39 research outputs found

    Chitin Research Revisited

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    Two centuries after the discovery of chitin, it is widely accepted that this biopolymer is an important biomaterial in many aspects. Numerous studies on chitin have focused on its biomedical applications. In this review, various aspects of chitin research including sources, structure, biosynthesis, chitinolytic enzyme, chitin binding protein, genetic engineering approach to produce chitin, chitin and evolution, and a wide range of applications in bio- and nanotechnology will be dealt with

    Structural and non-coding variants increase the diagnostic yield of clinical whole genome sequencing for rare diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Whole genome sequencing is increasingly being used for the diagnosis of patients with rare diseases. However, the diagnostic yields of many studies, particularly those conducted in a healthcare setting, are often disappointingly low, at 25–30%. This is in part because although entire genomes are sequenced, analysis is often confined to in silico gene panels or coding regions of the genome. METHODS: We undertook WGS on a cohort of 122 unrelated rare disease patients and their relatives (300 genomes) who had been pre-screened by gene panels or arrays. Patients were recruited from a broad spectrum of clinical specialties. We applied a bioinformatics pipeline that would allow comprehensive analysis of all variant types. We combined established bioinformatics tools for phenotypic and genomic analysis with our novel algorithms (SVRare, ALTSPLICE and GREEN-DB) to detect and annotate structural, splice site and non-coding variants. RESULTS: Our diagnostic yield was 43/122 cases (35%), although 47/122 cases (39%) were considered solved when considering novel candidate genes with supporting functional data into account. Structural, splice site and deep intronic variants contributed to 20/47 (43%) of our solved cases. Five genes that are novel, or were novel at the time of discovery, were identified, whilst a further three genes are putative novel disease genes with evidence of causality. We identified variants of uncertain significance in a further fourteen candidate genes. The phenotypic spectrum associated with RMND1 was expanded to include polymicrogyria. Two patients with secondary findings in FBN1 and KCNQ1 were confirmed to have previously unidentified Marfan and long QT syndromes, respectively, and were referred for further clinical interventions. Clinical diagnoses were changed in six patients and treatment adjustments made for eight individuals, which for five patients was considered life-saving. CONCLUSIONS: Genome sequencing is increasingly being considered as a first-line genetic test in routine clinical settings and can make a substantial contribution to rapidly identifying a causal aetiology for many patients, shortening their diagnostic odyssey. We have demonstrated that structural, splice site and intronic variants make a significant contribution to diagnostic yield and that comprehensive analysis of the entire genome is essential to maximise the value of clinical genome sequencing

    DNA multigene characterization of Fasciola hepatica and Lymnaea neotropica and its fascioliasis transmission capacity in Uruguay, with historical correlation, human report review and infection risk analysis

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    Fascioliasis is a highly pathogenic zoonotic disease emerging in recent decades, in part due to the effects of climate and global changes. South America is the continent presenting more numerous human fascioliasis endemic areas and the highest Fasciola hepatica infection prevalences and intensities known in humans. These serious public health scenarios appear mainly linked to altitude areas in Andean countries, whereas lowland areas of non-Andean countries, such as Uruguay, only show sporadic human cases or outbreaks. To understand this difference, we characterized F. hepatica from cattle and horses and lymnaeids of Uruguay by sequencing of ribosomal DNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 spacers and mitochondrial DNA cox1, nad1 and 16S genes. Results indicate that vectors belong to Lymnaea neotropica instead of to Lymnaea viator, as always reported from Uruguay. Our correlation of fasciolid and lymnaeid haplotypes with historical data on the introduction and spread of livestock species into Uruguay allow to understand the molecular diversity detected. We study the life cycle and transmission features of F. hepatica by L. neotropica of Uruguay under standardized experimental conditions to enable a comparison with the transmission capacity of F. hepatica by Galba truncatula at very high altitude in Bolivia. Results demonstrate that although L. neotropica is a highly efficient vector in the lowlands, its transmission capacity is markedly lower than that of G. truncatula in the highlands. On this baseline, we review the human fascioliasis cases reported in Uruguay and analyze the present and future risk of human infection in front of future climate change estimations

    Är högskoleutbildningar anpassade för arbetslivet? : En studie av alumners upplevelser rörande måluppfyllnad under utbildningen och dess relevans i arbetslivet

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    Studien som föreligger har som utgångspunkt att redovisa statistisk empiri, från de fem senaste ”Boråsakademiker” (etableringsrapporter) som genom­förts vid lärosätet (2016-2020). Studien omfattar i första hand de kvali­tetsindex som redovisats i de nämnda studierna. De två frågeinstru­menten består av 25 variabler vardera och avser att mäta: a) ett upplevt behov i arbetslivet av ett antal dimensioner; b) hur dessa dimensioner genererats under utbildningstiden. Högskolans dåvarande sex institutioner har getts möjlighet, i dessa nämnda studier, att ha med två egna frågebatterier som då är institut­ions­specifika. Dessa redovisas ej i föreliggande studie. Anledningen till detta ställningstagande är att studien blir allt för omfattande. Studien ingår i en effektstudie som påbörjades vid lärosätet hös­ten 2010. Projektet omfattas såväl årliga etableringsrapporter som årliga studentbarometrar. Respon­dentdatabaserna, omfattar, för dessa två pro­jekt, cirka 13 200 responden­ter

    Influence of behavioral traits in the inter-individual variability of nociceptive, emotional and cognitive manifestations of neuropathic pain

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    Neuropathic pain is a complex disorder associated with emotional and cognitive deficits that may impair nociceptive manifestations. There is high inter-individual variability in the manifestations of human neuropathic pain, which largely depends on personality traits. We aim to identify the influence of different behavioral traits in the inter-individual vulnerability to neuropathic pain manifestations using behavioral, electrophysiological and genetic approaches. We first selected mice with extreme social and emotional traits and look for correlation with the spontaneous neuronal activity in the central amygdala. Neuropathic pain was induced to these mice to evaluate the influence of behavioral traits on nociceptive manifestations and gene expression profiles in the amygdala. Our results show an association of the spontaneous central amygdala neuronal activity with the sociability behavior. We demonstrate that low sociable, high anxious and low depressive phenotypes develop enhanced nociceptive hypersensitivity after nerve injury. However, greater emotional alterations and cognitive impairment are observed in high sociable, anxious-like and depressive-like mice, indicating that nociceptive, emotional and cognitive manifestations of neuropathic pain do not correlate with each other. Gene analyses identify high Pdyn and Il6 levels in the amygdala as indicative of enhanced nociceptive hypersensitivity and reveal an association between high Gadd45 expression and attenuated emotional and cognitive manifestations of neuropathic pain