214 research outputs found

    Language transfer as a learning strategy: a case study in interlanguage

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    This study is an attempt to show that language transfer is a notion which is still relevant in a theory of language learning, at least in a formal multilingual educational setting. The first chapter, which is the background -against which the problem of language transfer is perceived, deals mainly with the different views of errors from contrastive analysis to error analysis. The second chapter deals with the methodology used for the collection of data, the data themselves, the subjects and the setting. And finally, in the last chapter, the problems linked with a theory of language learning seen from the learner's standpoint are studied. The advantages the teacher can show from a knowledge of interlanguage theory are briefly examined too in the last part

    The Clause Structure of Pulaar

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    In this thesis, I investigate the clause structure of Pulaar, an Atlantic language spoken in Senegal. Specifically, I look at the ordering of functional heads under the hypothesis on the Hierarchy of Functional Heads in Cinque (1999). I also look at the derivation of these functional morphemes under Baker's Mirror Principle (1985). Thus, I show that Pulaar is largely consistent with those hypotheses. I provide an extensive background on Pulaar, ranging from its sound system to its syntax and its aspectual system

    Signalized and Unsignalized Road Traffic Intersection Models: A Comprehensive Benchmark Analysis

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    Road traffic flow models allow the development and testing of intelligent transportation solutions. Macroscopic intersection models are especially relevant for the simulation of large traffic networks. In this article, we study four first-order signalized and unsignalized intersection models. The two unsignalized approaches are the first-in-first-out (FIFO) model (roundabout-type intersection) and an optimal non-FIFO model (highway-type intersection). The optimal control operates upstream for the first signalized intersection model. It occurs downstream for the second signalized model. All four models satisfy the expected physical constraints of vehicle conservation, traffic demand, and assignment. The models are minimal and allow a comprehensible analysis of the results. We determine mathematical relationships between the intersection models and empirically analyze the performances using Monte Carlo simulations. The numerical simulations assume random demand, supply, and assignment. Besides average performances, the approach accounts for the flow ranges of variation. A benchmark analysis compares the intersection models. We observe that the optimal signalized intersection models overcome the performances of the FIFO model in congested states. They may even reach the performances of the idealistic non-FIFO model. Further applications for the four intersection models are discussed

    Nominalization in Pulaar

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    There are a few strategies to construct nominal structures and phrases. The Pulaar infinitive, for instance is used genitive nominalization and other non-finite clauses with nominal properties. Relative clause (RC) nominalization (headed relative clause and factive clauses) is also another nominalization process in the language. This dissertation lays out a description of these nominalization processes with a main focus on constructions involving the infinitive and relative clause nominalizations. The infinitive in Pulaar can have both nominal and verbal properties and this is usually indicated by an agreeing determiner but also through adjectival or adverbial modification. RC nominalization is a very prominent and productive in the language. The verb within the relative clause can occur with functional morphemes such as tense, aspect and negation. In addition, a relativized verb can have derivational morphemes like valency-changing affixes attached to it. The factive RC nominals can have an event, factive and manner interpretation whereas the GN nominal can have a generic, event and factive interpretation. This dissertation also places Pulaar within the typology with respect to this type of nominalization with similar nominalization types found in related African languages like Wolof, Ewe, Gungbe, Yoruba and other related languages, thus showing that Pulaar nominalization types fits within the typology of nominalization. Also, a brief parallel is drawn with English nominal constructions built on the gerund

    Impact des modes de gestion des parcs arborés sur la dynamique des paysages agricoles, un cas d'étude au Sénégal

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    Au Sénégal, on observe une différenciation remarquable des parcs arborés au sein de mêmes zones pédoclimatiques. Notre contribution s'intéresse à étudier les modes de gestion de ces parcs dans deux sites du département de Bambey situé dans le bassin arachidier du Sénégal. Ces deux sites contrastés, notamment en termes de densité d'arbres, sont pourtant soumis aux mêmes politiques de gestion et de conservation des espaces arborés. Nous faisons ici l'hypothèse que les différences paysagères observées sont dues à des déterminants locaux et des pratiques de gestion différentes. Pour comprendre les facteurs explicatifs de cette hétérogénéité, nous avons enquêté un ensemble d'acteurs intervenant dans la gestion de l'arbre dans les deux sites d'étude. Plus particulièrement, nous nous sommes intéressés aux questions de gouvernance locale, aux usages et utilités de l'arbre, ainsi qu'aux pratiques paysannes vis-à-vis de cette ressource. Les résultats de l'étude indiquent que les modes de gestion paysanne jouent un rôle prédominant dans la structuration du paysage arboré. Les fonctions multiples qu'assure l'arbre font que les paysans opèrent une sélection des arbres qu'ils jugent utiles. Cette sélection paysanne additionnée aux considérations sociales qui diffèrent d'un terroir à un autre fait que les parcs arborés diffèrent d'une parcelle à l'autre et d'un village à l'autre

    Prediction of Soil-Water Characteristic Curves of Four Subgrade Materials using a Modified Perera Model

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    One of the main hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils is the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC). It is essential to understand, predict soil water storage and determine the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of soils. These curves can be obtained by direct and indirect measurements. The measurements to obtain these curves are expensive, delicate to perform and can be really slow for fine soils, so predictive models become necessary. In order to make a numerical model, a couple of identification tests were carried out to obtain the physical properties of each sample among the four subgrade materials collected in the regions of Dakar and Thies (Senegal). The measurement tests of the matric suction were then conducted depending on the nature of the material (fine-grained soil or coarse-grained soil) and allowed to draw the SWCC of each soil. Among numerous predictive models developed for SWCC in the last decades; this study used the Perera model to fit the SWCC of four (04) subgrade materials, which did not give a satisfactory coefficient of correlation (R2 = 58% and a relatively low sum of the squared residuals (SSR)). This leads to modifying the Perera model to better fit the SWCC on the basis of an understanding of the effect of each parameter on the shape of the SWCC. The proposed modified model was validated by checking the adjusted R2, minimizing the SSR in order to approach at most the experimental air entry value. The modified model works pretty well on coarse-grained and fine-grained soils. This modified model of Perera provided a very good correlation R2equal to 99.98, 98.74, 99.64, and 99.73 for the sandy soils (Sebikotane and Keur Mory) and the Marley and Clayey soils of Diamniadio, with a minimal SSR obtained compared to Perera’s and Hernandez model. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-06-03 Full Text: PD

    L’agriculture familiale à l’épreuve de la sécheresse et de la libéralisation au Sénégal

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    L’agriculture a constitué pendant longtemps le socle de l’économie sénégalaise par sa contribution à la sécurité alimentaire des populations urbaines et rurales et la provision de ressources en devises, grâce notamment au dynamisme des exportations de produits arachidiers. Ces dernières décennies, la contribution de l’agriculture à la formation du produit intérieur brut a progressivement diminué. Malgré tout, le secteur a..

    The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), a new pest of maize in Africa: monitoring, damage evaluation and identification of natural enemies on production areas of Senegal

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    The fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), an invasive pest of cereal crops in Africa, poses a real threat to food security in sub-Saharan African countries where cereals are the staple food. Since its appearance in Africa in 2016, the FAW has invaded almost all African countries due to its great dispersal capacity. Because of its resistance to a number of chemical pesticides but also the risks associated with the use of these, the search for an alternative method becomes essential. In order to report on the incidence of this pest and explore its associations with native natural enemies, a monitoring study of S. frugiperda populations, its damage as well as its natural enemies was carried out during the period of August to September 2020 in corn fields of two agro-ecological zones of Senegal and in the laboratory. Monitoring results show a heavy infestation with rates of up to nearly 75% of defoliated plants and more than 60% of attacked ears. The damage recorded remains low overall (score below 3/9). A wide range of auxiliary insects (17 families) made up of parasitoids and predators were identified in the field and in the laboratory as well as an endoparasitic nematode with a parasitism rate of 38.46% and a fungus in one of the sites. These results pave the way for the development of an approach to control CLA with these biological agents

    Profil De L’asthmatique Admis Au Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire De Fann (CHNU) A Dakar (Senegal)

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    Au Sénégal, la prévalence de l’asthme n’est pas encore évaluée. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, épidémiologiques et la provenance des patients asthmatiques consultés au Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire (CHNU) de Fann demeurent peu connues. Cet article contribue à la connaissance du profil des patients asthmatiques admis au CHNU. Il s’est agi d’une étude rétrospective, prospective et transversale à avisée analytique associant l’approche quantitative et qualitative qui s’est déroulée de janvier 1999 à août 2017 à la clinique de pneumologie du CHNU. La population d’étude était constituée des asthmatiques reçus en consultation. Les paramètres analysés concernent les caractéristiques de la population étudiée (âge, sexe, profession et statut matrimonial). Au total 296 patients asthmatiques, soit 36,5% d’hommes contre 63,5% de femmes, ont été enregistrés avec un âge médian qui était de 35 ans. 234 répondants à la variable catégorie socioprofessionnelle, étaient composés de ménagères (24,8%), d’élèves et d’étudiants (20,1%), de commerçants (17,5%), de bureaucrates (6,8%), de personnel de santé (6%) et d’enseignants et de maîtres coraniques (3,8%). A cela s’ajoutait, des ouvriers (3,8%), des couturiers (3,4%), des coiffeurs (3%), des chauffeurs (2,6%), des agriculteurs et éleveurs (2,6%), des mécaniciens et garagistes (1,3%), des pêcheurs et marins (1,3%), des restaurateurs et restauratrices (1,3%) et d’autres (1,7%). Selon le statut matrimonial, 54,3% étaient des mariés, 42,7% de célibataires et 3% de divorcés. Parmi les 296 asthmatiques, 250 résidaient en milieu urbain dakarois. Les antécédents se résumaient sur les signes et les symptômes des patients avec de la toux (34%), de la dyspnée expiratoire nocturne (34%), des expectorations nummulaires (18%) et des crises d’asthme (14%). Le profil des patients asthmatiques présente une population jeune avec une prédominance féminine. In Senegal, the prevalence of asthma has not yet been assessed. The socio-demographic, epidemiological and provenance characteristics of asthmatic patients consulted at the National Hospital University Center (CHNU) remain little known. This article contributes to the knowledge of the profile of asthmatic patients admitted to the CHNU. This was a retrospective, prospective and cross-sectional, analytical wise study combining the quantitative and qualitative approach which took place from January 1999 to august 2017 at the CHNU pulmonology clinic. The study of asthmatics received in consultation. The parameters analyzed relate to the characteristics of the population studied (age, sex, profession and marital status). A total of 296 asthmatic patients, or 36.5% male versus 63.5% female, were registered with a median age of 35 years. 234 respondents to the socio-professional category variable, were made up of housewives (24.8%), pupils and students (20.1%), traders (17.5%), bureaucrats (6.8%), health personnel (6%) and koranic teachers and teachers (3.8%). In addition, workers (3.8%), dressmakers (3.4%), hairdressers (3%), drivers (2.6%), farmers and ranchers (2.6%), mechanics and mechanics (1.3%), fishermen and sailors (1.3%), restaurateurs and restorers (1.3%), and others (1.7%). According to marital status, 54.3% were married, 42.7% were single and 3% were divorced. Among the 296 asthmatics, 250 resided in an urban Dakar environment. The history was summarized by the signs and symptoms of patients with cough (34%), nocturnal expiratory dyspnea (34%), sputum (18%) and asthma attacks (14%). The profile of asthmatic patients presents a young population with a female predominance

    t(5;11)(q33;q13) NUMA1/PDGFRB a novel fusion

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    A novel NUMA1/PDGFRB fusion identified in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia is described
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