2,558 research outputs found

    The Splicing Factor SRSF1 as a Marker for Endothelial Senescence

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    Aging is the major risk factor per se for the development of cardiovascular diseases. The senescence of the endothelial cells (ECs) that line the lumen of blood vessels is the cellular basis for these age-dependent vascular pathologies, including atherosclerosis and hypertension. During their lifespan, ECs may reach a stage of senescence by two different pathways; a replicative one derived from their preprogrammed finite number of cell divisions; and one induced by stress stimuli. Also, certain physiological stimuli, such as transforming growth factor-β, are able to modulate cellular senescence. Currently, the cellular aging process is being widely studied to identify novel molecular markers whose changes correlate with senescence. This review focuses on the regulation of alternative splicing mediated by the serine–arginine splicing factor 1 (SRSF1, or ASF/SF2) during endothelial senescence, a process that is associated with a differential subcellular localization of SRSF1, which typically exhibits a scattered distribution throughout the cytoplasm. Based on its senescence-dependent involvement in alternative splicing, we postulate that SRSF1 is a key marker of EC senescence, regulating the expression of alternative isoforms of target genes such as endoglin (ENG), vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), tissue factor (T3), or lamin A (LMNA) that integrate in a common molecular senescence program

    Palacio de los Águila (Ávila): un testar en la producción del horno de vidrio del convento de los Padres Paúles

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    Tras la excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el homo tardorromano hallado en el antiguo Convento de los Padres Paúles y la documentación de su testar en el adyacente Palacio de los Águila, hemos conseguido la secuencia completa de un taller vitreo en el Ávila romana de los siglos IV y V d. C. En este trabajo analizaremos todas las evidencias de su producción y la determinación del área de comercialización local como resultado de la documentación en yacimientos próximos de las mismas formas tipológicas con un grado de homogeneidad en manufactura, tipos y tonalidades.After the archaeological excavations carried out in the Late Roman kiln found in the old Convent of Vincentian Fathers and the data record obtained from the glass-working waste from Los Águila Palace, we have achieved the complete sequence of a glass workshop in the Roman Avila of the IV and V centuries AD. In this paper we will discuss all the evidence of its production and determine the area of local trade, as a result of the registry on nearby settlements which offer the same typological forms with a degree of homogeneity in manufacture, types and tonalities

    Resistencia al nematodo Meloidogyne en patrones de tomate a temperaturas del suelo superiores a los 28ºC

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    El gen Mi en tomate confiere resistencia al nematodo Meloidogyne, aunque su eficacia disminuye a temperaturas superiores a los 28ºC. Para determinar la resistencia relativa de 12 patrones y cultivares de tomate frente a M. arenaria y M. javanica se realizaron ensayos en un invernadero sin control climático donde las plantas estaban sujetas a fluctuaciones diarias de temperatura. En el transcurso de los ensayos, la temperatura del suelo fue superior a 28ºC durante 31 días en el primer ensayo (Exp.1) y durante 20 días en el segundo (Exp. 2). El intervalo de tiempo en que la temperatura se mantuvo por encima de los 28oC osciló entre 0,5 a 6 horas/día en el Exp.1 y entre 0,5 a 7,5 horas/día en Exp. 2. Los patrones Morgan, King Kong y Unifort consistentemente mostraron alta resistencia frente a M. arenaria y M. javanica en ambos experimentos, incluso con picos de temperaturas superiores a 28ºC durante parte del experimento. Los patrones Multifort y Maxifort expresaron menor grado de resistencia que los anteriores bajo las mismas condiciones experimentales. En general, la tasa de multiplicación de M. javanica fue mayor (P<0,05) que la de M. arenaria tanto en los tomates resistentes como en los susceptibles.Postprint (published version

    Annex: Master Configuration Files

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    A DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is a file of code containing functions that can be called from other executable code. The advantage of working with DLLs at ELSA PsD Master controller is in the modularity for programming the testing method and algorithm without the need to work with the master.exe program. This new version of DLL allows the implementation of both PsD and Cyclic test, plus strain-rate effect compensation, re-start capabilities and a large variety of security alarms. In this manual the user will find a full explanation of how to use the DLL throughout some simple examples. In this Annex the user can find some other examples coming from real tests carried out at ELSA laboratory.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Ontogeny of digestive enzymatic capacities in juvenile seahorses Hippocampus guttulatus fed on different live diets

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    12 páginas, 2 tablas, 3 figurasDifferences in survival and growth rates in seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus juveniles feeding on Artemia sp. or copepods have been related to specific digestive capacities of seahorse newborn, which are capable of actively forage on available prey from the first day of live. Other seahorse species, such as H. abdominalis and H. hippocampus, show high success feeding on Artemia nauplii suggesting species-specific differences in the digestibility of prey among seahorses. In this study, the profiles of digestive enzyme activity during the initial 15 days after release (DAR) were very low for trypsin, chitinase and α-amylase. In contrast, higher activities towards any of the assayed substrates for lipase (butyrate, octanoate and oleate) were evident from 0 DAR onwards. From 15 DAR onwards, the effect of diet composition became evident in juveniles previously fed on a mixed diet (Artemia + copepods), which showed a clear increase in all the assayed enzymes when compared with juveniles fed on Artemia as a sole prey. As a practical applicability of this study, a feeding schedule ensuring an adequate digestibility of the prey is proposed based on ontogenetic enzymatic activities of seahorse juveniles fed on different preyThe study was financed by the Spanish Government (Plan Nacional, Project CGL2009-08386) and the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia, Project 09MDS022402PR). A. Blanco was supported by PhD JAE-Pre grants (Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios Program) from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), co-financed by the European Social FundPeer reviewe

    Current Challenges for Long-Term Care Management in Spain

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    AbstractDue to the demographic and social changes that have taken place in recent years, Spanish society is undergoing a progressive ageing process, with increasing numbers of dependent people thus requiring long-term care. The main purpose of the present paper is to analyze the challenges inherent in managing these healthcare services. We start by examining the last ‘Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency’ conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and the ‘Dependency Law’, which constitutes the greatest breakthrough there has been in the field of social protection in Spain in recent decades. As w ell as studying the participation of the General State Administration and the Regional Autonomous Communities, we highlight the cooperation, coordination and financial support demanded of these government entities. Effective management is only possible if this commitment is fulfilled, based on identifying current needs and establishing appropriate action towards the achievement of well-defined healthcare goals

    ELASPSD Data Acquisition and Signal Generator User Manual

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    The European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) belongs to the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. It is one of the units of the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC) at the Ispra Site of the JRC. The main facility of ELSA is a large Reaction Wall‐Strong Floor system equipped with powerful servoactuators used to simulate the response of civil full‐size structures submitted to dynamic loads using the ELSAPSD testing system. During a test, the user may want some data to be displayed, analyzed or/and stored in the computer. This can be made through an acquisition object. This manual explains how to use an acquisition starting from the most simple case, which is using an acquisition node with an internal trigger. Each chapter adds new information to the previous one, so it is interesting to read the manual in a sequential order. This manuals refers to the acquisition software of ELSAPSD according to the versions PSDCYC03.DLL and M13.004 of the master controller software and acqui.exe???????

    El palomar sin forma de palomar: la fortaleza de Torremormojón

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    Producción CientíficaEl ingenio de la arquitectura sin arquitectos en muchas ocasiones adquiere el valor de una arquitectura con pedigrí sin pretenderlo. Como es el caso de un palomar construido sobre la antigua fortaleza de Torremormojón. Conviene mantener el pulso frente al “puritanismo” con el que se busca idealizar una arquitectura y un tiempo que nunca existieron como pretendida foto fija, sino que es momento de reconocer en sus fábricas las sucesivas etapas por las que atravesó el conjunto edificado a lo largo de la historia.Departamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos ArquitectónicosThe ingenuity of architecture without architects often acquires the value of an architecture with a pedigree without intending it. As is the case of a dovecote built on the old fortress of Torremormojón. It is convenient to keep the pulse against the "puritanism" with which it is sought to idealize an architecture and a time that never existed as a pretended still photo. It is time to recognize in its factories the successive stages through which the building complex went through throughout of histor