1,072 research outputs found

    ISO spectroscopy of circumstellar dust in the Herbig Ae systems AB Aur and HD 163296

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    Using both the Short- and Long-wavelength Spectrometers on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), we have obtained infrared spectra of the Herbig Ae systems AB Aur and HD 163296. In addition, we obtained ground-based N band images of HD 163296. Our results can be summarized as follows: (1) The main dust components in AB Aur are amorphous silicates, iron oxide and PAHs; (2) The circumstellar dust in HD 163296 consists of amorphous silicates, iron oxide, water ice and a small fraction of crystalline silicates; (3) The infrared fluxes of HD 163296 are dominated by solid state features; (4) The colour temperature of the underlying continuum is much cooler in HD 163296 than in AB Aur, pointing to the existence of a population of very large (mm sized) dust grains in HD 163296; (5) The composition and degree of crystallization of circumstellar dust are poorly correlated with the age of the central star. The processes of crystallization and grain growth are also not necessarily coupled. This means that either the evolution of circumstellar dust in protoplanetary disks happens very rapidly (within a few Myr), or that this evolution is governed by factors other than stellar mass and age.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Із зали засідань Президії НАН України

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    На черговому засіданні Президії НАН України 13 червня 2012 року члени Президії НАН України та запрошені заслухали такі питання: Спільне засідання Президії Національної академії наук України та Колегії Державної служби статистики України «Про затвердження проекту програми перепису населення» (доповідачі — заступник голови Держстату України Н.С. Власенко та академік НАН України Е.М. Лібанова); Про наукові підходи до вирішення проблеми збереження та відтворення лісів України (доповідач — член-кореспондент НААН України В.П. Ткач); Про нагородження відзнаками НАН України та Почесними грамотами НАН України і Центрального комітету профспілки працівників НАН України (доповідач — академік НАН України В.Ф. Мачулін); Кадрові та поточні питання

    Evolution of dust and ice features around FU Orionis objects

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    (abridged) We present spectroscopy data for a sample of 14 FUors and 2 TTauri stars observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope or with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Based on the appearance of the 10 micron silicate feature we define 2 categories of FUors. Objects showing the silicate feature in absorption (Category 1) are still embedded in a dusty and icy envelope. The shape of the 10 micron silicate absorption bands is compared to typical dust compositions of the interstellar medium and found to be in general agreement. Only one object (RNO 1B) appears to be too rich in amorphous pyroxene dust, but a superposed emission feature can explain the observed shape. We derive optical depths and extinction values from the silicate band and additional ice bands at 6.0, 6.8 and 15.2 micron. In particular the analysis of the CO_2 ice band at 15.2 micron allows us to search for evidence for ice processing and constrains whether the absorbing material is physically linked to the central object or in the foreground. For objects showing the silicate feature in emission (Category 2), we argue that the emission comes from the surface layer of accretion disks. Analyzing the dust composition reveals that significant grain growth has already taken place within the accretion disks, but no clear indications for crystallization are present. We discuss how these observational results can be explained in the picture of a young, and highly active accretion disk. Finally, a framework is proposed as to how the two categories of FUors can be understood in a general paradigm of the evolution of young, low-mass stars. Only one object (Parsamian 21) shows PAH emission features. Their shapes, however, are often seen toward evolved stars and we question the object's status as a FUor and discuss other possible classifications.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 63 pages preprint style including 8 tables and 24 figure

    Grain growth in the inner regions of Herbig Ae/Be star disks

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    We present new mid-infrared spectroscopy of the emission from warm circumstellar dust grains in Herbig Ae/Be stars. Our survey significantly extends the sample that was studied by Bouwman et al. (2001). We find a correlation between the strength of the silicate feature and its shape. We interpret this as evidence for the removal of small (0.1 mu m) grains from the disk surface while large (1-2 mu m) grains persist. If the evolution of the grain size distribution is dominated by gravitational settling, large grains are expected to disappear first, on a timescale which is much shorter than the typical age of our programme stars. Our observations thus suggest a continuous replenishment of micron sized grains at the disk surface. If the grain replenishment is due to the dredge-up of dust from the disk interior, the mineralogy we observe is representative of the bulk composition of dust in these stars. Based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), La Silla, and on observations with ISO, an ESA project with instruments funded by ESA Member States (especially the PI countries: France, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK) and with the participation of ISAS and NASA

    First results of the Herschel Key Program 'Dust, Ice and Gas in Time': Dust and Gas Spectroscopy of HD 100546

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    We present far-infrared spectroscopic observations, taken with the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on the Herschel Space Observatory, of the protoplanetary disk around the pre-main-sequence star HD 100546. These observations are the first within the DIGIT Herschel key program, which aims to follow the evolution of dust, ice, and gas from young stellar objects still embedded in their parental molecular cloud core, through the final pre-main-sequence phases when the circumstellar disks are dissipated. Our aim is to improve the constraints on temperature and chemical composition of the crystalline olivines in the disk of HD 100546 and to give an inventory of the gas lines present in its far-infrared spectrum. The 69 \mu\m feature is analyzed in terms of position and shape to derive the dust temperature and composition. Furthermore, we detected 32 emission lines from five gaseous species and measured their line fluxes. The 69 \mu\m emission comes either from dust grains with ~70 K at radii larger than 50 AU, as suggested by blackbody fitting, or it arises from ~200 K dust at ~13 AU, close to the midplane, as supported by radiative transfer models. We also conclude that the forsterite crystals have few defects and contain at most a few percent iron by mass. Forbidden line emission from [CII] at 157 \mu\m and [OI] at 63 and 145 \mu\m, most likely due to photodissociation by stellar photons, is detected. Furthermore, five H2O and several OH lines are detected. We also found high-J rotational transition lines of CO, with rotational temperatures of ~300 K for the transitions up to J=22-21 and T~800 K for higher transitions

    Characterizing Exoplanets in the Visible and Infrared: A Spectrometer Concept for the EChO Space Mission

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    Transit-spectroscopy of exoplanets is one of the key observational techniques to characterize the extrasolar planet and its atmosphere. The observational challenges of these measurements require dedicated instrumentation and only the space environment allows an undisturbed access to earth-like atmospheric features such as water or carbon-dioxide. Therefore, several exoplanet-specific space missions are currently being studied. One of them is EChO, the Exoplanet Characterization Observatory, which is part of ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program, and which is one of four candidates for the M3 launch slot in 2024. In this paper we present the results of our assessment study of the EChO spectrometer, the only science instrument onboard this spacecraft. The instrument is a multi-channel all-reflective dispersive spectrometer, covering the wavelength range from 400 nm to 16 microns simultaneously with a moderately low spectral resolution. We illustrate how the key technical challenge of the EChO mission - the high photometric stability - influences the choice of spectrometer concept and drives fundamentally the instrument design. First performance evaluations underline the fitness of the elaborated design solution for the needs of the EChO mission.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of Astronomical Instrumentatio

    Searching for H2 emission from protoplanetary disks using near- and mid-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy

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    The mass and dynamics of protoplanetary disks are dominated by molecular hydrogen (H2). However, observationally very little is known about the H2. In this paper, we discuss two projects aimed to constrain the properties of H2 in the disk's planet forming region (R300 K. % and higher T. Our non-detections are consistent with the low flux levels expected from the small amount of H2 gas in the surface layer of a Chiang and Goldreich (1997) Herbig Ae two-layer disk model. In our sources the H2 and dust in the surface layer have not significantly departed from thermal coupling (Tgas/Tdust<2) and the gas-to-dust ratio in the surface layer is very likely <1000. CRIRES project: The H2 lines at 2.1218 μm and 2.2233 μm are detected in LkHα 264. An upper limit on the 2.2477 μm H2 line flux in LkHα 264 is derived. 49 Cet does not exhibit H2 emission in any of observed lines. There are a few MMoon of optically thin hot H2 in the inner disk (0.1 AU) of LkHα 264, and less than a tenth of a MMoon of hot H2 in the inner disk of 49 Cet. The shape of the 1-0 S(0) line indicates that LkHα disk is close to face-on (i<35o). The measured 1-0 S(0)/1-0 S(1) and 2-1 S(1)/1-0 S(1) line ratios in LkHα 264 indicate that the H2 is thermally excited at T<1500 K. The lack of H2 emission in the NIR spectra of 49 Cet and the absence of Hα emission suggest that the gas in the inner disk of 49 Cet has dissipate

    Dust, Ice and Gas in Time (DIGIT) Herschel program first results: A full PACS-SED scan of the gas line emission in protostar DK Cha

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    DK Cha is an intermediate-mass star in transition from an embedded configuration to a star plus disk stage. We aim to study the composition and energetics of the circumstellar material during this pivotal stage. Using the Range Scan mode of PACS on the Herschel Space Observatory, we obtained a spectrum of DK Cha from 55 to 210 micron as part of the DIGIT Key Program. Almost 50 molecular and atomic lines were detected, many more than the 7 lines detected in ISO-LWS. Nearly the entire ladder of CO from J=14-13 to 38-37 (E_u/k = 4080 K), water from levels as excited as E_u/k = 843 K, and OH lines up to E_u/k = 290 K were detected. The continuum emission in our PACS SED scan matches the flux expected from a model consisting of a star, a surrounding disk of 0.03 Solar mass, and an envelope of a similar mass, supporting the suggestion that the object is emerging from its main accretion stage. Molecular, atomic, and ionic emission lines in the far-infrared reveal the outflow's influence on the envelope. The inferred hot gas can be photon-heated, but some emission could be due to C-shocks in the walls of the outflow cavity.Comment: 4 Page letter, To appear in A&A special issue on Hersche

    Retinal changes in Alzheimer's disease— integrated prospects of imaging, functional and molecular advances

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder of the brain, clinically characterised by cognitive deficits that gradually worsen over time. There is, at present, no established cure, or disease-modifying treatments for AD. As life expectancy increases globally, the number of individuals suffering from the disease is projected to increase substantially. Cumulative evidence indicates that AD neuropathological process is initiated several years, if not decades, before clinical signs are evident in patients, and diagnosis made. While several imaging, cognitive, CSF and blood-based biomarkers have been proposed for the early detection of AD; their sensitivity and specificity in the symptomatic stages is highly variable and it is difficult to justify their use in even earlier, pre-clinical stages of the disease. Research has identified potentially measurable functional, structural, metabolic and vascular changes in the retina during early stages of AD. Retina offers a distinctively accessible insight into brain pathology and current and developing ophthalmic technologies have provided us with the possibility of detecting and characterising subtle, disease-related changes. Recent human and animal model studies have further provided mechanistic insights into the biochemical pathways that are altered in the retina in disease, including amyloid and tau deposition. This information coupled with advances in molecular imaging has allowed attempts to monitor biochemical changes and protein aggregation pathology in the retina in AD. This review summarises the existing knowledge that informs our understanding of the impact of AD on the retina and highlights some of the gaps that need to be addressed. Future research will integrate molecular imaging innovation with functional and structural changes to enhance our knowledge of the AD pathophysiological mechanisms and establish the utility of monitoring retinal changes as a potential biomarker for AD

    The abundance and thermal history of water ice in the disk surrounding HD 142527 from the DIGIT Herschel Key Program

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    Support for this work, part of the Herschel Open Time Key Project Program, was provided by NASA through an award issued by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. M.M. acknowledges funding from the EU FP7- 2011 under Grant Agreement No. 284405.Context. The presence or absence of ice in protoplanetary disks is of great importance to the formation of planets. By enhancing solid surface density and increasing sticking efficiency, ice catalyzes the rapid formation of planetesimals and decreases the timescale of giant planet core accretion. Aims. In this paper, we analyze the composition of the outer disk around the Herbig star HD 142527. We focus on the composition of water ice, but also analyze the abundances of previously proposed minerals. Methods. We present new Herschel far-infrared spectra and a re-reduction of archival data from the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). We modeled the disk using full 3D radiative transfer to obtain the disk structure. Also, we used an optically thin analysis of the outer disk spectrum to obtain firm constraints on the composition of the dust component. Results. The water ice in the disk around HD 142527 contains a large reservoir of crystalline water ice. We determine the local abundance of water ice in the outer disk (i.e., beyond 130 AU). The re-reduced ISO spectrum differs significantly from that previously published, but matches the new Herschel spectrum at their common wavelength range. In particular, we do not detect any significant contribution from carbonates or hydrous silicates, in contrast to earlier claims. Conclusions. The amount of water ice detected in the outer disk requires ~80% of oxygen atoms. This is comparable to the water ice abundance in the outer solar system, comets, and dense interstellar clouds. The water ice is highly crystalline while the temperatures where we detect it are too low to crystallize the water on relevant timescales. We discuss the implications of this finding.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe