224 research outputs found

    Biodegradability standards for carrier bags and plastic films in aquatic environments: a critical review

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    Plastic litter is encountered in aquatic ecosystems across the globe, including polar environments and the deep sea. To mitigate the adverse societal and ecological impacts of this waste, there has been debate on whether ‘biodegradable’ materials should be granted exemptions from plastic bag bans and levies. However, great care must be exercised when attempting to define this term, due to the broad and complex range of physical and chemical conditions encountered within natural ecosystems. Here, we review existing international industry standards and regional test methods for evaluating the biodegradability of plastics within aquatic environments (wastewater, unmanaged freshwater and marine habitats). We argue that current standards and test methods are insufficient in their ability to realistically predict the biodegradability of carrier bags in these environments, due to several shortcomings in experimental procedures and a paucity of information in the scientific literature. Moreover, existing biodegradability standards and test methods for aquatic environments do not involve toxicity testing or account for the potentially adverse ecological impacts of carrier bags, plastic additives, polymer degradation products or small (microscopic) plastic particles that can arise via fragmentation. Successfully addressing these knowledge gaps is a key requirement for developing new biodegradability standard(s) for lightweight carrier bags

    Damage evaluation during installation of geosynthetics used in asphalt pavements

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    Geosynthetics are commonly used as anti-reflective cracking systems in asphalt pavements. The rehabilitation design methods use the characteristics of as-received geosynthetics as inputs. However, these materials undergo physical damage during their installation due to mechanical and thermal loads which currently are not taken into account in the design processes. These loads can produce a reduction in geosynthetic strength and therefore, it is necessary to know the secant modulus after installation in order to improve the pavement design incorporating these materials. The secant modulus of a material indicates its initial stiffness. This paper describes an experimental study of damage due to installation of five different geosynthetics using three different procedures: (i) mechanical damage induced in the laboratory considering the action of aggregates, (ii) in situ mechanical and thermal damage due to actual installation in a test section, and (iii) a new mechanical and thermal damage experimental test developed with the aim of reproducing the real installation conditions. The main results of the study indicate that the obtained secant modulus of the tested geosynthetics reduced after applying the three damage procedures, and the loss of properties differed depending on the type and constitutive material and on the applied damage procedure.This investigation was supported by the research Project ‘Rehabilitation of roads and highways (REHABCAR)’ file number IPT-370000–2010–029, led by DRAGADOS (ACS Group), in collaboration with GEOCISA and ASFALTOS AUGUSTA among others. The project has been funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Innovation 2008–2011 (INNPACTO 2010) and the European Union under ERDF Funds (European Regional Development Fund)

    Contamination of indoor air by toxic soil vapours: the effects of subfloor ventilation and other protective measures

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in the journal Building and Environment. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0360-1323(97)00053-XA steady-state analytical model is derived for estimating the concentration of vapour-phase contaminants in indoor air in houses with subfloor voids, given the contaminant concentration in bulk soil. The model includes the key mechanisms of transport and dispersion—contaminant partitioning into the soil-vapour phase, molecular diffusion, suction flow, stack effect, and ventilation, including contaminant transport by ventilation flow between subfloor void and living space. Using the model, different construction styles are examined from the point of view of their resistance to ingress of soil gases. Model results indicate that indoor air concentration depends strongly on wind velocity and on geometrical parameters of void and living space. Worked examples for houses of different construction styles illustrate the effects of wind velocity and house parameters on the concentration of benzene in soil that would give rise to its maximum permissible concentration in indoor air. Brief consideration is also given to concrete raft foundations and clean cover systems

    A Review of Risk Matrices Used in Acute Hospitals in England.

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    In healthcare, patient safety has received substantial attention and, in turn, a number of approaches to managing safety have been adopted from other high-risk industries. One of these has been risk assessment, predominantly through the use of risk matrices. However, while other industries have criticized the design and use of these risk matrices, the applicability of such criticism has not been investigated formally in healthcare. This study examines risk matrices as used in acute hospitals in England and the guidance provided for their use. It investigates the applicability of criticisms of risk matrices from outside healthcare through a document analysis of the risk assessment policies, procedures, and strategies used in English hospitals. The findings reveal that there is a large variety of risk matrices used, where the design of some might increase the chance of risk misprioritization. Additionally, findings show that hospitals may provide insufficient guidance on how to use risk matrices as well as what to do in response to the existing criticisms of risk matrices. Consequently, this is likely to lead to variation in the quality of risk assessment and in the subsequent deployment of resources to manage the assessed risk. Finally, the article outlines ways in which hospitals could use risk matrices more effectively

    Bridging the domestic building fabric performance gap

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    It is recognized that there is often a discrepancy between the measured fabric thermal performance of dwellings as built and the predicted performance of the same dwellings and that the magnitude of this difference in performance can be quite large. This paper presents the results of a number of in-depth building fabric thermal performance tests undertaken on three case study dwellings located on two separate Passivhaus developments in the UK: one masonry cavity and the other two timber-frame. The results from the tests revealed that all the case study dwellings performed very close to that predicted. This is in contrast with other work that has been undertaken regarding the performance of the building fabric, which indicates that a very wide range of performance exists in new-build dwellings in the UK, and that the difference between the measured and predicted fabric performance can be greater than 100%. Despite the small non-random size of the sample, the results suggest that careful design coupled with the implementation of appropriate quality control systems, such as those required to attain Passivhaus Certification, may be conducive to delivering dwellings that begin to ‘bridge the gap’ between measured and predicted fabric performance

    Vision zero: from accident prevention to the promotion of health, safety and well-being at work

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    There is growing attention in industry for the Vision Zero strategy, which in terms of work-related health and safety is often labelled as Zero Accident Vision or Zero Harm. The consequences of a genuine commitment to Vision Zero for addressing health, safety and well-being and their synergies are discussed. The Vision Zero for work-related health, safety and well-being is based on the assumption that all accidents, harm and work-related diseases are preventable. Vision Zero for health, safety and well-being is then the ambition and commitment to create and ensure safe and healthy work and to prevent all accidents, harm and work-related diseases in order to achieve excellence in health, safety and well-being. Implementation of Vision Zero is a process – rather than a target, and healthy organizations make use of a wide range of options to facilitate this process. There is sufficient evidence that fatigue, stress and work organization factors are important determinants of safety behaviour and safety performance. Even with a focus on preventing accidents these additional factors should also be addressed. A relevant challenge is the integration of the Vision Zero into broader business policy and practice. There is a continued need more empirical research in this area

    Explosion reactivity characterisation of pulverised torrefied spruce wood

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    Pulverised biomass is increasingly being used for power generation in 100% biomass plants or mixed with coal as a way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The fire and explosion hazards of pulverised wood and other agricultural waste materials have been recognised for some time. However, safety data for biomass are very scarce in the public literature, and non-existent for upgraded biomass products such as torrefied biomass. This is largely due to the challenges that biomass poses for explosion characterisation in the standard methods (1 m3 ISO vessel or 20 L sphere). The authors have developed and calibrated a new system for the 1 m3 ISO vessel that overcomes these challenges. In this work we present the first data in the open literature for the explosion characteristics of torrefied biomass. Results for untreated Norway spruce wood and Kellingley coal are also included for comparison. Flame speeds and post-explosion residue analysis results are also presented. Torrefied spruce wood was found to be more reactive than Kellingley coal and slightly more reactive than its parent material in terms of KSt, Pmax and flame speed. The differences between coal and biomass samples highlight that it should not be assumed that safety systems for coal can be applied to torrefied or raw wood materials without suitable modifications