161 research outputs found

    Moral Value Analysis In Some Bataknese Folklores (Sigale-Gale, Batu Gantung, Tugu Silalahi)

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    Cerita rakyat merupakan jenis cerita yang menunjukkan akhlak mulia dalam masyarakat dan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Karena sarat dengan nilai moral, cerita rakyat berperan penting dalam pembentukan karakter anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai moral cerita rakyat Batak Sigale-gale, BatuGantung, dan Tugu Silalahi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui teks cerita rakyat dan dianalisis dengan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga belas nilai moral yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat tersebut, yaitu: religius, cinta dan perhatian, kerja keras, kesetiaan, bijaksana, jujur, patuh, bertanggung jawab, penyesalan, amanah, kemanusiaan, menilai, dan berharap. Setiap cerita rakyat memiliki pesan moral dan karakter pendidikan yang dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu cara untuk membentuk karakter anak yang baik. Disarankan juga kepada orang tua dan siswa untuk menggali tambahan cerita rakyat Indonesia untuk digunakan dalam pendidikan pembentukan karakter untuk mempengaruhi sikap dan tindakan siswa. Oleh karena itu, cerita rakyat tersebut harus selalu dihargai dan dijaga untuk generasi yang akan datang

    Peran Media Sosial dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Digital di Kalangan Remaja Lingkungan Jalan Hm. Joni Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran media sosial dalam meningkatkan literasi digital remaja di Jl. Hm. Joni, Kota Medan. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat apa saja yang dikelola remaja di Jl. Hm. Joni dalam bermedia sosial, seperti penggunaan waktu bermedia sosial, konten apa saja yang dikelola. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dan deskriptif. Penelitian Kualitatif ialah penelitian yang mengutamakan data verbal, pengamatan mendalam, dan pemahaman makna dari fenomena sosial atau kemanusiaan. Metode kualitatif tidak menggunakan populasi, tetapi berangkat dari kasus tertentu dan ditransferkan ke tempat lain yang memiliki situasi sosial yang sama. Metode kualitatif bersifat subjektif, deskriptif, dan holistik, serta dapat menghasilkan teori. Metode kualitatif lebih fokus pada proses penelitian daripada hasil. Penelitian Deskriptif menurut Sugiyono (2018) adalah suatu penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai variabel mandiri, baik satu variabel atau lebih (independen) tanpa membuat perbandingan atau menghubungkan dengan variabel lain. Hasil data yang diperoleh dari remaja Jl. Hm. Joni ialah usia nya rentang di usia 14-22 tahun, pendidikan terakhir kebanyakan SMA, rata rata remaja kebanyakan mahasiswa, kebanyakan menggunakan jenis media sosial Instagram dan sudah banyak remaja yang bisa mengaplikasikan media sosial sebagai pencarian informasi, wawasan, mencari materi dan masih banyak konten positif lainnya

    Rasio Likuiditas, Manajemen Asset, Manajemen Utang, Aktivitas untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keungan Perusahaan Pertambangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the partial impact of liquidity ratios, asset management, debt management, and activities on the financial performance of mining sub-sector companies listed on the IDX for the period 2017-2019. This research method is descriptive quantitative. Study data obtained is an annual report contained in the IDX. There are 47 companies listed on the IDX as the population used by the authors in this study. The results showed, a) the CR variable has a value of t count < t table that is -0.534 < - 2.00172 with a significant value of 0.596 > 0.05; b) TATO variable has a value of t count < t table that is 0.482 < 2.0172 with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05; c) the DAR variable has a value of t count < t table, namely -1.635 < - 2.0172 with a significant value of 0.107 > 0.05; d) the FATO variable has a value of t count < t table that is 1.755 < 2.0172 with a significant value of 0.085 > 0.05. All independent variables affect the dependent variable which can be seen from the determination coefficient test of 46.4% of financial performance which can be clarified by four independent variables. In conclusion, financial performance is significantly influenced by liquidity ratios, asset management, debt management, and activities.  Keywords: Activities, Financial Performance, Asset Management, Debt Management, Liquidity Rati

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Script dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas V di SD Negeri 056915 Perumnas Batu 6 dalam Keterampilan Menyimak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran cooperative script terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kelompok kontrol pre-test dan post-test untuk membandingkan kemampuan bahasa siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan model naskah kooperatif dan mereka yang diajar menggunakan metode tradisional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran cooperative script berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan berbahasa siswa yang dibuktikan dengan nilai post-test yang lebih tinggi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa model cooperative script dapat menjadi pendekatan yang efektif untuk pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di sekolah dasar

    Composition of lower urinary tract stones in canines in Mexico City

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    11th International symposium on urolithiasis, Nice, France, 2–5 September 2008 Urological Research (2008) 36:157–232. doi:10.1007/s00240-008-0145-5. http://www.springerlink.com/ content/x263655772684210/fulltext.pdf.Effective long-term management of urolithiasis depends on identification and manipulation of factors contributing to initial stone formation; identification of these factors depends on accurate identification of the mineral composition of the urolith involved. The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition of uroliths obtained from the low urinary tract of dogs in Mexico City. One hundred and five cases of urolithiasis were studied in which stones were surgically obtained from the low urinary tracts of dogs treated in different hospitals. The chemical composition of the uroliths was quantita- tively and qualitatively determined by stereoscopic microscopy, IR-spectroscopy, scanning electron micros- copy and X-ray microanalysis. Age of animals ranged from 4 months to 14 years, with a median of 5 years. Compo- sition and distribution of the uroliths were struvite 38.1%,calcium oxalate 26.7%, silica 13.3%, urate 7.6%, mixed 11.4%, compounds 1.9%, and cystine 1%. Most uroliths were found in pure breed dogs (75.2%); 23 different breeds were identified, and more than half of the submissions were from breeds of small size. In our study, the frequency of struvite, calcium oxalate, cystine, urates, mixed and com- pounds stones are in agreement with papers that report on dog populations in America and Europe, but a higher fre- quency of silica uroliths was observed in Mexico City dogs.This work has been partially supported by a project of Waltham Foundation in Mexico

    Self-rated health among Mayan women participating in a randomised intervention trial reducing indoor air pollution in Guatemala

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Indoor air pollution (IAP) from solid fuels is a serious health problem in low-income countries that can be alleviated using improved stoves. Although women are the principal users, few studies have investigated the self-assessed impact of the stoves on their health and lives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was conducted in rural highland Guatemala, involving 89 intervention and 80 control Mayan Indian young women (mean 27.8 years, SD 7.2). Outcomes were assessed after approximately 18 months use of the new stove. Our objectives were to compare self-rated health and change in health among women participating in a randomised control trial comparing a chimney stove with an open fire, to describe impacts on women's daily lives and their perceptions of how reduced kitchen smoke affects their own and their children's health.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>On intention-to-treat analysis, 52.8% of intervention women reported improvement in health, compared to 23.8% of control women (p < 0.001). Among 84 intervention women who reported reduced kitchen smoke as an important change, 88% linked this to improvement in their own health, particularly for non-respiratory symptoms (for example eye discomfort, headache); 57% linked reduced smoke to improvement in their children's health, particularly sore eyes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women's perception of their health was improved, but although smoke reduction was valued, this was linked mainly with alleviation of non-respiratory symptoms like eye discomfort and headache. More focus on such symptoms may help in promoting demand for improved stoves and cleaner fuels, but education about more severe consequences of IAP exposure is also required.</p

    Drawing to Remember: External Support of Older Adults’ Eyewitness Performance

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    Although healthy aging is accompanied by a general decline in memory functioning, environmental support at retrieval can improve older adults’ (+65 years) episodic remembering. Despite those over the age of 65years representing a growing proportion of the population, few environmental retrieval support methods have been empirically evaluated for use with older witnesses and victims of crime. Here, the efficacy of a novel retrieval technique, the Sketch Mental Reinstatement of Context, is compared with a standard Mental Reinstatement of Context and a no support control (Control). Fifty-one participants witnessed an unexpected live event, and 48 hours later were interviewed using one of three aforementioned techniques. In line with predictions emanating from cognitive theories of aging and the environmental support hypothesis, participants in the Sketch Mental Reinstatement of Context condition recalled significantly more correct information and fewer inaccurate items. The Sketch Mental Reinstatement of Context technique appears to scaffold memory retrieval in an age-appropriate manner during a post-event interview, possibly by encouraging more effortful retrieval and reducing dual-task load. As such, this procedure offers an effective alternative to current approaches, adding to the toolbox of techniques available to forensic and other interviewers

    Does Selective Migration Explain the Hispanic Paradox?: A Comparative Analysis of Mexicans in the U.S. and Mexico

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    Latino immigrants, particularly Mexican, have some health advantages over U.S.-born Mexicans and Whites. Because of their lower socioeconomic status, this phenomenon has been called the epidemiologic “Hispanic Paradox.” While cultural theories have dominated explanations for the Paradox, the role of selective migration has been inadequately addressed. This study is among the few to combine Mexican and U.S. data to examine health selectivity in activity limitation, self-rated health, and chronic conditions among Mexican immigrants, ages 18 and over. Drawing on theories of selective migration, this study tested the “healthy migrant” and “salmon-bias” hypotheses by comparing the health of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. to non-migrants in Mexico, and to return migrants in Mexico. Results suggest that there are both healthy migrant and salmon-bias effects in activity limitation, but not other health aspects. In fact, consistent with prior research, immigrants are negatively selected on self-rated health. Future research should consider the complexities of migrants’ health profiles and examine selection mechanisms alongside other factors such as acculturation

    The Chemotherapeutic Drug 5-Fluorouracil Promotes PKR-Mediated Apoptosis in a p53- Independent Manner in Colon and Breast Cancer Cells

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    The chemotherapeutic drug 5-FU is widely used in the treatment of a range of cancers, but resistance to the drug remains a major clinical problem. Since defects in the mediators of apoptosis may account for chemo-resistance, the identification of new targets involved in 5-FU-induced apoptosis is of main clinical interest. We have identified the ds-RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) as a key molecular target of 5-FU involved in apoptosis induction in human colon and breast cancer cell lines. PKR distribution and activation, apoptosis induction and cytotoxic effects were analyzed during 5-FU and 5-FU/IFNα treatment in several colon and breast cancer cell lines with different p53 status. PKR protein was activated by 5-FU treatment in a p53-independent manner, inducing phosphorylation of the protein synthesis translation initiation factor eIF-2α and cell death by apoptosis. Furthermore, PKR interference promoted a decreased response to 5-FU treatment and those cells were not affected by the synergistic antitumor activity of 5-FU/IFNα combination. These results, taken together, provide evidence that PKR is a key molecular target of 5-FU with potential relevance in the clinical use of this drug