3,018 research outputs found

    Measurements of the 12C/13C ratio in Planetary Nebulae and implications for stellar evolution

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    We present the results of a study aimed at determining the 12C/13C ratio in two samples of planetary nebuale (PNe) by means of mm-wave observations of 12CO and 13CO. The first group includes six PNe which have been observed in the 3He+ hyperfine transition; the other group consists of 23 nebulae with rich molecular envelopes. We have determined the isotopic ratio in 14 objects and the results indicate a range of values between 9 and 23. In particular, three PNe have ratios well below the value predicted by standard evolutionary models (about 20), indicating that some extra-mixing process has occurred in these stars. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for standard and nonstandard stellar nucleosynthesis.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 Postscript figure. to appear in The Primordial Nuclei and Their Galactic Evolution, eds. N. Prantzos, M. Tosi, R. von Steiger (Kluwer: Dordrecht

    Neutral atomic carbon in the globules of the Helix

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    We report detection of the 609u line of neutral atomic carbon in globules of the Helix nebula. The measurements were made towards the position of peak CO emission. At the same position, we obtained high-quality CO(2-1) and 13CO(2-1) spectra and a 135" x 135" map in CO(2-1). The velocity distribution of CI shows six narrow (1 -> 2 km/sec) components which are associated with individual globules traced in CO. The CI column densities are 0.5 -> 1.2 x 10^16/cm^2. CI is found to be a factor of ~6 more abundant than CO. Our estimate for the mass of the neutral envelope is an order of magnitude larger than previous estimates. The large abundance of CI in the Helix can be understood as a result of the gradual photoionisation of the molecular envelope by the central star's radiation field.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, AAS macros, 3 EPS figures, to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Shells, jets, and internal working surfaces in the molecular outflow from IRAS 04166+2706

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    Context: IRAS 04166+2706 in Taurus is one of the most nearby young stellar objects whose molecular outflow contains a highly collimated fast component. Methods: We have observed the IRAS 04166+2706 outflow with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer in CO(J=2-1) and SiO(J=2-1) achieving angular resolutions between 2'' and 4''. To improve the quality of the CO(2-1) images, we have added single dish data to the interferometer visibilities. Results: The outflow consists of two distinct components. At velocities <10 km/s, the gas forms two opposed, approximately conical shells that have the YSO at their vertex. These shells coincide with the walls of evacuated cavities and seem to result from the acceleration of the ambient gas by a wide-angle wind. At velocities >30 km/s, the gas forms two opposed jets that travel along the center of the cavities and whose emission is dominated by a symmetric collection of at least 7 pairs of peaks. The velocity field of this component presents a sawtooth pattern with the gas in the tail of each peak moving faster than the gas in the head. This pattern, together with a systematic widening of the peaks with distance to the central source, is consistent with the emission arising from internal working surfaces traveling along the jet and resulting from variations in the velocity field of ejection. We interpret this component as the true protostellar wind, and we find its composition consistent with a chemical model of such type of wind. Conclusions: Our results support outflow wind models that have simultaneously wide-angle and narrow components, and suggest that the EHV peaks seen in a number of outflows consist of internally-shocked wind material.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. To appear in A&

    High spectral resolution observations of HNC3 and HCCNC in the L1544 prestellar core

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    HCCNC and HNC3 are less commonly found isomers of cyanoacetylene, HC3N, a molecule that is widely found in diverse astronomical sources. We want to know if HNC3 is present in sources other than the dark cloud TMC-1 and how its abundance is relative to that of related molecules. We used the ASAI unbiased spectral survey at IRAM 30m towards the prototypical prestellar core L1544 to search for HNC3 and HCCNC which are by-product of the HC3NH+ recombination, previously detected in this source. We performed a combined analysis of published HNC3 microwave rest frequencies with thus far unpublished millimeter data because of issues with available rest frequency predictions. We determined new spectroscopic parameters for HNC3, produced new predictions and detected it towards L1544. We used a gas-grain chemical modelling to predict the abundances of N-species and compare with the observations. The modelled abundances are consistent with the observations, considering a late stage of the evolution of the prestellar core. However the calculated abundance of HNC3 was found 5-10 times higher than the observed one. The HC3N, HNC3 and HCCNC versus HC3NH+ ratios are compared in the TMC-1 dark cloud and the L1544 prestellar core.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS letters. 5 pages plus 2 additional pages for the on-line materia

    W40 region in the Gould Belt : An embedded cluster and H II region at the junction of filaments

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    We present a multiwavelength study of W40 star-forming region using IR observations in UKIRT JHK bands, Spitzer IRAC bands & Herschel PACS bands; 2.12 micron H2 narrow-band imaging; & radio observations from GMRT (610 & 1280 MHz), in a FoV of ~34'x40'. Spitzer observations along with NIR observations are used to identify 1162 Class II/III & 40 Class I sources in the FoV. The NN stellar surface density analysis shows that majority of these YSOs constitute the embedded cluster centered on the source IRS1A South. Some YSOs, predominantly younger population, are distributed along & trace the filamentary structures at lower stellar surface density. The cluster radius is obtained as 0.44pc - matching well with the extent of radio emission - with a peak density of 650pc^-2. The JHK data is used to map the extinction which is subsequently used to compute the cloud mass. It has resulted in 126 Msun & 71 Msun for the central cluster & the northern IRS5 region, respectively. H2 narrow-band imaging displays significant emission, which prominently resembles fluorescent emission arising at the borders of dense regions. Radio analysis shows this region as having blister morphology, with the radio peak coinciding with a protostellar source. Free-free emission SED analysis is used to obtain physical parameters of the overall region & the IRS5 sub-region. This multiwavelength scenario is suggestive of star formation having resulted from merging of multiple filaments to form a hub. Star formation seems to have taken place in two successive epochs, with the first epoch traced by the central cluster & the high-mass star(s) - followed by a second epoch which is spreading into the filaments as uncovered by the Class I sources & even younger protostellar sources along the filaments. The IRS5 HII region displays indications of swept-up material which has possibly led to the formation of protostars.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Molecular hydrogen jets and outflows in the Serpens south filamentary cloud

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    We aimed to map the jets and outflows from the Serpens South star forming region and find an empirical relationship between the magnetic field and outflow orientation. Near-infrared H2 v=1-0 S(1) 2.122{\mu}m -line imaging of the \sim 30'-long filamentary shaped Serpens South star forming region was carried out. K s broadband imaging of the same region was used for continuum subraction. Candidate driving sources of the mapped jets/outflows are identified from the list of known protostars and young stars in this region, which was derived from studies using recent Spitzer and Herschel telescope observations. 14 Molecular Hydrogen emission-line objects(MHOs) are identified using our continuum-subtracted images. They are found to constitute ten individual flows. Out of these, nine flows are located in the lower-half(southern) part of the Serpens South filament, and one flow is located at the northern tip of the filament. Four flows are driven by well-identified Class 0 protostars, while the remaining six flows are driven by candidate protostars mostly in the Class I stage, based on the Spitzer and Herschel observations. The orientation of the outflows is systematically perpendicular to the direction of the near-infrared polarization vector, recently published in the literature. No significant correlation was observed between the orientation of the flows and the axis of the filamentary cloud.Comment: Accepted by A&A for publication. 7 pages, 5 figure

    HST NICMOS Images of the HH 7/11 Outflow in NGC1333

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    We present near infrared images in H2 at 2.12um of the HH 7/11 outflow and its driving source SVS 13 taken with HST NICMOS 2 camera, as well as archival Ha and [SII] optical images obtained with the WFPC2 camera. The NICMOS high angular resolution observations confirm the nature of a small scale jet arising from SVS 13, and resolve a structure in the HH 7 working surface that could correspond to Mach disk H2 emission. The H2 jet has a length of 430 AU (at a distance of 350 pc), an aspect ratio of 2.2 and morphologically resembles the well known DG Tau optical micro-jet. The kinematical age of the jet (approx. 10 yr) coincides with the time since the last outburst from SVS 13. If we interpret the observed H2 flux density with molecular shock models of 20-30 km/s, then the jet has a density as high as 1.e+5 cc. The presence of this small jet warns that contamination by H2 emission from an outflow in studies searching for H2 in circumstellar disks is possible. At the working surface, the smooth H2 morphology of the HH 7 bowshock indicates that the magnetic field is strong, playing a major role in stabilizing this structure. The H2 flux density of the Mach disk, when compared with that of the bowshock, suggests that its emission is produced by molecular shocks of less than 20 km/s. The WFPC2 optical images display several of the global features already inferred from groundbased observations, like the filamentary structure in HH 8 and HH 10, which suggests a strong interaction of the outflow with its cavity. The H2 jet is not detected in {SII] or Ha, however, there is a small clump at approx. 5'' NE of SVS 13 that could be depicting the presence either of a different outburst event or the north edge of the outflow cavity.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures (JPEGs

    A highly collimated, extremely high velocity outflow in Taurus

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    We present the first case of a highly collimated, extremely high velocity bipolar outflow in Taurus. It is powered by the low-luminosity (0.4 L_sun) source IRAS 04166+2706 and contains gas accelerated up to 50 km/s with respect to the ambient cloud both toward the blue and the red (uncorrected for projection). At the highest velocities, the outflow collimation factor exceeds 20, and the gas displays a very high degree of spatial symmetry. This very fast gas presents multiple maxima, and most likely arises from the acceleration of ambient material by a time-variable jet-like stellar wind. When scaled for luminosity, the outflow parameters of IRAS 04166 are comparable to those of other extremely high velocity outflows like L1448, indicating that even the very quiescent star-formation mode of Taurus can produce objects powering very high energy flows (L_mec/L_* > 0.15).Comment: 5pages, 3 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters. v2 clarfies relation with HH390 thanks to private communication from John Bally and Josh Walawende

    First evidence for molecular interfaces between outflows and ambient cloud in high-mass star forming regions?

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    We present new observations of the CepA-East region of massive star formation and describe an extended and dynamically distinct feature not previously recognised. This feature is present in emission from H2CS, OCS, CH3OH, and HDO at -5.5 km/s, but is not traced by conventional tracers of star forming regions H2S, SO2, SO, CS. The feature is extended up to at least 0.1 pc. We show that the feature is neither a hot core nor a shocked outflow. However, the chemistry of the feature is consistent with predictions of a model of an eroding interface between a fast wind and a dense core; mixing between the two media occurs in the interface on a timescale of 10-50 years. If these observations are confirmed by detailed maps and by detections in species also predicted to be abundant (e.g. HCO+, H2CO, and NH3) this feature would be the first detection of such an interface in regions of massive star formation. An important implication of the model is that a significant reservoir of sulfur in grain mantles is required to be in the form of OCS