41 research outputs found
Femmes, travail et migration dans la décennie de la « ménagérisation » : le cas des grandes migrations internes en Italie dans les années 1960
Durant les annĂ©es 1960, lâItalie a connu une migration interne de masse des rĂ©gions mĂ©ridionales vers celles du Nord-Ouest, oĂč se dĂ©roulait le boom Ă©conomique italien de lâaprĂšs-guerre. La prĂ©sence fĂ©minine dans ces flux Ă©tait importante mais, pendant longtemps, les Ă©tudes ont dirigĂ© leur attention vers les hommes, rendus plus visibles en raison, surtout, de leur prĂ©sence prĂ©pondĂ©rante dans le secteur mĂ©canique ainsi que dans les luttes syndicales ouvriĂšres des annĂ©es 1960 et 1970. LâexpĂ©rience des femmes immigrĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs peu Ă©tudiĂ©e et a souvent Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ©e de façon superficielle, en ayant recours aux stĂ©rĂ©otypes les plus diffusĂ©s sur « la culture mĂ©ridionale », que lâon suppose ĂȘtre hostile au travail des femmes. De plus, lâinvisibilitĂ© du rĂŽle actif des femmes immigrĂ©es pendant les annĂ©es du « miracle Ă©conomique » italien est liĂ©e Ă lâidĂ©e que la dĂ©cennie 1960 avait Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e par un processus de mĂ©nagĂ©risation (« casalinghizzazione ») des femmes des couches populaires. Selon cette hypothĂšse, le nouveau bien-ĂȘtre Ă©conomique aurait encouragĂ© les femmes dâouvriers Ă quitter le marchĂ© du travail pour rĂ©aliser leur rĂȘve de devenir femmes au foyer. Mais les femmes qui ont quittĂ© le Sud pour sâĂ©tablir dans le Nord industriel sont-elles vraiment restĂ©es en dehors du marchĂ© du travail ?Dans cet article nous nous interrogerons sur lâidĂ©e de la mĂ©nagĂ©risation Ă partir de lâobservation de lâexpĂ©rience des femmes immigrĂ©es Ă Turin, lâune des principales villes du triangle industriel italien. Les parcours migratoires et les itinĂ©raires dans le marchĂ© du travail de ces femmes rĂ©vĂšlent une rĂ©alitĂ© complexe, oĂč lâaspiration au travail des femmes ayant des enfants est contrastĂ©e par des facteurs liĂ©s Ă la spĂ©cificitĂ© de la condition dâimmigrĂ©e. Nous mettrons en lumiĂšre ces facteurs et nous analyserons les stratĂ©gies mises en place par les femmes et leurs familles pour faire face Ă ces contraintes. Dans certains cas, on peut observer une nouvelle rĂ©partition des tĂąches domestiques entre les genres en fonction du travail de la femme ; dans dâautres cas, les femmes doivent se replier sur des activitĂ©s par intermittence, plus flexibles que le travail industriel mais souvent non dĂ©clarĂ©es. On observera quâau-delĂ dâune dimension Ă©conomique, le travail, pour les femmes immigrĂ©es, peut aussi rĂ©pondre Ă dâautres besoins, notamment sortir de lâisolement social causĂ© par le dĂ©placement dans le nouvel environnement.During the 1960s, Italy experienced a mass internal migration from the Southern regions toward the North-West of the country, where the post-war Italian economic boom unfolded. The female presence in these flows was important, but for a long time the experience of immigrant women has been understudied and has often been superficially evoked, using the most widespread stereotypes about âSouthern cultureâ, which is assumed to be hostile to womenâs work. Moreover, the invisibility of the active role of immigrant women during the years of the Italian âeconomic miracleâ is linked to the idea that the new economic well-being would have encouraged women workers to leave the labour market to fulfill their dream of becoming housewives. But have women who left the South to settle in the industrial North really stayed out of the labor market?In this article we will observe the experience of immigrant women in Turin, one of the main cities of the Italian industrial triangle. The migratory pathways and the pathways in the labour market of these women reveal a complex reality, where the aspiration to work of women with children is contrasted by factors related to the specificity of the immigrant condition. We will shed light on these factors and analyse the strategies implemented by women and their families to cope with these constraints. In some cases, a new division of domestic tasks between husband and wife may be observed depending on the work of the woman; in other cases, women have to fall back on activities that are intermittent, more flexible than industrial work but often undeclared. It will be observed that beyond an economic dimension, work for immigrant women can also meet other needs, including getting out from the social isolation caused by displacement in the new environment
Quitter le Mezzogiorno : parcours dâenracinement des Italiens en Provence et dans le Nord-Ouest de lâItalie entre 1945 et 1970
Les protagonistes de cette Ă©tude sont les familles originaires du Mezzogiorno (Italie du Sud) qui, dans les annĂ©es 1950 et 1960, se sont installĂ©es dans les zones urbaines de Marseille et de Turin. Lâarticle compare une migration internationale et une migration nationale dans le but de mettre en Ă©vidence des mĂ©canismes constants du processus migratoire, mais aussi pour Ă©valuer le poids de quelques variables liĂ©es aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s structurelles qui caractĂ©risent les deux contextes dâarrivĂ©e. Le thĂšme central de lâenquĂȘte sont les facteurs qui peuvent conditionner la mobilitĂ© sociale et Ă©conomique des secondes gĂ©nĂ©rations Ă travers lâanalyse des trajectoires de travail des parents, leurs stratĂ©gies rĂ©sidentielles et leurs rĂ©seaux de sociabilitĂ© tissĂ©s dans la ville. Le but est de comprendre les retombĂ©es de cette conjonction de facteurs sur les itinĂ©raires scolaires et professionnels de leurs enfants.The protagonists of this study are the families from Southern Italy who settled in the urban areas of Marseille and Turin in the post-World War II years. The article compare an international and an internal migration in order to focus on some constant mechanisms of the migratory process but also to evaluate the weight of some variables linked to the structural specificities of the two contexts. This paper investigates the factors that condition the social and economic mobility of the second generations. The analysis is focused on the working paths of the parents, on their networks of relationships and on their residential choices in order to understand the effects that this set of factors can have on the educational and professional paths of the children.Los protagonistas de este estudio son las familias originarias del Sur de Italia que en la Posguerra de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se insertaran en las ĂĄreas urbanas de Marsella y TurĂn. El articulo compara una migraciĂłn internacional con una migraciĂłn interior para enfocar algunos mecanismos constantes del proceso migratorio, pero tambiĂ©n analiza la importancia de algunas variables vinculadas a las especificidades estructurales propias de los dos contextos. El tema central que queremos investigar es acerca de los factores que afectan la movilidad social y econĂłmica de las segundas generaciones. El anĂĄlisis se centra en las vidas laborales de los padres, sus redes de relaciones y sus elecciones de domicilio para comprender los efectos que esta combinaciĂłn de factores pueda llevar en las trayectorias educativas y profesionales de los hijos
Correlation of Structure, Function and Protein Dynamics in GH7 Cellobiohydrolases from \u3cem\u3eTrichoderma atroviride\u3c/em\u3e, \u3cem\u3eT. reesei\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eT. harzianum\u3c/em\u3e
Background: The ascomycete fungus Trichoderma reesei is the predominant source of enzymes for industrial conversion of lignocellulose. Its glycoside hydrolase family 7 cellobiohydrolase (GH7 CBH) TreCel7A constitutes nearly half of the enzyme cocktail by weight and is the major workhorse in the cellulose hydrolysis process. The orthologs from Trichoderma atroviride (TatCel7A) and Trichoderma harzianum (ThaCel7A) show high sequence identity with TreCel7A, ~ 80%, and represent naturally evolved combinations of cellulose-binding tunnel-enclosing loop motifs, which have been suggested to influence intrinsic cellobiohydrolase properties, such as endo-initiation, processivity, and off-rate.
Results: The TatCel7A, ThaCel7A, and TreCel7A enzymes were characterized for comparison of function. The catalytic domain of TatCel7A was crystallized, and two structures were determined: without ligand and with thio-cellotriose in the active site. Initial hydrolysis of bacterial cellulose was faster with TatCel7A than either ThaCel7A or TreCel7A. In synergistic saccharification of pretreated corn stover, both TatCel7A and ThaCel7A were more efficient than TreCel7A, although TatCel7A was more sensitive to thermal inactivation. Structural analyses and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to elucidate important structure/function correlations. Moreover, reverse conservation analysis (RCA) of sequence diversity revealed divergent regions of interest located outside the cellulose-binding tunnel of Trichoderma spp. GH7 CBHs.
Conclusions: We hypothesize that the combination of loop motifs is the main determinant for the observed differences in Cel7A activity on cellulosic substrates. Fine-tuning of the loop flexibility appears to be an important evolutionary target in Trichoderma spp., a conclusion supported by the RCA data. Our results indicate that, for industrial use, it would be beneficial to combine loop motifs from TatCel7A with the thermostability features of TreCel7A. Furthermore, one region implicated in thermal unfolding is suggested as a primary target for protein engineering
Backdating systematic shell ornament making in Europe to 45,000 years ago.
Personal ornaments are commonly linked to the emergence of symbolic behavior. Although their presence in Africa dates back to the Middle Stone Age, evidence of ornament manufacturing in Eurasia are sporadically observed in Middle Palaeolithic contexts, and until now, large-scale diffusion has been well documented only since the Upper Palaeolithic. Nevertheless, little is known during the period between ca. 50,000 and 40,000 years ago (ka), when modern humans colonized Eurasia replacing existing hominin populations such as the Neandertals, and a variety of âtransitionalâ and/or early Upper Palaeolithic cultures emerged. Here, we present shell ornaments from the Uluzzian site of Grotta del Cavallo in Italy, southern Europe. Our results show evidence of a local production of shell beads for ornamental purposes as well as a trend toward higher homogeneity in tusk bead shape and size over time. The temporal interval of the layers of interest (45â40 ka) makes Cavallo the earliest known shell ornament making context in Europe
Accuracy of self-assessment of real-life functioning in schizophrenia
A consensus has not yet been reached regarding the accuracy of people with schizophrenia in self-reporting their real-life functioning. In a large (n=618) cohort of stable, community-dwelling schizophrenia patients we sought to: (1) examine the concordance of patients' reports of their real-life functioning with the reports of their key caregiver; (2) identify which patient characteristics are associated to the differences between patients and informants. Patient-caregiver concordance of the ratings in three Specific Level of Functioning Scale (SLOF) domains (interpersonal relationships, everyday life skills, work skills) was evaluated with matched-pair t tests, the Lin's concordance correlation, Somers' D, and Bland-Altman plots with limits of agreement (LOA). Predictors of the patient-caregiver differences in SLOF ratings were assessed with a linear regression with multivariable fractional polynomials. Patients' self-evaluation of functioning was higher than caregivers' in all the evaluated domains of the SLOF and 17.6% of the patients exceeded the LOA, thus providing a self-evaluation discordant from their key caregivers. The strongest predictors of patient-caregiver discrepancies were caregivers' ratings in each SLOF domain. In clinically stable outpatients with a moderate degree of functional impairment, self-evaluation with the SLOF scale can become a useful, informative and reliable clinical tool to design a tailored rehabilitation program
Early life of Neanderthals
The early onset of weaning in modern humans has been linked to the high nutritional demand of brain development that is intimately connected with infant physiology and growth rate. In Neanderthals, ontogenetic patterns in early life are still debated, with some studies suggesting an accelerated development and others indicating only subtle differences to modern humans. Here we report the onset of weaning and rates of enamel growth using an unprecedented sample set of three late (~70-50 ka) Neanderthals and one Upper Paleolithic modern human from Northeastern-Italy via spatially-resolved chemical/isotopic analyses and histomorphometry of deciduous teeth. Our results reveal that the modern human nursing strategy, with onset of weaning at 5-6 months, was present among these Neanderthals. This evidence, combined with dental development akin to modern humans, highlights their similar metabolic constraints during early life and excludes late weaning as a factor contributing to Neanderthals' demise
Ă lâĂ©cole du Nord. La scolarisation des enfants de migrants du Mezzogiorno dans les annĂ©es 1960
La migration des MĂ©ridionaux vers les villes du triangle industriel de lâItalie du Nord dans les annĂ©es 1960 prend souvent un caractĂšre familial. Elle pĂšse donc dâun poids important sur la scolarisation des enfants, de maniĂšre prĂ©judiciable. Les situations dâĂ©chec sont nombreuses et les parcours scolaires en sont raccourcis. Le dĂ©racinement social et culturel, lâinstabilitĂ© rĂ©sidentielle au sein des villes dâaccueil, les distinctions de genre, les prĂ©jugĂ©s du corps enseignant et lâinadaptation des dispositifs scolaires dâaccueil constituent autant de facteurs explicatifs.The family migration of people from South Italy to cities in the industrial triangle of northern Italy in the influences the schooling of children in a prejudicial way. The failures are numerous and school paths are shortened. Social and cultural uprooting, residential instability in host cities, gender distinctions, teachers' prejudices and the inadequacy of school reception systems are all explanatory factors.La migrazione dei Meridionali verso le cittĂ del triangolo industriale del Nord Italia, negli anni â60, assume spesso un carattere familiare. CiĂČ influisce, spesso, in modo svantaggioso sulla scolarizzazione dei bambini. Le situazioni di insuccessi scolastici sono numerose e i percorsi di studi vengono ridotti. Lo sradicamento sociale e culturale, le difficoltĂ dâintegrazione nelle cittĂ ospitanti, le differenze di genere, i pregiudizi verso il personale docente e lâinadeguatezza dei sistemi scolastici costituiscono fattori altrettanto considerevol
Lavoro femminile e imprese familiari in anni di mobilità interna : Torino 1960-1980
International audienceNelle migrazioni di massa degli anni sessanta del Novecento dal Meridione dâItalia verso le cittĂ industriali del Nord-ovest del Paese il lavoro dipendente Ăš stato il piĂč studiato dagli storici. Ma il lavoro in proprio ha rappresentato una delle vie principali di ricerca di una mobilitĂ sociale per gli immigrati. In queste avventure imprenditoriali le donne avevano un ruolo attivo, ma non sempre visibile. Attraverso lâanalisi di interviste in profonditĂ , lâarticolo analizza i ruoli, le aspettative e il rapporto delle donne immigrate nei confronti del lavoro nellâambito di imprese familiari