295 research outputs found

    Pathways to Prosperity Conference Blends Technology and Facilitation to Engage Leaders Statewide

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    Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) is a statewide economic development leadership conference that is hosted by Washington State University Extension (WSUE) and involves use of a unique hybrid delivery model to reach rural communities and revive economies. For P2P, WSUE uses technology to connect multiple sites simultaneously to provide a webinar featuring a national expert. Well-designed and adaptable activities facilitated by a local team address issues and opportunities introduced by the speaker. Regional leaders and stakeholders participate at local sites, allowing them to leverage the knowledge gained by applying it to their community goals and aspirations

    Cal Poly India Project

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    This report documents the research, ideation, and development of a solution, implemented by the Cal Poly India Sanitation Team per the request of Mr. Harish Bhutani, to solve the problem of hazardous human waste management in poor villages in India. The sponsor envisioned a universal design that would give each household in those villages access to a private toilet system because the current solution is open defecation in water sources and farming fields. The initial constraints required the project be low cost, not use of electricity or water, have the ability to cater to an 8-10 person household, and be easily manufacturable and maintainable. Investigating this problem began with research into both the culture of India and the existing solutions. Our initial observations indicated some barriers that would add to the constraints of the design. The research showed that there were many ideas existing that have been either already established or in the early stages of laying the groundwork, but there was an interesting trend with the success rate and contingencies of these past projects. The past projects have not lasted very long due to poorly educating the users, lack of an infrastructure to handle continued maintenance, and lack of efficacy in the users to care for the systems. This last point had a lot to do with cultural taboos of touching human waste and being seen as a low class citizen. With all of this in mind, the brainstorming led to a design that is a hybrid of the past projects. The design implements a concrete-lined pit latrine with a hand pump used every six months to empty the pit and move the waste to an offsite facility. The user will have access to a personal shelter, made of compressed earth blocks, to safely defecate. A key feature includes a water bottle light to magnify the existing light in the shelter. This idea considers the user interaction with the waste, which will be no contact at all. The hope is that this design will also create job opportunities for people when the removal is needed. This would form a tight infrastructure that is integral to the success of this design because the people will be able to make this structure a part of their daily lives without this waste disposal system seeming like a burden. After this design was finalized, construction for the prototype began. The necessary part were ordered and the parts were manufactured to size and assembled. Design considerations that changed during this process included changing the internal metals to steel because of availability and militating on the tooling needed. The prototype was then tested for cyclical performance, as well as strength testing and materials testing. Some final conclusions drawn from the this project are that this a simple manufacturing process and easily maintainable, but in order to have this implemented in a region there needs to be a waste education done as well as continued supervisor and teaching of the users on how to properly care for this system

    MMC Fall with Injury Prevention Project

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    Problem/Impact Statement: Patients falls with injury remains an elusive problem at MMC. Over the past 8 quarter, (2016 and 2017) MMC has outperformed 3 of the last 8 Quarters of data. The average rate for the past 8 quarters is .57/1000 patient days with the mean benchmark of .54/per 1000 patient days. MH has determined a focus goal for all the MH hospitals to be below .70/MH 100 patient days as a goal for falls with injury. MMC having the largest volume must be below NDNQI mean to drive this change as the .70 is the average of all MH hospitals. A fall with injury costs on Average cost of a fall with injury is $14,000., more importantly the cost to the patient may be an increase in hospital stay, and increase in level of care. Injuries range from lacerations to fractures and head trauma and death. Approximately 50% of all falls incur an injury. Putting interventions in place to decrease total falls will decrease injuries at MMC

    Bringing Upstairs Care Downstairs; Integration of Rehabilitation Medicine, Care Management, and the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) into an Emergency Department.

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    Introduction: Services such as physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech-language pathology (SLP), social work (SW), care management, and elder life specialists have long been an established part of care for patients admitted to Maine Medical Center (MMC) but not for patients in the Emergency Department (ED). Methods and Results: Driven in part by changes in Medicare reimbursement models, care management established a presence in the Emergency Department (ED) in 2003 with a focus on care planning and cost avoidance. In recent years PT, OT, SLP, SW, and the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) have increased their ED involvement substantially. These services not only support care management decisions but have become an invaluable part of the ED team. The timing, staffing models, and roles of these services in our emergency department are described. Discussion: There was strong leadership support to create these positions in the ED. Increased patient volume hospital wide has required staffing flexibility. Initial concerns for slowing the ED where anecdotally resolved. Other hospitals in our system are interested in this approach. Conclusions: While the value of this work feels self-evident and is already established for admitted patients, descriptive and outcome-oriented studies for ED patients would be enlightening

    Piloting staff education in Australia to reduce falls in older hospital patients experiencing delirium

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    This study piloted a hospital-based delirium and falls education program to investigate the impacts on staff knowledge and practice plus patient falls. On a medical ward, staff knowledge was compared before and after education sessions. Other data – collected a day before and after program implementation – addressed documentation of patients' delirium and evidence of compliance with falls risk minimization protocols. These data, and numbers of patient falls, were compared before and after program implementation. Almost all ward staff members participated in education sessions (7 doctors, 7 allied health practitioners, and 45 nurses) and knowledge was significantly improved in the 22 who completed surveys both before and after session attendance. Patients assessed as having delirium (5 before implementation, 4 afterwards) were all documented as either confused or delirious. Small changes eventuated in adherence with falls risk management protocols for confused patients and the number of falls decreased. The program merits a stronger emphasis on staff activities relating to the detection, documentation, and management of delirium to inter-professional roles and communication. Evidence of practice enhancement from program implementation should precede rigorous testing of impacts upon falls

    Two-pronged attack: dual inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum M1 and M17 metalloaminopeptidases by a novel series of hydroxamic acid-based inhibitors

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    Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, have developed resistance to most of our current antimalarial therapies, including artemisinin combination therapies which are widely described as our last line of defense. Antimalarial agents with a novel mode of action are urgently required. Two Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidases, PfA-M1 and PfA-M17, play crucial roles in the erythrocytic stage of infection and have been validated as potential antimalarial targets. Using compound-bound crystal structures of both enzymes, we have used a structure-guided approach to develop a novel series of inhibitors capable of potent inhibition of both PfA-M1 and PfA-M17 activity and parasite growth in culture. Herein we describe the design, synthesis, and evaluation of a series of hydroxamic acid-based inhibitors and demonstrate the compounds to be exciting new leads for the development of novel antimalarial therapeutics

    Activity of recombinant dengue 2 virus NS3 protease in the presence of a truncated NS2B co-factor, small peptide substrates, and inhibitors

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    Recombinant forms of the dengue 2 virus NS3 protease linked to a 40-residue co-factor, corresponding to part of NS2B, have been expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to be active against para-nitroanilide substrates comprising the P6-P1 residues of four substrate cleavage sequences. The enzyme is inactive alone or after the addition of a putative 13-residue co-factor peptide but is active when fused to the 40-residue co-factor, by either a cleavable or a noncleavable glycine linker. The NS4B/NS5 cleavage site was processed most readily, with optimal processing conditions being pH 9, I = 10 mm, 1 mm CHAPS, 20% glycerol. A longer 10-residue peptide corresponding to the NS2B/NS3 cleavage site (P6-P4') was a poorer substrate than the hexapeptide (P6-P1) para-nitroanilide substrate under these conditions, suggesting that the prime side substrate residues did not contribute significantly to protease binding. We also report the first inhibitors of a co-factor-complexed, catalytically active flavivirus NS3 protease. Aprotinin was the only standard serine protease inhibitor to be active, whereas a number of peptide substrate analogues were found to be competitive inhibitors at micromolar concentrations

    Alien Registration- Babine, Francis (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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