34 research outputs found

    Discovery and Validation of a New Class of Small Molecule Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Inhibitors

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    Many inflammatory diseases may be linked to pathologically elevated signaling via the receptor for lipopolysaccharide (LPS), toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). There has thus been great interest in the discovery of TLR4 inhibitors as potential anti-inflammatory agents. Recently, the structure of TLR4 bound to the inhibitor E5564 was solved, raising the possibility that novel TLR4 inhibitors that target the E5564-binding domain could be designed. We utilized a similarity search algorithm in conjunction with a limited screening approach of small molecule libraries to identify compounds that bind to the E5564 site and inhibit TLR4. Our lead compound, C34, is a 2-acetamidopyranoside (MW 389) with the formula C17H27NO9, which inhibited TLR4 in enterocytes and macrophages in vitro, and reduced systemic inflammation in mouse models of endotoxemia and necrotizing enterocolitis. Molecular docking of C34 to the hydrophobic internal pocket of the TLR4 co-receptor MD-2 demonstrated a tight fit, embedding the pyran ring deep inside the pocket. Strikingly, C34 inhibited LPS signaling ex-vivo in human ileum that was resected from infants with necrotizing enterocolitis. These findings identify C34 and the β-anomeric cyclohexyl analog C35 as novel leads for small molecule TLR4 inhibitors that have potential therapeutic benefit for TLR4-mediated inflammatory diseases. © 2013 Neal et al

    Sertoli cells have a functional NALP3 inflammasome that can modulate autophagy and cytokine production

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    Sertoli cells, can function as non-professional tolerogenic antigen-presenting cells, and sustain the blood-testis barrier formed by their tight junctions. The NOD-like receptor family members and the NALP3 inflammasome play a key role in pro-inflammatory innate immunity signalling pathways. Limited data exist on NOD1 and NOD2 expression in human and mouse Sertoli cells. Currently, there is no data on inflammasome expression or function in Sertoli cells. We found that in primary pre-pubertal Sertoli cells and in adult Sertoli line, TLR4\NOD1 and NOD2 crosstalk converged in NF?B activation and elicited a NALP3 activation, leading to de novo synthesis and inflammasome priming. This led to caspase-1 activation and IL-1? secretion. We demonstrated this process was controlled by mechanisms linked to autophagy. NOD1 promoted pro-IL-1? restriction and autophagosome maturation arrest, while NOD2 promoted caspase-1 activation, IL-1? secretion and autophagy maturation. NALP3 modulated NOD1 and pro-IL-1? expression, while NOD2 inversely promoted IL-1?. This study is proof of concept that Sertoli cells, upon specific stimulation, could participate in male infertility pathogenesis via inflammatory cytokine induction

    The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic: how have immunology societies contributed?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is shining a spotlight on the field of immunology like never before. To appreciate the diverse ways in which immunologists have contributed, Nature Reviews Immunology invited the president of the International Union of Immunological Societies and the presidents of 15 other national immunology societies to discuss how they and their members responded following the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

    Massively Parallel RNA Sequencing Identifies a Complex Immune Gene Repertoire in the lophotrochozoan Mytilus edulis

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    The marine mussel Mytilus edulis and its closely related sister species are distributed world-wide and play an important role in coastal ecology and economy. The diversification in different species and their hybrids, broad ecological distribution, as well as the filter feeding mode of life has made this genus an attractive model to investigate physiological and molecular adaptations and responses to various biotic and abiotic environmental factors. In the present study we investigated the immune system of Mytilus, which may contribute to the ecological plasticity of this species. We generated a large Mytilus transcriptome database from different tissues of immune challenged and stress treated individuals from the Baltic Sea using 454 pyrosequencing. Phylogenetic comparison of orthologous groups of 23 species demonstrated the basal position of lophotrochozoans within protostomes. The investigation of immune related transcripts revealed a complex repertoire of innate recognition receptors and downstream pathway members including transcripts for 27 toll-like receptors and 524 C1q domain containing transcripts. NOD-like receptors on the other hand were absent. We also found evidence for sophisticated TNF, autophagy and apoptosis systems as well as for cytokines. Gill tissue and hemocytes showed highest expression of putative immune related contigs and are promising tissues for further functional studies. Our results partly contrast with findings of a less complex immune repertoire in ecdysozoan and other lophotrochozoan protostomes. We show that bivalves are interesting candidates to investigate the evolution of the immune system from basal metazoans to deuterostomes and protostomes and provide a basis for future molecular work directed to immune system functioning in Mytilus

    Morphometry and histochemistry of the Rectus abdominis muscle fibers of tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella Linnaeus, 1758)

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    The phylogenetic proximity of primates to humans, along with their behavioral, biochemical, and anatomical similarities, make such animals more interesting experimental models for biomedical researches, as compared to classical laboratory animals. Another aspect that has called the attention of researchers is the differentiated quadrupedalism present in some primates. The tufted capuchin monkey uses the ground and tree branches as its support for locomotion, showing various postures while performing this task. On the basis of this information, we have decided to study the rectus abdominis muscle of the tufted capuchin monkey, with the following goals: the frequency and area of fiber types; its possible compartmentalization; and identify if this muscle is better adapted to phasic or postural activities. To do this, samples were removed from 4 regions of the rectus abdominis muscle of 6 adult male tufted capuchin monkeys, and were submitted to reaction with m-ATPase, (with alkaline and acid pre-incubation), NADH, and H.E.. Results showed: a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) for both frequency and area, between fiber types FG and FOG and FG and SO, but did not show a statistically significant difference between fibers FOG and SO, in all studied regions; similarity in frequency and area of a same fiber type (FG, FOG, and SO) among the studied regions. Based on these data, it was concluded that: the rectus abdominis muscle of the tufted capuchin monkey does not show fiber compartmentalization, since the distribution and size patterns of the different fiber types are similar in the studied regions; there is a predominance of fast twitch fibers (FG + FOG) over slow twitch fibers (SO), for frequency and area, which characterizes the muscle as being more dedicated to phasic than to postural activities. © 2006 Sociedad Chilena de Anatom

    Absence of Bim, a pro-apoptotic member of the BCL-2 family, sensitizes mice to T. cruzi infection

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    Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Dept Immunol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Ctr Terapia Celular & Mol CTC Mol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Biol Sci, Sao Paulo, BrazilInst Invest Imunol INCT III, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Ctr Terapia Celular & Mol CTC Mol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Biol Sci, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic: how have immunology societies contributed?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is shining a spotlight on the field of immunology like never before. To appreciate the diverse ways in which immunologists have contributed, Nature Reviews Immunology invited the president of the International Union of Immunological Societies and the presidents of 15 other national immunology societies to discuss how they and their members responded following the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)