10 research outputs found

    Expositional design of the Audi museum in Ingolstadt: representation of the brand’s characteristics in automobile industry history

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    Modern automotive brand museums belong to the corporate museum class; thus, they are versatile in that they perform multiple tasks. They not only satisfy the visitors’ desire to receive new information, but also realise the business goals of brand representation, both increasing loyalty to it, and developing corporate culture. The current trend in automotive brand museums’ design is that the artistic solutions for the exhibition environment form associations among visitors that reflect the personality of a particular brand. This article analyses the scenario-design organisation of the museum exhibition of the Audi brand, which, during over 100 years in the automotive market, has formed its unique and inimitable image. Here we reveal the design means of exposition construction, where the exhibits are integrated into the economic and social conditions of their existence, forming an idea of important milestones in the history of the twentieth century

    Ecodesign and initiatives of sustainable development in the dimension of passion of artistic and design creativity

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    The fashion industry under modern circumstances is one of the most developed industries, which determines its tangible impact on people and nature. The purpose of the article is to analyze ecodesign and sustainable development initiatives through the dimension of passion for artistic and educational creativity. The theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research were used. In the results, it was established that previously the requirements of environmental friendliness were perceived to a greater extent as limitations in the creative process. They are the basis and a kind of impetus for the generation of new creative ideas. The novelty of the work consists in proving the development of clothing design as an element of the designer's personality development as a leading specialist not only in design matters, but also in creating an organic combination of all components of the product creation process. The practical significance of the work is to determine the future of the fashion industry in the use of environmentally friendly and technological fabrics. In the conclusions, it is noted that new creative searches are due to the vital need for a new philosophy of world perception, which will influence ecodesign in the future

    Essence of Administrative Guarantees of the Rights of Individuals and Legal Entities During State Control (Supervision)

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    This paper explores the fundamental principles of administrative guarantees related to the protection of the rights of individuals and legal entities during state control and supervision. Through a comprehensive analysis of the current national legislation in Ukraine, this study examines how administrative guarantees serve as an essential component of the mechanism for safeguarding the rights of citizens and organizations during state control and supervision. The research question that guides this study is how administrative guarantees ensure that the rights of controlled individuals and entities are respected and protected during the process of control and supervision. This study finds that there are multiple administrative guarantees used in the implementation of state control and supervision, which can be systematically classified based on various criteria. Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the crucial role that administrative guarantees play in promoting the rights of individuals and legal entities during state control and supervision

    Development of methods for determining the coordinates of firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars

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    The mathematical formulation of the problem of determining the coordinates of targets in the network of counter-battery radars is formulated. It has been established that the problem of estimating the coordinates of targets in the network of counter-battery radars for an excessive number of estimates of primary coordinates should be considered as a statistical problem. The method for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars has been improved, in which, in contrast to the known ones, the coordinates of targets on the flight trajectory are coordinated with space and time and the information is processed by a network of counter-battery radars. The developed simulation mathematical model for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars. Simulation modeling of the method for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars has been carried out. It has been established that the use of a network of radars makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the firing means on average from 23 % to 71 %, depending on the number of counter-battery radars in the network. It has also been found that the appropriate number of counter-battery warfare radars in the network is three or four. A further increase in the number of counter-battery warfare radars in the network does not lead to a significant increase in the accuracy of determining the coordinates of artillery and mortar firing positions. In carrying out further research, it is necessary to develop a method for the spatial separation of elements of a group of targets and interfering objects by a network of counter-battery warfare radar

    Дослідження та аналіз напружено-деформованого стану металевих гофрованих конструкцій залізничних колій

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    We conducted research into, and analysis of, bearing capacity of metal corrugated structures (MCS), which are in service in the railroads of Ukraine. To assess the stressed-strained state of MCS, a calculation was carried out of equivalent forces that arise from the rolling stock when there is an irregularity in a railroad track, formed in the course of using a pipe. We ran analysis of the MCS bearing capacity at boundary load from the rolling stock of railroads by the indicator of influence of the type of corrugation (corrugattion dimensions) and characteristics of soils on their stressed-strained state. A calculation of equivalent forces was conducted by the method of calculation of a railroad track by strength and stability. A mathematical algorithm was programmed by the Peterson method to calculate the stressed-strained state of MCS. An analysis of multi-choice calculations of the MCS strength, which is made from the corrugated structure Multiplate MR150 with thickness of corrugated sheet 6 mm and dimensions of the corrugation waves 150×50 mm and 380×140 mm, demonstrated that its bearing capacity is provided. The degrees of compaction of the soil backfill are from 0.9 to 1.0. A metal corrugated structure that is made from corrugated sheets of size 200×55 mm, at the degree of compaction of the soil backfill 0.9, there occur stresses that exceed the permissible. Further accumulation of residual stresses from the action of dynamic wheel load, taking into account time parameter, may affect the occurrence of fluidity of material of a metal pipe. This may lead to the formation of its plastic irreversible deformations. Results of the MCS bearing capacity that we received are necessary for the optimal design of MCS, to establish the causes of occurrence of defects, to make timely relevant engineering decisions to increase bearing capacity of MCS and substantiate reasonable use of funds for the construction or renovation of existing transport facilities using metal corrugated pipes. These studies may be used by engineers at the bridge-testing stations of Ukrainian Railroads and Ukravtodor and by design organisations engaged in the design of metal corrugated structures of large diameters.Проведено исследование и анализ несущей способности металлических гофрированных конструкций железнодорожного пути. Выполнен расчет эквивалентных сил, возникающих от подвижного состава железных дорог. Установлено, что накопление остаточных деформаций свода трубы во времени может повлиять на появление текучести материала металлических гофрированных конструкций, а это, в свою очередь, может привести к образованию пластического шарнира металла трубыПроведено дослідження та аналіз несучої здатності металевих гофрованих конструкцій залізничної колії. Виконано розрахунок еквівалентних сил, які виникають від рухомого складу залізниць. Встановлено, що накопичення залишкових деформацій склепіння труби у часі може вплинути на появу текучості матеріалу металевих гофрованих конструкцій, а це, у свою чергу, може призвести до утворення пластичного шарніру металу труб

    Development of Methods for Determining the Coordinates of Firing Positions of Roving Mortars by A Network of Counter-battery Radars

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    The mathematical formulation of the problem of determining the coordinates of targets in the network of counter-battery radars is formulated. It has been established that the problem of estimating the coordinates of targets in the network of counter-battery radars for an excessive number of estimates of primary coordinates should be considered as a statistical problem. The method for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars has been improved, in which, in contrast to the known ones, the coordinates of targets on the flight trajectory are coordinated with space and time and the information is processed by a network of counter-battery radars. The developed simulation mathematical model for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars. Simulation modeling of the method for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of roving mortars by a network of counter-battery radars has been carried out. It has been established that the use of a network of radars makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the firing means on average from 23 % to 71 %, depending on the number of counter-battery radars in the network. It has also been found that the appropriate number of counter-battery warfare radars in the network is three or four. A further increase in the number of counter-battery warfare radars in the network does not lead to a significant increase in the accuracy of determining the coordinates of artillery and mortar firing positions. In carrying out further research, it is necessary to develop a method for the spatial separation of elements of a group of targets and interfering objects by a network of counter-battery warfare radar

    Исследование и анализ напряженно-деформированного состояние металлических гофрированных конструкций железнодорожных путей

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    Kovalchuk, V. Research and Analysis of the Stressedstrained State of Metal Corrugated Structures of Railroad Tracks / V. Kovalchuk, J. Luchko, I. Bondarenko, R. Markul, B. Parneta // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies = Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. — 2016. — Vol. 6, № 7 (84). — Р. 4—9. — DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.84236.EN: To assess the stressed-strained state of MCS, a calculation was carried out of equivalent forces that arise from the rolling stock when there is an irregularity in a railroad track, formed in the course of using a pipe. Further accumulation of residual stresses from the action of dynamic wheel load, taking into account time parameter, may affect the occurrence of fluidity of material of a metal pipe. This may lead to the formation of its plastic irreversible deformations.UK: Проведено дослідження та аналіз несучої здатності металевих гофрованих конструкцій залізничної колії. Виконано розрахунок еквівалентних сил, які виникають від рухомого складу залізниць. Встановлено, що накопичення залишкових деформацій склепіння труби у часі може вплинути на появу текучості матеріалу металевих гофрованих конструкцій, а це, у свою чергу, може призвести до утворення пластичного шарніру металу труби.RU: Проведено исследование и анализ несущей способности металлических гофрированных конструкций железнодорожного пути. Выполнен расчет эквивалентных сил, возникающих от подвижного состава железных дорог. Установлено, что накопление остаточных деформаций свода трубы во времени может повлиять на появление текучести материала металлических гофрированных конструкций, а это, в свою очередь, может привести к образованию пластического шарнира металла трубы.Національний університет "Львівська політехніка