423 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Experiences with Dropout Prevention Strategies of Virginia Secondary Administrators, School Counselors, and Graduation Coaches

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    High school dropout is a national crisis, the effects of which disproportionately affect the most susceptible youth and vulnerable communities. There are many factors that contribute to student dropout. Dropout is influenced by individual and institutional factors, as well as academic and social problems; student dropout, in turn, impacts the individual and society. This study examined the knowledge and experiences of secondary school administrators, school counselors, and graduation coaches with dropout prevention strategies. Further, the study incorporated a survey to collect, analyze and present information. The survey was distributed to an intact group of secondary school administrators, school counselors and graduation coaches in a Virginia school district. The specific goal of the research was to determine the knowledge and experiences of the school professionals responsible for providing dropout prevention programs in their schools. Further, the study would determine the degree to which dropout prevention strategies are aligned with the research-based recommendations as identified in key findings and the Dropout Prevention Practice Guide (2008) published by What Works Clearinghouse and the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. After briefly summarizing an historical perspective on high school dropout, a review of factors related to a student’s decision to leave school before earning a diploma and research-based dropout prevention strategies were examined. The findings will provide educational leaders, school professionals and other stakeholders with evidence –based judgments

    Called Back to Stewardship: Recovering and Developing Abraham Kuyper\u27s Cosmic Pneumatology

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    Abraham Kuyper\u27s cosmic pneumatology provides an indispenable resource for the contemporary systematic development of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Though contemporary scholars have attended to this neglected aspect of pneumatology, there has been inadequate development of the ecological, cultural, and sociopolitical implications of the relation between the Spirit and creation. In Kuyper\u27s cosmic pneumatology, the Spirit completes the creative act, animates all of life, and restrains the effects of sin in the world. This understanding of the Spirit/creation relationship overlaps with Kuyper\u27s understanding of common grace, thus making the Spirit the agent of common grace. This grace provides the impetus for cultural development, social action, and political involvement. Bacote argues from this that the Spirit drives this kind of activity, and thus motivates Christians toward responsible stewardship of creation, leading to thoughtful environmental proposals and redemptive cultural and political involvement in society

    Intercultural mediation at the end of life. Different perceptions of the same process

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    The aim of this study was to identify the perceptions of palliative care professionals with regards to the management of patients from a different culture, and if there is a need to incorporate an intercultural mediator. To understand the influence of the intercultural mediator as a facilitator in the decision making of the patient and family at the end of life. The methodological approach is centered in pluralism, reinforced by triangulation of data and information. The intercultural mediator is crucial because they can provide light in a multitude of conflict situations caused by lack of knowledge about the patient's culture. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Bacote to Doctor Silver, 14 November 1963

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    Professional correspondenc

    Pre-Group Preparation in College Counseling Centers: Through the Use of an Audio-Visual Aid

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    The current dissertation articulates the importance of pre-group preparation, specifically in college counseling centers. The dissertation examines relevant research related to the need for pre-group preparation, as well as the various methods in which information can be delivered to clients. The researcher found that although there are several effective ways to prepare clients for group therapy, an underutilized, efficient, and cost effective way to deliver this information is through the use of an audiovisual aid (Acosta, Yamamoto, Evans & Skilbeck, 2006; D\u27Augelli & Chinsky, 1974; Egan, 1970; Hoehn-Saric, 1964; Martin & Shewmaker, 1962; Orne and Wender, 1968; Sloane, Cristol, Pepernik, & Staples, 1970; Strupp & Bluxom, 1973; Yalom, 1970; Yalom, Houts, Newell, & Rand, 1967). Boldt and Paul (2011) stated, College students in this millennial generation just won\u27t come to group therapy. (p. 41). Due to the reluctance of college students joining group, the above authors suggest that an audio visual aid may be helpful in preparing clients to begin group therapy. This dissertation involved the creation of a professionally produced audio-visual aid, geared towards college students, with the intent to prepare clients for a wide range group therapies that may be offered at a given counseling center

    Causes of death and factors associated with early mortality of HIV-infected adults admitted to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

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    Introduction: This study sought to identify common causes of death as well as the factors associated with the high inpatient mortality rate of HIV-infected patients at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH).Methods: The retrospective study reviewed the medical records of 547 HIV infected adults aged 18 years or older admitted to the KBTH between the months of January 2012 and October 2013. Using standardized abstraction forms, clinical and demographic data of eligible patients was collected. Data was summarized using descriptive statistics. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who died within 7 days (early) and after (late) admission were compared using Rank Sum tests or Chi-square tests.Results: Of 547 eligible patients during the period, 222 (40.6%) died during hospitalization, with 124 (55.9%) of them dying within a week of admission. Of the 222 patients who died, 190 (85.6%) were previously known HIV-positive. Yet, 141 (63.5%) of the 222 patients who died had no prior highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The most common admitting diagnoses were anemia (34.2%), cerebral toxoplasmosis (29.3%), and pneumonia (25.7%); the most common causes of death were tuberculosis (34.7%), anemia (30.2%) and cerebral toxoplasmosis (27.5%). Tuberculosis was the only factor significantly associated with early death (P<0.05).Conclusion: The inpatient mortality rate among HIV infected adults admitted to the KBTH is high. A majority of the patients were not receiving HAART despite known HIV diagnosis. Earlier initiation of HAART may lower the risk of opportunistic infections and HIV mortality rates. Additionally, a high index of suspicion and initiation of empiric treatment for TB may reduce early deaths.Keywords: Cause of Death, HIV/AIDS, HAART, Ghana, Tuberculosi

    Identification of nursing assessment models/tools validated in clinical practice for use with diverse ethno-cultural groups: an integrative review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High income nations are currently exhibiting increasing ethno-cultural diversity which may present challenges for nursing practice. We performed an integrative review of literature published in North America and Europe between 1990 and 2007, to map the state of knowledge and to identify nursing assessment tools/models which are have an associated research or empirical perspective in relation to ethno-cultural dimensions of nursing care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data was retrieved from a wide variety of sources, including key electronic bibliographic databases covering research in biomedical fields, nursing and allied health, and culture, e.g. CINAHL, MEDline, PUBmed, Cochrane library, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and HAPI. We used the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tools for quality assessment. We applied Torraco's definition and method of an integrative review that aims to create new knowledge and perspectives on a given phenomena. To add methodological rigor with respect to the search strategy and other key review components we also used the principles established by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirteen thousand and thirteen articles were retrieved, from which 53 full papers were assessed for inclusion. Eight papers met the inclusion criteria, describing research on a total of eight ethno-cultural assessment tools/models. The tools/models are described and synthesized.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While many ethno-cultural assessment tools exist to guide nursing practice, few are informed by research perspectives. An increased focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of health services, patient safety, and risk management, means that provision of culturally responsive and competent health services will inevitably become paramount.</p
