73 research outputs found

    Comparison of CDMS [100] and [111] oriented germanium detectors

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    The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) utilizes large mass, 3" diameter Ă—\times 1" thick target masses as particle detectors. The target is instrumented with both phonon and ionization sensors and comparison of energy in each channel provides event-by-event classification of electron and nuclear recoils. Fiducial volume is determined by the ability to obtain good phonon and ionization signal at a particular location. Due to electronic band structure in germanium, electron mass is described by an anisotropic tensor with heavy mass aligned along the symmetry axis defined by the [111] Miller index (L valley), resulting in large lateral component to the transport. The spatial distribution of electrons varies significantly for detectors which have their longitudinal axis orientations described by either the [100] or [111] Miller indices. Electric fields with large fringing component at high detector radius also affect the spatial distribution of electrons and holes. Both effects are studied in a 3 dimensional Monte Carlo and the impact on fiducial volume is discussed.Comment: Low Temperature Detector 14 conference proceedings to be published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Influence of tunneling on electron screening in low energy nuclear reactions in laboratories

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    Using a semiclassical mean field theory, we show that the screening potential exhibits a characteristic radial variation in the tunneling region in sharp contrast to the assumption of the constant shift in all previous works. Also, we show that the explicit treatment of the tunneling region gives a larger screening energy than that in the conventional approach, which studies the time evolution only in the classical region and estimates the screening energy from the screening potential at the external classical turning point. This modification becomes important if the electronic state is not a single adiabatic state at the external turning point either by pre-tunneling transitions of the electronic state or by the symmetry of the system even if there is no essential change with the electronic state in the tunneling region.Comment: 3 figure

    Inkomensvergelijking vezelgewassen versus graan

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    In 2012 is de verwerkingssteun voor o.a. vezelvlas en vezelhennep volledig ontkoppeld. Dat betekent dat deze steun wordt omgezet in een vaste inkomenstoeslag voor de teler, die daarvoor niet langer verplicht is om vlas of vezelhennep te telen. Daardoor dreigt de teelt van vlas en vezelhennep het af te leggen tegen financieel aantrekkelijkere teelten. In dit onderzoek worden de financiële aspecten voor agrarische ondernemers berekend, om het ministerie van EL&I te informeren bij beleidsvorming. Omdat de beide teelten regionaal geconcentreerd zijn, wordt de vergelijking gemaakt voor vlasteelt in Zuidwest Nederland en voor vezelhennep voor het Noordoostelijk zand- en dalgebied

    Validation of Phonon Physics in the CDMS Detector Monte Carlo

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    The SuperCDMS collaboration is a dark matter search effort aimed at detecting the scattering of WIMP dark matter from nuclei in cryogenic germanium targets. The CDMS Detector Monte Carlo (CDMS-DMC) is a simulation tool aimed at achieving a deeper understanding of the performance of the SuperCDMS detectors and aiding the dark matter search analysis. We present results from validation of the phonon physics described in the CDMS-DMC and outline work towards utilizing it in future WIMP search analyses.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figures, Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors 14 Conferenc

    Monte Carlo Comparisons to a Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Detector with low Transition-Edge-Sensor Transition Temperature

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    We present results on phonon quasidiffusion and Transition Edge Sensor (TES) studies in a large, 3 inch diameter, 1 inch thick [100] high purity germanium crystal, cooled to 50 mK in the vacuum of a dilution refrigerator, and exposed with 59.5 keV gamma-rays from an Am-241 calibration source. We compare calibration data with results from a Monte Carlo which includes phonon quasidiffusion and the generation of phonons created by charge carriers as they are drifted across the detector by ionization readout channels. The phonon energy is then parsed into TES based phonon readout channels and input into a TES simulator

    Phonon Pulse Shape Discrimination in SuperCDMS Soudan

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    SuperCDMS is the next phase of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment, which measures both phonon and charge signals generated by particle recoils within a germanium target mass. Charge signals are employed both in the definition of a fiducial volume and in the rejection of electron recoil background events. Alternatively, phonons generated by the charge carriers can also be used for the same two goals. This paper describes preliminary efforts to observe and quantify these contributions to the phonon signal and then use them to reject background events. A simple analysis using only one pulse shape parameter shows bulk electron recoil vs. bulk nuclear recoil discrimination to the level of 1:10^3 (limited by the statistics of the data), with little degradation in discrimination ability down to at least 7 keV recoil energy. Such phonon-only discrimination can provide a useful cross-check to the standard discrimination methods, and it also points towards the potential of a device optimized for a phonon-only measurement.Comment: Low Temperature Detector 14 conference proceedings, to be published in a special issue of the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    CDMS, Supersymmetry and Extra Dimensions

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    The CDMS experiment aims to directly detect massive, cold dark matter particles originating from the Milky Way halo. Charge and lattice excitations are detected after a particle scatters in a Ge or Si crystal kept at ~30 mK, allowing to separate nuclear recoils from the dominating electromagnetic background. The operation of 12 detectors in the Soudan mine for 75 live days in 2004 delivered no evidence for a signal, yielding stringent limits on dark matter candidates from supersymmetry and universal extra dimensions. Thirty Ge and Si detectors are presently installed in the Soudan cryostat, and operating at base temperature. The run scheduled to start in 2006 is expected to yield a one order of magnitude increase in dark matter sensitivity.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the 7th UCLA symposium on sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe, Marina del Rey, Feb 22-24, 200

    Assessment of hydropyrolysis as a method for the quantification of black carbon using standard reference materials

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    A wide selection of thermal, chemical and optical methods have been proposed for the quantification of black carbon (BC) in environmental matrices, and the results to date differ markedly depending upon the method used. A new approach is hydropyrolysis (hypy), where pyrolysis assisted by high hydrogen pressures (150 bar) facilitates the complete reductive removal of labile organic matter, so isolating a highly stable portion of the BC continuum (defined as BChypy). Here, the potential of hypy for the isolation and quantification of BC is evaluated using the 12 reference materials from the International BC Ring Trial, comprising BC-rich samples, BC-containing environmental matrices and BC-free potentially interfering materials. By varying the hypy operating conditions, it is demonstrated that lignocellulosic, humic and other labile organic carbon material (defined as non-BChypy) is fully removed by 550 °C, with hydrogasification of the remaining BChypy not commencing until over 575 °C. The resulting plateau in sample mass and carbon loss is apparent in all of the environmental samples, facilitating BC quantification in a wide range of materials. The BChypy contents for all 12 ring trial samples fall within the range reported in the BC inter-comparison study, and systematic differences with other methods are rationalised. All methods for BC isolation, including hypy are limited by the fact that BC cannot be distinguished from extremely thermally mature organic matter; for example in high rank coals. However, the data reported here indicates that BChypy has an atomic H/C ratio of less than 0.5 and therefore comprises a chemically well-defined polyaromatic structure in terms of the average size of peri-condensed aromatic clusters of >7 rings (24 carbon atoms), that is consistent across different sample matrices. This, together with the sound underlying rationale for the reductive removal of labile organic matter, makes hypy an ideal approach for matrix independent BC quantification. The hypy results are extremely reproducible, with BChypy determinations from triplicate analyses typically within ±2% across all samples, limited mainly by the precision of the elemental analyser

    The ultra-violet question in maximally supersymmetric field theories

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    We discuss various approaches to the problem of determining which supersymmetric invariants are permitted as counterterms in maximally supersymmetric super Yang--Mills and supergravity theories in various dimensions. We review the superspace non-renormalisation theorems based on conventional, light-cone, harmonic and certain non-Lorentz covariant superspaces, and we write down explicitly the relevant invariants. While the first two types of superspace admit the possibility of one-half BPS counterterms, of the form F4F^4 and R4R^4 respectively, the last two do not. This suggests that UV divergences begin with one-quarter BPS counterterms, i.e. d2F4d^2 F^4 and d4R4d^4 R^4, and this is supported by an entirely different approach based on algebraic renormalisation. The algebraic formalism is discussed for non-renormalisable theories and it is shown how the allowable supersymmetric counterterms can be determined via cohomological methods. These results are in agreement with all the explicit computations that have been carried out to date. In particular, they suggest that maximal supergravity is likely to diverge at four loops in D=5 and at five loops in D=4, unless other infinity suppression mechanisms not involving supersymmetry or gauge invariance are at work.Comment: 56 pages, 1 figure, uses youngtab.sty. Contribution to the proceedings of the W.E. Heraeus Workhop "Quantum Gravity: Challenges and Perspectives", Bad Honnef, 14-16 April 2008. References and clarifying comments adde

    Phonon Quasidiffusion in Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Large Germanium Detectors

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    We present results on quasidiffusion studies in large, 3 inch diameter, 1 inch thick [100] high purity germanium crystals, cooled to 50 mK in the vacuum of a dilution refrigerator, and exposed with 59.5 keV gamma-rays from an Am-241 calibration source. We compare data obtained in two different detector types, with different phonon sensor area coverage, with results from a Monte Carlo. The Monte Carlo includes phonon quasidiffusion and the generation of phonons created by charge carriers as they are drifted across the detector by ionization readout channels.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, PHONONS201 conference proceedings; http://psroc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/cjp/download.php?d=4&pid=271
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