereby connecting terrestrial and various wetland habitats. The strength of connections decreased between nodes as the distance between them increased, and was concentrated within ten independent spatial and functional units, especially between December and February. The pivotal role for ricefields and rubbish dumps in the network, and their high connectivity with aquatic habitats in general, have important implications for biovectoring into their surroundings. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Vortex Structure Around a Magnetic Dot in Planar Superconductors

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    The problem of the giant vortex state around a magnetic dot which is embedded in a superconducting film is investigated. The full non-linear, self-consistent Ginzburg-Landau equations are solved numerically in order to calculate the free energy, the order parameter of the host superconductor, the internal magnetic field due to the supercurrents, the corresponding current density, the magnetization probed in the vicinity of the dot, and the normal electron density as a function of the various parameters of the system. We find that, as we increase the magnetic moment of the dot, higher flux quanta vortex states become energetically more favorable, as they can better compete with the external magnetic field via the Meissner effect. In addition to that, they progressively become closer to each other in energy with direct experimental consequences, i.e. physical quantities like magnetization may fluctuate when measured, for example, as a function of a uniform external magnetic field.Comment: text 21 pages (REVTEX), 8 figures available upon reques

    Anisotropic vortex pinning in superconductors with a square array of rectangular submicron holes

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    We investigate vortex pinning in thin superconducting films with a square array of rectangular submicron holes ("antidots"). Two types of antidots are considered: antidots fully perforating the superconducting film, and "blind antidots", holes that perforate the film only up to a certain depth. In both systems, we observe a distinct anisotropy in the pinning properties, reflected in the critical current Ic, depending on the direction of the applied electrical current: parallel to the long side of the antidots or perpendicular to it. Although the mechanism responsible for the effect is very different in the two systems, they both show a higher critical current and a sharper IV-transition when the current is applied along the long side of the rectangular antidots

    Vortex Pinning and the Non-Hermitian Mott Transition

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    The boson Hubbard model has been extensively studied as a model of the zero temperature superfluid/insulator transition in Helium-4 on periodic substrates. It can also serve as a model for vortex lines in superconductors with a magnetic field parallel to a periodic array of columnar pins, due to a formal analogy between the vortex lines and the statistical mechanics of quantum bosons. When the magnetic field has a component perpendicular to the pins, this analogy yields a non-Hermitian boson Hubbard model. At integer filling, we find that for small transverse fields, the insulating phase is preserved, and the transverse field is exponentially screened away from the boundaries of the superconductor. At larger transverse fields, a ``superfluid'' phase of tilted, entangled vortices appears. The universality class of the transition is found to be that of vortex lines entering the Meissner phase at H_{c1}, with the additional feature that the direction of the tilted vortices at the transition bears a non-trivial relationship to the direction of the applied magnetic field. The properties of the Mott Insulator and flux liquid phases with tilt are also discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures included in text; to appear in Physical Review