2,867 research outputs found

    Language-universal constraints on the segmentation of English

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    Two word-spotting experiments are reported that examine whether the Possible-Word Constraint (PWC) [1] is a language-specific or language-universal strategy for the segmentation of continuous speech. The PWC disfavours parses which leave an impossible residue between the end of a candidate word and a known boundary. The experiments examined cases where the residue was either a CV syllable with a lax vowel, or a CVC syllable with a schwa. Although neither syllable context is a possible word in English, word-spotting in both contexts was easier than with a context consisting of a single consonant. The PWC appears to be language-universal rather than language-specific

    SWECS tower dynamics analysis methods and results

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    Several different tower dynamics analysis methods and computer codes were used to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of both guyed and freestanding wind turbine towers. These analysis methods are described and the results for two types of towers, a guyed tower and a freestanding tower, are shown. The advantages and disadvantages in the use of and the accuracy of each method are also described

    Abundant Methanol Masers but no New Evidence for Star Formation in GCM0.253+0.016

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    We present new observations of the quiescent giant molecular cloud GCM0.253+0.016 in the Galactic center, using the upgraded Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. Observations were made at wavelengths near 1 cm, at K (24 to 26 GHz) and Ka (27 and 36 GHz) bands, with velocity resolutions of 1-3 km/s and spatial resolutions of ~0.1 pc, at the assumed 8.4 kpc distance of this cloud. The continuum observations of this cloud are the most sensitive yet made, and reveal previously undetected emission which we attribute primarily to free-free emission from external ionization of the cloud. In addition to the sensitive continuum map, we produce maps of 12 molecular lines: 8 transitions of NH3 -- (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7) and (9,9), as well as the HC3N (3-2) and (4-3) lines, and CH3OH 4(-1) - 3(0) the latter of which is known to be a collisionally-excited maser. We identify 148 CH3OH 4(-1) - 3(0) (36.2 GHz) sources, of which 68 have brightness temperatures in excess of the highest temperature measured for this cloud (400 K) and can be confirmed to be masers. The majority of these masers are concentrated in the southernmost part of the cloud. We find that neither these masers nor the continuum emission in this cloud provide strong evidence for ongoing star formation in excess of that previously inferred by the presence of an H2O maser.Comment: 33 pages, 4 tables, 9 figures; ApJ Accepte

    The Integrated Catchments model of Phosphorus dynamics (INCA-P), a new approach for multiple source assessment in heterogeneous river systems: model structure and equations

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    International audienceA new model has been developed for assessing the effects of multiple sources of phosphorus on the water quality and aquatic ecology in heterogeneous river systems. The Integrated Catchments model for Phosphorus (INCA-P) is a process-based, mass balance model that simulates the phosphorus dynamics in both the plant/soil system and the stream. The model simulates the spatial variations in phosphorus export from different land use types within a river system using a semi-distributed representation, thereby accounting for the impacts of different land management practices, such as organic and inorganic fertiliser and wastewater applications. The land phase of INCA-P includes a simplified representation of direct runoff, soilwater and groundwater flows, and the soil processes that involve phosphorus. In addition, the model includes a multi-reach in-stream component that routes water down the main river channel. It simulates Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus concentrations in the land phase, and Total Phosphorus (dissolved plus particulate phosphorus) concentrations in the in-stream phase. In-stream Soluble Reactive Phosphorus concentrations are determined from the Total Phosphorus concentrations and the macrophyte, epiphyte and algal biomasses are simulated also. This paper describes the model structure and equations, the limitations and the potential utility of the approach. Keywords: modelling, water quality, phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, basin management</p

    The Oxford Questions on the foundations of quantum physics

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    The twentieth century saw two fundamental revolutions in physics -- relativity and quantum. Daily use of these theories can numb the sense of wonder at their immense empirical success. Does their instrumental effectiveness stand on the rock of secure concepts or the sand of unresolved fundamentals? Does measuring a quantum system probe, or even create, reality, or merely change belief? Must relativity and quantum theory just co-exist or might we find a new theory which unifies the two? To bring such questions into sharper focus, we convened a conference on Quantum Physics and the Nature of Reality. Some issues remain as controversial as ever, but some are being nudged by theory's secret weapon of experiment.Comment: 8 page

    Long-term trends in particulate matter from wood burning in the United Kingdom: Dependence on weather and social factors

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    Particulate matter from wood burning emissions (Cwood) was quantified at five locations in the United Kingdom (UK), comprising three rural and two urban sites between 2009 and 2021. The aethalometer method was used. Mean winter Cwood concentrations ranged from 0.26 μg m-3 (in rural Scotland) to 1.30 μg m-3 (London), which represented on average 4% (in rural environments) and 5% (urban) of PM10 concentrations; and 8% of PM2.5. Concentrations were greatest in the evenings in winter months, with larger evening concentrations in the weekends at the urban sites. Random-forest (RF) machine learning regression models were used to reconstruct Cwood concentrations using both meteorological and temporal explanatory variables at each site. The partial dependency plots indicated that temperature and wind speed were the meteorological variables explaining the greatest variability in Cwood, with larger concentrations during cold and calm conditions. Peaks of Cwood concentrations took place during and after events that are celebrated with bonfires. These were Guy Fawkes events in the urban areas and on New Year's Day at the rural sites; the later probably related to long-range transport. Time series were built using the RF. Having removed weather influences, long-term trends of Cwood were estimated using the Theil Sen method. Trends for 2015-2021 were downward at three of the locations (London, Glasgow and rural Scotland), with rates ranging from -5.5% year-1 to -2.5% year-1. The replacement of old fireplaces with lower emission wood stoves might explain the decrease in Cwood especially at the urban sites The two rural sites in England observed positive trends for the same period but this was not statistically significant

    Making automation pay - cost & throughput trade-offs in the manufacture of large composite components

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    The automation of complex manufacturing operations can provide significant savings over manual processes, and there remains much scope for increasing automation in the production of large scale structural composites. However the relationships between driving variables are complex, and the achievable throughput rate and corresponding cost for a given design are often not apparent. The deposition rate, number of machines required and unit production rates needed are interrelated and consequently the optimum unit cost is difficult to predict. A detailed study of the costs involved for a series of composite wing cover panels with different manufacturing requirements was undertaken. Panels were sized to account for manufacturing requirements and structural load requirements allowing both manual and automated lay-up procedures to influence design. It was discovered that the introduction of automated tape lay-up can significantly reduce material unit cost, and improve material utilisation, however higher production rates are needed to see this benefit

    Hydrogen limitation and syntrophic growth among natural assemblages of thermophilic methanogens at deep-sea hydrothermal vents

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (2016): 1240, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.01240.Thermophilic methanogens are common autotrophs at hydrothermal vents, but their growth constraints and dependence on H2 syntrophy in situ are poorly understood. Between 2012 and 2015, methanogens and H2-producing heterotrophs were detected by growth at 80∘C and 55∘C at most diffuse (7–40∘C) hydrothermal vent sites at Axial Seamount. Microcosm incubations of diffuse hydrothermal fluids at 80∘C and 55∘C demonstrated that growth of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic methanogens is primarily limited by H2 availability. Amendment of microcosms with NH4+ generally had no effect on CH4 production. However, annual variations in abundance and CH4 production were observed in relation to the eruption cycle of the seamount. Microcosm incubations of hydrothermal fluids at 80∘C and 55∘C supplemented with tryptone and no added H2 showed CH4 production indicating the capacity in situ for methanogenic H2 syntrophy. 16S rRNA genes were found in 80∘C microcosms from H2-producing archaea and H2-consuming methanogens, but not for any bacteria. In 55∘C microcosms, sequences were found from H2-producing bacteria and H2-consuming methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria. A co-culture of representative organisms showed that Thermococcus paralvinellae supported the syntrophic growth of Methanocaldococcus bathoardescens at 82∘C and Methanothermococcus sp. strain BW11 at 60∘C. The results demonstrate that modeling of subseafloor methanogenesis should focus primarily on H2 availability and temperature, and that thermophilic H2 syntrophy can support methanogenesis within natural microbial assemblages and may be an important energy source for thermophilic autotrophs in marine geothermal environments.This work was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant GBMF 3297, the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program grant NNX11AP78H, the National Science Foundation grant OCE-1547004, with funding from NOAA/PMEL, contribution #4493, and JISAO under NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA15OAR4320063, contribution #2706