722 research outputs found


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    An econometric model is estimated to simulate the impact of introducing bovine somatotropin (BST) on the California dairy industry. Forecasts of 1991-94 milk production and prices without BST are compared to those with BST under the 1990 Farm Bill. The effects are evaluated under a range in assumptions, given the uncertainty about BST's commercial benefits and costs. Results indicate the aggregate returns of BST introduction for California are positive, but small, assuming no adverse consumer reaction.Agricultural and Food Policy, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    The application of scintillation spectroscopy to an investigation of the neutron induced europium activities

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1956 B87Master of Scienc

    Randomized Treatment of Patients with Typhoid Fever by Using Ceftriaxone or Chloramphenicol

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    Sixty-three patients with Salmonella typhi infections were randomly assigned to receive either ceftriaxone iv in single daily doses of 75 mg/kg for children and 3-4 g for adults for seven days or to receive 60 mg of chloramphenicol/kg a day orally or iv in four divided doses until defervescence and then 40 mg/kg a day to complete 14 d. In the ceftriaxone group, one death occurred, and two of seven patients still febrile 11 d after starting treatment were given chloramphenicol. In the chloramphenicol group, one death and one gastrointestinal perforation occurred. The probability of remaining febrile was similar for both groups during the first seven days but was significantly greater for patients receiving ceftriaxone during the 14-dperiod. Patients in the chloramphenicol group weremore likely to be bacteremic on day 3. These results suggest that a seven-day course of once-daily ceftriaxone shows promise as an alternative to 14 d of chloramphenicol for treating typhoid feve

    A Search for Multi-Planet Systems Using the Hobby-Eberly Telescope

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    Extrasolar multiple-planet systems provide valuable opportunities for testing theories of planet formation and evolution. The architectures of the known multiple-planet systems demonstrate a fascinating level of diversity, which motivates the search for additional examples of such systems in order to better constrain their formation and dynamical histories. Here we describe a comprehensive investigation of 22 planetary systems in an effort to answer three questions: 1) Are there additional planets? 2) Where could additional planets reside in stable orbits? and 3) What limits can these observations place on such objects? We find no evidence for additional bodies in any of these systems; indeed, these new data do not support three previously announced planets (HD 20367b: Udry et al. 2003, HD 74156d: Bean et al. 2008, and 47 UMa c: Fischer et al. 2002). The dynamical simulations show that nearly all of the 22 systems have large regions in which additional planets could exist in stable orbits. The detection-limit computations indicate that this study is sensitive to close-in Neptune-mass planets for most of the systems targeted. We conclude with a discussion on the implications of these non-detections.Comment: Accepted to ApJS. Includes 39 pages of radial-velocity data table

    Ruling Out Possible Secondary Stars to Exoplanet Host Stars Using the CHARA Array

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    Of the over 450 exoplanets known to date, more than 420 of them have been discovered using radial velocity studies, a method that tells nothing about the inclination of the planet's orbit. Because it is more likely that the companion is a planetary-mass object in a moderate- to high-inclination orbit than a low-mass stellar object in a nearly face-on orbit, the secondary bodies are presumed to be planets. Interferometric observations allow us to inspect the angular diameter fit residuals to calibrated visibilities in order to rule out the possibility of a low-mass stellar companion in a very low-inclination orbit. We used the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array interferometer to observe 20 exoplanet host stars and considered five potential secondary spectral types: G5 V, K0 V, K5 V, M0 V, and M5 V. If a secondary star is present and is sufficiently bright, the effects of the added light will appear in interferometric observations where the planet will not. All secondary types could be eliminated from consideration for 7 host stars and no secondary stars of any spectral type could be ruled out for 7 more. The remaining 6 host stars showed a range of possible secondary types.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Aging and the Environment: A Research Framework

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    The rapid growth in the number of older Americans has many implications for public health, including the need to better understand the risks posed to older adults by environmental exposures. Biologic capacity declines with normal aging; this may be exacerbated in individuals with pre-existing health conditions. This decline can result in compromised pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses to environmental exposures encountered in daily activities. In recognition of this issue, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a research agenda on the environment and older adults. The U.S. EPA proposes to apply an environmental public health paradigm to better understand the relationships between external pollution sources → human exposures → internal dose → early biologic effect → adverse health effects for older adults. The initial challenge will be using information about aging-related changes in exposure, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic factors to identify susceptible subgroups within the diverse population of older adults. These changes may interact with specific diseases of aging or medications used to treat these conditions. Constructs such as “frailty” may help to capture some of the diversity in the older adult population. Data are needed regarding a) behavior/activity patterns and exposure to the pollutants in the microenvironments of older adults; b) changes in absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion with aging; c) alterations in reserve capacity that alter the body’s ability to compensate for the effects of environmental exposures; and d) strategies for effective communication of risk and risk reduction methods to older individuals and communities. This article summarizes the U.S. EPA’s development of a framework to address and prioritize the exposure, health effects, and risk communications concerns for the U.S. EPA’s evolving research program on older adults as a susceptible subpopulation

    Cascading Disturbances in Florida Bay, USA: Cyanobacteria Blooms, Sponge Mortality, And Implications For Juvenile Spiny Lobsters Panulirus Argus

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    Florida Bay, the shallow lagoon separating mainland Florida and the Florida Keys, USA, is experiencing an unprecedented series of ecological disturbances. In 1991, following reports of other ecosystem perturbations, we observed widespread and persistent blooms of cyanobacteria that coincided with the decimation of sponge communities over hundreds of square kilometers. Juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus, among other animals, rely on sponges for shelter; the impact of sponge loss on the abundance of lobsters and their use of shelter, in particular, has been dramatic. The loss of sponges on 27 experimental sites in hard bottom habitat in central Florida Bay resulted in the redistribution of juvenile lobsters among the remaining shelters, an influx of lobsters into sites where artificial shelters were present, and a decline in lobster abundances on sites without artificial shelters. Diver surveys of sponge damage at additional sites in central Florida Bay confirmed that the sponge die-off was widespread and its occurrence coincided with areas that had been exposed to the cyanobacteria bloom. This cascade of disturbances has dramatically altered the community structure of affected hard bottom areas and demonstrates the coupled dynamics of this shallow marine ecosystem

    Multi-Nation WPT Demonstration Experiments

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    A project originating with Georgia Institute of Technology is described in which the International Space Station (ISS) serves as an experimental platform for the relay of energy from space to earth. The multi-nation test will feature the transmission of small amounts of solar-generated electric power from the ISS using millimeter waves, for the purposes of collecting atmospheric propagation data and testing technologies for power beaming, aiming, and reception. This initiative represents an early first-step towards installation of a global Space Solar Power Grid emphasizing international collaboration, synergy with the terrestrial energy industry and with retail power beaming markets. The technical paper on which this visualization is based is listed in References below. Advisors: Prof. N. Komerath, Prof. D. Flournoy, Kyle Perkins (Designer) Five-Nation - Broadband from Space Journal on Vimeo