57 research outputs found

    On drift parameter estimation for mean-reversion type stochastic differential equations with discrete observations

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    We study the parameter estimation for mean-reversion type stochastic differential equations driven by Brownian motion. The equations, involving a small dispersion parameter, are observed at discrete (regularly spaced) time instants. The least square method is utilized to derive an asymptotically consistent estimator. Discussions on the rate of convergence of the least square estimator are presented. The new feature of this study is that, due to the mean-reversion type drift coefficient in the stochastic differential equations, we have to use the Girsanov transformation to simplify the equations, which then gives rise to the corresponding convergence of the least square estimator being with respect to a family of probability measures indexed by the dispersion parameter, while in the literature the existing results have dealt with convergence with respect to a given probability measure

    Conditional Acceptability for Random Variables

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    Acceptable random variables introduced by Giuliano Antonini et al. (J. Math. Anal. Appl. 338:1188-1203, 2008) form a class of dependent random variables that contains negatively dependent random variables as a particular case. The concept of acceptability has been studied by authors under various versions of the definition, such as extended acceptability or wide acceptability. In this paper, we combine the concept of acceptability with the concept of conditioning, which has been the subject of current research activity. For conditionally acceptable random variables, we provide a number of probability inequalities that can be used to obtain asymptotic results

    Rio-type inequality for the expectation of products of random variables

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    <p/> <p>We develop an inequality for the expectation of a product of <inline-formula><graphic file="1029-242X-2005-749795-i1.gif"/></inline-formula> random variables generalizing the recent work of Dedecker and Doukhan (2003) and the earlier results of Rio (1993).</p