503 research outputs found

    Levels of genetic polymorphism: marker loci versus quantitative traits

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    Species are the units used to measure ecological diversity and alleles are the units of genetic diversity. Genetic variation within and among species has been documented most extensively using allozyme electrophoresis. This reveals wide differences in genetic variability within, and genetic distances among, species, demonstrating that species are not equivalent units of diversity. The extent to which the pattern observed for allozymes can be used to infer patterns of genetic variation in quantitative traits depends on the forces generating and maintaining variability. Allozyme variation is probably not strictly neutral but, nevertheless, heterozygosity is expected to be influenced by population size and genetic distance will be affected by time since divergence. The same is true for quantitative traits influenced by many genes and under weak stabilizing selection. However, the limited data available suggest that allozyme variability is a poor predictor of genetic variation in quantitative traits within populations. It is a better predictor of general phenotypic divergence and of postzygotic isolation between populations or species, but is only weakly correlated with prezygotic isolation. Studies of grasshopper and planthopper mating signal variation and assortative mating illustrate how these characters evolve independently of general genetic and morphological variation. The role of such traits in prezygotic isolation, and hence speciation, means that they will contribute significantly to the diversity of levels of genetic variation within and among species

    Is embryo abortion a post‐zygotic barrier to gene flow between Littorina ecotypes?

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    Genetic incompatibilities contribute to reproductive isolation between many diverging populations, but it is still unclear to what extent they play a role if divergence happens with gene flow. In contact zones between the "Crab" and "Wave" ecotypes of the snail Littorina saxatilis, divergent selection forms strong barriers to gene flow, while the role of post‐zygotic barriers due to selection against hybrids remains unclear. High embryo abortion rates in this species could indicate the presence of such barriers. Post‐zygotic barriers might include genetic incompatibilities (e.g. Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities) but also maladaptation, both expected to be most pronounced in contact zones. In addition, embryo abortion might reflect physiological stress on females and embryos independent of any genetic stress. We examined all embryos of >500 females sampled outside and inside contact zones of three populations in Sweden. Females' clutch size ranged from 0 to 1,011 embryos (mean 130 ± 123), and abortion rates varied between 0% and 100% (mean 12%). We described female genotypes by using a hybrid index based on hundreds of SNPs differentiated between ecotypes with which we characterized female genotypes. We also calculated female SNP heterozygosity and inversion karyotype. Clutch size did not vary with female hybrid index, and abortion rates were only weakly related to hybrid index in two sites but not at all in a third site. No additional variation in abortion rate was explained by female SNP heterozygosity, but increased female inversion heterozygosity added slightly to increased abortion. Our results show only weak and probably biologically insignificant post‐zygotic barriers contributing to ecotype divergence, and the high and variable abortion rates were marginally, if at all, explained by hybrid index of females

    A developmentally descriptive method for quantifying shape in gastropod shells

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    The growth of snail shells can be described by simple mathematical rules. Variation in a few parameters can explain much of the diversity of shell shapes seen in nature. However, empirical studies of gastropod shell shape variation typically use geometric morphometric approaches, which do not capture this growth pattern. We have developed a way to infer a set of developmentally descriptive shape parameters based on three-dimensional logarithmic helicospiral growth and using landmarks from two-dimensional shell images as input. We demonstrate the utility of this approach, and compare it to the geometric morphometric approach, using a large set of Littorina saxatilis shells in which locally adapted populations differ in shape. Our method can be modified easily to make it applicable to a wide range of shell forms, which would allow for investigations of the similarities and differences between and within many different species of gastropods

    Using replicate hybrid zones to understand the genomic basis of adaptive divergence

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    Combining hybrid zone analysis with genomic data is a promising approach to understanding the genomic basis of adaptive divergence. It allows for the identification of genomic regions underlying barriers to gene flow. It also provides insights into spatial patterns of allele frequency change, informing about the interplay between environmental factors, dispersal and selection. However, when only a single hybrid zone is analysed, it is difficult to separate patterns generated by selection from those resulting from chance. Therefore, it is beneficial to look for repeatable patterns across replicate hybrid zones in the same system. We applied this approach to the marine snail Littorina saxatilis, which contains two ecotypes, adapted to wave-exposed rocks vs. high-predation boulder fields. The existence of numerous hybrid zones between ecotypes offered the opportunity to test for the repeatability of genomic architectures and spatial patterns of divergence. We sampled and phenotyped snails from seven replicate hybrid zones on the Swedish west coast and genotyped them for thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Shell shape and size showed parallel clines across all zones. Many genomic regions showing steep clines and/or high differentiation were shared among hybrid zones, consistent with a common evolutionary history and extensive gene flow between zones, and supporting the importance of these regions for divergence. In particular, we found that several large putative inversions contribute to divergence in all locations. Additionally, we found evidence for consistent displacement of clines from the boulder–rock transition. Our results demonstrate patterns of spatial variation that would not be accessible without continuous spatial sampling, a large genomic data set and replicate hybrid zones

    Genomic architecture of parallel ecological divergence : beyond a single environmental contrast

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    The study of parallel ecological divergence provides important clues to the operation of natural selection. Parallel divergence often occurs in heterogeneous environments with different kinds of environmental gradients in different locations, but the genomic basis underlying this process is unknown. We investigated the genomics of rapid parallel adaptation in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis in response to two independent environmental axes (crab-predation versus wave-action and low-shore versus high-shore). Using pooled whole-genome resequencing, we show that sharing of genomic regions of high differentiation between environments is generally low but increases at smaller spatial scales. We identify different shared genomic regions of divergence for each environmental axis and show that most of these regions overlap with candidate chromosomal inversions. Several inversion regions are divergent and polymorphic across many localities. We argue that chromosomal inversions could store shared variation that fuels rapid parallel adaptation to heterogeneous environments, possibly as balanced polymorphism shared by adaptive gene flow

    Evolving inversions

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    Empirical data suggest that inversions in many species contain genes important for intraspecific divergence and speciation, yet mechanisms of evolution remain unclear. While genes inside an inversion are tightly linked, inversions are not static but evolve separately from the rest of the genome by new mutations, recombination within arrangements, and gene flux between arrangements. Inversion polymorphisms are maintained by different processes, for example, divergent or balancing selection, or a mix of multiple processes. Moreover, the relative roles of selection, drift, mutation, and recombination will change over the lifetime of an inversion and within its area of distribution. We believe inversions are central to the evolution of many species, but we need many more data and new models to understand the complex mechanisms involved

    Very short mountings are enough for sperm transfer in Littorina

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    Conflict over reproduction between females and males exists because of anisogamy and promiscuity. Together they generate differences in fitness optima between the sexes and result in antagonistic coevolution of female and male reproductive traits. Mounting duration is likely to be a compromise between male and female interests whose outcome depends on the intensity of sexual selection. The timing of sperm transfer during mounting is critical. For example, mountings may be interrupted before sperm is transferred as a consequence of female or male choice, or they may be prolonged to function as mate guarding. In the highly promiscuous intertidal snail Littorina saxatilis, mountings vary substantially in duration, from less than a minute to more than an hour, and it has been assumed that mountings of a few minutes do not result in any sperm being transferred. Here, we examined the timing of sperm transfer, a reproductive trait that is likely affected by sexual conflict. We performed time-controlled mounting trials using L. saxatilis males and virgin females, aiming to examine indirectly when the transfer of sperm starts. We observed the relationship between mounting duration and the proportion of developing embryos out of all eggs and embryos in the brood pouch. Developing embryos were observed in similar proportions in all treatments (i.e. 1, 5 and 10 or more minutes at which mountings were artificially interrupted), suggesting that sperm transfer begins rapidly (within 1 min) in L. saxatilis and very short matings do not result in sperm shortage in the females. We discuss how the observed pattern can be influenced by predation risk, population density, and female status and receptivity

    Inversions and parallel evolution

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    Local adaptation leads to differences between populations within a species. In many systems, similar environmental contrasts occur repeatedly, sometimes driving parallel phenotypic evolution. Understanding the genomic basis of local adaptation and parallel evolution is a major goal of evolutionary genomics. It is now known that by preventing the break-up of favourable combinations of alleles across multiple loci, genetic architectures that reduce recombination, like chromosomal inversions, can make an important contribution to local adaptation. However, little is known about whether inversions also contribute disproportionately to parallel evolution. Our aim here is to highlight this knowledge gap, to showcase existing studies, and to illustrate the differences between genomic architectures with and without inversions using simple models. We predict that by generating stronger effective selection, inversions can sometimes speed up the parallel adaptive process or enable parallel adaptation where it would be impossible otherwise, but this is highly dependent on the spatial setting. We highlight that further empirical work is needed, in particular to cover a broader taxonomic range and to understand the relative importance of inversions compared to genomic regions without inversions

    Transcriptomic resources for evolutionary studies in flat periwinkles and related species

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    The flat periwinkles, Littorina fabalis and L. obtusata, comprise two sister gastropod species that have an enormous potential to elucidate the mechanisms involved in ecological speciation in the marine realm. However, the molecular resources currently available for these species are still scarce. In order to circumvent this limitation, we used RNA-seq data to characterize the transcriptome of four individuals from each species sampled in different locations across the Iberian Peninsula. Four de novo transcriptome assemblies were generated, as well as a pseudo-reference using the L. saxatilis reference transcriptome as backbone. After transcripts’ annotation, variant calling resulted in the identification of 19,072 to 45,340 putatively species-diagnostic SNPs. The discriminatory power of a subset of these SNPs was validated by implementing an independent genotyping assay to characterize reference populations, resulting in an accurate classification of individuals into each species and in the identification of hybrids between the two. These data comprise valuable genomic resources for a wide range of evolutionary and conservation studies in flat periwinkles and related taxa

    Local adaptation stops where ecological gradients steepen or are interrupted

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    Population genetic models of evolution along linear environmental gradients cannot explain why adaptation stops at ecological margins. This is because, unless models impose reductions in carrying capacity at species’ edges, the dominant effect of gene flow is to increase genetic variance and adaptive potential rather than swamping local adaptation. This allows the population to match even very steep changes in trait optima. We extend our previous simulations to explore two nonlinear models of ecological gradients: (a) a sigmoid (steepening) gradient and (b) a linear gradient with a flat centre of variable width. We compare the parameter conditions that allow local adaptation and range expansion from the centre, with those that permit the persistence of a perfectly adapted population distributed across the entire range. Along nonlinear gradients, colonization is easier, and extinction rarer, than along a linear gradient. This is because the shallow environmental gradient near the range centre does not cause gene flow to increase genetic variation, and so does not result in reduced population density. However, as gradient steepness increases, gene flow inflates genetic variance and reduces local population density sufficiently that genetic drift overcomes local selection, creating a finite range margin. When a flat centre is superimposed on a linear gradient, gene flow increases genetic variation dramatically at its edges, leading to an abrupt reduction in density that prevents niche expansion. Remarkably local interruptions in a linear ecological gradient (of a width much less than the mean dispersal distance) can prevent local adaptation beyond this flat centre. In contrast to other situations, this effect is stronger and more consistent where carrying capacity is high. Practically speaking, this means that habitat improvement at patch margins will make evolutionary rescue more likely. By contrast, even small improvements in habitat at patch centres may confine populations to limited areas of ecological space