2,882 research outputs found

    Paying Positive to Go Negative: Advertisers' Competition and Media Reports

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    This paper analyzes a two-sided market for news where advertisers may pay a media outlet to conceal negative information about the quality of their own product (paying positive to avoid negative) and/or to disclose negative information about the quality of their competitors' products (paying positive to go negative). We show that whether advertisers have negative consequences on the accuracy of news reports or not ultimately depends on the extent of correlation among advertisers' products. Specifically, the lower the correlation among the qualities of the advertisers' products, the (weakly) higher the accuracy of the media outlet' reports. Moreover, when advertisers' products are correlated, a higher degree of competition in the market of the advertisers' products may decrease the accuracy of the media outlet's reports.

    The mangroves

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    The Latin Inscription Painted on Ceramic in El Castellar (Crevillent, Alicante)

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    Se presenta un fragmento pintado con inscripción latina realizado sobre cerámica de tradición indígena de época altoimperial hallado de manera casual en la ladera sureste de El Castellar (Crevillent, Alicante). La pieza debe atribuirse a los talleres de La Alcudia de Elche y viene a sumarse a los escasos documentos epigráficos sobre cerámica documentados en el territorio de Ilici.We present a Latin inscription painted on a local pottery shard from the Early Roman Empire, which was discovered by chance on the southeastern slope of El Castellar (Crevillent, Alicante). The object should be attributed to the workshops in La Alcudia (Elche) and adds to the few epigraphic documents on pottery documented in the area of Ilici.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del marco del proyecto del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2013-41447-P «El Bronce Final y la Edad del Hierro en el Sureste y el Levante de la Península Ibérica: procesos hacia la urbanización»