585 research outputs found
Extradural hematoma: comparative radiological study between, comatous and noncomatous patients
A series of 129 patients harbouring extradural hematomas was analysed considering the neurological state immediately before operation as the most consistent variable. Seventy eight patients were considered to be comatous (Group I) and 51 were noncomatous. Among the comatous group, 30 were investigated with computerized tomography (23.3% mortality, 50% good results), 31 were submitted to angiography (48.3% mortality, 38.7% good results), and 17 were operated based on the neurological examination and skull radiography (47% mortality, 35.2% good results). The presence or absence of skull fracture and the density of hematoma did not change the final outcome. Associated intracranial lesions increased the mortality and lowered the good results in both groups. Frontal hematomas (10 cases) in the comatous group were associated with high mortality (52.6%) due to bad neurological state (Glasgow 3-5) and to isolated or multiple intracranial associated lesions (6 patients).Considerando o estado neurológico imediatamente antes da operação como a variável miais fidedigna para antecipação do prognóstico dos hematomas extradurais, os autores realizaram estudo radiológico comparativo de 129 pacientes operados por esta patologia. Desta amostra, 78 casos se encontravam em coma (Grupo I) e 51 eram não comatosos (Grupo II). No grupo I, os 30 casos investigados pré-operatoriamente com tomografia tiveram 23,3% de mortalidade e 50% de bons resultados; dos 31 casos submetidos a angiografia, 48,3% faleceram e 38,7% tiveram bons resultados; 17 casos foram operados pela radiografia simples de crânio e exame neurológico, com 47% de mortalidade e 35,2% de bons resultados. A presença de fratura de crânio e a densidade tomográfica do hematoma não interferiram nos resultados. A presença de lesão associada intracraniana aumentou a mortalidade e diminuiu a quantidade de bons resultados tanto no Grupo I quanto no Grupo II. A localização frontal do hematoma foi associada a elevada mortalidade (52,6%) no grupo comatoso, por estarem todos os pacientes entre 3 a 5 pontos na Escala de Glasgow e seis deles por apresentarem lesões associadas intracranianas únicas ou múltiplas.Hospital Santa IsabelEscola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL
Determinação de hemometabólitos a partir de sistema de rede neural artificial.
O controle e análise de hemometabólitos, como colesterol, ureia e glicose se torna cada vez mais importante para a medicina devido ao aumento do número de pessoas que desenvolvem doenças ligadas às concentrações desses componentes sanguíneos, dessa forma, há a necessidade de se monitorar a concentração desses hemometabólitos. Por este motivo, que neste trabalho está sendo proposto o desenvolvimento de uma rede neural artificial de múltiplas camadas, que utiliza o algoritmo de retropropagação de erro como algoritmo de aprendizagem e que será programada em um circuito eletrônico e instalada em biossensor amperométrico, para determinar a concentração dos hemometabólito analisados. Um simulador de rede neural artificial foi desenvolvido na linguagem de programação Java para a determinação dos hemometabólitos, este simulador, antes de sua utilização, foi comparado com dois simuladores de redes neurais já consagrados, o NETS 3.0 e o MatLab R2008a, e o simulador desenvolvido se mostrou eficiente na sua determinação. Durante a determinação dos hemometabólitos as redes neurais artificiais se mostraram eficientes e adequadas para este objetivo
Does the nature of capital influence the performance of fixed income mutual fund management?
Este trabalho verificou o desempenho das 17 maiores administradoras de fundos no período 1997-2003 com dados diários. O método empregado é a análise de dados em painel. A hipótese de que as administradoras obtêm igual relação risco-retorno em suas carteiras, independente da natureza do seu capital, é rejeitada. As administradoras privadas nacionais e estrangeiras apresentam um desempenho superior às administradoras estatais. Da mesma forma, a relação risco-retorno, obtida pelas administradoras de fundos estatais, não é constante no período anterior e posterior à marcação a mercado. Após a introdução da métrica de marcação a mercado, o desempenho das administradoras estatais apresenta melhora significativa, enquanto as administradoras privadas e estrangeiras não apresentam mudança em seu desempenho. Esses resultados salientam a importância das normas de regulação da indústria de fundos de investimento para a avaliação do desempenho das administradoras.This paper investigates the performance of the 17 biggest mutual fund management firms in Brazil during the period 1997-2003 using daily data. The method of panel data analysis is employed. The hypothesis that fund management firms obtain the same risk-return relation in their portfolios independently from the nature of their capital is rejected. Private and foreign firms present a superior performance than state-owned ones. Similarly, the risk-return relation of the portfolios managed by state-owned firms is not constant in the periods before and after the introduction of mark to market valuation. After such institutional change, state-owned fund management firms present a remarkable improvement in their performance, while private and foreign firms do not present any change in their portfolios performance. These results underline the importance of regulation in the measurement of mutual fund performance
Atividade periódica generalizada no EEG em dois casos de neurossífilis
Neurosyphilis is a recognized cause of epileptic seizures and cognitive impairment, but is not usually associated with the finding of generalized periodic activity in the EEG. We report two similar cases characterized by progressive cognitive impairment followed by partial complex seizures, in whom the EEG showed generalized periodic activity. Both cerebrospinal fluid and the response to penicillin therapy confirmed the diagnoses of neurosyphilis in the two cases. The finding of EEG generalized periodic activity in patients with cognitive or behavioral disorders is usually associated with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, although there are other conditions, some of them potentially reversible, which may also present this EEG abnormality. Neurosyphilis has tended not to be included among them, and our present findings support the importance of first ruling out neurosyphilis in those patients with cognitive or behavioral disorders associated with generalized periodic epileptiform discharges.Neurossífilis é uma causa conhecida de crises convulsivas e de comprometimento cognitivo, mas não é associada geralmente a atividade periódica generalizada no eletroencefalograma (EEG). Relatamos dois casos similares caracterizados por declínio cognitivo progressivo seguido de crises parciais complexas, em que o EEG mostra a atividade periódica generalizada. O líquido cefalorraquidiano e uma boa resposta à terapia com penicilina confirmaram os diagnósticos de neurossífilis nos dois casos. Achados de atividade periódica generalizada no EEG de pacientes com distúrbios cognitivos ou de comportamento são associados geralmente com a doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, embora haja outras circunstâncias, algumas delas potencialmente reversíveis, que podem também apresentar esta anormalidade no EEG. A neurossífilis tende a não ser incluída entre eles, e nossos achados sustentam a importância de afastar o diagnóstico de neurossífilis naqueles pacientes com declínio cognitivo ou comportamental associados com as descargas periódicas generalizadas no EEG.Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de NeurologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Serviço de Neurofisiologia ClínicaUNIFESP, EPM, Serviço de Neurofisiologia ClínicaSciEL
A bibliometric and descriptive analysis of inclusive education in science education
This article aims to map the scientific production concerning the inclusion of people with disabilities in Science Education to promote a reflection on the production of this area. Bibliometric analysis is used to help understand what stage of research a particular subject is at. Publications on the topic indexed at the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS) were evaluated. A total of 119 articles published between 2009 and July 2019 were selected as dealing specifically with the subject. An increase in the number of articles associating Science teaching (ST) and Inclusive Education (IE) was noted. The journals that published the most, the most productive authors in the area and their collaboration networks were identified. A content analysis of the research was also carried out and the main investigated topics were pointed out. Educational levels, types of disabilities, central themes and specific science areas prevailing in the mapped research were also indicated. We conclude that, despite the growing number of articles, scientific production associating SE and IE is still small, concentrated, and not shared with the scientific community through scientific education journals, and that most research is focused on the use of methodologies and resources, and not on their development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Multivariate Curve Resolution Of Ph Gradient Flow Injection Mixture Analysis With Correction Of The Schlieren Effect.
Multivariate curve resolution using alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) was used to quantify ascorbic (AA) and acetylsalicylic (ASA) acids in four pharmaceutical samples using a flow injection analysis (FIA) system with pH gradient and a diode array (DAD) spectrometer as a detector. Four different pharmaceutical drugs were analyzed, giving a data array of dimensions 51 x 291 x 61, corresponding respectively to number of samples, FIA times and spectral wavelengths. MCR-ALS was applied to these large data sets using different constraints to have optimal resolution and optimal quantitative estimations of the two analytes (AA and ASA). Since both analytes give an acid-basic pair of species contributing to the UV recorded signal, at least four components sholuld be proposed to model AA and ASA in synthetic mixture samples. Moreover, one additional component was needed to resolve accurately the Schlieren effect and another additional component was also needed to model the presence of possible interferences (like caffeine) in the commercial drugs tablets, giving therefore a total number of 6 independent components needed. The best quantification relative errors were around 2% compared to the reference values obtained by HPLC and by the oxidation-reduction titrimetric method, for ASA and AA respectively. In this work, the application of MCR-ALS allowed for the first time the full resolution of the FIA diffusion profile due to the Schlieren effect as an independent signal contribution, suggesting that the proposed MCR-ALS method allows for its accurate correction in FIA-DAD systems.133774-8
The effects of preferential flow and soil texture on risk assessments of a NORM waste disposal site
This paper investigates the environmental fate of radionuclide decay chains (specially the 238U and 232Th series) being released from a conventional mining installation processing ore containing natural occurring radioactive materials (NORMs). Contaminated waste at the site is being disposed off in an industrial landfill on top of a base of earth material to ensure integrity of the deposit over relatively long geologic times (thousands of years). Brazilian regulations, like those of many other countries, require a performance assessment of the disposal facility using a leaching and off-site transport scenario. We used for this purpose the HYDRUS-1D software package to predict long-term radionuclide transport vertically through both the landfill and the underlying unsaturated zone, and then laterally in groundwater. We assumed that a downgradient well intercepting groundwater was the only source of water for a resident farmer, and that all contaminated water from the well was somehow used in the biosphere. The risk assessment was carried out for both a best-case scenario assuming equilibrium transport in a fine-textured (clay) subsurface, and a worst-case scenario involving preferential flow through a more coarse-textured subsurface. Results show that preferential flow and soil texture both can have a major effect on the results, depending upon the specific radionuclide involved.Indisponível
Espacialidade arquitetônica e desempenho térmico de residências contemporâneas em clima tropical quente e úmido
This paper presents a study, through simulation tools, of the relation between thermal comfort (on EnergyPlus) and spatial patterns (on Depthmap). The sample of dwellings analyzed, representative of the contemporary architecture from Natal-Brazil, was chosen in order to study how room distribution within a residence (its spatiality) can be related to thermal performance of natural ventilated buildings, a common bioclimatic strategy for tropical regions. Main results show that it was identified a tendency, which relates high integration,as well as connectivity, to low costs on refrigeration.O artigo em questão apresenta um estudo, conduzido através de ferramentas computacionais de simulação, o qual analisa a relação entre desempenho térmico (através do software EnergyPlus) e padrões espaciais (através do software Depthmap). A amostra de residências utilizada na pesquisa, representativa da arquitetura contemporânea de Natal/RN/Brasil, foi selecionada para que permitisse aanálise de como a distribuição dos cômodos em uma residência (sua espacialidade) poderia estar relacionada com o desempenho térmico de edificações naturalmente ventiladas, uma estratégia bioclimática bastante comum para regiões de clima tropical quente e úmido. Os resultados iniciais identificam uma tendência, a qual correlaciona alta integração, assim como conectividade, a menores custos em refrigeração
The research aimed to analyze the relationship of field classes with the formal content of Sciences with the high school students of a private school in Porto Velho-RO attending high school in two shifts. The aim of the intervention was to identify elements that indicate changes in students’ views on the environment, as well as discussing the importance of field trip for learning them. After subsidize students with basic knowledge in the classroom, an output field was performed in the Environmental Police Battalion (BPA), in the municipality of Candeias do Jamari, which is a region of special interest for conservation and environmental protection, as well thematic areas such as work related to water, land use, riparian vegetation, biomass, sustainability and preservation of springs. In BPA, runs the Recovery Centre for Wild Animals (CRAS) and the Environmental Education Center (ARC) which conducts environmental awareness and orientation activities. From the interaction with students in environmental issues, it was considered that there was a significant evolution in the way we perceive the environment and its influence on the same. Field work for some content improved learning because the student put directly in touch with your object of study.A pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a relação das aulas de campo com o conteúdo formal de Ciências com os alunos do ensino médio de uma escola particular de Porto Velho-RO que atende o ensino médio em dois turnos. O intuito da intervenção foi identificar elementos que indicassem mudanças da visão dos estudantes sobre o meio ambiente, bem como discutir a importância da saída de campo para o aprendizado dos mesmos. Após subsidiar os alunos com os conhecimentos básicos em sala de aula, foi realizada uma saída de campo no Batalhão da Polícia Ambiental (BPA), no município de Candeias do Jamari, que é uma região de relevante interesse para a conservação e preservação ambiental, bem como por trabalhar áreas temáticas relacionadas à água, uso do solo, mata ciliar, biomas, sustentabilidade e preservação de nascentes. No BPA, funciona o Centro de Recuperação de Animais Silvestres (CRAS) e o Centro Educação Ambiental (CEA) que realiza atividades de sensibilização e orientação ambiental. A partir da interação com os alunos, na temática ambiental, considerou-se que houve uma evolução significativa na forma que percebem o ambiente e sua influência no mesmo. O estudo in loco de alguns conteúdos melhorou o aprendizado pelo fato de colocar o aluno diretamente em contato com o seu objeto de estudo
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