420 research outputs found

    Molecular hydrogen beyond the optical edge of an isolated spiral galaxy

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    We know little about the outermost portions of galaxies because there is little light coming from them. We do know that in many cases atomic hydrogen (HI) extends well beyond the optical radius \cite{Casertano91}. In the centers of galaxies, however, molecular hydrogen (H2) usually dominates by a large factor, raising the question of whether H2 is abundant also in the outer regions but hitherto unseen.Here we report the detection of emission from carbon monoxide (CO), the most abundant tracer of H2, beyond the optical radius of the nearby galaxy NGC 4414. The molecular clouds probably formed in the regions of relatively high HI column density and in the absence of spiral density waves. The relative strength of the lines from the two lowest rotational levels indicates that both the temperature and density of the H2 are quite low compared to conditions closer to the center. The inferred surface density of the molecular material continues the monotonic decrease from the inner regions. We conclude that while molecular clouds can form in the outer region of this galaxy, there is little mass associated with them.Comment: 3 Nature page

    Galaxy Evolution and Star Formation Efficiency in the Last Half of the Universe

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    We present the results of a CO(1-0) emission survey with the IRAM 30m of 30 galaxies at moderate redshift (z ~ 0.2-0.6) to explore galaxy evolution and in particular the star formation efficiency, in the redshift range filling the gap between local and very high-z objects. Our detection rate is about 50%. One of the bright objects was mapped at high resolution with the IRAM interferometer, and about 50% of the total emission found in the 27 arcsec (97 kpc) single dish beam is recovered by the interferometer, suggesting the presence of extended emission. The FIR-to-CO luminosity ratio is enhanced, following the increasing trend observed between local and high-z ultra-luminous starbursts.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, To appear in the proceedings of "SF2A-2007: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise", (J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel eds

    HCN versus HCO+ as dense molecular gas mass tracer in Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    It has been recently argued that the HCN J=1--0 line emission may not be an unbiased tracer of dense molecular gas (\rm n\ga 10^4 cm^{-3}) in Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs: LFIR>1011L⊙\rm L_{FIR}> 10^{11} L_{\odot}) and HCO+^+ J=1--0 may constitute a better tracer instead (Graci\'a-Carpio et al. 2006), casting doubt into earlier claims supporting the former as a good tracer of such gas (Gao & Solomon 2004; Wu et al. 2006). In this paper new sensitive HCN J=4--3 observations of four such galaxies are presented, revealing a surprisingly wide excitation range for their dense gas phase that may render the J=1--0 transition from either species a poor proxy of its mass. Moreover the well-known sensitivity of the HCO+^+ abundance on the ionization degree of the molecular gas (an important issue omitted from the ongoing discussion about the relative merits of HCN and HCO+^+ as dense gas tracers) may severely reduce the HCO+^+ abundance in the star-forming and highly turbulent molecular gas found in LIRGs, while HCN remains abundant. This may result to the decreasing HCO+^+/HCN J=1--0 line ratio with increasing IR luminosity found in LIRGs, and casts doubts on the HCO+^+ rather than the HCN as a good dense molecular gas tracer. Multi-transition observations of both molecules are needed to identify the best such tracer, its relation to ongoing star formation, and constrain what may be a considerable range of dense gas properties in such galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Star Formation in Collision Debris: Insights from the modeling of their Spectral Energy Distribution

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    During galaxy-galaxy interactions, massive gas clouds can be injected into the intergalactic medium which in turn become gravitationally bound, collapse and form stars, star clusters or even dwarf galaxies. The objects resulting from this process are both "pristine", as they are forming their first generation of stars, and chemically evolved because the metallicity inherited from their parent galaxies is high. Such characteristics make them particularly interesting laboratories to study star formation. After having investigated their star-forming properties, we use photospheric, nebular and dust modeling to analyze here their spectral energy distribution (SED) from the far-ultraviolet to the mid-infrared regime for a sample of 7 star-forming regions. Our analysis confirms that the intergalactic star forming regions in Stephan's Quintet, around Arp 105, and NGC 5291, appear devoid of stellar populations older than 10^9 years. We also find an excess of light in the near-infrared regime (from 2 to 4.5 microns) which cannot be attributed to stellar photospheric or nebular contributions. This excess is correlated with the star formation rate intensity suggesting that it is probably due to emission by very small grains fluctuating in temperature as well as the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) line at 3.3 micron. Comparing the attenuation via the Balmer decrement to the mid-infrared emission allows us to check the reliability of the attenuation estimate. It suggests the presence of embedded star forming regions in NGC 5291 and NGC 7252. Overall the SED of star-forming regions in collision debris (and Tidal Dwarf Galaxies) resemble more that of dusty star-forming regions in galactic disks than to that of typical star-forming dwarf galaxies.Comment: 22 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication in A

    The Molecular Interstellar Medium of the Local Group Dwarf NGC6822

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    Do molecular clouds collapse to form stars at the same rate in all environments? In large spiral galaxies, the rate of transformation of H2 into stars (hereafter SFE) varies little. However, the SFE in distant objects (z~1) is much higher than in the large spiral disks that dominate the local universe. Some small local group galaxies share at least some of the characteristics of intermediate-redshift objects, such as size or color. Recent work has suggested that the Star Formation Efficiency (SFE, defined as the SFRate per unit H2) in local Dwarf galaxies may be as high as in the distant objects. A fundamental difficulty in these studies is the independent measure of the H2 mass in metal-deficient environments. At 490 kpc, NGC6822 is an excellent choice for this study; it has been mapped in the CO(2-1) line using the multibeam receiver HERA on the 30 meter IRAM telescope, yielding the largest sample of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in this galaxy. Despite the much lower metallicity, we find no clear difference in the properties of the GMCs in NGC 6822 and those in the Milky Way except lower CO luminosities for a given mass. Several independent methods indicate that the total H2 mass in NGC 6822 is about 5 x 10^6 Msun in the area we mapped and less than 10^7 Msun in the whole galaxy. This corresponds to a NH2/ICO ~ 4 x 10^{21} cm^-2 /(Kkm/s) over large scales, such as would be observed in distant objects, and half that in individual GMCs. No evidence was found for H2 without CO emission. Our simulations of the radiative transfer in clouds are entirely compatible with these NH2/ICO values. The SFE implied is a factor 5 - 10 higher than what is observed in large local universe spirals.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    [CII] emission and star formation in the spiral arms of M31

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    The CII 158 microns line is the most important coolant of the interstellar medium in galaxies but substantial variations are seen from object to object. The main source of the emission at a galactic scale is still poorly understood. Previous studies of the CII emission in galaxies have a resolution of several kpc or more so the observed emission is an average of different ISM components. The aim of this work is to study, for the first time, the CII emission at the scale of a spiral arm. We want to investigate the origin of this line and its use as a tracer of star formation. We present CII and OI observations of a segment of a spiral arm of M~31 using the Infrared Space Observatory. The CII emission is compared with tracers of neutral gas (CO, HI) and star formation (H\alpha, Spitzer 24 mu.) The similarity of the CII emission with the Ha and 24 mu images is striking when smoothed to the same resolution, whereas the correlation with the neutral gas is much weaker. The CII cooling rate per H atom increases dramatically from ~2.7e-26 ergs/s/atom in the border of the map to ~ 1.4e-25 ergs/s/atom in the regions of star formation. The CII/FIR(42-122) ratio is almost constant at 2%, a factor 3 higher than typically quoted. However, we do not believe that M~31 is unusual. Rather, the whole-galaxy fluxes used for the comparisons include the central regions where the CII/FIR ratio is known to be lower and the resolved observations neither isolate a spiral arm nor include data as far out in the galactic disk as the observations presented here. A fit to published PDR models yields a plausible average solution of G_0~100 and n~3000 for the PDR emission in the regions of star formation in the arm of M31.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. To be published by A&A. Low quality figures. High quality version in http://www.obs.u-bordeaux1.fr/Radio/NRodriguez/out/m31.pd
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