418 research outputs found

    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for colorectal cancer:a feasibility and safety study

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    BACKGROUND: Standard treatment for colorectal peritoneal carcinomatosis typically involves cytoreductive surgery, hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), and if possible, postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. However, a substantial percentage of patients never receive adjuvant chemotherapy because of postoperative complications. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy could be beneficial in this setting, so we assessed its feasibility and safety when used before cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC. METHODS: In this non-randomized, single-center, observational feasibility study, patients were scheduled to receive six cycles of capecitabine and oxaliplatin before cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC. Computed tomography was performed after the third and sixth chemotherapy cycles to evaluate tumor response, and patients underwent cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC if there were no pulmonary and/or hepatic metastases. Postoperative complications, graded according to the Clavien-Dindo classification, were compared with those of a historic control group that received postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. RESULTS: Of the 14 patients included in the study, 4 and 3 had to terminate neoadjuvant chemotherapy early because of toxicity and tumor progression, respectively. Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC were performed in eight patients, and the timing and severity of complications were comparable to those of patients in the historic control group treated without neoadjuvant chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: Patients with peritoneal metastases due to colorectal carcinoma can be treated safely with neoadjuvant chemotherapy before definitive therapy with cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NTR 3905, registered on 20th march, 2013, http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=3905

    Branch-and-lift algorithm for deterministic global optimization in nonlinear optimal control

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    This paper presents a branch-and-lift algorithm for solving optimal control problems with smooth nonlinear dynamics and potentially nonconvex objective and constraint functionals to guaranteed global optimality. This algorithm features a direct sequential method and builds upon a generic, spatial branch-and-bound algorithm. A new operation, called lifting, is introduced, which refines the control parameterization via a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, while simultaneously eliminating control subregions that are either infeasible or that provably cannot contain any global optima. Conditions are given under which the image of the control parameterization error in the state space contracts exponentially as the parameterization order is increased, thereby making the lifting operation efficient. A computational technique based on ellipsoidal calculus is also developed that satisfies these conditions. The practical applicability of branch-and-lift is illustrated in a numerical example. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Socioeconomic status and diabetes technology use in youth with type 1 diabetes: a comparison of two funding models

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    Background Technology use, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and insulin pump therapy, is associated with improved outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D). In 2017 CGM was universally funded for youth with T1D in Australia. In contrast, pump access is primarily accessed through private health insurance, self-funding or philanthropy. The study aim was to investigate the use of diabetes technology across different socioeconomic groups in Australian youth with T1D, in the setting of two contrasting funding models. Methods A cross-sectional evaluation of 4957 youth with T1D aged <18 years in the national registry was performed to determine technology use. The Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage (IRSD) derived from Australian census data is an area-based measure of socioeconomic status (SES). Lower quintiles represent greater disadvantage. IRSD based on most recent postcode of residence was used as a marker of SES. A multivariable generalised linear model adjusting for age, diabetes duration, sex, remoteness classification, and location within Australia was used to determine the association between SES and device use. Results CGM use was lower in IRSD quintile 1 in comparison to quintiles 2 to 5 (p<0.001) where uptake across the quintiles was similar. A higher percentage of pump use was observed in the least disadvantaged IRSD quintiles. Compared to the most disadvantaged quintile 1, pump use progressively increased by 16% (95% CI: 4% to 31%) in quintile 2, 19% (6% to 33%) in quintile 3, 35% (21% to 50%) in quintile 4 and 51% (36% to 67%) in the least disadvantaged quintile 5. Conclusion In this large national dataset, use of diabetes technologies was found to differ across socioeconomic groups. For nationally subsidised CGM, use was similar across socioeconomic groups with the exception of the most disadvantaged quintile, an important finding requiring further investigation into barriers to CGM use within a nationally subsidised model. User pays funding models for pump therapy result in lower use with socioeconomic disadvantage, highlighting inequities in this funding approach. For the full benefits of diabetes technology to be realised, equitable access to pump therapy needs to be a health policy priority.Kate E. Lomax, Craig E. Taplin, Mary B. Abraham, Grant J. Smith, Aveni Haynes, Ella Zomer, Katrina L. Ellis, Helen Clapin, Sophia Zoungas, Alicia J. Jenkins, Jenny Harrington, Martin I. de Bock, Timothy W. Jones, and Elizabeth A. Davis, on behalf of the Australasian Diabetes Data Network, ADDN, study grou

    Second and Third Season QUaD Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature and Polarization Power Spectra

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    We report results from the second and third seasons of observation with the QUaD experiment. Angular power spectra of the cosmic microwave background are derived for both temperature and polarization at both 100 GHz and 150 GHz, and as cross-frequency spectra. All spectra are subjected to an extensive set of jackknife tests to probe for possible systematic contamination. For the implemented data cuts and processing technique such contamination is undetectable. We analyze the difference map formed between the 100 and 150 GHz bands and find no evidence of foreground contamination in polarization. The spectra are then combined to form a single set of results which are shown to be consistent with the prevailing LCDM model. The sensitivity of the polarization results is considerably better than that of any previous experiment— for the first time multiple acoustic peaks are detected in the E-mode power spectrum at high significance

    The QUAD Galactic Plane Survey 1: Maps and Analysis of Diffuse Emission

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    We present a survey of ~ 800 square degrees of the galactic plane observed with the QUaD telescope. The primary product of the survey are maps of Stokes I, Q and U parameters at 100 and 150 GHz, with spatial resolution 5 and 3.5 arcminutes respectively. Two regions are covered, spanning approximately 245 - 295° and 315 - 5° in galactic longitude l, and -4 < b < +4° in galactic latitude b. At 0:02° square pixel size, the median sensitivity is 74 and 107 kJy/sr at 100 GHz and 150 GHz respectively in I, and 98 and 120 kJy/sr for Q and U. In total intensity, we find an average spectral index of α = 2:35+-0:01(stat)+-0:02(sys) for |b| ≤1°, indicative of emission components other than thermal dust. A comparison to published dust, synchrotron and free-free models implies an excess of emission in the 100 GHz QUaD band, while better agreement is found at 150 GHz. A smaller excess is observed when comparing QUaD 100 GHz data to WMAP 5-year W band; in this case the excess is likely due to the wider bandwidth of QUaD. Combining the QUaD and WMAP data, a two-component spectral fit to the inner galactic plane (|b| ≤1°) yields mean spectral indices of αs = -0:32+-0:03 and αd = 2:84+-0:03; the former is interpreted as a combination of the spectral indices of synchrotron, free-free and dust, while the second is attributed largely to the thermal dust continuum. In the same galactic latitude range, the polarization data show a high degree of alignment perpendicular to the expected galactic magnetic field direction, and exhibit mean polarization fraction 1:38+-0:08(stat)+-0:1(sys)% at 100 GHz and 1:70+-0:06(stat)+-0:1(sys)% at 150 GHz. We find agreement in polarization fraction between QUaD 100 GHz and WMAP W band, the latter giving 1:1+-0:4%

    SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine design enabled by prototype pathogen preparedness

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    A vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is needed to control the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. Structural studies have led to the development of mutations that stabilize Betacoronavirus spike proteins in the prefusion state, improving their expression and increasing immunogenicity1. This principle has been applied to design mRNA-1273, an mRNA vaccine that encodes a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that is stabilized in the prefusion conformation. Here we show that mRNA-1273 induces potent neutralizing antibody responses to both wild-type (D614) and D614G mutant2 SARS-CoV-2 as well as CD8+ T cell responses, and protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lungs and noses of mice without evidence of immunopathology. mRNA-1273 is currently in a phase III trial to evaluate its efficacy

    2022 Upgrade and Improved Low Frequency Camera Sensitivity for CMB Observation at the South Pole

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    Constraining the Galactic foregrounds with multi-frequency Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations is an essential step towards ultimately reaching the sensitivity to measure primordial gravitational waves (PGWs), the sign of inflation after the Big-Bang that would be imprinted on the CMB. The BICEP Array telescope is a set of multi-frequency cameras designed to constrain the energy scale of inflation through CMB B-mode searches while also controlling the polarized galactic foregrounds. The lowest frequency BICEP Array receiver (BA1) has been observing from the South Pole since 2020 and provides 30 GHz and 40 GHz data to characterize the Galactic synchrotron in our CMB maps. In this paper, we present the design of the BA1 detectors and the full optical characterization of the camera including the on-sky performance at the South Pole. The paper also introduces the design challenges during the first observing season including the effect of out-of-band photons on detectors performance. It also describes the tests done to diagnose that effect and the new upgrade to minimize these photons, as well as installing more dichroic detectors during the 2022 deployment season to improve the BA1 sensitivity. We finally report background noise measurements of the detectors with the goal of having photon noise dominated detectors in both optical channels. BA1 achieves an improvement in mapping speed compared to the previous deployment season.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022 (AS22

    The Magnitude of Global Marine Species Diversity

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    Background: The question of how many marine species exist is important because it provides a metric for how much we do and do not know about life in the oceans. We have compiled the first register of the marine species of the world and used this baseline to estimate how many more species, partitioned among all major eukaryotic groups, may be discovered. Results: There are ∼226,000 eukaryotic marine species described. More species were described in the past decade (∼20,000) than in any previous one. The number of authors describing new species has been increasing at a faster rate than the number of new species described in the past six decades. We report that there are ∼170,000 synonyms, that 58,000–72,000 species are collected but not yet described, and that 482,000–741,000 more species have yet to be sampled. Molecular methods may add tens of thousands of cryptic species. Thus, there may be 0.7–1.0 million marine species. Past rates of description of new species indicate there may be 0.5 ± 0.2 million marine species. On average 37% (median 31%) of species in over 100 recent field studies around the world might be new to science. Conclusions: Currently, between one-third and two-thirds of marine species may be undescribed, and previous estimates of there being well over one million marine species appear highly unlikely. More species than ever before are being described annually by an increasing number of authors. If the current trend continues, most species will be discovered this century