19 research outputs found

    Short-term Osteoclastic Activity Induced by Locally High Concentrations of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein–2 in a Cancellous Bone Environment

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    Study Design. An experimental study investigating osteoclastic activity induced by rhBMP-2 in sheep. Objective. To examine the effects of increasing local rhBMP-2 concentration on osteoclastic response and peri-implant bone resorption. Summary of Background Data. Level I clinical studies have established the safe and effective volume and concentration of rhBMP-2 delivered on an absorbable collagen sponge. However, peri-implant bone resorption appearing as decreased mineral density has been observed radiographically in rare instances after implantation of rhBMP-2 on an absorbable collagen sponge (rhBMP-2/ACS). Methods. Bilateral corticocancellous defects were created in the distal femora of 30 adult sheep. Combinations of rhBMP-2/ACS implant volume (V) (1V = normal fill or 2V = overfilled) and rhBMP-2 solution concentration (‫) (1 ‫ normal concentration or 3.5 ‫ = hyperconcentrated) resulted in local rhBMP-2 concentrations of 0‫, 1‫, 2‫, 3.5‫, and 7‫ the estimated effective concentration for this model. Faxitron radiography, quantitative CT, histology, and quantitative histomorphometry were conducted in a blinded fashion to analyze the effect of the treatments. Results. At 1 week, the normal fill-normal concentration implants (1‫) produced the least transient osteoclastic activity resulting in limited peri-implant resorption. Overfilledhyperconcentrated implants (2‫, 3.5‫) demonstrated moderate resorption zones. Overfilled-hyperconcentrated implants (7‫) demonstrated extensive osteoclastic activity and marked resorption. Results at 4 and 8 weeks revealed dense osteoid and bone in the voids with progressive bony healing. Control defects showed no osteoclastic activity with little to no bony healing. Conclusion. Increasing the local rhBMP-2 concentration by overfilling the defect with rhBMP-2/ACS or hyper-concentrating the rhBMP-2 solution on the absorbable collagen sponge led to a concentration-dependent osteoclastic resorption of peri-implant bone. The osteoclastic effect was transient, and progressive healing took place over the 8-week survival period

    A Histological Assessment of the Mechanism of Early-Stage Healing of a Biphasic Calcium Phosphate in an \u3cem\u3eIn vivo\u3c/em\u3e Rabbit Model

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    The healing mechanism of osteoconductive biphasic calcium phosphate granules was investigated by a histological assessment of early-stage bone deposition and remodeling. The deposition of de novo bone on the scaffold granules was observed to initiate at the defect periphery by week one and in the bulk of the defect incorporating the granules by week four. New bone tissue was deposited in the space provided by the macroporosity and was observed in direct apposition to the implanted material confirming the bioactivity of the biphasic calcium phosphate. The granules were removed through a cell-mediated resorption process that was observed to begin as early as week two following surgery. Mature lamellar bone, fatty bone marrow, and vascularization was observed throughout the bulk of the defect with the cortical shell healed by week twelve. This healing mechanism was found to balance bone formation and implant resorption resulting in complete healing of the corticocancellous defect in the rabbit femoral condyle

    Transient Local Bone Remodeling Effects of rhBMP-2 in an Ovine Interbody Spine Fusion Model

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    Background: Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) is a powerful osteoinductive morphogen capable of stimulating the migration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to the site of implantation and inducing the proliferation and differentiation of these MSCs into osteoblasts. Vertebral end-plate and vertebral body resorption has been reported after interbody fusion with high doses of rhBMP-2. In this study, we investigated the effects of 2 rhBMP-2 doses on peri-implant bone resorption and bone remodeling at 7 time points in an end-plate-sparing ovine interbody fusion model. Methods: Twenty-one female sheep underwent an end-plate-sparing discectomy followed by interbody fusion at L2-L3 and L4-L5 using a custom polyetheretherketone (PEEK) interbody fusion device. The PEEK interbody device was filled with 1 of 2 different doses of rhBMP-2 on an absorbable collagen sponge (ACS): 0.13 mg (1·) or 0.90 mg (7·). Bone remodeling and interbody fusion were assessed via high-resolution radiography and histological analyses at 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, and 20 weeks postoperatively. Results: Peri-implant bone resorption peaked between 3 and 8 weeks in both the 1· and the 7· rhBMP-2/ACS-dose group. Osteoclastic activity and corresponding peri-implant bone resorption was dose-dependent, with moderate-tomarked resorption at the 7·-dose level and less resorption at the 1·-dose level. Both dose (p \u3c 0.0007) and time (p \u3c 0.0025) affected bone resorption significantly. Transient bone-resorption areas were fully healed by 12 weeks. Osseous bridging was seen at all but 1 spinal level at 12 and at 20 weeks. Conclusions: In the ovine end-plate-sparing interbody fusion model, rhBMP-2 dose-dependent osteoclastic resorption is a transient phenomenon that peaks at 4 weeks postoperatively. Clinical Relevance: Using the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved rhBMP-2 concentration and matching the volume of rhBMP-2/ACS with the volume of desired bone formation within the interbody construct may limit the occurrence of transient bone resorption

    Differential expansion of circulating human MDSC subsets in patients with cancer, infection and inflammation

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    Background Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are a functional myeloid cell subset that includes myeloid cells with immune suppressive properties. The presence of MDSC has been reported in the peripheral blood of patients with several malignant and non-malignant diseases. So far, direct comparison of MDSC across different diseases and Centers is hindered by technical pitfalls and a lack of standardized methodology. To overcome this issue, we formed a network through the COST Action Mye-EUNITER (www.mye-euniter.eu) with the goal to standardize and facilitate the comparative analysis of human circulating MDSC in cancer, inflammation and infection. In this manuscript, we present the results of the multicenter study Mye-EUNITER MDSC Monitoring Initiative, that involved 13 laboratories and compared circulating MDSC subsets across multiple diseases, using a common protocol for the isolation, identification and characterization of these cells. Methods We developed, tested, executed and optimized a standard operating procedure for the isolation and immunophenotyping of MDSC using blood from healthy donors. We applied this procedure to the blood of almost 400 patients and controls with different solid tumors and non-malignant diseases. The latter included viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis B virus, but also psoriasis and cardiovascular disorders. Results We observed that the frequency of MDSC in healthy donors varied substantially between centers and was influenced by technical aspects such as the anticoagulant and separation method used. Expansion of polymorphonuclear (PMN)-MDSC exceeded the expansion of monocytic MDSC (M-MDSC) in five out of six solid tumors. PMN-MDSC expansion was more pronounced in cancer compared with infection and inflammation. Programmed death-ligand 1 was primarily expressed in M-MDSC and e-MDSC and was not upregulated as a consequence of disease. LOX-1 expression was confined to PMN-MDSC. Conclusions This study provides improved technical protocols and workflows for the multi-center analysis of circulating human MDSC subsets. Application of these workflows revealed a predominant expansion of PMN-MDSC in solid tumors that exceeds expansion in chronic infection and inflammation

    Pre-Clinical Evaluation of Novel Tissue Engineered Titanium Mesh Devices for Hard Tissue Implants

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    This project will hopefully enhance the knowledge base of the spine research community by reaching three goals. The goals of this project follow. The first goal is to evaluate the osteocompatibility of a novel titanium mesh device (Pyramesh ℱ). Secondly, to evaluate the efficacy of a new spinal fusion device in a sheep lumbar (L4/L5) interbody spine fusion model using blinded radiographic, biomechanic, and histologic methods. Finally, to evaluate the effects of adding rhBMP-2 on a collagen sponge and ceramic carrier in conjunction with the titanium mesh device to stimulate bony healing and fusion between vertebral bodies

    Radiographic, Biomechanical, and Histological Evaluation of rhBMP-2 in a 3-level Intertransverse Process Spine Fusion: An Ovine Study

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    OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to evaluate bone grafts consisting of rhBMP-2 on an absorbable collagen sponge with a ceramic composite bulking agent, rhBMP-2, directly on a ceramic-collagen sponge carrier or iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) in combination with local bone graft to effect fusion in a multisegmental instrumented ovine lumbar intertransverse process fusion model. METHODS Thirty-six sheep had a single treatment at 3 spinal levels in both the right and left intertransverse process spaces. Group 1 sheep were treated with 7.5 cm3 of autograft consisting of ICBG plus local bone for each intertransverse process space. For Groups 2–4, 4 cm3 of local bone was placed within the intertransverse process space followed by 4.5–5 cm3 of the rhBMP-2 graft material. Group 2 animals received 1.5 mg/cm3 rhBMP-2 on an absorbable collagen sponge with a commercial bone void filler consisting of Type I lyophilized collagen with a biphasic hydroxyapatite/ÎČ-tricalcium phosphate ceramic with local bone. Group 3 animals received 0.75 mg/m cm3 of rhBMP-2 on a collagen ceramic sponge carrier with local bone. Group 4 animals received 1.35 mg/cm3 of rhBMP-2 on the same collagen ceramic sponge carrier with local bone. Sheep were euthanized 6 months postoperatively. Manual palpation, biomechanical testing, CT, radiography, and undecalcified histology were performed to assess the presence of fusion associated with the treatments. RESULTS All animals in Groups 2–4 that received grafts containing rhBMP-2 achieved radiographic and CT fusion at all 3 levels. In Group 1 (bone autograft alone), only 19% of the levels demonstrated radiographic fusion, 14% resulted in possible radiographic fusion, and 67% of the levels demonstrated radiographic nonfusion. Biomechanical testing showed that Groups 2–4 demonstrated similar stiffness of the L2–5 segment in all 6 loading directions, with each of the 3 groups having significantly greater stiffness than the autograft-only group. In Group 1, only 2 of 18 levels were rated as achieving bilateral histological fusion, with an additional 3 levels showing a unilateral fusion. The majority of the treated levels (13/18) in Group 1 were scored as histological nonfusions. There were no histological nonfusions in Groups 2 through 4. All 18 levels in Group 2 were rated as bilateral histological fusions. A majority (34/36) of the levels in Group 3 were rated as bilateral histological fusions, with 2 levels showing a unilateral fusion. A majority (35/36) of the levels in Group 4 were rated as bilateral histological fusions, with 1 level showing a unilateral fusion. CONCLUSIONS In the ovine multilevel instrumented intertransverse process fusion model, rhBMP-2 was able to consistently achieve CT, radiographic, biomechanical, and histological fusion. Compared with ICBG, the gold standard for bone grafting, rhBMP-2 was statistically superior at achieving radiographic and histological fusion

    Experience Catalysts And Architecture Towards a New Tradition

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    This paper describes two research projects in the field of interactive architecture, both examples of experience catalysts; Settings which allow new insights in the aesthetic constitution and perception of environments. This term can be thought of as somewhat synonymous with artistic intervention, but is used instead to recognize that the participants might not self-identify as artists. We are working with architectural notions of space and place, but are interested in the experience of place more than its formal structure. We wish to emphasize the dynamic and are interested in transitions not as the pauses between states but as destinations worth exploring. Quadricone by Selena Savic is an actual experience catalyst: a physical manifestation of a digital “material” (in this case network traffic.) The goal is less data visualization and more an attempt to understand what it means to physically experience something normally invisible. Inter-Actor by Andrew Sempere casts architecture as an ongoing event which might benefit from the flexibility of the digital. The idea is to create a combination of software and hardware that allows for “rapid prototyping” of interactive space. Inter-Actor is not an experience catalyst but a toolkit for creating them