144 research outputs found

    Značajke rasta oslića, Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758.), u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Sredozemnog mora

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    In this study, the age and some growth characteristics of the European hake, Merluccius mer-luccius, from the northeastern Mediterranean were examined during 2015-2016 fishing season. A total of 661 European hake ranging from 9.8 to 51.6 cm in total length was captured by commercial trawler. Female/male ratio was 1/1.15. Age determination was conducted using the sagittal otoliths. Ages of examined individuals ranged from 1 to 7 years. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters fitted to the average measured total lengths-at-age for each sex separately and estimated as L∞= 93.98 cm, k= 0.114 year-1, t0= -0.597 year for females, as L∞= 77.65 cm , k= 0.153 year-1, t0= -0.343 year for males and as L∞= 84.44 cm, k= 0.135 year-1, t0= -0.469 year for combined sexes. The growth performance value (Φ) of the European hake population was computed as 2.98 for combined sexes. Mean condition factor value for population was 0.654±0.021; the highest condition factor was found as 1.01 in fish at age 7.U ovom radu istraženi su starost i neke značajke rasta oslića, Merluccius merluccius, u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Sredozemmnog mora, tijekom ribolovne sezone 2015-2016.Koćom je ukupno ulovljeno 661 jedinka oslića čija je ukupna duljina kolebala u rasponu od 9,8 do 51,6 cm. Omjer između ženki i mužjaka je iznosio 1:1,15. Procjena starosti je provedena pomoću očitavanja sagitalnih otolita. Starost jedinki se kretala u rasponu od 1 do 7 godina.Parametri rasta prema von Bertalanffy-jevoj jednadžbi prilagođeni su prosječno izmjerenim ukupnim duljinama po starosti za svaki spol odvojeno i procijenjeni kao L∞ = 93,98 cm, k = 0,114 godina-1, t0 = -0,597 godina za ženke, te kao L∞ = 77,65 cm , k = 0,153 godina-1, t0 = -0,343 godina za mužjake i L∞ = 84,44 cm, k = 0,135 godina-1, t0 = -0,469 godina za oba spola.Vrijednost rasta (Φ) u populaciji oslića izračunata je kao 2,98 za oba spola. Srednja vrijednost kondicijskog čimbenika populacije iznosila je 0,654 ± 0,021; najveći utvrđeni kondicijski čimbenik iznosio je 1.01 kod riba u dobi od 7 godina


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    ÖZ: Modern ideolojilerden birisi olan anarşizm, Türk siyasal-düşünsel hayatının herhangi bir döneminde etkili olamamış ve Türk yazınında kendine neredeyse hiç yer bulamamıştır. Ancak Kara ve Efendisiz dergileri ile birlikte, 1980’li yılların ikinci yarısında anarşist ideolojiyi merkezine alan bir süreli yayıncılık faaliyeti başlamıştır. Bu dergiler, anarşist hareketi kavramlar, kişiler ve olaylar ışığında aktardığı gibi siyasal, sosyal ve ekonomik meseleleri de anarşist bir perspektifle analiz etmişlerdir. Ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde cereyan eden birçok mesele, dergi yazarları tarafından ele alınmıştır. Bu makalenin amacı, Kara ve Efendisiz dergilerinin bıraktığı yazınsal birikimin incelenmesi, yayımlanan içeriklerin detaylı analizinin yapılması ve dergilerin Türkiye’deki anarşist düşünceye ne tür katkıları olduğunun saptanmasıdır. Tematik içerik analizi yöntemiyle ele aldığımız bu çalışmanın kapsamı, Kara ve Efendisiz dergilerinde yer alan yazı, makale, çeviri eser ve illüstrasyonlar olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ilk kez, Türkiye’deki ilk anarşist dergilerin ortaya koyduğu entelektüel birikim detaylı bir biçimde ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, Türkiye’de anarşizm ve anarşist yayıncılık faaliyetleri üzerine çalışan araştırmacılar için bir rehber niteliğindedir. ABSTRACT: Anarchism, one of the modern ideologies, has not been effective in any period of Turkish political-intellectual life and has hardly found a place for itself in Turkish literature. However, with emergence of the journals of Kara and Efendisiz, a periodical publishing activity centered on anarchist ideology started in the second half of the 1980s. These journals analyzed the political, social and economic issues with an anarchist perspective, as well as presenting the anarchist movement in the light of concepts, people and events. Many national and international issues have been discussed by the authors of the journal. The aim of this article is to examine the literary accumulation left by Kara and Efendisiz journals, to make a detailed analysis of the published contents and to determine what kind of contributions the journals have to anarchist thought in Turkey. The scope of this study, which we handled with thematic content analysis method, was determined as articles, translated works and illustrations in the journals Kara and Efendisiz. In this study, for the first time, the intellectual accumulation of the first anarchist journals in Turkey has been examined in detail. The findings of the study serve as a guide for researchers working on anarchism and anarchist publishing activities in Turkey

    Ergen Mutluluğunun Ebeveynlerin Kişilik Özellikleri ve Evlilik Çatışması Açısından İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı ergen mutluluğunun ebeveynlerin kişilik özellikleri ve evlilik çatışması açısından incelenmesidir. Ayrıca ergen mutluluğunun sosyo-demografik değişkenlerle olan ilişkisi de araştırma kapsamındadır. Çalışmaya 17-23 yaş arasında 139 ergen ve 37-59 yaş arasında 139 ebeveyn katılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan ergenlerin 98’i kadın (%70,5), 41’i erkek (%29,5) ve yaş ortalaması 19,63±1,44’dür. Araştırmaya katılan ebeveynlerin 107’si (%77) kadın, 32’si (%23) erkek ve yaş ortalaması 46,46±4,89’dur. Araştırmada “Oxford Mutluluk Ölçeği-Kısa Formu”, “Warwick-Edinburgh Mental İyi Oluş Ölçeği”, “Öznel Mutluluk Ölçeği”, “Öznel İyi Oluş Ölçeği”, “Evlilik Çatışması Ölçeği” ve “Büyük Beş-50 Kişilik Testi” kullanılmıştır. Ergen mutluluğunu ebeveynlerin kişilik özellikleri ve evlilik çatışması açısından incelemek amacıyla yapılan İki Yönlü Tek Değişkenli Varyans Analizi sonucunda, ebeveynlerin kişilik özellikleri ve evlilik çatışması gruplarının ergen mutluluğu, öznel iyi oluşu ve mental iyi oluşu arasında anlamlı bir etkileşimin bulunmadığı belirlenmiştir. B5KT-50-Tr kişilik faktörlerine göre, ebeveyni Dışadönüklük faktörü puanı yüksek olan ergenlerin mental iyi oluş düzeyinin yüksek olduğu; ebeveyni Uyumluluk faktörü puanı yüksek olan ergenlerin mutluluk düzeyinin yüksek olduğu; ebeveyni Sorumluluk faktörü puanı yüksek olan ergenlerin öznel iyi oluş düzeyinin yüksek olduğu; ebeveyni Zeka/Hayal Gücü faktörü puanı yüksek olan ergenlerin öznel iyi oluş ve mental iyi oluş düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ergen mutluluğunun demografik değişkenler açısından incelenmesi için yapılan farklı gruplar için t-testi sonucunda, ergen mutluluğunun, cinsiyet grupları açısından farklılık göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Ergen mutluluğu, akademik başarı ve ekonomik durum grupları açısından incelendiğinde akademik başarısını ve ekonomik durumunu iyi olarak değerlendiren bireylerin mutluluk düzeyinin daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür.The aim of this thesis is to examine adolescent happiness in terms of the personality traits of the parent and the marital conflict. The relationship between adolescent happiness and sociodemographic variables is also included in the study. The study population consisted of 139 adolescents between the ages of 17-23 and 139 parents between 37-59 years of age. 98 (%70.5) of the adolescents participated in the research were female, 41 (%29.5) were male and the average age was 19.63±1.44. 107 (%77) of the parents participated in the research were female, 32 (%23) were male and the average age was 46.46±4.89. In the study “Oxford Happiness Questionnaire-Short Form”, “Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale”, “The Subjective Happiness Scale”, “Subjective Well-Being Scale”, “Marital Conflict Questionnaire” and “Big Five Personality Questionnaire” were used. As a result of the Two-way Univariate Analysis of Variance conducted to examine adolescent happiness in terms of parents’ personality traits and marital conflict, it was determined that there was no significant interaction between the personality traits of parents and the marital conflict groups, adolescent happiness, subjective well-being and mental well-being. According to the factor of B5KT-50-Tr personality, adolescents with parental Extraversion personality traits score have high mental well being levels; adolescents with parental Agreeableness personality traits score have high happiness levels; adolescents with parental Conscientiousness personality traits score have high subjective well being levels; adolescents with parental Intellect/Imagination personality traits score have high subjective well being and mental well being levels, it was determined. As a result of the t-test for different groups, which were conducted to investigate the differentiation status of adolescent happiness according to demographic variables, adolescent happiness did not differ in terms of gender groups. In terms of adolescent happiness, academic achievement and economic status groups, it was determined that the happiness level of individuals who evaluated their academic success and economic status as good was higher

    New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (October 2015)

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    In this third Collective Article, with fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea, we present the historical length distribution of Lophius budegassa in the catch of commercial trawlers in the Greek seas; length-weight and length-length relationships of five flatfish species (Lepidorhombus boscii, L. whiffiagonis, Platichthys flesus, Pegusa lascaris and Solea solea) from different coastal areas of Turkey (Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea); growth of settled Polyprion americanus and length-weight relationships of this species and of Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus, Capros aper and three commercially important groupers in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea; the age, growth and mortality of Zosterisessor ophiocephalus in the Eastern Adriatic Sea; the length-weight relationship and condition factor of Atherina boyeri in a Central Mediterranean semi-isolated lagoon, and also the length-weight and length-length relationships of three Alburnus species from different inland waters in Turkey

    New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (April 2015)

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    In this second Collective Article with fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea we present the evaluation of bony structures in aging of Barbus tauricus, otolith dimensions-body length relationships for two species (Trachinus draco and Synchiropus phaeton), information on the growth of juvenile Thunnus thynnus and of Ruvettus pretiosus, weight-length relationships for three species (Aulopus fiamentosus, Thunnus thynnus and Tylosurus acus imperialis) and data on feeding habits and reproduction of Aulopus fiamentosus

    A Checklist of the Non-indigenous Fishes in Turkish Marine Waters

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    A checklist of non-indigenous marine fishes including bony, cartilaginous and jawless distributed along the Turkish Marine Waters was for the first time generated in the present study. The number of records of non-indigenous fish species found in Turkish marine waters were 101 of which 89 bony, 11 cartilaginous and 1 jawless. In terms of occurrence of non-indigenous fish species in the surrounding Turkish marine waters, the Mediterranean coast has the highest diversity (92 species), followed by the Aegean Sea (50 species), the Marmara Sea (11 species) and the Black Sea (2 species). The Indo-Pacific origin of the non-indigenous fish species is represented with 73 species while the Atlantic origin of the non-indigenous species is represented with 22 species. Only first occurrence of a species in the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea Coasts of Turkey is given with its literature in the list

    New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (April, 2014)

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    According to reports, the following 16 species have extended their distribution to other Mediterranean areas or have made a new appearance in other regions. The first category includes the following organisms: The rare and common Indo-Pacific seaweed Codium arabicum (Lebanese coasts), the acari Thalassarachna affinis (Marmara Sea), and the non-indigenous nudibranch Flabellina rubrolineata, which has also been found in many other areas of the Aegean Sea. In addition, the rare sea slug Thecacera pennigera (Piccolo of Taranto), the fangtooth moray Enchelycore anatina (National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Ionian Sea), the carangid Seriola fasciata (Gulf of Antalya), Lagocephalus sceleratus (SE. Ionian Sea), the reticulated leatherjacket Stephanolepis diaspros (Slovenia, N. Adriatic Sea), the marbled stingray, Dasyatis marmorata (NE Levantine), the starry smooth-hound Mustelus asterias (Iskenderun Bay, NE Mediterranean), the cephalopod Ommastrephes bartramii (Ionian Sea) have also been reported. The Atlantic crab Dyspanopeus sayi has expanded to many Italian areas and the blue crab Callinectes sapidus to a lake in N. Greece and in the S. Adriatic Sea. Finally, Farfantepenaeus aztecus has been found in the Ionian Sea, thus showing its wide expansion in the Mediterranean. The larval stages of Faccionella oxyrhyncha have been found, after many years, in the Aegean Sea and the first report of an existence on intersexual acari Litarachna duboscqi in Split(Adriatic Sea) was reported

    Effects of a fishing closure area on the structure and diversity of a continental shelf fish assemblage in the NW Mediterranean Sea

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    Bottom trawling is the most extensive fishing activity affecting the continental shelf in Mediterranean waters. This gear has caused negative effects on the communities and topography of the seafloor. Temporal or spatial fishing closures have been proposed as strategies to reduce the disturbances caused by overfishing and for biodiversity recovery and restoration of ecosystems. The present study used various indicators to analyze and compare the differences between the demersal fish assemblages in a fishing closure area (FCA) established by the fishers of the Roses port (NW Mediterranean) and those on a fishing ground (FG) to assess the efficiency of this strategy two years after the cessation of fishing. Our findings demonstrated a noticeable increase in the abundance and biomass of all species in the FCA, especially species of small and medium size. Thus, our findings demonstrated that there were detectable shifts in the community (composition, rank abundance plots, ABC curves and diversity metrics) in a short time, evidencing slight disturbance effects on ecosystems. The present study also showed positive effects on the population structure, which had an increase in larger individuals, although the pattern varied between species. In particular, the European hake stock showed an increase in recruits, and the presence of large adults supported the suitability of this protection measure. Consequently, long time periods are not necessary to perceive noticeable benefits in terms of biodiversity recovery and ecosystem restoration in some deep marine ecosystems, and monitoring from the first year of fishing cessation is very important.Postprin

    Age and growth of the phaeton dragonet, Synchiropus phaeton (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Callionymidae), from the Gulf of Iskenderun, north-eastern Mediterranean, Turkey

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    Background. Synchiropus phaeton (Günther, 1861) is a sexually dimorphic, benthic species that inhabits mud bottoms. This fish is one of the important by catch species in the trawl fishing. There is no commercial value. But it has ecological importance in this area. The information about the biology of S. phaeton is very limited. This study was conducted to investigate the age and growth relation of phaeton dragonet inhabiting the Gulf of Iskenderun, north-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. t_abstract=' Materials and methods. A total of 289 phaeton dragonets were collected as discards during the commercial trawl fishing at the depth range of 100–150 m in the Gulf of Iskenderun, north-eastern Mediterranean. The fish age was determined from sagittal otoliths. The age readings were performed using Leica S8APO microscope and were documented with the Leica Application Suite (Ver. 4.8.0) software. The index of the mean percentage error (IMPE) was calculated to assess the precision of the age determination between two independent readers. Growth parameters for all specimens were subsequently determined by fitting the observed and the length-at-age data using the von Bertalanffy growth equations. Total length–weight relations (LWRs) and the condition factor (CF) were determined. Results. The total length and weight of S. phaeton ranged from 7.0 to 19.0 cm and from 2.01 to 22.0 g, respectively. The age of the studied individuals ranged from 2 to 7 years. The parameters of von Bertalanffy growth fitted to the mean observed total lengths-at age for each sex separately and were estimated as L∞ = 23.358 cm, K = 0.248 year–1, t0 = –0.501 years for females and L∞ = 26.543 cm,  K = 0.156 year–1, t0 = –0.662 years for males, respectively. The overall growth performance index (G) value was determined as 3.46 for the combined sexes. The total length–weight relations were determined as W = 0.0121TL2.55, R² = 0.94; 95% confidence intervals of b = 2.395–2.687, t-test P < 0.05 for females and W = 0.0094TL2.64, R2 = 0.93; 95% confidence intervals of b = 2.470–2.803, t-test P < 0.05 for males. The types of growth were found negatively allometric (b < 3). The highest condition factor was found at the age of 2 (0.62), while the lowest was found at the age of 6 (0.26). Conclusion. The presently reported study provides the first data on the age and growth of the S. phaeton that had not been studied previously in the Gulf of Iskenderun, north-eastern Mediterranean of Turkey. This study will contribute significantly to the conservation and management strategies of the species of S. phaeton in the future